Day: January 15, 2020

Wed. Jan. 15, 2020 – I’m sure to learn something tonight

Wet, warmish. [70F and wet on the ground]

Drizzle most of yesterday with the sun finally coming out in the afternoon. Still have water everywhere it’s so damp.

Tonight I’ve got the first meeting for our ISD ‘community leadership development’ program. Since we’re the first cohort through the program, I’ve got no idea how or what exactly it will be, but based on the calendar, we’ll be getting a good idea of how the district works. Tonight’s topic is school security. I hope we don’t get bogged down in the shooting yesterday.


Cartel wars in Mexico seem to be heating up. I’d say to our border state residents – stay aware and stay awake, but it goes for everyone. The cartels and the illegals have thoroughly penetrated every corner of our nation.


Not cartel related, but another officer involved shooting/ defensive gun use-

I counted 14 shots. I’m beginning to think about a .40 or a .45. These guys aren’t stopping. Carry and practice your reload. Don’t let the SOB close with you.

Things are getting worse, and will continue to do so. Use the time to get ready.


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