Cooler, but still damp. T-storms possible for a couple of days. No snow-magedon like the north east is supposed to get…
Didn’t get much done yesterday, but I did get the important thing done. I picked up an antenna tower. It’s a lightweight Rohn truss tower, so not good for a huge ham antenna, but good for my TV, VHF, scanner, and cell booster antennas. I may be able to hang an inverted V ham antenna for HF off it. It will be a while before I get to install it, but I will get it up the the BOL soon.
Other than that, I mostly avoided my MIL. No arguments or tears so it’s been a good visit.
Taking D2 to her Orthodontist appointment today, so that will eat my morning, but I’m hoping to get some stuff done this afternoon. Plenty that needs doin’, that’s for sure.
Haven’t seen my fisherman neighbor in a couple of visits now, I hope I didn’t screw something up. Networking and meatspace. Gotta have ’em.
Moved a bit more food, some shelves, and some more fishing stuff to the BOL. Progress is being made, just slowly.
Time to spend some time on the home front too.
‘Cuz there are stacks of things that need attention. And I haven’t stacked anything here in a while. Better get to it. Stack it up.