Day: January 19, 2025

Sun. Jan. 19, 2025 – probably cold. Winter is coming…

Well, it’s gonna be colder today. It was really nice yesterday. I actually was out in the sunny day in just long pants and a long sleeve shirt. The lack of wind certainly helped. Wife and guest even went out in the kayaks. It got cold when the sun went down though. Today I think I’ll probably find some indoor stuff to do…

I woke moderately late, had a nice breakfast, and got some stuff done. It took much longer than I thought to get the plumbing done and get the heater connected in the garage. I needed a fitting I didn’t have, but worked around it. The heater works GREAT. It brought the garage up to 72F from 55F before I turned it down. We did have the oven running in there for a bit too, but it was mostly the Mr Heater “Blue Flame” heater. IDK what the gas consumption rate is, but it puts out a lot of heat. I think it’s the 20K BTU unit.

Now we have a backup heat solution for the garage, and by extension, the house. When I get the living room remodel done, I’ll add a gas nipple in there too. I have the same unit for the Houston house, in a NATGAS version. I’ll do the same as here, plumb in a quick connect, but I’ll take it off the gas log in the fireplace. That will be much more efficient than the log if we need supplemental heating.

The garage heat was on my list, but I only got to it because I couldn’t do the electrical project my wife bumped to the top. I had collected most of what I thought I’d need to add a 50A 240V outlet on the side of the carport. The idea was it would be for any RV parked on the pad, an EV charger, or a welding machine. Turns out the wire I had was undersized and had one too few conductors for the application. I’ll need to buy the correct wire, and a new breaker for the panel. That will be top of the list for next visit. I did have suitable boxes and outlets, along with a box full of adapters and various 30A and 50A receptacles. There have been a surprising number of variations over the years.

Made a nice dinner in the garage oven– lamb roast, potatoes, and roasted brusselsprouts. The house was warm enough that it was nice to not have the heat in the kitchen. Had to tap a bucket to get more flour for the bread… preps, I got ’em.

After movie night, we had the first clear dark sky in months. Got out the big dob to look at Jupiter. It was very cold over the water though, and that was all the stargazing we did.

All in all, a very good day. I’m hoping today will be half as good.

I’ve got plenty on the list. Exhaust fans for kitchen and baths, electrical outlets for towel warmer, server rack; cat5 for cams and network drops… We’ll see what I get to. There is still baseboard to attach in the dockhouse too.

There’s always ways to improve your situation. Always be working, always be stacking!


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