Thur. Dec. 6, 2018 – more funeral

By on December 6th, 2018 in Random Stuff

Less cold, a bit drier. 53F this morning.

Scanner already has traffic related to the visitation? Lying in state? Whatever will be going on w/ Former President Bush… I’m not moved. I can’t think of a much fuller life or more appropriate time to leave. I hate the cult of personality and the idea of dynastic families. It’s a good reminder for the proles that there are ‘hidden hands’ moving the pieces.

Time to make the donuts….


43 Comments and discussion on "Thur. Dec. 6, 2018 – more funeral"

  1. nick flandrey says:

    ” Foreign men..”

    Ten-year-old girl ‘was repeatedly raped by foreign grooming gang’ in Finland – prompting police to warn of ‘foreign men’ contacting underage girls on social media

    Ten-year-old girl allegedly repeatedly raped by grooming gang in Finland
    Seven men, who have all migrated to Finland in recent years, arrested
    Shocking sexual assaults ‘took place over several months in suspects’ homes’
    Police in Oulu, northern Finland, believe they ‘met’ victim online”

    Diversity is our strength.


  2. JimL says:

    Diversity can be our strength, when it is assimilated into a common whole. “E Pluribus Unum” – the key being “Unum”. Right now, we’re divided. We need time to become one once again.

    32º and cloudy / snowing right now. Should be snowing right through Friday. Roads are clear / dry enough that it’s safe to run on most of them. The busier ones have sidewalks that are clear, so it’s “good enough”. Thank God it’s not raining or blowing right now, or I’d be stuck inside.

    Saturday is “the Godmothers’ Party” – for the 3 kinder. Being an un-Catholic, I never cultivated friends to ask to be Godfathers, so that’s a no-go. (To be honest, I simply don’t cultivate friends, so that would be a bust if I were Catholic.) It will be a good time, and at least one of them drinks beer, so it won’t be too terribly boring.

  3. Greg Norton says:

    Diversity is our strength.

    I don’t think it will be long before some dormant genetics wake up in Europe and camps start to open. Denmark already has an island where they send the criminal immigrants.

  4. Greg Norton says:

    I hate the cult of personality and the idea of dynastic families.

    Fortunately, the dynasties eventually run out of gas in this country. The genetics get watered down as the subsequent generations marry high society types.

    My wife and I laughed when Jeb! announced for President. His ex-Playboy Bunny girlfriend was an open secret in Tallahassee while he was Governor, and being President would have meant giving her up for 4-8 years.

    Jeb!’s offspring, George P., *might* run for TX Governor one day, but he’s the only Bush grandchild I’m aware of with political ambitions.

    George P. grew up in FL, but, in FL, “Governor Opie”, another dynasty heir, was a done deal among the establishment for 20 years … until it wasn’t after the 2016 Republican primary.

    As I said, dynasties run out of gas. I despised Adam “Opie” Putnam when he was our RINO congressman and always voted Libertarian in those elections. I’m obviously not the only registered (R) voter in FL who felt that way.

  5. nick flandrey says:

    More diversity, closer to home, VIRGINIA- not the TX border…

    Illegal immigrant MS-13 gangster is jailed for 30 years after hacking a man to death with a machete by stabbing him 144 TIMES because he said the notorious gang ‘did not make the rules in America’

    Walter Antonio Argueta Amaya, 21, is one of four MS-13 gang members who pleaded guilty to killing Marvin Joel Rivera Guevara
    Guevara, 24, was struck at least 144 times by the machete in Albemarle County
    He was targeted after saying MS-13 did not make the rules in America
    The attack was so violent Guevara had to be identified by DNA and the handle of the knife broke off from the blade
    Amaya now faces deportation on his release after Guevara’s brutal slaying”

    added- why is this POS going to ever be released?

  6. Greg Norton says:

    I thought BJ and Cankles would at least wait until January to start dropping dimes on Robert Francis. I guess they want to nip it early, prior to the Houston hoe-down.

  7. brad says:

    “Denmark already has an island where they send the criminal immigrants.”

    Yep. Unfortunately, it’s not quite a prison – AFAIK, they only have to return at night. Of course the SJWs are all up in arms, but seriously? Which part of “criminal” and “not a citizen” is unclear?

    There are two parts of the problem though. First, not all countries are willing to take their citizens back. Part of the definition of a sh*thole country, I suppose. And for those that are: how do you get these guys (they’re almost all young guys, of course) – how do you get them back? In Switzerland, it’s usually a special chartered flight, because you have to send piles of police to force them onto the plane at this end, and force them off at the other. In extreme cases, they have to be bound hand and foot for the trip. It’s expensive, difficult, and attracts all sorts of great publicity.

    It would be infinitely better to stop them from getting here. Force the boats back to the African coast; sink them if necessary. Where there’s a land border, shoot anyone climbing the fence. Anyone who has arrived illegally gets deported – not after years, but as soon as they are caught. Do this for a couple of months, and you would actually save lives, because the flood would stop…

    I’ll be fascinated to see which countries sign the UN Compact on Migration. Part of the protests in France is demanding that France not sign, despite Macron’s promise to do so. The US isn’t going to sign. Looks like Switzerland is, but we can hope that there will be a referendum against it. Not sure about anywhere else…

  8. lynn says:

    Breaking Cat News: The robber mice have police records

    I am shocked, shocked I tell you !

  9. lynn says:

    BC: Clubbing in the age of enlightenment


  10. lynn says:

    Scanner already has traffic related to the visitation? Lying in state? Whatever will be going on w/ Former President Bush… I’m not moved. I can’t think of a much fuller life or more appropriate time to leave. I hate the cult of personality and the idea of dynastic families. It’s a good reminder for the proles that there are ‘hidden hands’ moving the pieces.

    His body is taking a BNSF train from Houston to College Station now. He will be interred there with his wife and daughter who passed at the age of three from Leukemia. Going out in style !

  11. lynn says:

    Diversity can be our strength, when it is assimilated into a common whole. “E Pluribus Unum” – the key being “Unum”. Right now, we’re divided. We need time to become one once again.

    Yup. The USA was closed to immigration from 1925 ??? to 1965 ??? for a time of assimilation. We need another 40 year period of assimilation. Instead, at our current rate of immigration, legal and illegal, the USA will be approaching 500 million people by 2050.

  12. lynn says:

    ’ll be fascinated to see which countries sign the UN Compact on Migration. Part of the protests in France is demanding that France not sign, despite Macron’s promise to do so.

    Apparently more people are going to Paris for the riots this weekend. There was reputedly 35,000 rioters last weekend. This will end with Macron resigning.

  13. dkreck says:

    I-5 closed at the Grapevine between Bakersfield and Los Angeles due to snow. Doesn’t take much as CHP wisely doesn’t trust LA drivers in the snow and ice.

  14. MrAtoz says:

    His body is taking a BNSF train from Houston to College Station now. He will be interred with his wife and daughter who passed at the age of three from Leukemia. Going out in style !

    I’m surprised they didn’t drop his coffin from a C-130 with cargo chutes for a last “jump.”

    I wonder what tRump will get when he croaks?

  15. brad says:

    I don’t understand the hoopla around the elder Bush. Past presidents aren’t royalty. He should be buried quietly, with no more fanfare than any other public figure.

    The political class wants us to think if them as our betters. They’re not. Some of them are good, some are evil, most are just mediocre – just like the rest of the population.

  16. nick flandrey says:

    Scanner has the cops escorting the train, they are leapfrogging the crossings I guess. Probably some air support too. Lots of money for sure.

    Entering Navasota, won’t be long to College Station….


  17. Greg Norton says:

    I-5 closed at the Grapevine between Bakersfield and Los Angeles due to snow. Doesn’t take much as CHP wisely doesn’t trust LA drivers in the snow and ice.

    Forget LA. *Portland* drivers aren’t trustworthy in snow and ice. I learned that several times over the four year sentence -er- tenure in the metro.

    This happened *after* we left.

    Portland doesn’t use *rock salt* but they still use a chloride deicer of some kind. I just called it “blue sh*t”.

    Vantucky used sand which was always a friggin’ mess if the snow stuck around for more than half a day.

    The snow was always a surprise to the CA transplants.

  18. nick flandrey says:

    “France Deploys 89,000 Cops Amid Fears Of Yellow Vest Rebellion On Saturday”

    WTF are they getting that many cops?

    OFD would be getting out the pretzels and Moxie…


  19. mediumwave says:

    Is Paris Churning?


    “The immediate cause of the disturbances in France is, of course, the “green tax” that the government sought to impose on French people. In the name of protecting Gaia, the already sky-high fuel prices in France were to be hit with additional taxes. That, however, is only the tip of the iceberg. The foolish economic and social policies of France (and the EU) are making average French people into poor people. To an even greater extent than we have seen on these shores, the middle class is being eliminated, ground into dust. …”

  20. MrAtoz says:

    “France Deploys 89,000 Cops Amid Fears Of Yellow Vest Rebellion On Saturday”

    WTF are they getting that many cops?

    OFD would be getting out the pretzels and Moxie…

    Also, will the UK ever Brexit? That’s our fearless leaders in action. The people vote, and, the royalty do whatever they want.

  21. SteveF says:

    It’s expensive, difficult, and attracts all sorts of great publicity.

    Since you have the choice only between bad publicity and letting feral animals run loose, grab that bad publicity with both hands. Vigilante justice is quick, cheap, and easy, and will cause the remainder to self-deport. I recommend crucifixion, but hanging would possibly get the point across.

    The political class wants us to think if them as our betters.

    Almost all government do — look at the typical pig in his black uniform and armored cruiser or the tax bureaucrat who’s out to prove that everyone* is trying to cheat the government out of its rightful share of your income.

    * Except members of the ruling class, of course.

  22. lynn says:

    “France Deploys 89,000 Cops Amid Fears Of Yellow Vest Rebellion On Saturday”

    WTF are they getting that many cops?

    OFD would be getting out the pretzels and Moxie…

    France is a country of 65 million people. They are pulling the gendarmes out of the country side villages and towns. They do this quite frequently due to the monthly riots in Paris.

    BTW, France is not a very peaceable county. When we were there nine years ago, all public areas were patrolled by trios of army soldiers with machine guns loaded (30 round mags !) and finger over the trigger guard held at the ready with butt on the shoulder. The soldiers wore camo and patrolled in a standard one by two pattern. I thought about asking them if the machine guns got heavy after a while but it is unnerving to talk to somebody holding a machine gun at ready to fire.

    We saw them at the Eiffel Tower and the large train station in the south side of Paris. This was in response to the large groups of Muslims (100s !) wandering around trying to sell trinkets and steal wallets. We quickly learned when the Muslim girl asks you if you speak English then her pimp is right behind you trying to steal your wallet.

    And yes, OFD is enjoying the show. Probably talking with the Camp of the Saints author about how he would update his book.

  23. CowboySlim says:

    I-5 closed at the Grapevine between Bakersfield and Los Angeles due to snow. Doesn’t take much as CHP wisely doesn’t trust LA drivers in the snow and ice.

    Good to know. Then I’ll take SR 14 to Mojave and then SR 58 to Buck Owens Crystal Palace.

  24. Greg Norton says:

    Good to know. Then I’ll take SR 14 to Mojave and then SR 58 to Buck Owens Crystal Palace.

    Believe it or not, Buck Owen’s passing was front page news in Seattle when it happened.

    Roy Clark passed within the last month.

  25. JimL says:

    I’m sorry – I have a hard time believing that anyone with more than a bit of sense would believe that bovine excrement.

  26. Rick Hellewell says:

    WordPress version 5.0 is being auto-updated everywhere. Big feature is the “Gutenberg” editor, which treats everything as a ‘block’. And each block is individually formatted.

    And lots of people aren’t happy – both WP5.0 and Gutenberg editor still have plenty of bugs. I haven’t tried the Gutenberg editor, but don’t see it as an improvement.

    The editor should only affect Nick (and me) as it is in use for post creation/editing. Don’t think it affects the comment editor. There is a plugin to put the ‘classic’ editor back on the post/page editor.

    This place will get an auto-update to WP5.0, as will the rest of the world (WP powers about 30% of all sites). I’ll be watching here (and elsewhere) for issues.

  27. dkreck says:

    Believe it or not, Buck Owen’s passing was front page news in Seattle when it happened.

    As it should have been. He worked there in the late fifties and met Don Rich, the main man of the Buckaroos. Had a show on TV there.

  28. paul says:

    Since you have the choice only between bad publicity and letting feral animals run loose, grab that bad publicity with both hands. Vigilante justice is quick, cheap, and easy, and will cause the remainder to self-deport. I recommend crucifixion, but hanging would possibly get the point across.

    I’m thinking “belly dump helicopters”. If there isn’t such a thing it should be easy enough to create. Load ’em up and fly out over the desert. 500 feet elevation is plenty. Perhaps higher in case of snipers. Give ’em a chance at 30 feet elevation a mile off shore! Buzzards and sharks gotta eat. No bodies to deal with.

    Once you get west of Junction, there isn’t much “there” until you get to California.

    Make the drops where the illegals are crossing. Google Maps is almost good enough to show the actual salt block I have for the critters, I sure the Gov gets a better picture.

    Make videos. Everyone seems to have a smart phone….

    I’m somewhat puzzled why the machete wielding scum don’t suffer injuries in the paddy wagon from jail to court and back.

    Or just build the wall and be done. If it’s “too hard” ask the Israelis or Hungarians how to do it. And actually enforce eVerify by putting folks in jail for hiring illegals.

  29. paul says:

    No bodies to deal with.

    Uh. About that. I have a place “out back” for dead things. It’s just a clearing in the woods.

    Yeah, I get the whole “sanitation” thing. But dry weather and digging in rocky soil?

    A few years ago the raccoons were many. I had a live trap, no bait, next to my chicken coop. In one Summer I caught 45 or so raccoons. Yeah, I saved most of the .22 shells. I have a 2 ounce shot glass heaping full…. one per coon.

    The buzzards would be sitting in the trees. Waiting. They would fly off, scared of a wheelbarrow I suppose. Or me. Or my shadow, Wilma. And the next day, repeat. I never saw a trace beyond tufts of hair.

    So…. some stupid emu runs into a tree and breaks its neck. Off to the clearing. 140 pound or so critter is gone in five days other than a few bones and some feathers.

    I’m just saying it isn’t that hard to get rid of a body. In theory. Clothing will slow the process. If a 140 pound emu is gone in a week…..

  30. lynn says:

    The buzzards would be sitting in the trees. Waiting. They would fly off, scared of a wheelbarrow I suppose. Or me. Or my shadow, Wilma. And the next day, repeat. I never saw a trace beyond tufts of hair.

    We had a fawn get run over by a car in front of the office property a couple of years ago. There are no trees in that area so we got a complete view. Two hundred freaking buzzards ! The fawn was gone in hours.

  31. lynn says:

    And lots of people aren’t happy – both WP5.0 and Gutenberg editor still have plenty of bugs. I haven’t tried the Gutenberg editor, but don’t see it as an improvement.

    All software has bugs, it is just that all XXX most of the bugs are subtle.

  32. nick flandrey says:

    @rick, I’m hoping Jenny puts her earthquake report in as a full post, so it might affect her too….. she’s got a login (or did.)

    I just had a delicious lamb chop dinner.

    Not from the freezer or LTS, just fresh and delicious. I was at costco, and knew time would be short for making dinner. Mmmmmm goooood!

    The last slice of Thanksgiving pie was delicious too.

    Now I have to do some bulk meat breakdown and vac sealing. I’ve waited almost too long, but I’ve been doing other things.

    Some folks are saying we’re gonna get hammered with rain this weekend. NOAA has us on the very edge of the affected area. We’ll see I guess.

    I better get too it.


  33. nick flandrey says:

    @paul, isn’t Emu a meat animal?


  34. Spook says:

    With all due respect to the common usage, what is
    generally called a “buzzard” is actually the Turkey Vulture.

    Turkey vulture (Cathartes aura),
    colloquially called a “buzzard” in parts of North America

  35. Spook says:

    I, too, want to read your earthquake report.
    A few years after the 1964 quake, I saw some of the damage in Anchorage.
    Liquifaction is not a pretty thing.

    Best wishes for all of y’all up there.

  36. lynn says:

    “The Friendship That Made Google Huge”

    “Coding together at the same computer, Jeff Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat changed the course of the company—and the Internet.”

    These guys are freaking brilliant. They actually got Map Reduce to work for Google.

  37. Jenny says:

    Haven’t had a chance to work on the quake report yet. Pulling thoughts together. A meeting tonight went an hour longer than I expected but it seemed like a productive hour so I don’t mind.

    I’ll do it as a separate post – Nick if you don’t care about me potentially overlapping you then I’ll just throw it up when it’s done.

    Heads on pikes. Crucifixition is an inefficient use of posts and rails. Twice as many bad guys with pikes.

    Had a pony as a kid. A friend and I rode our bikes out to their shared pasture land. We were 10 I think. The horses were uncharacteristically spooked and squeezed along an edge of the pasture. There were an obscene amount of buzzards on the ground and in the air. A pregnant mare near term had aborted. We tried really hard to drive off the buzzards with rocks and branches and shouting. I think we imagined we would bury the foal. I remember the grotesque little body. Pretty hard core stuff for a little kid. We got in trouble for messing with the buzzards. We were frightened of them but didn’t understand they could be a danger to us. California buzzards were big, we weren’t.

  38. JimL says:

    This place will get an auto-update to WP5.0, as will the rest of the world (WP powers about 30% of all sites). I’ll be watching here (and elsewhere) for issues.

    To be plain, blunt, and nice, the block editor sucks dead bunnies. I made the mistake of installing the preview on my main site last month and was nearly crippled at a race – I couldn’t update the results in any normal way that would be useful. I grabbed the classic editor almost immediately and rolled myself back. I still use the classic editor.

    My sites rolled to WordPress 5.0 this morning (I forced the update). Then updated my plugins. I then made sure the classic editor was working. The block editor is useless. Dead to Me.

  39. Greg Norton says:

    “Coding together at the same computer, Jeff Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat changed the course of the company—and the Internet.”

    These guys are freaking brilliant. They actually got Map Reduce to work for Google.

    I hate the pair programming concept. I’m glad it works for some people like the guys in the article, but I declined to work for the university full time in part because the boss was a big believer.

    A lot of management types are going to just take away “pair programming works” from reading the article.

    Whenever I’ve seen it used, managers are attempting to fix marginal hiring decisions for whatever reason — nepotism or quota typically — and I’ve never personally seen it work.

  40. paul says:

    @paul, isn’t Emu a meat animal?

    Legs and hip area mostly. It’s similar to lean beef.

  41. ech says:

    All software has bugs, it is just that all XXX most of the bugs are subtle.

    I have a button that says “That’s not a bug. It’s an undocumented feature.”

  42. Miles_Teg says:

    “@paul, isn’t Emu a meat animal?”

    Their leather is fine for making boots and such. (I’m in Australia, the home of the emu.)

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