Cool and damp but not raining… if my gut and the forecast can be believed. If not, well it will be a damp dreary day. It started to get colder last night, and temps fell until after midnight.
I did get some of my list of things done. Never did find the ebay item, so I had to cancel the order. I hate that. I am going to stop all my listings and only relist the stuff I’ve seen with my own eyes in the new year. I’ve had too many cancellations. If I make a resolution this year it will be to renew focus on selling. I can’t just do auctions, as the ‘long tail’ and global reach of ebay make all the difference for some items. Prices are higher too, commensurate with the increased work and hassle involved. Much of what I have in storage will really only sell on ebay, so I need to get back to it.
Not sure what today will bring. I intend to sleep late. Then I’ll do some things. Maybe I’ll cook. We certainly need to figure out what we’re eating for dinner. We will probably have a bigger, more elaborate meal tomorrow, even though it’s just us here for the holiday. It’s nice to mark the beginning of the new year with a bit of ritual.
Rituals, traditions, shared experiences, stories. These are the ways we pass on our culture. It’s critical that we do.
Stack up some good times. And eat some of the things 😉