Cooler and wetter. Rained yesterday during the day, in places and for a while. Rained at night at the house. Certainly everything got wet. I’m expecting more of the same today.
I did my pickups. Did very little else. It’s hard to keep up the pace. I did get some Christmas presents bought, so that is something.
Today I have a couple of things I can do depending on weather. And tomorrow I’d like to finish up at my client’s house, so I can bill for some work. There is the ever present pile of stuff to do here too. And that includes trapping and moving ANOTHER stinking possum. I’m getting tired of the mess. Better than rats, because they aren’t eating my food, mostly, but they ruin it with their filth and by knocking it off the shelves.
It’s getting to the point that bear traps look good.
Ah well, you do what you can with what you have.
Stack some stuff, then stack some more. That part is straightforward and easy.