Mon. Feb. 17, 2025 – one fish two fish red fish blue fish…

By on February 17th, 2025 in culture, decline and fall, lakehouse

Chilly willy. It was 35F and falling when I went to bed. I expect it to be COLD this morning. Forecast calls for freezing again. It was chilly and clear yesterday. Really a nice day for working outdoors. I had a very light second layer on and that was enough.

I spent the morning with family. Spent the afternoon doing small tasks outdoors. I ran the string trimmer, and the blower. Cleaned up the leaves, and weed whacked the weeds in the wildflower garden, the vegetable garden, and the bulb garden. Blew leaves and raked twigs out of the dirt areas between the retaining walls. It’s the perfect time to do it, cool enough to do hard work, wet enough to not have dust, but dry enough that the blower moves a lot of it.

Met with the tree guy too. He’s finally got time to remove the remaining problem trees. Not the cheap guy, but the expert guy. He’s going to try to get them down this week.

Family is headed home later today. I’m staying another day. I’ve got pickups in Conroe that I can grab on my way home Tuesday, which saves an hour and a half round trip. It’ll give me time to get a few more jobs done too.

If you can’t stack, always be working to improve your situation…


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Sun. Feb. 16, 2025 – I missed me…

By on February 16th, 2025 in culture, decline and fall, lakehouse

Cold, or maybe just cool, but certainly still wet. It’s been dreary here at the BOL. Yesterday wasn’t as cold as some days last week, but it was misty and drizzly all day. Sun finally broke through just before dusk, which was nice. Forecast is calling for lower temps but I am hoping it’s wrong.

Did some more cleanup, but mostly stayed inside and chatted with our visitors. Did a crockpot brisket for dinner, then played games for a while. It was too nasty out for a fire so I called it an early night.

Today I’m going to do some more cleanup, play some more games, and spend more time just chatting. If it’s not raining, we’ll do hamburgers for dinner. A simple easy day.

Sometimes that’s the best kind of day.


(stacking up time with family, it’s important too.)

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Fri. Feb. 14, 2025 – still a bit weird typing “2025”. We’re living in the future…

By on February 14th, 2025 in culture, decline and fall, lakehouse

Chilly. I’ll check to see what the overnight low was, but I don’t think it will be freezing. It was a beautiful sunny clear day yesterday, which made the chill tolerable. I hope for some more sun today.

Got the electrical done, and the RV hooked up to power water and sewer. We’re just putting grey water in the mystery sewer line, not black. We’ll see if it fills up or if I’ve got an undocumented septic system for the RV pad. I suspect a septic system, or at least a buried tank. The previous owner put it in for his fifth wheel trailer…

Full moon and patchy clouds meant no good stars last night, even though the air was pretty clear.

Today I’ll be chilling with our guests, and maybe getting some more cleanup stuff done. I want to edge and blow the yard and weeds, and finish cleaning up some of the leftover building material that has been just stacking up under the carport. There are other things on the list too. There always are.

I might even bait the crawdad traps and get them in the lake. It’s the season. Lake is half a foot high, the rain must be working its way down the watershed.

Oh, I have cupcakes and cards for the girls for Valentine’s Day. Happy Feast of St. Valentine everyone. Eat some pink icing on some baked goods!

The heater worked well in the garage and I’m very glad I took the time to install it. I’m finally pulling stuff off the stacks. Gas line and a heater, electrical boxes and outlets, drinking water hose… and food.

I like to eat, and I like to be warm. Stacks are helping with both.

Stack some of your own…


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Thur. Feb. 13, 2025 – Friday the 13th falls on a Thursday this month…

By on February 13th, 2025 in culture, decline and fall, government, lakehouse

Chilly willy here at the BOL. Forecast says freezing tonight, but for sure it’s going to be cold today. I’m hoping for some sun. Yesterday it was cold and wet in Houston. I’m missing the sun.

I did my doctor appointment in the morning, and got two more as a reward… getting older apparently takes more maintenance and poking. Always with the poking.

Grabbed a pickup after lunch. They lost two of my invoices and hadn’t pulled this week’s items, but I did get some of the stuff that I bought for the BOL.

Did a quick grocery run, bought steaks on sale, filled the gas tank, and loaded the truck. Drive up wasn’t too bad, once I got past the Woodlands. Leaving around rush hour added a half hour to my drive though.

Today I’ll sleep in a bit, then finish my electrical work, and get the water hookup in place. Guests should arrive around 4pm. Family much later than that.

If I have any free time, I’ll work the list. That’s the fun part of owning property- you never run out of stuff to do…

No stacking, just working to improve my position…


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Wed. Feb. 12, 2025 – did I say no more song lyrics??

By on February 12th, 2025 in culture, decline and fall, lakehouse, personal

Chilly and wet. Becoming less so later. We ended up getting rain yesterday and it didn’t clear up. The rain stopped late afternoon, but it was blowing and cold while it lasted. I’m hoping today is dry. I’ve got pickups in the pickup…

Did my test in the morning. I’ll know in a week what the result is. Imaging center had switched to another new paperless patient management system. They send a link to a site where you can do things like check in, name an emergency contact, etc. The drop down list for emergency contact relationship had “aunt” and some other non-useful thing, no “spouse” or “child” or “sibling”. That was a required field too. The address selector insisted on “country” first, and had an alphabetized radio button list. I had to scroll to the bottom to select USA. Because “Afganistan” makes SO MUCH sense as a default. Do they not test this crep at all? I know it cost a ton of money, and I know they will replace it in a year.

After I got home, I did a bit of domestic bliss, cleaned up after the dog, and fell asleep for a bit. Did some auction stuff, then started on the kid stuff. D1 changed her plan 4 times so I went grocery shopping. Pork ribs were on sale… but limit two. I’ll go back and get some more today. There were plenty of eggs, but heavy cream was down to a couple of pints.

Spent the next couple of hours shuttling kids around.

Then I wasted some time on the internet with my friends.

Today I’ve got another appointment in the morning, a couple of pickups, and maybe a drive up to the BOL. I might wait and go up Thursday morning, but I SHOULD go up tonight. I want to be sure I’m there before the relatives show up. I’ve got that last bit of electrical work to finish, and I need to turn the water back on to the hose bibs.

There’s always something more to do. And I’m not feeling 100%. Kid 2’s friend is sick with the flu and she was here on Friday… I really hope I don’t get sick.

No matter what though, I’m still stacking…


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Tues. Feb. 11, 2025 – never know what you’ll find if you actually look

By on February 11th, 2025 in culture, decline and fall, personal

Cool and damp in Houston. Slightly warmer than the BOL though. Still, chilly to start the day and a bit overcast too. The end of the week is looking better, so I’ll take a little grey now, if it helps.

Did my cleanup and closing up, then headed home from the BOL yesterday. Hit two auction pickups on the way home. Got mostly household stuff. I’m buying fewer things as I have most of what I need. And I’m considering the travel time and miles, and adding that to the price. Some of the auctions have had very high prices lately. That usually means new money is coming in. I’m guessing that more people have found the auctions. The sellers support that as they are complaining that the new buyers don’t really understand what they are bidding on and buying. I’ve been cheerleading for people to start shopping in the secondary economy, so I can’t really complain if they do, and if they run prices up because they don’t know any better…

Today I’ve got a Dr appointment in the morning, and then at least one pickup. I need to hit Lowes and get the stuff I need to finish at the BOL too. Plus, Tuesday is my big ‘kid taxi’ day. I’ll be busy, putting miles on the truck today. I guess I can complain, but no one really cares. And I really don’t either. I chose this, and I generally like it.

Doesn’t mean I won’t TRY to complain though. And of course, I’ll be stacking while doing it…


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Mon. Feb. 10, 2025 – no song lyrics this week… probably

By on February 10th, 2025 in culture, decline and fall, lakehouse

Mid 50s to start the day here at the BOL. Yesterday stayed overcast most of the day, but was warm enough for a T shirt and long pants. The attic got a bit warm, but not like summertime… today should be the same, but maybe a bit clearer.

I did my major task this weekend. I have installed the 50A 240V receptacle in the carport. I can feed an RV, or charge an EV now. I’m not completely done, I was short 4 wire nuts. They are to wire up the pass through to a second receptacle in a different style, so I can accommodate different plugs without adapters. I’ll have the two most common styles when I’m done. Won’t take but an hour when I get back up here.

I also got to clean up the yard with the mower, and it looks nicer. Old leaves and random weeds growing just look sloppy.

Today I’ll do some more cleanup and set up a water hose for the RV pad. I brought some drinking water safe hoses from home. I use them to fill my big water storage tanks, so they should be good for the RV. I’ll add an inline filter too, since I have it.

Then it’s back home for a couple of days, before returning.

I’ll catch a pickup on the way home to save a trip.

Stacks. Water hose, in line filters, electrical supplies. Knowledge.

Stack the stuff, but stack the skills too.


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Sun. Feb. 9, 2025 – Black Betty had a child {flamble damm} the damn thing went wild {flamble dammmm}

By on February 9th, 2025 in culture, decline and fall, lakehouse

Dunno about Houston, but here it’s a bit cool, then warmer. I will be in the attic so I am hoping for ‘cool’ to last a while. It was pretty nice all day yesterday, although very humid. Even with very light work I was sweating outdoors.

I did my home stuff, then went shopping and loaded the truck. Called one pickup and changed it to a shipment, moved the other to Monday afternoon. That got me some more time at home to get packed and ready before heading out.

I bought 3 apple trees at Lowes because they were in stock. I won’t plant them until later, but I learned last year that they don’t stay in the store very long. One tree for the house to replace a dead one, and two for the BOL. I’d have bought pears too, but they only had one variety in stock, and you need two for pollination.

The drive was uneventful, except seeing the cop pulling someone over outside of one of the small towns on the state highway. They had a rash of collisions, so they are upping enforcement. First time I’ve seen it.

I forgot we shut off the water main, so when I flushed and nothing happened I had a moment. Then I remembered and it was ok.

Only real goal for today is to get the new 50A 240V receptacles installed in the carport. I’m doing two, the most common styles, because I have them. That way, literally anything should be able to plug in- welding machine, EV Charger, RV, generator backfeed….

Good thing I had the receptacles and “in use” boxes. 75Ft of conductors and a breaker were expensive enough. If you see stuff you are thinking of using later on sale, or very cheap, it’s worth picking it up when you see it. I knew that eventually I’d put an outlet in the workshop area, and replace the RV outlet that burned up, but I didn’t have a timeline. I collected pieces when I saw them for pennies on the dollar. Having to buy the wire at retail was unpleasant. I’ll probably start seeing it in the auctions now that I don’t need it 😛

Stacks saved a bunch of money on this project. They will certainly continue to save money, time, and effort on others. Stack wide and deep…


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Sat. Feb. 8, 2025 – People are strange, when you’re a stranger, faces look ugly when you’re alone…

By on February 8th, 2025 in culture, decline and fall, lakehouse

STILL not freezing cold. I’m beginning to think the whole “winter returns” was ‘overblown’…. I expect today to be better than yesterday, ie. clearer, and about the same temperatures. I think it hit 82F in my driveway. Sun came out late in the day too.

I did a bunch of cleaning and putting away. Wellllll, putting somewhere else… in the morning. Then I did a pretty big round trip to pick up a bunch of auction items. The most notable from a prepping perspective included several dozen first aid kit reloads of single serving antibiotic cream packets. I put them in my altoids tin first aid kit, and altoids tin “everyday” survival kit. Of course I also put them in normal first aid kits too. I think it would be hard to have too much antibiotic cream.

The other interesting lot was several boxes of lumber crayons. I got boxes of black and of white. I put the lumber crayons in my bigger kits, in my vehicle kits, and just loose in the truck. They will write on just about any surface and if you have black and white, you can mark on dark or light surfaces. You can use them to leave notes for others in your party who are following you, blaze a trail, or to do the FEMA cross on buildings in a disaster… and they don’t dry out. Yeah, pretty extreme use case, but they are small, cheap, and durable. Low cost and low effort but might save a life later…

Speaking of blazing a trail, I also keep a couple of rolls of flagging tape in bright colors in my truck. It can be used for trail marking, but most often I use it for flagging lumber or pipe when it overhangs the back of my truck… or for marking guy wires for temp antennas. I’ve also used it as streamer to stabilize kites when I have big kites in the air at the beach. Florescent orange is the brightest and one I use most often. Cheap, small, and useful.

Today I’ll buy the rest of the electrical parts I need for my project at the BOL, and I’ll head up later in the day. I should be able to crank out the work, but may need to stay Monday as well. We’ll see, as always. And I’m sure there is something on the list that could be done too.

Whatever small steps you take, whatever small job you get done, that’s one more thing you’ve done to help yourself and the ones you love. Big steps are important, but little things are too.



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