Warm-ish but certainly damp. And probably overcast for half the day. Tuesday shaped up nicely by mid-afternoon. It would be nice if today was clear from the start…
I didn’t get what I wanted to do done. Had to pick up the kids from school in the afternoon, and that put the whole day’s tasks off. Most of them will happen today.
Kid’s bus driver will be changing the route again, to pick up my kids earlier. They won’t dig that, as I can barely get them out the door for the later bus. Oh well. It builds character, right?
School year is winding down, and the teachers are already starting to coast to the finish line. D1’s spanish class is watching movies instead of starting more work. They have finals next week and the teacher obviously didn’t stretch enough to get the timing just right. Without books or a syllabus, it’s pretty hard to know what they should be doing anyway, which is the point, I think.
I did get some sorting done, and some stuff ready for Christmas presents. I think I’ve got most everyone covered, I just have to actually get the stuff out and tagged. I should do that while there is still time to correct any deficiencies.
Anyone have an opinion about me getting my wife a subscription to Astronomy magazine? I found a couple of years of recent back issues at Goodwill to give her, but it would be nice to continue with a subscription if it would be helpful to a complete novice, who mostly wants to look at stuff in the sky, not white dots in a particular arrangement… or maybe recommend something very beginner, like how to align your scope to make viewing easier, what sort of things to look at, etc. It should be something that would excite an interest.
So much to do before the end of the year. So little motivation. It’s a grind. But it needs to be done.
Keep stacking, keep the faith.