Cold. Wet. More cold later. 40F when I went to bed. Wed. wasn’t too bad. I wore a jacket and just a sweatshirt while I was working at my storage unit.
I did manage to rearrange, sort, and stack stuff. Made room to get some stuff out of the house. We will have room for a Christmas tree now… which we will have to get today. And my mom, we’ll have to get her too. And an antenna tower. Gotta get that.
Oh, child 1 will be getting her braces off. If they get up after staying up to all hours watching the Addams family movies again. Missed the appointment Wednesday morning due to sleeping in. I guess we’ll see how important it really is.
Once D1 is not a brace face anymore, and W1 has dropped her car at the repair place for some brake work, I’ll be free to pick up my big antenna tower. It’s a Wade DMX 52. Free standing, no guys, good for 3 sq ft of antenna wind load. Some how the anchors and hardware kit seem to have gone missing so I’ll have to order those, but it looks like it was never installed. I might try to sell it at the hamfest in March, as it is really pretty dang big (52 ft tall!) Setting it up at the BOL would give me better reach and reception for ham radio… but it’s a $4000 antenna tower, and if I could get half that, I’d make good money on it. On the other hand, I’d never get an antenna tower like it for the money I paid. On the gripping hand, I’ll have to order the parts kit and anchors from the factory, and dig a big hole and fill it with concrete in order to set up the tower. That probably won’t be cheap, but it would be common expense to any tower.
Meanwhile, my wife will be taking my expedition to pick up my mom from the airport. So I better make sure it’s clean and fueled before I head out. Probably should get some groceries in, since it’s my normal time to do that. Hope the panic buying hasn’t stripped the store. Oh, and I should at least test the gennie… and the heaters.
Work. Got plenty, thanks.
Stack stuff. Learn stuff. Build your network.