Day: January 12, 2025

Sun. Jan. 12, 2025 – written at 12:12 on 1-12, hmmm…

Another cold but sunny and dry day? Dunno. Hope so. Yesterday went a long way toward drying out my remaining Christmas decor. I’d like to have today to dry out the rest. And not freezing all day would be nice. It was below freezing with frost on the ground and cars yesterday morning. I think I’ll sleep late to avoid that today.

Yesterday was my non-prepping hobby meeting day. It was nice to get together with everyone. Several people who I didn’t get to see or talk to last month at the potluck dinner were there Saturday. It was a good day to just hang out and talk a bit. No one can believe the incompetence displayed in Cali, and no one found the idea that it could be intentional at all scoff worthy. We’re at a point where anything could be true. Or all lies. It’s very disconcerting.

Afterwards I came home, napped for a bit, did some domestic bliss, and avoided doing any major cleanup.

Today I’ll be paying for my slackitude. We need to get the house back together and get my stuff sorted out. I’ll be talking with a new auction to sell some of my stuff, and hopefully getting some of it out of the house. W is starting to send my articles about the negative effects of clutter and disorder… and it’s past the point where I should have been more proactive.

So that will be a priority, once I actually get my thumb out and get started.

The reorganization of my office and workspace needs to continue too.

Lots of opportunities coming up to miss deadlines and fail to complete tasks…

But the stacking will continue, at least a little bit, and mostly ‘targets of opportunity.’

I urge you to do so too.


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