Wed. May 8, 2024 – can’t catch up, so here’s more…

Warm. Super moist. Summer is finally really here? It was so humid yesterday that I was sweating just tying down stuff in the bed of the truck. My wet floormats wouldn’t dry. Today should be clear, and mostly like yesterday, but I could do with a few points less RH.

Did my pickups. Did my family duties. Had a nice dinner. Didn’t make progress on the house stuff, or really anything else.

I’ve got no relief today either as my client texted that there’s an issue he can’t solve, even with my phone guidance, so I will head to his place today. Hopefully I can figure out where the issue is and get it sorted quickly. Complex systems have lots of ways to fail, which is why I found them interesting to work with, but it does make it harder to keep them up and running. He doesn’t have the most complex home AV system in the world, but it’s pretty complex.

All my normal stuff will wait while I look into his issue, because that’s what he pays me for.

There aren’t any gnomes to do my work for me while I sleep, unfortunately.

Life. It’s what happens while you are planning for something else.


77 Comments and discussion on "Wed. May 8, 2024 – can’t catch up, so here’s more…"

  1. Greg Norton says:

    This has literally been a multi-day process, just to get stuck on this. How a non-IT person would ever have gotten this far, is a mystery to me. I suspect there aren’t many EPDs in use…

    Outside of Epic Systems EMR, probably not.

    Epic is the emerging record portability standard in the US outside of the VA, which has its own EMR.

    The VA EMR has been filling someone’s soup bowl for the last couple of decades so nothing is going to change there for at least a generation, maybe ever.

    Once someone’s soup bowl starts getting filled from government at any level in this country, good luck finding a way to change the arrangement.

    I’ve posted previously about an exchange of information I had with a doctor who worked for Epic in Wisconsin last fall. I believe Microsoft is the most likely candidate to end up owning the platform after Judith Faulkner (who is 80) passes without any clear succession plan and uninterested heirs.

  2. Ray Thompson says:

    Regarding tires.

    I was informed by my mechanic, whom I purchase tires from, specifically Michelins, that tires at the clubs are not the best from any vendor. Tires are “graded” after production. The prime tires go to tire warehouses that serve mechanics and car dealer service departments. The 2nd grade tires go to the discount clubs. The tires still meet all specifications, are safe, but have minor flaws. Some are difficult to balance. Like a Nike factory outlet store.

    My last set of Michelins lasted almost 90K miles. I currently have 40K miles on the current set with about half the tread left.

  3. drwilliams says:

    These tires were used by a little old programmer who never used C++….

  4. Ray Thompson says:

    These tires were used by a little old programmer who never used C++….

    Actually, I have. One of those one way languages. One can write the code and never figure it out again visiting the code after one year.

    I also haul and tow with my truck. However, unlike Mr. Lynn, I don’t drive like I stole it. I have towed enough to have made it across the United States and back, twice. The trip computer tells me how many towing miles. It knows a trailer is attached. Integrated brake controller and power to the trailer. One time the trailer started swaying, the display said excessive sway, and applied the trailer brakes before I could.

  5. Nick Flandrey says:

    77F and warming.   Light overcast though.  

    With the rain, all the lawn guys are delayed.   They all decided that this morning was time to catch up.   There’s a traffic jam of lawn mowers in the street…


  6. MrAtoz says:

    The tRump joke-trial continues with “testimony” from porn actress Stormy Daniels. Let me summarize her testimony: “I had sex with tRump. Let me give you the dirty deets.” The judge admonished her to not get too explicit. Why the judge allowed this testimony is beyond me. It was character assassination and no more. A political hit. The judge also threatened to jail tRump for violating the gag order. 

    There is no way any conviction will be not be overturned. The judge and prosecutor should be the ones on trial.

  7. Nick Flandrey says:  

    Stepped in to stop the guy from yelling at staff, walked outside with the angry guy, got killed by him.

    This is only a couple miles from my house.   It’s along the major freeway thru town though, so who knows if the killer was local or passing thru.


  8. brad says:

    My last set of Michelins lasted almost 90K miles. I currently have 40K miles on the current set with about half the tread left.

    We seem to be lucky to get 10k miles. Two reasons, I expect: stringent regulations about the minimum tread, and (probably more important) lots of curves on the mountain road up to our town, and we don’t drive slowly.

    testimony from porn actress Stormy Daniels

    Doesn’t make any sense at all. He’s not on trial for having sex with her. Nor even for paying her hush money. He’s on trial for how he listed that expense in his accounts. Letting her testify really is just character assassination. Seems like grounds for a mistrial.

  9. Ray Thompson says:

    The tRump joke-trial continues with “testimony” from porn actress Stormy Daniels. Let me summarize her testimony: “I had sex with tRump. Let me give you the dirty deets.”

    As opposed to Billy the Clinton who used government facilities for his little adventures. Such individual getting off with nothing more than a wrist slap.

    Well, maybe. He still wound up married to the Hillary.

  10. Ray Thompson says:

    He’s not on trial for having sex with her. Nor even for paying her hush money.

    I really don’t see the problem with his adventures. People paying for sex has been happening since the penis was invented. People paying hush money happens all the time. I paid a student in elementary school to not tell the teacher I put water in her chair. I don’t think I had an expense account back then and most certainly was not dealing with the IRS.

    If the same scrutiny was done for Biden, Hillary, Obama, Billy the Clinton, I am certain there are dozens of payouts that were improperly reported on taxes. No politician in existence has not cooked the books to hide nefarious activities. Singling out Trump tramples the real purpose of the legal system.

    This entire trial is about eliminating the Trumpster from the ballots. If the election system will not work, then weaponize the legal system as a political weapon.

    He is not being tried by a jury of his peers, he is being trashed by a stacked court and legal system.

    Yes, Trump is a jerk, an egotistical jerk. I would never be friends with him, have dinner with him, or otherwise associate with him. However, he made a living in the business world unlike the current senile clown in the White House who made a living lying, cheating, deceiving and basically doing nothing of any value.

  11. Ray Thompson says:

    We seem to be lucky to get 10k miles. Two reasons, I expect: stringent regulations about the minimum tread,

    I am quite strict on the tread limits on my tires. When the tread is close to minimum I get the tires replaced. I have had a blow out before and it is scary. There are curves in our area, but probably nothing like in Europe.

    Except for “The Dragon” that crosses the TN/NC border through the mountains. Eleven miles of road with 318 curves. Motorcycles love the road and every year there are several crashes and the demise of a rider or two. Sports car drivers attempt the road and they also suffer crashes.

    I have taken the road in my truck. I take my time much to the annoyance of those behind. Motorcycles will pass on curves and they give me a friendly gesture involving a single digit. How nice of them. If I find a pull out I will use it but that is my only concession.

    One time I pulled my boat over that road to Fontana Lake. Many of the curves I had to cross the line with the truck or the trailer. I was traveling even slower, truck and trailer length was too long to use the pull outs. It took me 50 minutes to traverse the 11 miles. Must have been 50 or so motorcycles stacked up behind me. Suck it up buttercups. I got a lot of friendly gestures on that trip.

  12. lpdbw says:

    I personally don’t really like TexMex as a food style,


    My girlfriend, who moved from CT to TX at age 16, had occasion during her marriage  to travel to Southern  CA to visit with her in-laws (before my time).

    She said the Mexican food just tasted “funny” to her, and bland.  She also didn’t like the Mexican restaurants we’ve been to in the St. Louis area.

    I’m not so picky, myself.   Chili sauce made from scratch?  Decent meat?  Good tortillas?  I’m good.

    Ok, if you want to up your “authentic” Mexican game at home, get a copy of Rick Martinez’s book Mi Cocina.  Or just watch his rather flamboyant YouTube videos.

  13. lpdbw says:

    This is only a couple miles from my house.   It’s along the major freeway thru town though, so who knows if the killer was local or passing thru.

    I have eaten at that McDonalds.  Mostly breakfast, drive-thru, on my way to work in the Med center. Back in my high-carb days.

    I remember watching it being built.

  14. MrAtoz says:

    You have to hate politicians.

    Kristi Noem’s “I shot my dog” story just keeps getting worse based on her own pie-hole. She started with an untrained dog, then a chicken killer, and now the dog was Cujo attacking children and biting everybody. Every time an interviewer asks her about the story, she has to up the ante for CYA.

    I’m sure she thought this was a “look how tough this chick is” story. It has now blown up in her face and made her look like a cruel doosh-nozzle.

  15. lpdbw says:

    Kristi Noem

    Hey, I know it’s kind of silly, but can we talk about how good a governor she is/was?  Because we’re not dogs and we’re not looking at her to be our owner.

    Oh, right.   That stuff doesn’t matter.

  16. MrAtoz says:

    Chili sauce made from scratch?

    MrsAtoz’s recipe: grill some holla-peenos (right on the stove top!), ’maters, whole onion, whole garlic, and cilantro. Throw in pot of water and boil for a while. Drain, put the solids in a blender, some of the pot water, salt to taste, blend to consistency you want by adding pot water. The holla’s aren’t deseeded, so it can get real hot.  Everybody loves it. Simple.

  17. MrAtoz says:

    Oh, right.   That stuff doesn’t matter.

    It’s about ”inhaling the odors of Mordor” as Mr. OFD would say. I think tRump was a good President, but I hate him too for being a doosh-nozzle. See Mr. Ray above. Not many people know how good Noem is/was. They just know she shot her dog. That is her fault. Braggadocio? Grift? Why put that in a book? It certainly hasn’t helped her political career.

  18. drwilliams says:

    Take the time to smell the chihuahuas. 

  19. brad says:

    This entire trial is about eliminating the Trumpster from the ballots.

    The current lawfare witch-hunt is just an embarrassing circus. Hey, be happy – the prog’s are too dumb to realize that they are actually doing Trump a favor.

    Trump wasn’t a good President. He surrounded himself with yes-men, paid no attention to the Swamp around him, and therefore achieved nearly nothing. Which was, admittedly, better than having Hillary! would have been.  So it’s the same kind of decision this year: Trump, full of sound and fury, achieving nothing? Or Biden, who is a net negative?

    Wouldn’t it be nice to have candidate who is, I dunno, actually competent? Ah, well, if wishes were horses…

    Take the time to smell the chihuahuas.


  20. ITGuy1998 says:

    Trump, yeah not a great President. He did give us some good things though, with the greatest being….

    Hillary will never be President.

    Everything else is gravy.

  21. Ken Mitchell says:

    Kristi Noem’s “I shot my dog” story just keeps getting worse based on her own pie-hole.

    Sometimes a man needs to shoot his own dog. I’ll accept Noem’s story of the necessity. But it was idiocy to put it in her own book. 

  22. drwilliams says:

    The morally superior—or rather those who see themselves that way—have someone else do the killing. 

  23. Lynn says:

    The middle east respects a strong horse, so looking at it coldly: reducing Gaza to rubble and killing anyone that took part in October 7 should garner plenty of that.

    Hamas could stop this at any time. All they have to do is lay down their weapons and surrender. They won’t, because they want maximum civilian casualties. They don’t care if those casualties are their own people. In fact, for political purposes, they prefer it that way.

    Turning over dead hostages? Seems like a great way to really piss off the Israelis.

    The more civilian casualties amongst the Palestinians, the less mouths to feed.

  24. Lynn says:

    ““Climate Friendly Beef” Is Here and It’s Terrifying”

    “In 1965, cigarette companies were forced though regulations to ad warning labels to their killer products. We’re seeing today’s USDA doing the opposite in the beef industry. Instead of warning people about health dangers, they’re taking products that pose health dangers and slapping a new “Climate Friendly Beef” label on them.”

    “What does it take for mega-food companies like Tyson Foods or McDonald’s to slap such a government-approved label on their beef? Apparently, nobody outside of the 3rd-party vendors working for the bureaucracy know for sure and they’re not revealing their standards. Moreover, the USDA is refusing to reveal what’s being done to the cattle or the land in order to fulfill the requirements to receive the “Climate Friendly Beef” label, demanding instead for inquiring minds to file a Freedom of Information Act request.”

    Be scared.  Bureaucrats acting in secret with an agenda is not good.

    Hat tip to:

  25. Lynn says:

    I found out why Sam’s Club only sold one tire to my wife.  They only had one tire in stock by the time she got there.  Either only one tire came in or they sold one of the tires to somebody else.  


    She has ordered another tire.

  26. Lynn says:

    “Trump wants to levy his new tariff regime ‘quickly.’ Here’s how long it might take.”

    “Donald Trump is pondering an array of novel legal authorities to make his historic new wave of tariffs a reality if he wins.”

    I am pro tariff to a certain amount.  I am not sure what that amount is.   At least 25% for China though.

  27. Rick H says:

    I’d get a new set from America’s Tires (Discount Tires perhaps in your area), then take the old tire back to Sams for a refund. 

    And never buy tires from Sams again.

  28. Lynn says:

    “Police in the Netherlands Uses BULLDOZERS To Raze Pro-Hamas Camp at the University of Amsterdam, Clashes With Protesters in the Streets”

    I am ok with this.

  29. Greg Norton says:

    “What does it take for mega-food companies like Tyson Foods or McDonald’s to slap such a government-approved label on their beef? Apparently, nobody outside of the 3rd-party vendors working for the bureaucracy know for sure and they’re not revealing their standards. Moreover, the USDA is refusing to reveal what’s being done to the cattle or the land in order to fulfill the requirements to receive the “Climate Friendly Beef” label, demanding instead for inquiring minds to file a Freedom of Information Act request.”

    My guess is that McDonalds will eventually be allowed to take EBT cards for payment if they adhere to the agenda.

  30. Greg Norton says:

    I found out why Sam’s Club only sold one tire to my wife.  They only had one tire in stock by the time she got there.  Either only one tire came in or they sold one of the tires to somebody else.  


    She has ordered another tire.

    Don’t forget to check the date codes on both of the “new” tires.

  31. Nick Flandrey says:

    Client’s problem is blown video output on his Denon AVR amp…   that’s like the 3rd or 4th time.   There has to be a design defect.


  32. paul says:

    ^^ Is it driving one display or several at the same time?  Might need a whatchamacallit  gizmo like a video amp. 

    No. I don’t know.  I’m just tossing an idea into the hat. 

  33. Nick Flandrey says:

    @paul, not a bad thought.   I think it’s EMI from lightning nearby.   I am considering putting a cheap video splitter or amp in the signal path right after the AVR.   Ne w version of the AVR is $1200 which is nuts.


  34. Nick Flandrey says:

    Due to system constraints I need a receiver that can be controlled thru rs232 as a replacement… which is limiting, and more costly.


  35. Ray Thompson says:

    I think it’s EMI from lightning nearby

    At my old church when I was in charge of the media, a lightning strike in town took out the HDMI input port on a $10K laser projector. I had to get a HDMI to composite converter. Having left two years ago I have no idea what is, or is not working.

    The church had a 2″ water pipe used for the fire sprinklers break during a freeze. When the piece thawed it spew water, a lot of it. Water movement in the pipe triggered the fire alarm to the alarm company, which the alarm company promptly ignored as they thought it was a false alarm.

    The basement filled with water over the next 8 hours. The sanctuary, being slanted, filled with a lot of water. Eventually reaching the main doors at which point the police on their routine patrol noticed water coming out the doors.

    Tens of thousands of gallons of water can do an awful lot of damage. Insurance covered the damage which was close to a million dollars. I think the alarm company insurance should be on the hook for a large chunk of the damage but I was not privy to that information.

    Why the he!! am I wandering? Jeez! Get a life!

  36. paul says:
     EMI from lightning nearby

    Yeah.  I get that shirt-r  here.  I mowed a bit with the Toro string trimmer (it’s like one of the DR trimmers) (I like it.) so the wISP guys don’t have to wade through the weeds.  If they ever show.  I found the circuit board for my blown up radio.  Well charred.  The Ethernet jack looks to have melted off of the board.

    I think I’m lucky that I just lost my router and a brand new switch/hub and not everything connected to the switch.

    The GFCI in the boat shed is toasted.  Trips after 6 seconds or so.  It’s going to be a pain to replace because by memory the stupid thing is riveted in.  I might just use a regular plug.  I’m gonna die of something anyway. 

  37. paul says:

    A couple of years ago when we had the Big Freeze and it was ZERO here with almost a foot of fluffy snow, the water valve on the dishwasher froze.  Yeah, I know. the insulation under the floor is lacking.

    Tell ya what, a quarter inch pipe, like you connect to your fridge for the ice maker, puts out a LOT of water.  

  38. mediumwave says:

    Tell ya what, a quarter inch pipe, like you connect to your fridge for the ice maker, puts out a LOT of water.  

    Which is why I make ice cubes the old-fashioned way, in trays.

  39. paul says:

    What kind of roof does he have?  Metal roof should help.  Maybe add some surge suppressors at the electric meter?   Maybe add a couple more ground rods at the meter?  

    And not to be too stupid,  it’s easy for me to be so,  you have the ferrite gizmos on on the rs232 wires?  Shielded wires?  Maybe if all the AV stuff is in a closet, white trash it and cover the walls and ceiling with metal.  Like you see on barns.  You can paint it to make it pretty.  Then ground the heck outta it.  

    Yeah, a Faraday cage of sorts. 

  40. Ken Mitchell says:

    People paying for sex has been happening since the penis was invented. 

    No. People paying for sex has been happening since MONEY  was invented. 

    Before then, powerful men just took what they wanted. And sometimes, they still do.

  41. drwilliams says:

    “Bureaucrats acting in secret with an agenda is not good should be terminated.”

    Pick whichever definition you want, but the sooner the better.

  42. drwilliams says:


    “Police in the Netherlands Uses BULLDOZERS To Raze Pro-Hamas Camp at the University of Amsterdam, Clashes With Protesters in the Streets”

    I am ok with this.

    Ok? Should be minimum standard response in the U.S.A.

  43. drwilliams says:

    “McDonalds will eventually be allowed to take EBT cards for payment if they adhere to the agenda.”

    And have the American taxpayer pay for $18 Big Mac Meals?

    Not just no but NFW.

  44. Greg Norton says:

    “McDonalds will eventually be allowed to take EBT cards for payment if they adhere to the agenda.”

    And have the American taxpayer pay for $18 Big Mac Meals?

    Not just no but NFW.

    You already pay for Papa Murphy’s. The loophole is that the food is not pre-cooked.

    That was the most popular pizza chain around the Portland Metro when we left a decade ago. It took me a while to figure out why the lines were out the door, especially on nights when the school had a big event.

    We had Papa Murphy’s in Tampa, but no one ate there. The same is true here in the Austin suburbs.

  45. drwilliams says:

    Trump had 

    1) two impeachments from a rabid Democratic congress lead by an entitled witch who has spent decades leveraging her political position to enrich herself

    2) accusations of Russian influence emanating from Hillary Clinton, Perkins Coie, and other major democratic players who have no morals, no patriotism, and no gods other than power and stacking their bank accounts

    3) a Deep State full of traitors

    4) a military full of p*ssies

    5) a GOP national committee that totally punted on one of their primary duties–to assist a new president in staffing his administration

    6) A GOP full of neocons that would rather help the Democrats sell out the country than defend it

    7) a MSM full of commies, traitors. liars, and p*ssies

    8) an inherited public health establishment with great PT and a record of decades of failure and fear mongering

    9) a GOP Senate that never passed by an opportunity to fail, led by a never-was “maverick” whose main claim to fame was friendship with The Kennedy We Missed, one of the biggest traitors of the twentieth century

    10) eight years of PLT wreckage that included the destruction of the health care system and a blank check to leftist universities* 

    So, pull-ease, those of you who ignore the above and forget

    1) low interest rates

    2) no foreign powers that doubted the consequences of trying anything foolish

    3) low gas prices and a nearly-full SPR

    4) a controlled southern border

    5) the Abraham Accords*

    take a shot at explaining who could have done better?

    And include how anyone who inherited the “experts” in public health could have brought anyone on staff that would have done a better job steering him through Kungflu?

    If I were twenty years younger I’d put my name in the hat for science advisor, then offer to fight the rest of the candidates in a cage match. 

    * The above lists are not exhaustive, but a good start.

  46. drwilliams says:

    “You already pay for Papa Murphy’s. The loophole is that the food is not pre-cooked.”

    It’s not a loophole, it’s a limitation that keeps costs under control and feeds 3-4 for $18 rather than 1. 

  47. drwilliams says:

    “Our Founding Fathers weren’t remotely interested in preserving the right to have what was popular. They were trying to preserve our right to keep and bear arms so we would be a threat to any attempt at tyranny, either originating here or abroad.”

    As JEP pointed out, Washington took cannon home after the war. Field artillery must have been common use. 

  48. drwilliams says:

    Columbia Faculty Members Strike in Solidarity With Arrested Anti-Israel Students

    Really impressive photo of masked cowards.

    January 2025 Executive Order

    Sequestering grants to university professors whose public speech, social media footprint, or publishing history are not free of religious and racist content. 

  49. Greg Norton says:

    1) low interest rates

    Printing press money. It wasn’t real. The Fed bought the mortgage paper and the unsold Treasuries.

  50. MrAtoz says:


    President Biden Says If Israel Invades Rafah, the US Will Stop Providing Offensive Weapons

    What a joke. FJB. The spineless Redumblicans will do nothing about it except to send more to Ukraine.

  51. Lynn says:

    Wow, ERCOT is pulling more than 3,000 MW off the battery systems right now.  The solar collapsed when the sun went down (the solar was 16,000 MW today at peak) and ERCOT got into a squeeze.  They shot the price up to $5,000 / MWH ($35 / MWH is normal).

    ERCOT is going to have a tough summer.  Off course, one of the nukes is being refueled, several of the coal plants are down for maintenance, and some of the natural gas plants are down).  This should be all cleared up by June 1.

    Of course, the wind power barely came up at dusk. I guess this atmospheric inversion and smoke is over most of the state.

    69,000 MW demand load in May. Unreal.

  52. Lynn says:

    President Biden Says If Israel Invades Rafah, the US Will Stop Providing Offensive Weapons

    What a joke. FJB. The spineless Redumblicans will do nothing about it except to send more to Ukraine.

    That would be a violation of his duties.  However, since he is violating everything and anything of his constitutional duties, nothing new.

    If Israel has to use nukes then that comes back on Biden.

  53. drwilliams says:

    1) low interest rates

    “Printing press money. It wasn’t real. The Fed bought the mortgage paper and the unsold Treasuries.”

    So? Compared to now?

  54. drwilliams says:

    “That would be a violation of his duties.  However, since he is violating everything and anything of his constitutional duties, nothing new.”

    Should we borrow the Ceaușescu Memorial Wall or start one of our own?

    You know the Price Is Right putting game where they place items in order of cost to determine where they put from? We could do a variation with items having named prices and the guess is 2020 price or 2024 price. Firing squad starts at 100 yards and advances halfway until they lose.

  55. drwilliams says:

    North Carolina Student Sues School Board After Being Suspended for Saying ‘Illegal Aliens’

    On April 9, sophomore Christian McGhee raised his hand and asked his English teacher whether her reference to the word “aliens” referred to “space aliens, or illegal aliens who need green cards?” Although there was no substantial disruption to the class, the school decided to suspend Christian for three days out of school, with the administration equating his question to a vicious racial slur. Christian was also prohibited from competing in a season-defining track meet. No appeal was permitted.

    Take a page from the Portland antifa and set the school boards cars on fire in protest.

    “illegal alien” is a legal term of definition in U.S. law. Calling it a “vicious racial slur” is a damnable lie.

  56. Nick Flandrey says:

    I was watching the press conference with the interim guy while testing video this afternoon.   Interim guy has a deficit of pigmentation, so probably won’t become the actual chief.

    Remember our previous chief, the gun grabber, left in the night for Miami, where his tenure was very short.   No idea where HE ended up.


  57. drwilliams says:

    “I want to say, shame on this committee for doing this. Apparently … the majority members keep attacking the NPR CEO Katherine Maher because she’s not here. They gave her one-week notice, she’s a brand new CEO and today is her board meeting, her first board meeting as CEO, and you want to haul her in here so that you can rake her over the coals for your partisan issues. Shame on this committee! I’m beside myself. I think it’s outrageous.” Democratic Colorado Rep. Diana DeGette

    Past time to zero out NPR’s budget–another neocn failure.

    But having DeGette beside herself presents an opportunity: Send her right/left fingerpointing “I’m With Stupid” teeshirts.

  58. drwilliams says:

    A nice, calm and respectable lady went into the pharmacy, walked right up to the pharmacist, looked straight into his eyes, and said, “I would like to buy some cyanide.”
    The pharmacist asked, “Why in the world do you need cyanide?”
    The lady replied, “I need it to poison my husband.”
    The pharmacists eyes got big and he exclaimed, “Lord have mercy! I can’t give you cyanide to kill your husband! That’s against the law! I’ll lose my license! They’ll throw both of us in jail! All kinds of bad things will happen. Absolutely not! You CANNOT have any cyanide!”
    The lady reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of her husband in bed with the pharmacist’s wife. 
    The pharmacist looked at the picture and replied, “Well now. That’s different. You didn’t tell me you had a prescription.”

    h/t to AoSHQ

  59. drwilliams says:

    I see EV drivers whining about freeloading being a little less free:

    “It is more like a penalty,” a gentleman by the name of Jeff Shoffner, a Tennessee EV owner, told the FT for a story that came out this week. “I’m not averse to paying the extra fee, but I think it’s too high.”

    The comments were prompted by Tennessee’s decision to double the state registration fee for EV owners from $100 to $200.

    Round figures: Fed tax $0.18, State 0.32, Total $0.50/gallon. At 25 MPG, that’s $0.02/mile. At 10,000 miles per year that’s $200, so EV owners are still not paying their weight.

    Not familiar with TN licensing. Do they not have a value component when registering ICE autos? 

  60. nick flandrey says:

    Also, EVs are HEAVY and go thru tires faster (I’ve been told) which would imply MORE wear on the roads than a regular car…     make ’em pay!!!



  61. nick flandrey says:

    Chihuahua/dachshund mix had a baby possum in his mouth he was shaking to death.   Dang dog goes all ratter on me but not on actual rats.  Guess he wanted some meat to go with the biscuit he stole at dinner time.


  62. drwilliams says:

    Hans Bader on Selective Law Enforcement
    Police in some major cities are refusing to enforce the law against protest “encampments”

     David Bernstein| 5.4.2024 4:25 PM

    Law professor David Bernstein notes that “Baltimore police will not assist in removing illegal encampment at Johns Hopkins University. Worse, they actually praise the illegal encampment as a valid exercise of First Amendment rights, which is complete nonsense. It’s especially nonsensical because most of the protesters are trespassers with no connection to the university.”

    “The City of Baltimore strongly stands with every person’s First Amendment rights. Barring any credible threat of violence or similarly high threshold to protect public safety, BPD currently has no plans to engage solely to shut down this valid protest or remove protesters,” said the Baltimore police department in a statement apparently dictated by the mayor’s office.

    Contrary to what this statement claims, there is no “First Amendment” right to camp out on public property, much less private property like the campus of Johns Hopkins University, which can tell trespassers to leave regardless of whether they are engaged in First Amendment activity. Camping out on someone else’s property is not a “valid protest,” even if the protesters have not yet made any “threat of violence.” The Supreme Court ruled that protesters do not have a right to camp out even on public property devoted to public use, like national parks, in Clark v. Community for Creative Non-Violence (1984).

    Yet Neetu Arnold of the National Association of Scholars notes that Philadelphia is similarly refusing to clear out a protest camp at the University of Pennsylvania, a private Ivy League university: “Philadelphia Police ignores Penn’s request to disband unauthorized encampment. The university has to provide proof that the encampment poses an imminent danger. Penn students have received multiple warnings to avoid the immediate area.” The Daily Pennsylvanian reports the the “Philadelphia Police Department declines to disband encampment after Penn requests immediate help.”

    As a University of Pennsylvania alumnus notes, these illegal protests are only being allowed by progressive officials because of the viewpoint they are expressing. If the protesters were “white nationalists waving nazi flags and telling black people they should go back to Africa I’m sure [police] would be out there pretty quickly” to remove them.

    As Professor Bernstein observes , allowing the illegal encampment at Johns Hopkins to persist despite the university’s objections is a bad idea: “This one poses a special danger to public safety because, I’m told by a reliable source, ‘almost none’ of the people manning the encampment are Hopkins students. They are professional agitators from ‘the community.'”

    No city would tolerate such trespassing if the protesters’ ideology were different — such as if they were white nationalists, whose speech is protected by the First Amendment despite their repellent ideology. (The Supreme Court ruled  in favor of a First Amendment lawsuit by white nationalists in 1992, because even racist protests are protected by the First Amendment, see Forsyth County v. Nationalist Movement (1992). Even on campus, racist speech such as Nazi meetings, can be protected , see National Socialist White People’s Party v. Ringers (1973)).

    This favoritism by progressive cities violates the First Amendment. According to the Supreme Court, the government cannot favor certain kinds of protests over others. (See Police Department v. Mosley (1972)).

    When someone posted non-threatening confederate-flag flyers saying “Huzzah for Dixie” at American University in 2017, the local FBI office investigated the flyers as if the First Amendment did not exist, at the request of the university. Law enforcement investigated the speech, even though courts in Washington, DC had ruled that far worse, blatantly racist speech was protected by the First Amendment. (See, e.g., United States v. Popa  (1999)).

    Some actual law to counter the b.s. coming from some universities and elected officials, as well as comments about the illegality of viewpoint discrimination.

    Didn’t Phil Collins do a song “Illegal Alien”? Is he a racist now?

  63. Alan says:

    Re tires, Discount Tire charges (for 4 tires) $88 for installation and $187 for road hazard coverage. The tires themselves were the same price at Costco but both services are now free at Costco. Sorry DT but not gonna leave $275 on the table. 

  64. drwilliams says:

    Make sure the services are the same:

    installation = remove old tires, mount and balance new tires, re-install?

    dispose of old tires?

    new valve stems?

    lifetime balance and rotation?

    valid at all locations?

  65. Alan says:

    All included at Costco plus Nitrogen inflation. 

  66. Nick Flandrey says:

    Too late for belgium 

    Prosecutors have opened an investigation into the sickening gang rape of a 14-year-old girl in a wooded area in Belgium by ten other minors.

    The girl, who remains unidentified for privacy reasons, was allegedly lured into a wooded area called Kabouterbos in Kortrijk, West Flanders (five miles from the French border), by her teenage boyfriend over the Easter school break.

    Upon enticing her into the forest, close to an area used by mountain bikers, the boyfriend is said to have attacked his young partner before allegedly allowing several other boys to sexually assault her as well. Reports said the group filmed the attack on their smartphones and posted clips to social media. 

    Prosecutors have arrested ten suspected perpetrators aged between 11 and 16 and hauled them in for questioning, according to local reports.

    Belgian outlet Nieuwsblad said the suspects were ‘believed to be young people of immigrant origin’. It added that six of the suspects had been placed in a closed institution, while the other four were placed under house arrest.

    ‘These are horrible facts,’ he said. ‘The question is how it is possible that these children have lost all sense of norms. What should we do with this? 

    The attackers did not think they were doing anything wrong.   They posted the video.  The norms of Belgium’s good citizens are not the norms of the attackers.  Never will be.  And it’s not the first time…

    The case in Belgium comes three years after another, similarly horrific incident shocked the country when a 14-year-old girl was raped by a group of young men in a cemetery in Ghent, in East Flanders.

    Aged between 14 and 19, the group filmed the attack and circulated the footage on social media. The victim later took her own life.

    It’s coming here too.


  67. Alan says:

    >>Reflecting on a Sunday evening ‘happening’.

    I was in a local food retailer doing a small shop, when suddenly to my right there was a young employee shouting at a young man with a big bag on my left who was cleaning out the meat cabinet.  She was shouting at him to get out, but I would expect she is instructed to not physically engage with the thief, and he was taking little notice.

    I did not think, I immediately stepped forward and physically ushered him to the exit (he complained about the rough handling!!).

    The young employee said that that was the third of fourth time he had stolen from the shop that day.  He had the appearance of someone with a drug problem.

    I acted on instinct, rather than a considered response. Pleased with the outcome, but it could have been quite different.

    @PaultheManc, be better “prepared”… or stay away from Mickey D’s… 

    Please stay safe! 

  68. Lynn says:

    “Shocking poll: Nearly 1 in 3 Americans live in constant pain”

    NEW YORK — Pain can come in many forms, but a new poll has arrived at one unsettling conclusion: Nearly a third of Americans are in a constant state of pain. Three in 10 Americans say they haven’t had a pain-free day in more than a month, with 28 percent adding they feel some kind of pain every single day.”

    “The survey of 2,000 Americans also revealed that nearly half of respondents suffer from chronic pain – whether diagnosed or not. Over a quarter (26%) who deal with chronic pain have dealt with it for 13 years or longer.”

    “Conducted by Talker Research and commissioned by Ancestral Supplements, the survey discovered that the average American started to feel aches and pains at age 37. The most common pains that pop up are in the legs (39%), neck (29%), and shoulders (29%). However, other respondents noted that their back was their biggest issue each day.”

    Welcome to life.   I personally believe that we were designed for a life of 45 years (that is when the eyes start to go bad).  Everything after that is off warranty.

    And yes, I hurt all over.  Mostly the back, arms, and shoulders.  Occasional knee pain.

  69. Alan says:

    >>The other that gets me is people complaining of having no money and smoking a pack of cigarettes each day. Probably each person in the partnership. With 12 lottery tickets in their pockets and stopping at the lottery counter at the QuickieMart to get buy some scratch off tickets while holding a six pack of beer in one hand. But they certainly saved a lot of money on dental procedures by not doing any.

    These are the people you see who skip “playing” their scratch-off lottery tickets and just scratch the card’s validation code and scan them to see if they won enough for the next airline-style mini bottle of Fireball. 

  70. Alan says:

    >>But they certainly saved a lot of money on dental procedures by not doing any. 

    Hey, no teeth = no cavities. And on sale, raman is three for a dollar. 

  71. Alan says:

    >>A high powered laser1911 with a green dot for aiming, fitted with AI (ain’t everything configured as such today?) that burns a small large exit hole in one of the arms (or both) and failing that target the cheeks next. Might be cheaper than insurance.


  72. Alan says:

    It’s just a noise – whack it a couple times with a hammer and hit the GO button – tahw dluoc og gnorw??

  73. Gavin says:

    be better “prepared”… or stay away from Mickey D’s…

    The next escalation, and I think it’s coming soon, is intervening with a weapon instead of an argument. Not just in the McDonald’s type of situation. Also in the Belgium type situations.

  74. Norman says:

    Re EVs, I saw a news story a few weeks back, some London boroughs have trebled the cost of residents parking permits for EVs due to their excessive weight damaging the road surface and kerbs.

    In my hometown of Brighton the bus company is on the hook for huge costs bought about by them diverting their hybrid/EV buses through a residential street where their excessive weight (30% more than normal diesel buses) collapsed sewers, damaged water pipes and house foundations.

  75. brad says:

    Holiday here – Catholic area, so Ascension Day is a big thing. Can’t work in the garden, because that’s “work” and you don’t work on Sundays or holidays. So…household stuff, surfing the Internet, and probably reading a book.

    I am pro tariff to a certain amount.

    Tariffs make sense for trading partners who “cheat”. Which China does, by heavily subsidizing certain industries. Also for trading partners who don’t follow rules (like working conditions) that you find important.

    Police in the Netherlands Uses BULLDOZERS To Raze Pro-Hamas Camp

    The media here has also turned a corner. There have now been articles about “student” protests being cleared out, and how it is *leftist* violence that is a problem.

    ERCOT is pulling more than 3,000 MW off the battery systems right now.  The solar collapsed when the sun went down (the solar was 16,000 MW today at peak) and ERCOT got into a squeeze.  They shot the price up to $5,000 / MWH ($35 / MWH is normal).

    Um…were they *surprised* when the sun went down? Don’t they have natural gas plants just for such situations?

    100:1 price changes show lousy planning more than anything else.

    …the sickening gang rape of a 14-year-old girl. …the suspects were ‘believed to be young people of immigrant origin’.

    Of course they are.

    “How are we going to solve this?”

    Convict, then immediately and forcefully deport. Easy.

    Edit: The girl has apparently committed suicide.

  76. Nick Flandrey says:

    So it is murder charges for the 10 “youths”?


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