Cool and wet, maybe even cold. I’m also not believing the forecasts for 3″ of snow in Houston. It was kinda nice for most of yesterday, then it got kinda grey… there was some light fog in the valleys out in the country after nightfall too.
I did my pickup, hit the costco for gas and a couple of sale items. The gas line was possibly the longest I’ve ever seen it, at 3pm. No line at HEB and only 10c more. I opted for HEB for gas. I did go in the Costco since I was there, even with more cars in the parking lot than I’ve ever seen before. It wasn’t too crowded, but more than I’d like. They had a lot of lanes open for checkout, so it went quickly. Two observations. They didn’t have any chicken legs. Thighs, breasts, bone in or boneless, and even wings, but no legs. Lamb is a great value. Might be cheaper now in real terms than 4 years ago. That will end if the shipping gets too expensive. Oh, and a third observation, they had a new shelf stable bread. It’s a multi pack of small baguettes that you heat and eat. I’ll try them this weekend and let you know how they taste.
After shopping, getting the kid from school, getting gas, etc. I loaded up the truck and headed to my other pickups, on the way to the BOL. I underestimated the traffic. By a LOT. I made two stops, but I’ll have to beg forgiveness from the third.
Made it up here and decided to try for an early night. Hah. 2am might be considered early for me under some circumstances, but it wasn’t what I was hoping for. I’ll just have to sleep late.
I did bring some things to stack up here. I’ll be doing electrical today though. W just adjusted my priorities. She’s having guests, and they will need to plug in their camper. So that moved to the top of my list. I think I can make it work. I’ve been collecting parts, but it wasn’t top o the pile for me… until it was.
Flexibility. That’s a prep too.
Stacking is easier.