Day: December 11, 2022

Sun. Dec. 11, 2022 – stuff to do, maybe

Wet and pretty warm.   Should be drizzling and in the 60s, but we’ll see when I actually get up.   It did rain in Houston while I was at my lunch, but I was able to get some stuff done.

I put out some more lights, and a little bit of decor.   Then had a very convivial couple of hours with friendly people who share one of my enthusiasms.    Great food, fun times.

Swapped trucks, and headed to the BOL.   Drove through a bunch of rain.   Crazy people in pickups passing me at 90mph in driving rain on the freeway.   Nuts.

Today I’ve got stuff to do up here, but I won an antenna tower in an auction and I probably have to pick it up before 2pm.   That means leaving here at noon.   Not a lot of stuff can get done before noon.   I don’t want to drive down, back up here, and then later back down, even if the Rohn tower needs to be up here.   The most efficient thing would be picking it up on my way home, then bringing it back up here when I come back up next weekend.  The only downside is leaving here early today, and having the truss on my truck for a week.  I’m going to call and see about a later pickup.

Funny thing is I was also bidding on ANOTHER tower in a different auction that closes in a week.   It’s a much better tower, taller, stronger, and never installed.  But at $4000 retail, minimum,  I think  people will bid it up past where I’m comfortable.   I’m glad I got this smaller one as back up.  No towers in the auctions in years, then two in the same 2 weeks.  That’s how my life works.   I won’t chase the other tower as hard, since I have one now, but I won’t let someone steal it either.

There’s always something more in the ham radio hobby, and in prepping.

A nice self contained water treatment plant would make my day….


Stack the good times along with the stuff.   And if these are bad times for you, reach out.

Stack it up!



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