Day: July 15, 2020

Wed. July 14 15, 2020 – hump day? harrumph day.

Hot again.  More and still.

Spent most of yesterday in the garage.  It was hot.  Dripping sweat hot.

And yeah, it’s taking a crazy long time to clean out the areas I’m working on.  There is a huge amount of ‘build up’ and stuff literally stacked up.  Hah, you thought I was being figurative with “keep stacking”?  Not so much.  I did get a lot of stuff moved, sorted, and/or piled for disposal.  Still  more to do.  I don’t thing pictures would have done it justice, but maybe I’ll take a few representative shots today.  And everything takes longer in the heat.   It’s just not possible for me to ‘bust @ss’ like I used to.  I can’t keep up that pace.  Also, if it wasn’t my stuff, and I had no interest in it, it would be easier to just tear it all out and dumpster it.  That would be quicker, but there is a lot of good stuff in those piles.  I’m good at the ‘getting’ part, less good at the organizing and putting away part.

I did take a couple of breaks to shoot the airsoft sig226 at cans in the back yard.  I put about 100 rounds into cans, mostly unsupported strong and weak hand, standing, but also supported kneeling.   There was a great episode of ‘Michael Bane’s Best Defense’ where the scenario was an armed robbery on the bus you are riding.  One of the defensive moves was to shoot from low,up into the attacker.  The benefit is that any misses or through and throughs go up into the air, rather than the back of the driver’s head or the other passengers.  Most people don’t get any practice from a knee or hiding behind a bench.  Most ranges don’t allow stuff like that.  Using the airsoft I realized I could practice that safely.  So I did.  Recommended.

It actually got to be a bit cool when the wind kicked up around 10pm.  Probably got down to 85F.  Felt like a fridge door opened when I stepped out of the garage anyway.

The national forecast has us on the edge of weather systems for the next few days.  Anything can happen.  Might get rain.  Might not.  I need a couple of more days without rain to get the garage sorted.  Cooler temps and overcast would be ok though.

Dinner was the beef roast I didn’t cook the day before.  Baked potatoes and canned corn accompanied saute’d brusselsprouts.  Brusselsprouts keep a long time in the fridge so they’ve always been one of my go to vegetables.  I just realized the canned corn is still in the microwave.  Dang.   Dessert was a can of carmel apple pie filling in a premade graham cracker crust.   If I’m gonna run the oven for the roast, I’m gonna cook a bunch of stuff in it at the same time.   The roast was vac sealed and frozen and was from last year.

Since I didn’t get out of the house yesterday, I still need to do my auction pickup and dropoff.  I’ll have another bin of stuff for them since I had another day… that will cut into my garage cleaning time, and my furniture repairing time, and my storage clearout/forklift repair time.  Can’t be helped.   Baby steps.

In the mean time, work on a skill.  Go through some stored preps.  Keep stacking (neatly, and well organized, if you can manage it).


Added by RickH

Apparently, Nick has lost a day. I fixed the title. – RickH

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