Warm and moist, but supposed to be clear today and then possible T-storms on Sat. It was nice all day on Thursday.
I did get a few small things done, but having kid appointments and taxi service in the morning and evening limited me a lot. I sorted auction items, cleaned the house, and hit the grocery store for allergy meds.
And since they had meat on sale, I bought the limit. Vac pack pork loin back below $2/lb. Prime sirloin steaks, $6.99/lb. Chicken and hamburger were back up from last week. The chicken especially has been inching up. Someone in comments elsewhere mentioned their eggs were $8/dozen, so I looked. Even our free range brown eggs weren’t more than $6. The store branded 18 pack I buy was ~$4.50. I’m out of freezer space at the house, and not going to the BOL until Saturday evening. Whoops. I crammed the steaks in, and will find room for the pork later today, even if I have to take bread out of the freezer. Better to store meat than bread. Also portioned and vac sealed the cooked hamburger and sent it to freezer camp.
I ordered RBT’s Astronomy Hacks for my wife’s Christmas gift (thanks for the reminder), and printed the manual for the telescope.
As part of my house cleaning, I finally assembled and installed a ladder rack for my pickup. It’s kinda cheap, and generic, but it’s easy to mount and dismount the support, and will be a great option when I have something long to move. I’ll probably leave the support at the cab end of the bed in place but remove the tailgate one, depending on the wind noise. I might have to mod the attachment system too as the j-hook doesn’t look particularly sturdy, but for now, it’s better on the truck than in the box in the foyer. It was less than $10 at auction due to the box being trashed, and a poor picture on the listing.
I’ve got all the stuff that pushed thru the week to do today, if I can, and possibly cooking a dish for the potluck. My wife will be home with the in-laws getting ready for the weekend with guests at the BOL. Then they will head up after school, while I stay home.
All life is suffering – according to the Buddha, but I’m not buying it. There are days though that do try our patience. Then I remember that these are the good old days, and things have been and will be, orders of magnitude worse.
Every day above ground is a good day.
Stack some things on this fine day.