Day: February 26, 2024

Mon. Feb. 26, 2024 – yes, we have no bananas, we have no bananas today…

Cool and damp in Houston, with clouds and overcast… my best guess for conditions 6 hours from when I’m writing this. Based on current conditions anyway. We’ll see how the day progresses.

It was certainly nice at the BOL, even with the howling wind. It was warm enough that the wind felt nice rather than raw.

I got most of my list for the weekend done. Stuff got transported to the BOL, I did the things I hoped to do. Got seeds in the ground, which is more than I’ve done here at home, or in my own patch up there. It’s that time for us, soon it’ll be too late for some things. Check with your local ag extension service, and get some gardening happening. The learning curve is steep. Start climbing it.

And if you have a black thumb like me, instead of a green one, stack more food!

Today I’ve got auction stuff, drop offs and maybe pickups. I’ve got to finish the tub repair too. And any other thing that pops up. It’s sure to be a normal day, which will provide all the challenges I need… PLUS now I’m counting down to the Hamfest. I’ll be making lists, digging in bins, looking in the garage, patio, attic, storage units, and secondary location to find the stuff I put aside for the swapmeet and then forgot about, and I swear, I WILL do some price research this time, at least for the test gear and some of the radios… and reserve a trailer. I just realized it will be the first weekend of the month, and trailer rentals might be scarce.

There is always something more to do. Just gotta do it. Get to stacking. And doing whatever it is YOU need to do.


Louis Prima

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