On this day in 2018, Robert Bruce Thompson passed away. Bob was the originator of this blog, among a great many other things. It’s a rare day that goes by without me thinking of him.
I’ve been “unlocking the door, and turning on the lights” here since he got sick, a task that I thought would be temporary, and short lived. With Barbara’s blessing, I have continued to do so to keep this place, Bob’s memory, and the community that lives here alive.
I’ve now published just over 2500 daily posts, slightly more than half of the total since Bob switched blogging platforms. Over 17,500 comments, of the almost 244,000 total. It’s those 244K comments that tell the real story– it’s the people who keep coming here, reading, commenting, and returning, that make this a special place on the internet and in the world.
The world is a better place for having had Bob in it, and for having all of you in it too.
I hope you will continue to find comradeship and value here, and stay with us as we make our way through whatever is coming, and to better days ahead.
As we move forward, take some time to look back and remember Bob, and the others who are now absent from our lives, but still part of us.
Thank you for the opportunity to continue being a part of your life.
nick flandrey
Rest in Peace, Robert.
Bless Barbara for letting this place carry on.
Bless Nick and Rick for doing the heavy lifting so the rest of us can visit and chew the fat.
Bless us every one.
Bless our great nation and our many people as we struggle to re-establish our country.
I use Bitwarden and like the cloud component. The passwords are available on my other devices. I have messed with Apple’s password app. It is OK but does not currently have the ability to store other notes and documents Such as a scan of my passport. It may get that capability over time. With Bitwarden I can get access to all the information I have stored, on any computer.
It is also important that someone else have access through some method. Bitwarden allows a designated recovery person to try and sign in and will send the account owner an email. If the account owner doesn’t respond in 4 hours, the person can get access. In my case my son. Someone else getting those passwords is important in case the account owner is incapacitated.
+1 on RBT. Some things he and I never agreed on but we were both respectful of each other’s opinion. Especially about FLASLIGHTS.
Spongey (or one of his handlers) issued preemptive pardons. I did not know someone could get a pardon before they were convicted. That is a real stretch, and abuse, of executive power. Spongey may not even know he signed the documents.
And OFD. I’m sure if Dave were still around, he would have posted this link and asked the question:
Is that really the official Inauguration portrait?
Bad Daddy just paid the bail money.
Spongey (or one of his handlers) issued preemptive pardons. I did not know someone could get a pardon before they were convicted. That is a real stretch, and abuse, of executive power. Spongey may not even know he signed the documents.
Does Fauci really want to be in the position of rough justice being the only route available to the population should something seriously amiss get discovered in the “vaccines”?
What? “Screw your freedoms” is only three words.
It is way too late to make “King Conan” if that is the goal of this image rehab for Ahhhhhnold.
Re the preemptive pardons: apparently it’s fine. ChatGPT points out that Nixon’s pardon was also preemptive: he hadn’t been charge with a crime, when Ford pardoned him. The sweeping pardon for Hunter Biden was more egregious – blatantly corrupt. Still…bad optics. I wonder who decided on the pardons – Jill?
FWIW, pardons only cover federal crimes. A state prosecutor could still have some fun.
We’ve already seen it in Florida.
After the Federal Justice Department dragged its feet with bringing charges against the would-be second Trump assassin, the Governor and Attorney General got creative to ensure Ryan Wesley Routh would remain in the custody of the Martin County Sheriff until the trial.
DeSantis will be in charge in Florida for another two years.
Preemptive pardons. Geez, what could be worse…
Melania walks in wearing Cad Bane’s hat…
Maybe she’s saying “got my eyes on you, FauXi.”
Gag, they name everything now. The Artic blast is now Winter Storm Enzo.
Somebody tried to sell me house insurance a couple of years ago that converted my deductable from 1% to 5% for all named storms. I of course told them to pound sand and ran back to Amica.
We need to do something about insurance executives in the USA. They think that they are wall street finance guys and that us peons are here for their amusement.
It’s warmed up a couple of degrees to 31F with sun and blue sky… no wind.
I’ve got a big coffee mug in front of me, and I don’t need a frontal lobotomy, so it’s at least starting as a good day.
SO MANY ways for today to go south, that this would normally be a “heightened awareness” and “reduce exposure to threats” day for me, but I’m just motoring on with nothing but chutzpah and a smile.
Not really nothing as all my stuff is already in place, but there are a few tweaks. I’ll bring home the big box o gas fittings. I’m debating throwing a couple of rolls of pex in the truck too. Don’t really want to strip this place bare (and won’t be, really) but I’ll be in Houston, not here. A roll of 6/4 SOOJW cable, and some various 240v connectors will probably end up in the truck too. Not so much for me, but as a resource if needed…
I don’t think anyone is framing this weather reasonably. I haven’t heard or read one person saying, “Stay in for a day or two, and this will be back to normal. ” They all keep making open ended statements, acting as if this won’t end. Gah.
Time to get moving on my day. I’ll button up here, then load up for home. Should be home before dark.
I hope we don’t have any trouble with the Inauguration, but there isn’t anything I can do about that.
Save who needs saving. Kill who needs killing. Always be working. No one is coming to save you.
Friday is supposed to be beautiful in Austin.
Does Fauci really want to be in the position of rough justice being the only route available to the population should something seriously amiss get discovered in the “vaccines”?
Fauci was on the power trip of his life and made it more so by lying about the R being 3.0 instead of 0.03. His unwilling test subjects in China must have been sick already.
We are in a battle between the communists and the freedom loving general populace. The Civil War still looms large on the horizon.
I will never take another government vaccine. I know many people with the same attitude. And mothers with the same attitude after government vaccines (80+ vaccines in childrens first five years is ridiculus).
I can only stomach a little bit of the inauguration clown show. So many pompous asshats showing their faces and grinning over the applause stroking their egos. Their sense of reality is warped and it affects their mental capacity.
The long national nightmare is over.
The power went out in my neighborhood as soon as Trump finished the oath.
BJ kept looking at … something.
Where was Pam Bondi seated?
Pretty bad. I just left the sound off until the last couple of minutes.
Coolidge’s first inauguration did it right.
I might be tempted to agree if you had said “mRNA vaccine”, but I think you’re throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I’ll just mention “polio” and “smallpox”. Would you refuse those if you were offered them, and you hadn’t had them?
This, I agree, is pushing it a bit.
I think you should qualify that statement with “experimental”. I look at Polio, Smallpox, Measles, etc. vaccines as being tried and true and worthwhile. I remember the polio scare of the ’50s and the devastation it caused people. The arrival of the vaccine was a modern miracle. I might not be here today without those vaccines. Or would you.
My understanding is that SCOTUS has previously ruled that those pardoned are considered to be guilty.
The pardons do not cover state or civil law, and every effort should be used to explore those venues for relief
They have all been called before congressional committees to give testimony under oath, presenting them with marvelous opportunities to perjure themselves and commit new federal crimes.
Maybe start by making deals with those that didn’t get pardons—no jail time in exchange for all the dirt.
The top of the Drudge Report home page features a picture of the ZuckDroid 4.0 taking a good look at Lauren Sanchez’ cleavage at the Inauguration.
Geesh, people, give it a rest for an hour.
I turned the sound back off after DJT’s speech, but….
Some dude without a tie is singing now, I am mildly curious as to what that’s about, but not enough to turn the sound back on.
OK, everyone is leaving.
I guess it was over when the fat guy sang?
TBH, I would prefer a world where I could be uninterested in politics because it was unimportant to me.
Going to be an interesting night here in the AV.
The Vevor diesel heater arrived, and I bought some new clean diesel, maybe I will charge a 12v battery & set it up today.
WHAT… For the Wind Advisory, northeast winds 25 to 35 mph with
gusts up to 55 mph, and locally damaging wind gusts to 65 mph. For
the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 15 to 20
expected. For the Freeze Watch, sub-freezing temperatures as low
as 15 to 20 possible.
WHERE…Antelope Valley.
Got pretty much everything buttoned up. Loaded the truck. Lunch, bathroom break, and I am headed home.
I might be tempted to agree if you had said “mRNA vaccine”, but I think you’re throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I’ll just mention “polio” and “smallpox”. Would you refuse those if you were offered them, and you hadn’t had them?
I took the polio and smallpox vaccines when I was 11 in 1971. The sugar cube and the air gun. And yes, I would take them in a heartbeat.
And yes, I left out the word mRNA.
It is my understanding that most vaccines now are mRNA. I saw something about the new flu and pneumonia vaccines are now mRNA.
mRNA is still a tech requiring Emergency Use Authorization until more studies are done. Control is still estimated at 10-15% of the population, but I would put the number much higher.
Most vaccines use the traditional technology.
So Biden just pardoned more family members? I’m apparently out of touch: who are they and why would he think it necessary?
Please note that Vevor products have no support other than repalcement during the limited warranty period. I have had a couple of small failures (remote quit working) and they offer no service or parts manual and no replacement parts. The small failure resulted the the device becoming completely useless.
On one device the battery box was wired backwards, my son put the batteries in backwards and it works find now.
@Bob Sprowl:
I saw mention of that. TBH I would have used a better vendor if I knew of one.
It is basically the same exact base unit sold by a number of different vendors, from what I can tell, the difference is ranging from just a different decal, to a different paint job and slightly different sheet metal, to different auxiliary items such as the thermostat, fuel tanks and exhaust.
One issue is that some of the lesser vendors sometimes seem to be using non-diesel resistant lines for the fuel, and non heat-rated exhaust pipes, which is more than a bit sketchy.
plugs’ brother Jimbo is as dirty as plugs. The Biden Crime Family. tRump is President and the World has not ended.
Lucky you. You missed the series of three rather painful injections that I, and many others, had to endure. The first was the actual vaccine, the other two given some time later (I don’t remember the gap) were boosters. Everyone in school, I think I was in 1st grade, lined up for the jab. A lot of tears from a lot of people. I remember dreading that third injection.
Then there were the injection guns in basic training for the USAF. We got everything we had in childhood, again. Over the course of three weeks there were four rounds of injections, one in each arm. In the military you either got the injections or you got out.
I’m all in for the States to go after plugs’ pardons. There has to be justice. Pre-emptive pardons are wrong and need to go away.
Boomers looking for someone who can “transcend politics” is how the US ended up with Obama and Texas came close to electing Robert Francis, “The Mexican Bobby Kennedy”, to replace Cruz after his first term.
Camelot will never exist.
Spongey issued pardons for members of his family: his brothers James and Frank, his sister Valerie, and their respective spouses.
Basically anything they have ever done in the past cannot be charged with any federal crimes. The members of his family have not been charged with anything so how can a pardon be issued for something they have not been convicted?
Why would I say “pardon me” to someone to whom I have had no contact and have yet to meet them?
This smacks of Spongey knowing something of which the family members could be charged and attempting to avoid criminal charges. It also a big middle finger to the orange man, a last gesture of “up yours”.
From what little of the orange man’s speech I watched, Spongey and the Humper never stood once, never clapped, never smiled. Those two idiots, the senile one and the whore, have so much anger and animosity towards that election outcome they probably are still shirting(-r) pellets.
Spongey made the statement that the justice department should not be used as a political weapon when he was issuing the pardons. Yet that is exactly what his administration did to the orange man. Spongey and his cronies used every questionable legal move to try and get Trump eliminated. Or maybe Spongey does not remember.
When spongey entered to capital rotunda he looked like a man that was mentally unfit. His mannerisms, his walking, his expression (or lack thereof), the way he held his hands, the looking down during the proceedings. The man was past being mentally fit for the office of the president many months ago. His staff, his wife, have been hiding his problems, and supporting him during the last year, or more. Spongey was probably easily convinced he was signing something good yet. had little knowledge of what he was signing. Reminds me of Colonel Blake and Radar on M*A*S*H.
Already groups are filing lawsuits against the Trump administration before any executive orders have been issued. Trying to preemptively cut Trump off at the pass. These special interest “my way or no way” groups are looking to run roughshod over every one else. These people have a “thunburg” up their butts competing with the hemorrhoids and putting pressure on their brains.
First, LOLOLOL! The new PLT mantra is “tRump didn’t put his hand on the Bible, therefore he is not President.” Even the Godless Dumbocrats are going with this. Nothing has changed with the LSM/PLT/Dumbos/Hollyweird. Hopefully, there is enough spine in the Redumblicans to totally obliterate the remains of the the Dumbo Party. tRump should mercilessly mock and denigrate any LSM that ask stupid questions at WH briefings. State AGs should go after the Biden Crime Pardonees.
Henry Blake was a competent surgeon who saved a lot of lives.
He preferred not to know.
Even the atheists are chanting that mantra.
“Alexander Vindman’s Wife Super-Pissed That Her Husband Didn’t Get In On Last-Minute Pardons”
“Biden did pardon Dr. Anthony Fauci, Gen. Mark Milley, members of his own family, and the entire January 6 Committee.”
Looks like Biden missed one of the communists. He pardoned the rest of the communists.
So, we are at the “lamentations of their women” part already?
“New Rocket Man”
I’ll bet that Kim whatever his name is, is crying.
And thanks to Barbara, Nick, and all the rest who keep this site alive!
For anyone looking for a 6/5/4 at $1,800,000, there is one for sale in my neighborhood.
Turret included.
The “crush your enemies, see them driven before you” phase is over.
No less than Tim Cook was in the room to kiss the ring.
The Vindman twins have been deemed “expendable”.
Douglas C. Neidermeyer. ’63. Killed by own troops in Vietnam – date unknown.
Visit Universal Studios. Ask for Babs.
The Vindmans thought that they would be the second coming of Ollie North.
Ollie North got the Achille Lauro hijackers for Reagan.
Home safe. Looks like some sort of precip is starting to fall.
Wife stopped at HEB, there was plenty of whole milk, but the rest was mostly gone. Eggs were all gone. Guy brought out two packages, and wife let the other 2 customers have them- we have eggs here. No, I don’t know why she felt compelled to go to HEB. I was getting gas there, had to wait for one vehicle. Every pump was busy.
It’s dang cold in the wind.
unloaded my truck and put the windbreak around the outdoor mounted hot water heater. Set up the floodlight under it to add some warmth. Just had to plug it back in, as it was still hanging there ready to go.
pardon for fauxchi. FFS. those pardons should be evidence of wrongdoing, and since the puppet knew, every one involves conspiracy too.
didn’t see the pageantry. busy doing real world stuff. Glad there were no bombs or assassins.
I am loving my new 50 gallon hot water heaters. They are Rheem Performance Pro+ natural gas Lo NOx (California you suck !). Eight year warranty, probably does not include labor. I was able to take a shower without having to modulate the shower valve to maintain water temperature. The old heaters were chock full of iron oxide sediment from our water supply.
I will have to drive to Texas to get one I suppose.
“Elections Have Consequences: The TSA Official Who Put Tulsi Gabbard on the Terrorist Watch List Has Been Fired”
Wife stopped at HEB, there was plenty of whole milk, but the rest was mostly gone. Eggs were all gone. Guy brought out two packages, and wife let the other 2 customers have them- we have eggs here. No, I don’t know why she felt compelled to go to HEB. I was getting gas there, had to wait for one vehicle. Every pump was busy.
My wife went to HEB at 1pm to see if they restocked the stuff that I was suppose to get last night. They had some of it. My wife said that it was so crowded that people were parking at the gym down the street.
I filled my truck up Saturday night. Just me and one other vehicle. Paid $2.39/gallon for $47 of regular unleaded. I still had half of my 36 gallon tank but …
Apparently Trump has signed an EO to rename “The Gulf Of Mexico” to “The Gulf of America”. I like it.
“WATCH: President Trump immediately shut down the CBP One app and we already have people crying at the border in front of the cameras”
“This is the app the Biden gang used to fly in hundreds of thousands of “asylum seekers” during his four years in office. Foreigners could download the app, make an asylum claim, link up with an American non-profit sponsor, and be flown into America on the taxpayer’s dime.”
What a waste of all that FEMA money !
“Trump Vows To Refill SPR “Right To The Top” As China Tanker Rates Soar”
I never could understand why Biden sold off most of the SPR. That was an idiotic thing to do.
Oh wait, I repeat myself. Joe Biden, worst USA President ever.
“WTF: Asylum Seekers Caught With 30,000 High-Caliber Rifle Rounds In Arizona”
“Sheriff Mark Dannels of Cochise County, Arizona, revealed Sunday in a Facebook post that in mid-January, Cochise County Counter Narcotics, Trafficking Alliance assisted Homeland Security Investigations and Burau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives seized 10,000 rounds of .50 caliber ammunition and 19,640 rounds of 7.62×39 ammunition from multiple vehicles, operated by several asylum seekers and one US citizen from Texas.”
“Local law enforcement and federal agencies have yet to disclose the buyer or final destination of the ammo. Speculation points to cartels as the likely customer, but the billion-dollar question remains: for cartel operations in the US or in Mexico? Or worse, terror organizations within the US could’ve outsourced ammunition and weapons procurement to migrants.”
What has Biden done to us ?
It put money into Hunter’s, and then Joe’s, pockets. Why does a grifter do anything? Money.
Regarding them and all the other ‘pardonees’, that wouldn’t make them immune to civil actions would it? Like if the J6 political prisoners sued for loss of income / pain and suffering / other types of damages?
Asking for friends I haven’t met.
An app like that with an appropriate backend is serious money and developer talent, not something done by DEI hires working for the Federal Government.
One of the big tech players had to be involved.
They cannot be charged for anything that they were pardoned for, but that doesn’t apply to NEW crimes. For example, if they lie under oath about something that they were pardoned for, perjury charges would apply.
Approximately 1500 J6 defendants have been pardoned, with another 14 given sentence commutations to time served, pending further review.
Good first step. Now take all the security cam footage and analyze it six ways from Sunday, including but not limited to: 1) Finding any footage illegally withheld from individual defendants that could have been exculpatory, and then charging the prosecutors involved. 2) Identifying step by step movements of any undercover operatives of any federal organization. 3) Identifying any individuals who were not charged for behavior charged to others, and determining if they were neglected or protected. 4) Identifying any law enforcement officers that were out of uniform and acted to facilitate trespass or other crimes that were charged. 5) Identifying any law enforcement officers that acted applied excessive force or acted illegally otherwise to violate the rights of citizens. 6) Identifying any illegal aliens who might have acted as agents provocateur.
Get Cassidy Hutchinson in from of a House committee and peel her like an onion. We already know some of it, including witness tampering. Get the rest, wrap it in a nice package, and then get her 2-ax-handles wide backside disbarred. State, not federal, so not covered by FJB’s out-the-door diarrhea trail.
We’re out of the WHO. EO rescinded FJB’s Jan 2021 EO, so Trump should consider it retroactive to his original June 2020 order and demand a refund for monies paid the last four years.
“They cannot be charged for anything that they were pardoned for, but that doesn’t apply to NEW crimes. For example, if they lie under oath about something that they were pardoned for, perjury charges would apply.”
Likewise it doesn’t apply to civil matters. Audit every member of the BGF. Any without pardons should get criminal charges for any non-payment of taxes on bribe sharing. Any with pardons should get a finding that they would have been charged “but for being pardoned” to accompany a tax bill with interest and no deals on repayment plans ‘cuz it’s part of a criminal enterprise, donchano?
Oh, goodie.
Mayorkas didn’t get a pardon.
Charge him with the first 50 crimes that come to mind, perp walk him to a no bail judge, and lock him up in a prison awaiting trail. Too bad the courts are clogged with illegal aliens, and too bad his prison cell inmates are illegal aliens also awaiting trial. Be really too bad if they were all Spanish-speaking Greek lovers.
With Border Enforcement a Priority, Trump Purges Squishy Immigration Judges
Meanwhile, night has fallen in ChiTown…
Trump Rips Security Clearances From the 51 Spies Who Lied, Then He Hit Them With Another Bombshell
Without a security clearance they will not be able to claim they have current knowledge of current affairs, or even the toilet inspection report for the public areas of the Capitol.
And Andy Blinken, who was a Biden staffer when he organized the letter, did not get a pardon.
When the arrest warrants go out for the Biden-neglected filth, I hope the Trump DOJ remembers every time the stormtroopers sent armored squads with automatic weapons to terrify innocent families.
First I want them to ID each and every man on those squads, their commanders, and the ones that sent them out, terminate their employment, and make sure they can never wear a uniform again.
Then, as temporarily satisfying as it would be to put the shoe on the other foot, I want all arrests to be done properly and above reproach, giving CNN and the other agitprop channels the choice between not airing the footage or boring their viewers to death.
This is America, and the government works for us. Not FJB and never again one like him.
The Gulf of America is celebrating!
It’s snowing!!!
finish a serious day with a laugh:
Caitlin Clark: can jealousy kill the WNBA?
Ms. Clark should hire John Morgan and have him explain to the WNBA that if they fail again to take immediate action to protect the league’s star player from felony assault by another player on the court that he will see them in court and get judgement against the league, the players, the coaches, and the officials for more than they are worth entire, and Caitlin will happily phuque off to Italy and build them some new stadiums.
Well, different parts of Houston are getting different weather. No surprise there. Space City guy even mentioned it would happen for those who haven’t been paying attention.
We are 30F and light misty drizzle. Some of my wife’s friends report the same, some say sleet, some say mixed, some say flurries.
I don’t see how we can get multiple inches over night at this point. Never did actually.
I fell asleep after dinner. Time to start thinking about pajamas and bedtime.
Winter Storm Enzo has dropped us down to 32 F and it is sleeting outside on the far southwest side of the Houston metropolitan area.
I fell asleep after dinner. Time to start thinking about pajamas and bedtime.
No pajamas here.
>> I use Bitwarden and like the cloud component. The passwords are available on my other devices. I have messed with Apple’s password app. It is OK but does not currently have the ability to store other notes and documents Such as a scan of my passport. It may get that capability over time.
@Ray, time to dust off those coding skills…
We’re still getting the same thing, with a little bit of frozen white. It’s on the roof and the vehicles, and a little on the grass. Concrete is still wet, not slick. Thermometer says 30F.
Wife thinks it’s “graupel” which seems to be the taint of the precip world. ‘taint rain, ’taint snow, ‘taint sleet…
>>Re the preemptive pardons: apparently it’s fine. ChatGPT points out that Nixon’s pardon was also preemptive: he hadn’t been charge with a crime, when Ford pardoned him. The sweeping pardon for Hunter Biden was more egregious – blatantly corrupt. Still…bad optics. I wonder who decided on the pardons – Jill?
AFAIK, attempts to invoke preemptive pardons will be litigated, possibly to SCOTUS.
>>I fell asleep after dinner. Time to start thinking about pajamas and bedtime.
No pajamas here.
“Commando” FTW!
>>Gag, they name everything now. The Artic blast is now Winter Storm Enzo.
The Weather Channel has been doing this since 2012.
Hmm, the things you can learn here…and why did I even know that?!
>>Melania walks in wearing Cad Bane’s hat…
Keeps the ‘air-kissing’ amateurs away.
“Coming Clean: Trump to Release Assassination Files on JFK, MLK Jr. and RFK”
I predict that the files will be heavily redacted. There will be no mention of a second shooter. There will be no mention of the book “Catcher In The Rye” by J.D. Salinger.
Hat tip to:
>>Re the preemptive pardons: apparently it’s fine. ChatGPT points out that Nixon’s pardon was also preemptive: he hadn’t been charge with a crime, when Ford pardoned him. The sweeping pardon for Hunter Biden was more egregious – blatantly corrupt. Still…bad optics. I wonder who decided on the pardons – Jill?
AFAIK, attempts to invoke preemptive pardons will be litigated, possibly to SCOTUS.
Biden issued 8,064 pardons. More than any other President since Jimmy Carter who blanket pardoned over 200,000 Vietnam draft dodgers who fled to Canada.
>>Already groups are filing lawsuits against the Trump administration before any executive orders have been issued. Trying to preemptively cut Trump off at the pass. These special interest “my way or no way” groups are looking to run roughshod over every one else.
‘Special Interest Group’ vs DJT – one side has soldiers with gubs. Drill, Baby, Drill.
>>Good night all … and fond remembrances of those departed.
29F and actual snow. White stuff blowing horizontally. Only the 4th? time I’ve seen snow in Houston in 20 years.
One of the liars had predicted heaviest snowfall around now, continuing thru morning, iirc.
Dog doesn’t like it.