Day: January 8, 2025

Wed. Jan. 8, 2025 – ah, Wednesday, what have you and Pugsly gotten up to this time?

Cold. Cold and dry, for the swamp anyway. It’s still something like 50%RH, I think. It got all the way to ‘comfortable’ in the afternoon. Hardly like a deadly global climate change killer polar vortex at all. Good thing the earth is warming, or we’d be well into the next ice age.

So I did some stuff. Mostly I did a pickup in Montgomery. That used to be a small town north of Houston, that was mostly out in the country. Now the amount of new development is staggering. Every couple of miles there were signs for a new residential development. The most telling aspect was the infrastructure upgrades, new power lines, and a lot of marker flags on the ground for where they pushed pipe for new gas and telcom. The infrastructure is long term… not flash in the pan.

I did make it home in time to get the kid from school, then did some domestic bliss. Not much. I ate too much baklava and the sugar made sure I had a nap… Tuesday is a busy evening with the kids coming and going and D2’s hobby meeting.

Today I’ll do some auction, some domestic bliss, and then some more stuff around the house. If I was a “real” prepper, I’d be bidding on a bunch of dentistry stuff, just in case. There is a “mobile dentistry” lot in the medical auction, and I’d need to sit at the computer and watch the bidding if I really wanted it. I keep telling myself it won’t get that bad. I sure hope I’m not kicking myself or pulling my own teeth in a couple of years. The question of what is prudent prepping and what is moonbattery does occasionally arise.

I already pick up a lot of low cost, low commitment, low probability stuff, with VERY high payoff if actually needed. But dentistry office tools? That’s a step beyond picking up medical books and references, and the odd surgical kit or suture tray…

Hope I’m not wrong. REALLY HOPE. Mainly because for that to pay off, about 6/10ths of the US population has to die. Only a deranged lefty would be looking for that to happen.

I have stacks. I have skills. I have friends. I don’t have a crystal ball.

You can always use more of those things. Get to work.


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