Day: December 28, 2022

Wed. Dec. 28, 2022 – year is winding down…

Cold and damp in Houston, because it’s winter.   It was sunny and nice at the BOL, and sunny and cool when I got home.   It’ll probably be sunny and nice today.

Came home from the BOL a day early so I could drop my mom off at the airport.   Despite all the delays and cancellations, her afternoon flight to a small airport in Florida happened without drama.   The airport was not busy at all, either at checkin, or security.   As I was leaving a local news team was interviewing a woman in line to check in, but IDK what they could have asked her that would be newsworthy.    The CSR at the counter when we checked in had said it was crazy earlier in the day when I joked about the slow day.  In any case, it was nice that we didn’t have any drama.

I did get home to a busted sprinkler pipe.  Neighbor saw the flood, turned off the water, and called me.   Meatspace baby.   Things get bad, we’ll live or die by our relationships.  Things don’t get bad, it’s still a good thing to have people that will help you out.  Over the last couple of years I’ve brought their escape artist dog home, loaned them space heaters, helped a family member who was locked out, and tried to be a good neighbor.  Wasn’t hard, and it has been a good thing.

Today I’ve got all the normal stuff going on.  I’m putting the sprinkler repairs on the back burner.   Some yard cleanup, some indoor plumbing, and some general cleanup and putting the house back together after Christmas should all be somewhere on the list.   We’ll see what happens.

Stack up friends as well as stuff.   You’ll be better off with both…


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