Chilly willy. It was 35F and falling when I went to bed. I expect it to be COLD this morning. Forecast calls for freezing again. It was chilly and clear yesterday. Really a nice day for working outdoors. I had a very light second layer on and that was enough.
I spent the morning with family. Spent the afternoon doing small tasks outdoors. I ran the string trimmer, and the blower. Cleaned up the leaves, and weed whacked the weeds in the wildflower garden, the vegetable garden, and the bulb garden. Blew leaves and raked twigs out of the dirt areas between the retaining walls. It’s the perfect time to do it, cool enough to do hard work, wet enough to not have dust, but dry enough that the blower moves a lot of it.
Met with the tree guy too. He’s finally got time to remove the remaining problem trees. Not the cheap guy, but the expert guy. He’s going to try to get them down this week.
Family is headed home later today. I’m staying another day. I’ve got pickups in Conroe that I can grab on my way home Tuesday, which saves an hour and a half round trip. It’ll give me time to get a few more jobs done too.
If you can’t stack, always be working to improve your situation…