Day: March 10, 2021

Wed. Mar. 10, 2021 – no new truck, lots of rescheduled errands

Cool and possibility of rain.   Yesterday threatened and occasionally spit, but never did rain on me.

I made one drop off, rescheduled a pick up to today, and delayed another drop off, all so I could pick up the new truck.   Well, that didn’t happen.  See yesterday’s comments for details.   I was hoping to have everything wrapped up and start getting back to normal, but instead spent at least 6 hours to get educated on what not to do.   I’ll keep looking.   In the mean time…

I’ve got to pick up the honda generator.   And I have to get it out of my truck at the far end, and store it until I can take a look at what needs fixing.   I’ve also got to do more work at my secondary.   More stuff to throw out and recycle to make room for the stuff piled up here.  Stuff is leaving the house and storage, and secondary, but not fast enough.

I’m really hoping the honda just needs basic service and cleaning up.  If I could sell it that would be a nice payday.  Worth putting some effort and time into it.  Generator and small engine repair skills pay off now, and in the future.  Non-running gennies are plentiful and cheap.   Take a shot at one… just not one from Harbor Freight.

In other news, my wife got the Moderna jab on Saturday.  Some muscle stiffness and body soreness on Sunday, but hard to tell if it was the shot or working in the garden that did it.   No other side effects yet.   I’m still not interested.   With two little kids, we shouldn’t both have the same unknown treatment, the same way the whole of senior management should never fly on the same plane.   That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Lots of stuff to do, lots of catching up.  And stacking.  Always stacking.



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