Day: December 1, 2022

Thur. Dec. 1, 2022 – First day of Advent

Cool and clear, sunny.   Like yesterday, which was a beautiful day.

Spent the day doing pickups and a swing by the goodwill outlet.  Scored some good stuff.

I’ve got a similar day planned today, pick up some stuff, sort some stuff, organize some stuff.

I need to quickly flip some of the stuff to pay for the rest… and maybe get some Christmas presents.   I need to go through the present stash, and see where I’m really at.  Found some stuff for my wife last night that I’d forgotten about.

Speaking of Christmas, I’m a bit worried that the world is just barely  holding itself together to get through Christmas, and then it will all fall apart.   Make sure you are ready.  Take a good look at where your gaps might be.  Fill them.

Stack stuff.  Lots of stuff.

Get busy!


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