Day: November 16, 2021

Tues. Nov. 16, 2021 – ATT DSL SUX

Another cool clear day in the making, warming later.

Spent most of the morning and early afternoon at my client’s house. I’ve begun removing old gear from the rack and installing new. We are not going anywhere near to a “Rip and Replace”. We are upgrading control and audio, with some minor changes to video.

My business partner (on these sorts of jobs) is down from Dallas to get the control and networking sorted. But he’s having an issue. Last night he thought he’d killed the AT&T DSL somehow and spent a bunch of his and my time chasing it. Well, AT&T finally got back to him saying that their service was down and would be down until the 18th. WTH? Even a cable cut gets fixed faster than that. I can’t wait to get fiber or fixed wireless there. DSL is teh sux.

FWIW, I can tell it’s winter because the skin on my fingers is cracked open. My dad always had issues with skin cracking around his finger tips and now I do too. The crazy glue sealer only hurts for a short time… while the exposed crack burns constantly.

My client is about 30 miles from my house, so I had more time with the Jack Reacher audiobook. It’s chapter 12 before he does anything the least bit active… and he’s on his third day of exertion in the same clothes. Jeez.

Today I’ll be headed to my client’s early to go over system design with my partner, then a lunch break to do shipping (4 cases of Mold Armor brings the total for the last 15 days to 8 cases, the algorithm loves me for some reason) and some pickups. I’ve also got gear at my secondary that I need on the job.

And speaking of auctions, my local auction went live with over 300 lots. I hope it sells well and he doesn’t decide he’s not making enough money off my stuff… some stuff already has opening bids but it’s always nerve wracking.

I need to dig out more industrial stuff for him for the next one. Not really a problem.

And just like that, ebay is finally moving some stuff, I have stuff in two local auctions, and I’m earning in my “real” sideline business. Now I need to get some of the big ticket items listed so I can cash in.

And then I’ll buy some more stuff, and stack it high.


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