Cooler, maybe some rain, as we’re on the edge of a system. East of us should be getting slammed.
Yesterday was nice, after the rain.
I ended up taking the pickup after all, and had clear skies and sun for the rest of the day. Finished my pickups, hit the reStore and got stuff I needed, and filled a cart at Goodwill outlet. Nice clean high value items.
Today I have a couple of things to get, some shopping to do, some organizing, and I need to get the list of stuff I’m taking with me to the BOL together. Some will be coming from home, some from storage, some from Lowes, and some from a last pickup on Friday. Hopefully that last can happen as I drive up.
Might be a good idea to pick it up early and load around it though. It’s pretty big (a bathroom vanity).
Busier than a one armed paper hanger today.
Stacking, prepping, building. Get to it.