Sun. Jan. 1, 2023 – Happy New Year!

Cool and damp to start the new year.  It stayed pretty nice yesterday, and was 59F near midnight.  Not super cold, and certainly not ‘warm’.


So.   Happy New Year!  I am sincerely grateful to everyone who comes by,whether you just read or comment and participate in the discussion; whether you come by every day or just once in a while.  Thank you to Barbara for her continued support, and to Rick for his.   It’s been an interesting and challenging year, personally, generally, and here at the Daynotes Journal.

I’m not much for navel gazing, but I do think it’s important to reflect on what you’ve done and what’s been done to you.   It’s important to learn lessons from that, change what needs to be changed, do more of what needs doing, and to keep making progress toward your goals.   I think it’s important to have goals, and this time of year is a traditional time to set goals, evaluate progress toward them, and to focus on changes.

This past year, I finally started making progress toward one of my major prepping goals- getting somewhere to GO when it’s time to go.  Call it a BOL, a retreat, a ‘country place’, or a lakehouse… it’s somewhere to go when the time comes.  It’s also a lot of work  and a new dimension to my prepping journey.  It has eaten a lot of my ‘excess’ energy and time, which has resulted in much shorter daily posts that previously.   There should be some good blog fodder coming up though.  I’ve got big ideas and goals.

To wit, I want to look hard at water treatment, starting with storing more at the BOL, and getting set up to treat more.  I want some off grid back up energy generation.  Start with a fueled generator, add solar and possibly wind, and include battery storage.  I want to get some wood burning heating set up.  I’ve got two wood burning stoves, I’d like to get at least one of them installed.  THEN I’ll need lots more stored wood… I want to get my radio shack and antennas set up for backup comms.  I want to make more progress learning about harvesting food from the environment, to include fish and other creatures from the lake, deer and pig hunting and processing, and getting a productive garden set up.  I want to get a workshop set up and a full set of tools up there so I can be productive and make or repair what needs to be made or fixed.

On a more day to day level, I need to continue making progress on the repair and remodel of the BOL and all  the grounds and outbuildings.   I also need to get some of the neglected projects here at home finished.  I need to focus on selling stuff and having my business make money this year to pay for all the other stuff that needs doing. I also need to be involved in my kids’ lives and education.   That might mean a lot of volunteering at school, which takes more time.   My other volunteering for the Constables and HPD needs to be increased too.  I made those contacts and started building relationships, but let it go for too long.   Time to re-engage in that community.   Time to start meeting with my fellow hams again too.

Oh, and a little physical fitness, maybe some martial arts or other self defense classes, particularly with the kids, and more shooting are all “wants” for the new year.   Yep.   Lots to do.  Much of it is just expansion of what I am doing or resumption of what I was doing, but some of it is new, and all of it will be taking place in the context of work and time spent at the BOL.

Nothing like setting some goals 🙂

My outlook for the coming year is the same as it was.   Dumpster fires to continue and worsen.   I expect more economic woes, more political shenanigans as the existing order falls apart.   I am more convinced than ever that we’re already sliding down the slope into what Bob called the long slow economic collapse.   I’m also convinced we’re currently entering one of those times in world history where everything changes.   The world will look very different in a few years.  I can’t even begin to pick a likely scenario, but I’m going to do my best to get through it, and come out the other side.  If bare survival is all I can manage, I’ll take that as a win, but I’m shooting for positioning myself and my family to thrive in whatever comes next.

Part of that positioning is having somewhere to go if we have to leave here.   Part is increasing the stacks NOW while the stuff is available.   IDK what the next ‘toilet paper’ or ‘N95 mask’ will be, but something that is common and cheap now will certainly be in short supply or even unobtainable later this year, and in the coming years.  Part is getting out and networking, meeting and making myself useful to other people.  Who you know is always important, but when things go really pear shaped, who you know and who knows you can make the difference between working or not, getting help or not, being safe or not… Part of it is building skills.   A vague plan to ‘live off the land’ won’t help if you don’t know how to do it, and haven’t the stuff needed to make it possible.  Fishing is turning out to be harder than gardening, and I’ve positively sucked at gardening…

Prepping is a journey.   It’s also fractal in nature, so there is always more to do, learn, or stack.  I’d love it if you all keep hanging around, sharing my journey and taking one of your own.

Here’s to a safe, healthy, and prosperous New Year for us all!



71 Comments and discussion on "Sun. Jan. 1, 2023 – Happy New Year!"

  1. Denis says:

    Happy New Year, all!

    Watching the Wiener Philharmoniker New Year’s concert and gently restarting after a late, but entertaining, evening with friends. They have nervous dogs, so we refrained from fireworks, but had a great view of those of the neighbours and in the neighbouring villages.

    The local tradition is to eat sauerkraut (with mashed potatoes, pork sausages and ham knuckles) on New Year’s Day, so we are going to partake later with friends.

    Nick, thanks for your New Year’s thoughts. Plenty to work on this year. Best wishes for getting to and through all you have on the radar. When you get to the harvesting wild game portion, give a sign and I will do a guest post or two. It is not that difficult, but there are certainly some skills to be acquired, and having someone pass them on is a lot easier than learning by trial and error.

    Wishing you all a peaceful and prosperous 2023!

  2. Ray Thompson says:

    Happy new year to everyone. I have no idea what the coming year will bring. A republican congress bent on revenge is never good. Supposedly intelligent minds warped by seething anger against a political party does not make for good decision making. The middle class will suffer while the elitist class will benefit.

    At my age I don’t see myself making many changes in my current lifestyle. If the entire world goes south I am not so certain I would want to exist in the remaining ruins. Life would be a constant physical and mental struggle for no gain. Pretending to be a bug on a train windshield might be a viable option.

    Why yes, I am bitter this morning. I have been around longer than most of you (Stu excluded) and what I see happening to the world and especially the U.S. is especially troubling.

    Politics is not based on reason, but greed and an overwhelming desire to get even. No longer are congressional actions done as something good for the country, but simply to benefit the people in power and people in their political party. Vindictive politics are never good and it comes from both sides of the house.

    The U.S. has become the laughing stock of the world for the political antics over the last few years. A man was elected on the color of his skin, not his ability. I have voted the last several elections by voting against a candidate. Neither choice was acceptable, I had to chose the least undesirable. We have a current president that was a candidate to get an unelectable entity as second in command.

    Normal family relationships are crumbling into the pits of gay, non-binary, fantasy and just flat out bizarre. Racially mixed families don’t bother me. It’s the other weirdos that are the issue. Biology does not work when two (or three or four) outties (or innies) decide to get married. Gender fluid is a mental disease.

    I see people getting offended at the slightest provocation. Innocent remarks are now headline news. A joke that would have been funny 20 years ago is now considered grounds for expulsion from public office, banning from acting roles, removal from society. It is madness.

    Events from 20 to 30 years ago drug on someone’s past is now used as a weapon to destroy the person. I did a lot of stupid stuff in my past, said a lot of stupid things, a lot of stuff I regret. Such events should not be held against an individual if the individual has moved on and matured in their life. A couple of the things I did, or participated in, could be construed as sexual assault. We were young, stupid, and curious. That does not make me a pervert (leave it along SteveF).

    A lot of people I knew back then were racists. My dad was as racist as they come. Not just black people, anyone that was different. He moved on and the speaker at his funeral was black. I asked him how was that possible. He stated they were both racists, did not hide it, made racial jokes, but their other interests were more important. They knew what they were, accepted it, and enjoyed each other’s company.

    I was a very racist person when I was young because of that environmnet. I have since learned better. I am not entirely racist free but realize my issue and don’t let it cloud my opinion or the way I treat people. I have moved on. Give others the same consideration.

    Will 2023 be better? I don’t think so. More of the same but on a higher level. The number of leaches on the government dole will continue to increase. The government will continue to send money to foreign shirthole(-r) governments while ignore troubles at home. Don’t pay the bills of other countries when the country cannot pay their own bills.

    My taxes for 2022 are done. Just waiting for Turbotax to finalize their product and some forms from my investment company. Such forms typically not delivered until the last half of February. I have the numbers, just not the documents. I am not paying much this year, about $1,200.00 in federal taxes. I guess I should not complain. I find it irritating that my SS money is being taxed. My contributions were not taxed when they were ripped from my paycheck so I guess I owe taxes. At least part of the SS money is not taxed.

  3. MrAtoz says:

    Happy New Year to all.

    Nice posts by Mr. Nick and Mr. Ray. Thanks for that.

    Ok.  So ripped to mp4 format?
    I see the appeal of ripping the DVDs to a hard drive.  I do. File sharing for sure.  But how often does any one movie get watched that makes it worth the effort?  Stuffing a disc into a DVD drive is pretty easy. 
    I mean, ripping movie DVDs isn’t the same as ripping music CDs.

    Yes, mp4, the TV app changes them to m4v. I move movies on and off my server. I mostly get stuff on the inner-tubes these days, so I don’t have a lot of Blu-ray or DVD boxed sets. We only have one player and that is in the PS5 which is usually in D5s room, so streaming is ideal. I found ”The Invaders” online, but Season 2 wasn’t ripped properly and had major jutters. Running them through Handbrake fixed that, but then the sound was off. AnyMP4 software has a nice audio adjuster. You can move the track forward or back. But, that is labor intensive, so I dropped $27 on The Zon for the boxed set and am ripping away. Love that series. I did the same with the complete UFO boxed edition.

    Plus, I can load my iPad for travel and can hook to any HDMI TV to play them on also.

  4. Greg Norton says:

    Our friends female 11 year old confessed a crush on a girl in her class at a sleepover last night. In decades past this would have been a nothing burger. Normal development and social behavior would have followed a predictable course, nothing much would have been made of it, and 99 times out of 100 child would have changed her mind in a few months. These days it gets taken waaay too seriously and sometimes irrevocable changes get made with a lot of damage. So we shared the information with the parent. We will need to have a few conversations with our child, too. Adult choices should be reserved for adults. Irrevocable choices shouldn’t be inflicted on a half grown human.

    No public schools are involved IIRC. That’s where nothing burgers get turned into Royale with Cheese meal deals around here.

  5. MrAtoz says:

    Feel bad story of the year:

    Texas Supreme Court condemns boy to trans treatment in California

    I don’t know who’s scummier: The mother for doing this to a child starting at two years old, or Kalifornia for saying “Too bad, Dad, we respect TransFreakism more than you.” I wish him luck fighting in Kalifornia. The mother has probably drugged the heck out of the kid by now. He/she?  will end up a total mess in no time at all.

  6. CowboyStu says:

    Why yes, I am bitter this morning. I have been around longer than most of you (Stu excluded) and what I see happening to the world and especially the U.S. is especially troubling.

    I plan on sticking here for this year.

    Happy New Year to All!

  7. Greg Norton says:

    Yes, mp4, the TV app changes them to m4v. I move movies on and off my server. I mostly get stuff on the inner-tubes these days, so I don’t have a lot of Blu-ray or DVD boxed sets. We only have one player and that is in the PS5 which is usually in D5s room, so streaming is ideal. I found ”The Invaders” online, but Season 2 wasn’t ripped properly and had major jutters. Running them through Handbrake fixed that, but then the sound was off. AnyMP4 software has a nice audio adjuster. You can move the track forward or back. But, that is labor intensive, so I dropped $27 on The Zon for the boxed set and am ripping away. Love that series. I did the same with the complete UFO boxed edition.

    “The Invaders” is still on MeTV as of last night/early this morning.

    I can still rip broadcast programs from TiVo at really high quality, but the default curl build included with Mac OS X and most Linux distributions these days will not accept my ancient Series 3’s HTTPS SSL certificate, which will eventually require a rewrite of those transfer scripts. Another project for the pile.

  8. drwilliams says:

    Thank you to Barbara for her continued support, and to Rick for his.

    And to you, Nick, for being the “glue”.

  9. drwilliams says:

    Reading recommendation by excerpt:

    Even before he met Watt, Boulton was heavily overleveraged, staying ahead of creditors by expanding into new businesses with borrowed money and charm. After diving into the steam engine business, Boulton found that his earliest customers—copper mines—were on the verge of bankruptcy. To help keep them afloat, he invested heavily in the mines and bought large loads of copper. To make use of his new stockpiles, Boulton then personally designed a steam-powered machine to mint copper coins. When counterfeiters began copying these coins, Boulton grew dissatisfied with the police, organized his vigilantes, and hunted them down.

  10. MrAtoz says:

    And to you, Nick, for being the “glue”.

    And being part of The Hammers of Bob.

  11. Geoff Powell says:

    @jimb: (from yesterday)

    Here in UK, vehicle registration fees are emissions-related, and quite high. I pay for both our cars by monthly bank Direct Debit, so the fact that the yearly fee is well in excess of £100 for each car is less noticeable. SWMBO’s Peugeot pays £14.43 per month, my SEAT £19.25. Both of these fees depend on having a valid roadworthiness test certificate, if required – no cert, no registration.

    We also have the option to declare SORN (Statutory Off-Road Notification). This is a free-of-charge option, in which you declare that the vehicle is off-road, and not in use. And they mean “off-road”, the vehicle has to be off a public highway – as it might be, in your driveway. Penalty for wrong declaration is to be treated as if thevehicle is unregistered.


  12. CowboyStu says:

    And my appreciation for Barbara, Rick H and Nick!

  13. Nick Flandrey says:

    Light overcast this am, with 75F and 92%RH.   Girls were up to at least 3am, so slept in this morning.   Fed them, and one has been picked up.

    I see from a quick survey of the news that there was only a little disruption last night.  Machete attack in NYFC seeming to be the most local and relevant.   Machete attacks.  Gotta love that vibrancy.   /sarc

    @jenny, I’m sorry to hear you were having trouble, very relieved to know that you have proven coping techniques.    I have a few lingering issues that when they pop up, they need a specific hammer to knock them down, so I totally get both your reluctance to use the chemistry, and the need for it.   Take the time you need, those rabbits can go a few days more before their trip to freezer camp 😉

    @denis, anything you’d like to share about preparing wild game is welcome.  If you put it in the form of a post, and email it to me, I’ll be happy to put it up as a guest post.  No rush,   no pressure, I’ve got no idea when or if I’ll get a chance to be involved in my neighbors harvests…  I didn’t grow up in a hunting family, dad only went out for pheasants a couple of times that I can remember, although we did get venison from some of his friends from time to time.  I was happy to eat the smoked pheasant breast, but have no idea about cleaning them or prepping them.

    The same goes for anyone else with subject matter expertise… we got some great discussion and info about battery maintenance in the past, and it would be great to have more specific topic discussion or sharing.

    It can’t all be about me me me me me….


  14. MrAtoz says:

    I’ll have an update on my solar generator experiment soon. And a drone update.

  15. Nick Flandrey says:

    @MrAtoz, there are a lot of jackary panels showing up in the amazon returns auctions lately.  I’m guessing it might be related to the issues you’ve been having?


  16. ITGuy1998 says:

    Just another day for me. Wife went to bed last night around 10 and I followed soon after. It is just after noon, and I have all of the Christmas lights down, packed, and stowed. Wife did the inside decoration yesterday. I keep all the decorations in various plastic totes, that are stored in the main garage on high shelves above the doors. 14’ garage ceiling, so a ladder is involved. I can manage the, fine right now, but there is a time in the future where we will need to find another storage solution.

    I have to take all the cars out to get the boxes put away, so I took the opportunity to blow out the garage with the leaf blower. I also blew out the work garage, as there is still a decent amount of sawdust, even with dust collection equipment. I did get a ceiling mount air filter to help with that, and have it wired up and running on demand.

    Next on the list for today is to change the oil and rotate tires on the boy’s truck. I’m about ready to rouse him from his slumber to get that done while I supervise.

  17. MrAtoz says:

    @MrAtoz, there are a lot of jackary panels showing up in the amazon returns auctions lately.  I’m guessing it might be related to the issues you’ve been having?

    I’m done with Jackery after the debacle of four returns. The Jackery is out of warranty. I’ll see if I can sell it for the batteries or harvest them myself for some DIY project.

    Once I test the new system, I’ll post about it. Drone, too, but later.

  18. dkreck says:

    Left daughter’s house last night just after 10. Wife stayed as she’s helping her with kids. Second grandchild arrived Wednesday, a girl. Best gift I recieved was the t-shirt that says, ‘My Favorite People Call Me Grandpa’. Daughter is finding a 2.5 yo boy and a newborn a challenge. Oh well, help as we can, Dad even does ok. I was in bed before the new year but not really asleep.

    I never make resolutions. Like Ray creeping up on 72 in a few weeks I’m loath to change anything. Can I call us the elite seniors? Well I will anyway.

    This place remains one of the first daily reads only behind The Far Side and Daily Timewaster. Then I read news. what there is of it.

    Happy New Year to all. Friends I’ve never met but often feel like I have.

  19. Nick Flandrey says:

    I think that pron and its prominence in culture is a generally bad thing.   I especially think it’s bad in the current form and culture.

    That said, I also think you can see some bigger trends by looking at what people are looking at.  I’m not the only one, I guess, because porhnub released their yearly summary. 

    @greg will note the top search in OR is ‘furry’.    There is a weird peak for trans porn by age group that must suggest something…  and ‘cuckold’ seems to have vanished, iirc it was prominent for the last couple of years.

    The most surprising thing to me was the percentage of people who look at pron on their phones.  WTF?

    Regional differences are interesting too, on a sort of ‘anthropological’ level.   WTF Michigan?


  20. MrAtoz says:

    LOL! “Feet” what, your own? LOL!

  21. Greg Norton says:

    @greg will note the top search in OR is ‘furry’. 

    Drop by the Ikkicon show out at the Kalahari resort in a few weeks. You’ll see them.

    Texas Frightmare in May is another guaranteed furry watching opportunity.

  22. Ken Mitchell says:

    Happy New Year, and may we all have a safe and prosperous 2023.

    I’ve already DONE my bugging-out, when we left Cacafornia two years ago.  I’m here in “Far-West” San Antonio, having moved from 1/6th of an acre in an entirely ordinary tract development in Sacramento to two wooded acres here on the outskirts of San Antonio.  Well, it WAS on the outskirts, but there are new developments sprouting up all around us. In a couple of years, we’ll probably start seeing trick-or-treaters at Halloween; right now, no kids want to walk so far into the woods to knock on our door. Part of that is no sidewalks or streetlights. 

    We’re well-begun for most preps; a good stockpile of food, and some tools. Now I need to organize what I have and figure out how to store even more.  What I really NEED to do is to start a garden, and I’d like to build a greenhouse. One problem with a greenhouse is that we have too many trees!

    Last night SOUNDED like Verdun or Ypres, from about 9PM until 2AM. HEAVY artillery. Some skyrockets, but lots of shells that rattled the windows, and a residual smell of cordite this morning. But no damage. 

    The weather is SUPPOSED to be unseasonably warm;  80 tomorrow, and low 70’s/high 60’s the rest of the week. The Old Farmer’s Almanac “predicts” another stretch of cold weather in the 2nd half of January; we’ll see about that!

  23. Nick Flandrey says:

    @dkreck ,   congrats Gramps!


  24. Geoff Powell says:

    @nick: @dkreck:

    congrats Gramps!


    No chance of that for me in the foreseeable future. D1 is the only one with a boyfriend, and she appears, AFAIK, to have no intention of reproducing any time soon.

    And even if she does, my family name will likely become extinct, since I have no son to carry on the name. Just 3  daughters. In any case, the clock is ticking, since even D3 is 34.


  25. Ken Mitchell says:

    @dkreck ,   congrats Gramps!

    Geoff Powell: Seconded.

    And third’ed.   Like Geoff, I have three granddaughters, so “MY” family name probably won’t continue, but I also have three younger brothers, one of whom has a hand-full of kids including three sons.  But then, my grandfather changed his name to “Mitchell” in 1920 because nobody could spell “Mehelopulos”. 

  26. RickH says:

    Like others here, I have no living male descendants, just two married daughters with 5 children each. 

    So my ‘line’ will be done when I am. Some minor concern about that, although there are other male cousins to carry on my last name.

    My main concern is what will happen to my ‘web empire’ (such as it is) on my passing. I have about 28 domain names, with associated sites that have varying degrees of ongoing activity.  Plus,  a half-dozen-ish WordPress plugins that are active. And this place.

    There doesn’t seem to be anyone in my family (or extended family) that is interested or technically able to continue those sites.  I haven’t figured out how to plan for the continuation of those sites.

  27. Nick Flandrey says:

    @rick, most sole proprietorships don’t survive the death of their founder.  Continuity planning is a major focus for business.

    I was just thinking about this last week, wrt Karen’s Power Tools, and Joe’s struggle to keep up the software and relevance of her work.   He fought the good fight for years but it’s all coming to an end despite that.


  28. Nick Flandrey says:

    For that matter, what would have happened here if Bob hadn’t already involved me, and if you weren’t willing to continue doing the web end?   Or if everyone left?


  29. Paul Hampson says:

    If one over pays their tax bill the IRS will not inform the taxpayer or offer a refund

    Actually the Feds, CA, and OR have all done that for me on more than one occasion; OR even paid me interest.  Granted, I’m talking small change here, no more than $100-200.  Then there were the couple of times they wanted more, but again, small change.

  30. Ken Mitchell says:


    For that matter, what would have happened here if Bob hadn’t already involved me

    I used to read a blog called “Neptunus Lex”, a retired US Navy captain and fighter pilot.  As milblogs went, it was pretty popular.

  31. Lynn says:

    “Red Lightning (A Thunder and Lightning Novel)” by John Varley

    Book number two of a four book space opera series. I reread the well printed and well bound MMPB book published by Ace in 2006 that I bought used on Amazon since most of my books are boxed in the garage. In fact, I have read this book at least four to six times now. I have two copies of the rest of the books in the series.

    I am a big fan of the Heinlein books, especially the juveniles. This book is extremely inspired by the Heinlein juveniles but it is not a juvenile. Somewhere of a cross between the juveniles and Stranger in a Strange Land and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. One note is that all of the characters in the book use names from Heinlein’s books.

    The book is extreme hard science except for the squeezer that Jubal Broussard invents. Everything in the book is doable with today’s science and engineering, and will be done, if someone invents a cheap spaceship drive that can boost thousands of tons at one gravity from Earth to anywhere in the Solar System. Or, Alpha Centauri or anywhere else in the 5 to 20 light years away distance.

    The book starts off with a space ship hitting the Earth at 0.999999 of light speed in the Atlantic off the coast of Florida. Millions dead with the 300 foot tsunami that washed over Florida and Caribbean. Then Jubal Broussard, the inventor of the Squeezer and in a virtual prison on the Falkland Islands, turns up missing.

    My review from the distant past: “Book number two of a four book space opera series. This is my second or third reread of this book, the sequel to one of my top ten all time favorite books. BTW, I would characterize this book as young adult SF but not juvenile SF. Generation starships need to have safety systems that do not allow them to hit the Earth if they get turned around. Just sayin’. I need a squeezer generator !”

    The author has a blog and posts there fairly often.

    My rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Amazon rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars (192 reviews)

  32. Nick Flandrey says:

    Or Ol’ Remus…


  33. Nick Flandrey says:

    Or Stephen Den Beste


  34. Nick Flandrey says:

    I’m reading the debut novel by James Butcher, son of Jim Butcher of Harry Dresden fame… and I think it’s pretty good so far.   Guy can write, although it took me a bit to settle into the POV characters…  We’ll see if he can execute on the premise. 


  35. Lynn says:

    SpaceX has developed three different versions of Gen2 satellites.  I suspect that the minimal version has a laser integrated router and several other improvements and only weighs 303 kgs, almost the same as the Gen 1 satellite.

    “Thankfully, there is one last explanation – raised after this article was published – that appears to be much more likely. In response to a tweet summarizing these claims, astrophysicist Jonathan McDowell noted that SpaceX had, in fact, mentioned a third smaller Starlink V2 satellite variant in an October 2022 FCC filing that fell mostly under the radar. In that filing, SpaceX told that FCC it was developing three variants, not two. The smallest variant was said to weigh 303 kilograms and featured dimensions seemingly identical to SpaceX’s existing V1.5 satellites, which are estimated to weigh around 307 kilograms. SpaceX also stated that initial Falcon 9 launches will carry “approximately twenty to sixty satellites,” again confirming that V2 satellites could be about the same size and shape as V1.5 satellites.”

  36. Alan says:

    >> My main concern is what will happen to my ‘web empire’ (such as it is) on my passing. I have about 28 domain names, with associated sites that have varying degrees of ongoing activity.  Plus,  a half-dozen-ish WordPress plugins that are active. And this place.

    @RickH, have you considered leaving instructions in your will to turn over the WordPress templates and plugins to one of the abandonware repositories? 

  37. Ray Thompson says:
    Actually the Feds, CA, and OR have all done that for me on more than one occasion; OR even paid me interest.

    Excellent for you. Many years ago, when I was 20 or 21 while in the service of the USAF, I overpaid my federal taxes by $250.00. For the next four years the IRS never notified me of a balance due me. I found out I overpaid when I redid my return and found a calculation error. I had to file an amended return to get the money which took almost a year from the time I filed. Did the IRS not notice the calculation error? Or did the IRS not care because in their mind the amount was trivial? Or given time would the IRS have found the problem and I had simply not waited long enough?

    One time I underreported my income because I missed a 1099. My taxes on the amount were around $100.00. The IRS sent me a nasty gram two years after I filed my taxes. I paid the amount due. The IRS sent another nasty gram and informed me of the interest I owed which I grudgingly paid. There were no penalties assessed.

    Seems the IRS was quick to notice a missing amount, but slow or in my opinion, not caring about overpayment, I guessed the IRS did not refund overpayments unless a person filed. Your experience indicates otherwise. There is hope.

    In December 1973 I moved to Texas. In February of 1974 I changed my permanent address to Texas. Because my permanent address had been Oregon for just one month, Oregon sent a nasty gram in 1976 demanding that I pay income taxes on my bonus that was paid in January of 1974. It wasn’t much and was easier to pay than fight long distance.

    For that matter, what would have happened here if Bob hadn’t already involved me, and if you weren’t willing to continue doing the web end?

    I suspect for most of us when we reach the final destination the digital presence will just disappear. What was relevant to us may not be so to the future generations. I know when I die all my digital images will be tossed, the images of my relatives from the late 1890s and early 1900s will be gone forever. The video film, now in digital form, of me when and my brothers when I was younger will be gone forever.

    Pournelle’s site will slowly disappear over the coming years. There has been no update in two years. I suspect there will be no further updates.

    When those of us here reach our final destination, I suspect this place will disappear. The code will be taken down by the hosting company for non-payment and the files archived forever and not available anywhere.

    I fully expected this place to cease functioning when RBT crossed the rainbow bridge. The fact that it has remained is a tribute to several people. You know who you are.

    I have met three of the people that frequent this place, Nick, Lynn and Atoz. Or is it that three other people have met me? Perspective.

  38. Bob Sprowl says:

    Re age of our posters.  I’m 77.3 and counting. I may be the oldest here but I don’t make that claim.

    Re family names.  My two sons have daughters only.  Nine granddaughters so far.  

    My brother’s sons have created one  great nephew for me.  There are two adapted sons by brother with our name and thus two more great nephews( who real grandfathers, etc.,  never acknowledged their family) so our name continues for a while. 

    I encounters a paper explaining how family sur names decrease every generation.  Unless people change their names only a few sur names will survive.

  39. Bob Sprowl says:

    About got my desk top system restored.  Reinstalling Windows 10 Pro using an ISO USB stick was pretty easy.  

    Installing the system updates (motherboard and video), the printer drivers, and applications took another day with a few  more to be done.   Of course getting the setting for each app will take some time.

    One bank won’t let me log on until I speak to them Tuesday.  They even blocked access via my laptop.  

  40. Greg Norton says:

    Things looked bad early, but the Yucs pulled off the win.

  41. Alan says:

    >> For that matter, what would have happened here if Bob hadn’t already involved me, and if you weren’t willing to continue doing the web end?   Or if everyone left?

    A number of the original Daynotes Gang have gone ‘radio silent’ over the years…

  42. SteveF says:

    @RickH, have you considered leaving instructions in your will to turn over the WordPress templates and plugins to one of the abandonware repositories?

    I dreamed I saw RickH last night
    Alive as you and me
    Says I “But Rick, you’re dead and gone”
    “I never died” said he
    “I never died” said he

    “Your templates are abandonware.
    Some updates killed them dead.”
    “WordPress cannot kill my code”
    Says Rick “Pull from git head”
    Says Rick “Pull from git head”

  43. JimB says:

    Well, the year is still new. I should add my sentiments to others’ regarding everyone who make this place so good. That of course includes Barbara for keeping the lights on, RickH for oiling the typewriter, Nick for coming up with endless clever openings (late at night!), all who contribute their wisdom, and finally SteveF for his incredible restraint  🙂

  44. JimB says:

    Nick Flandrey says: 31 December 2022 at 21:27

    Like I found with the CDs, having it easily accessible thru an interface on the TV (Roku Media Player) makes it more likely I’ll watch something.

    There are very few movies, probably fewer than 20, that I would want to watch again. I might have liked it the first time, but as soon as I start seeing it again, I remember enough that I don’t want to watch it again. Same for series. Why watch something again when I can watch something I have never watched before?

  45. Nick Flandrey says:

    @Bob Sprowl, that’s great that you are back up and running.   

    I’ve been poking at my drive on this machine, and deleting stuff, consolidating stuff, moving pix and vid from old devices that I just copied to this drive into the correct folders, and uninstalling cr@p I no longer need.

    I got about 50 GB back, which I desperately need.   I need to either move the music and movies off my main drive, or clone the thing onto a much bigger drive.   Or do both and clone what’s left onto a big SSD. THAT would speed everything up too.

    And backups need to be made…


  46. drwilliams says:

    @Ray Thompson

    I know when I die all my digital images will be tossed, the images of my relatives from the late 1890s and early 1900s will be gone forever. The video film, now in digital form, of me when and my brothers when I was younger will be gone forever.

    Might be worthwhile from a personal satisfaction standpoint to deed some things to the state historical society.

    I’ve looked at a number of the football and basketball shoots that you’ve done. There are countless priceless images there that the athletes would not have enjoyed without your efforts. That’s more legacy than most right there.

  47. Nick Flandrey says:

    @jimB, Turns out that I have a huge number of movies that I wanted to watch when they came out that for one reason or another, I didn’t…  a really surprisingly large number.   Media did it’s job making me aware of them, but couldn’t close the deal to actually watching them.

    And I like rewatching some things, and re-reading some things.   There is a comforting familiarity to it.    As I’m finding with music that I’m paying attention to while I drive back and forth, I’m hearing stuff I didn’t hear before, and I often find stuff in a book or movie that I didn’t get the first time thru.

    I’ve probably already ripped more movies than I’ll ever get to, let along the 600 waiting in boxes.


  48. Ray Thompson says:
    Might be worthwhile from a personal satisfaction standpoint to deed some things to the state historical society.

    The brother of my grandfather wrote a family history document back in the the 1950s. It started before Utah was a state. Typewritten of course. I acquired the document somehow. I scanned in the document and then tediously corrected all the scanning errors.

    The language was crude and what today would be considered racist. Phrases like “tighter than a tick on a niggers back”. Used in many places. I made no effort to correct the statements and make them politically correct. I did not correct grammar.

    There is also some evidence in the document that a substantial amount of land was stolen from the family by a crooked politician. Several thousand acres.

    I added pictures that I had when people were mentioned in the document.

    That document, printed along with a copy on a CD, was sent to the Utah Historical Society. Copyrights owned by me were established on the document. The society was pleased to get the document as it filled in some historical information about the founding of Utah.

  49. Nick Flandrey says:

    ‘What point do they want to make?’ Saboteurs who took down FOUR electrical substations within 14 miles in Washington state – leaving 30,000 without power on Christmas Day – are ‘sending a message’ 


    NEW Police in western Washington believe that vandals who attacked four power substations in western Washington on Christmas Day, leaving more than 14,000 without power, were trying to ‘send a message.’ The incidents were the latest of a series of similar attacks that some believe is the work of right-wing terrorists. Sergeant Darren Moss, a spokesman for the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department, said they are investigating the attacks as if they were done by either one person or a connected group.

    – who wants to bet on LEFT wing extremists?   And how did I miss any articles about this attack during the last 5 days?   Were there any?


  50. Greg Norton says:

    – who wants to bet on LEFT wing extremists?   And how did I miss any articles about this attack during the last 5 days?   Were there any?

    That is a backwards, freaky part of WA State and I doubt the attacks were an organized effort to do much of anything besides kill boredom. More like monkey see, monkey do.

  51. drwilliams says:

    Gee, wonder what the actual record shows for saboteurs in Washington State:

  52. Mark W says:

    Interfering with train signaling is attempted murder. She needs a long time behind bars.

  53. drwilliams says:

    I should have posted this link:

    Prosecutors asked for 27 months, she got 12, despite testimony regarding the danger of placing a shunt in the area where she was arrested:

    Here, if a train had derailed where Reiche placed the shunt, numerous nearby homes and the train crew would have been badly affected. And even setting aside the risk of a derailment, the shunt endangered anyone crossing the tracks at Cliffside Drive. There might have been no warning from the crossing system at all.”

    Statue provides for up to 20. j

  54. Jenny says:

    11 rabbits processed today and resting in the fridge. 
    I’m tired. 

    Yesterday I instigated a thing, and inadvertently upset a person who had put a great deal of effort into a thing related to the thing I instigated. Their comment was something along the lines of “it would have been nice to know”. Their body language was stiff, fisted hands, tight lipped, squinched eyebrows, very wet eyes. Voice was harsh and abrupt.

    I didn’t intend to upset the person, I had permission for what I instigated, and was thanked for the instigation by a few people. It never occurred to me I should have sought additional permission or given the upset person a heads up. I’m admittedly clueless, and yesterday was a bad brain day so I was less clueful than normal.

    I attempted to apologize for causing them distress, they walked away. They were pretty upset.

    I -really- hate all the emotional land mines around humans, women in particular. That my intent was good matters not. There’s going to a stupid bruhaha because I failed to clue that there was a potential for upset. I much prefer my dogs. Then I can understand. 

    (I instigated borrowing six pew chairs from a different church and these borrowed chairs replaced a pew for last nights service. The surprise  upset the person when they saw them this morning. The interchange took place a few minutes after service when I was returning to place a note identifying the lending church).

    I myself was upset, so I funneled the anxious energy productively. Hence all 11 growouts processed. Plus I deep cleaned the rabbitry. 

    Being human is hard. 

  55. Alan says:

    >> We also lost Florida’s corrupt and costly annual “safety” inspections, but gained California’s biennial emissions inspections, which were much cheaper. 

    Florida ended emissions inspections in ’81 and safety inspections in 2000. I guess cause Florida drivers are so “trustworthy.”

  56. Alan says:

    >> I see from a quick survey of the news that there was only a little disruption last night.  Machete attack in NYFC seeming to be the most local and relevant.   Machete attacks.  Gotta love that vibrancy.   /sarc

    There were two victims injured, both were (targeted?) NYPD. Perp drove all the way from Maine to NYFC and is reported to be an Islamic extremist.

  57. JimB says:

    Bob Sprowl says: 1 January 2023 at 19:08

    Re age of our posters.  I’m 77.3 and counting. I may be the oldest here but I don’t make that claim.

    I am 77.5 (7/12/45.) IIRC, Stu is a couple years wiser. I am not bragging. In fact, I might like to be a few years further from the big leap. I am enjoying life. May all of us live as long as we want to live!

  58. JimB says:

    Lynn says: 31 December 2022 at 21:08

    “Big Tech Insiders Pushing Modular NUCLEAR Reactors for Data Centers”

    Good idea. Our local Home Depot has a Bloom Energy natural gas fueled full time system. It was installed with no fanfare about five years ago; at least that is about when I noticed it. It has about a dozen cabinets, and is served by a pretty big regulator. Wonder how well it does economically? That same business also has a big diesel generator, but it looks as if it has not been run much. Probably more hours for testing and exercise than actual use.

    I remember when 60 Minutes did a story on Bloom. Was supposed to be the next big thing. Unfortunately, the company kept their workings a secret, so they have all of a very small market instead of a larger piece of a much bigger market. They never learn.

  59. JimB says:

    Being human is hard.

    Of course it is. We are given much, and much is expected. Sorry if that hurts. For some relief, watch your dog(s) and notice how hard they try for attention. Oh wait, that is probably no relief. Sometimes the only relief comes from waiting for our mind to clear and the anxiety of the moment to pass. With that comes perspective, and, hopefully, relief. May you get relief soon.

    I almost deleted that, but no. You are doing a lot, and should be comforted by the good you are doing. Now, I will be quiet.

  60. Jenny says:


    Thank you sir. Wisdom appreciated. 

  61. Lynn says:

    Interfering with train signaling is attempted murder. She needs a long time behind bars.

    Yes.  And a good whipping in the stocks.

    I am amazed at how well the train safety systems work. This person was shutting down the train safety systems. She should have been put in jail for 20 years for endangering the public.

    Too many people in our society are mentally ill and are interfering with our infrastructure. They should not be coddled.

  62. Alan says:

    @Jenny, could the parish priest provide a few words of wisdom to the aggrieved party so that all can move on to more productive pursuits?

    Just my 2 cents, worth what you paid for it 😉 

  63. nick flandrey says:

    Just finished the James Butcher book.   Liked it.   Alot.  Hope there will be more. 

    The weirdest  thing for me was that it’s set in Boston, but to me it reads as England.   Can’t explain why but I kept tripping over the Boston parts.   

    If you like magic in the real world stories, it’s a good one.


  64. nick flandrey says:

    @jenny, sometimes you can’t win.    “They” are bringing a whole raft load of stuff with them to the situation that you couldn’t possibly  have considered or known about.   Do what damage control you can afford easily, and let some time pass.

    HeII, you’re doing more than any 3 people I know, sometimes things go weird in a hurry.  Don’t beat yourself up.   The good you do far outweighs any harm.


  65. Nick Flandrey says:

    Perp drove all the way from Maine to NYFC and is reported to be an Islamic extremist.

    –  so Sudden Jihadi Syndrome, but will be classified as “domestic” terrorism because he lives here.  Joy.


  66. drwilliams says:

    Mike Pompeo demands US BANS Chinese travelers after Beijing eased travel restrictions – and claims Xi Jinping is trying to infect the world with another variant of COVID

    Even bet on Lebron or Hunter being the first to put their little pink butts high in the air.

  67. drwilliams says:

    Cape Coral woman wants barge left by Ian removed from her backyard

    I’d have charged $1,000 a day in dockage fees and given the owner thirty days before scrapping it and repairing my seawall.

  68. dcp says:

    the James Butcher book

    $15 for a fiction e-book?  Oooof.

  69. MrAtoz says:
    $15 for a fiction e-book?  Oooof.

    Gotta agree with that. For a first novel, no thanks.

  70. MrAtoz says:

    As usual, the Redumblicans are making a spectacle of themselves picking a new House leaders. Are they holding out for tRump or something. Morons.

  71. MrAtoz says:

    We’re all gonna DIIIEEEE!!!

    Ezekiel Emanuel tells Americans the only thing that will protect them from new COVID variant is ‘really high quality masks’

    I guess the masks the Chinese are wearing aren’t “really, high quality N95” masks. Don’t we get all of our masks from China? And where again is this new zombie virus coming from…CHINA! Maybe we should  nuke China from orbit. Just to be sure. I guess all the sheeple with 6-7 clot-shots are out of luck since Zeke says the current clot-shot doesn’t work.

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