On this day in 2018, Robert Bruce Thompson passed away. Bob was the originator of this blog, among a great many other things. It’s a rare day that goes by without me thinking of him.
I’ve been “unlocking the door, and turning on the lights” here since he got sick, a task that I thought would be temporary, and short lived. With Barbara’s blessing, I have continued to do so to keep this place, Bob’s memory, and the community that lives here alive.
I’ve now published just over 2500 daily posts, slightly more than half of the total since Bob switched blogging platforms. Over 17,500 comments, of the almost 244,000 total. It’s those 244K comments that tell the real story– it’s the people who keep coming here, reading, commenting, and returning, that make this a special place on the internet and in the world.
The world is a better place for having had Bob in it, and for having all of you in it too.
I hope you will continue to find comradeship and value here, and stay with us as we make our way through whatever is coming, and to better days ahead.
As we move forward, take some time to look back and remember Bob, and the others who are now absent from our lives, but still part of us.
Thank you for the opportunity to continue being a part of your life.
nick flandrey