Day: December 21, 2022

Wed. Dec. 21, 2022 – what to do, what to do, oh, I know, work!

Cold and wet, leading to more cold.  It was pretty cold and wet yesterday both at the BOL and in Houston.  Although cold is relative and it is going to get COLD soon…

I did get the dishwasher installed yesterday, and the wall insulated.   I didn’t quite get the kitchen back together but it’s pretty close.

Ran into my fishing neighbor on the way out the door and he’s fine, just been busy.  I hadn’t seen him in a couple of weeks, so I was starting to get worried.

The propane company didn’t refill my tank and left a note that they needed to talk to me.   Well, I found out why.   They don’t like the type of flexible piping I used.  Which sucks, because it was marked on the packaging for direct burial, but I didn’t keep the package.  Everything I can find online supports their position.  I did find the original amazon listing, which says “suitable for burial installation”, but I don’t think they’ll take that vs. what they know.  I might have to dig it up and replace it (or put it in a conduit, which is only specified by size not material).  I can’t tell you how much that would suck.  I will be meeting with their guy after Christmas.  We’ve got enough gas to get there easily.  So for now I’m punting.

Today I need to arrange pickup for my antenna tower, some geotextile I’m hoping will help stabilize some of my yard, and some stone veneer that I won.   I will need a trailer, and to figure out the schedule to combine the pickups and get the stuff up to the BOL, and unloaded.    It’s all big and heavy.  Nothing I haven’t managed before, but I don’t usually have my mom coming for a visit, or Christmas looming… or just a day or two to make it happen.

But that’s life.

Oh, and there is planning for extraordinary cold weather thrown on top of all that… in three different cities.


Any day above ground is a good day.   Keep stacking.


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