Day: February 21, 2022

Mon. Feb. 21, 2022 – 02212022 – Presidents’ Day, or just another day to work

Cool-ish and plenty damp. Misty fog in the forecast.  Probably clearing later.  It’s how yesterday started, and ended.  With parts of Houston getting showers, I only got mist on the north side, and west side.

I spent the day doing stuff, and then the afternoon and evening moving heavy stuff around at my secondary and storage unit.  That made two days in a row with lifting and carrying and my back is killing me.

Kids are home today, so I’m home too.   I have plenty to do but very little interest in doing it.  I feel like I should be doing our normal hurricane prep– what with the things going on on the world stage, and closer to home.

I should feel a sense of urgency, but I can’t muster the energy.  Disaster fatigue?  Who knows.  Time is short though.

Go stack something.  Lots of somethings.


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