Still, cold and damp. It did clear up and turn into a nice sunny day, so that was nice. I’m hoping for more sun today. Probably cool to cold though, since winter is coming through later.
I took a nap after breakfast and felt better yesterday. Did my southerly pickups. I’ll do the northerly pickups today. Hit the goodwill bins, but it was mostly clothes so I didn’t get much. Some days the product mix is off and there isn’t much for me to look at. I only had time to stop at the surplus because D1 kept moving her pickup time around. Kid doesn’t plan. It did give me more time for my stuff, but meant no practice driving time for her.
Today I’ve got a bunch of moving stuff around and putting stuff away to do, then pickups to the north of Houston. I am headed to the BOL for the weekend so I’ll load the truck and get ready first. Then I’ll do the pickups on the way. No sense in coming home, then going back up that way later. I’ll have to do my pickup in Sugar Land first. Most of the stuff is headed to the BOL anyway.
Hopefully, we won’t lose power in Houston and freeze while I’m at the BOL making sure we don’t lose power and freeze up there. I will stop and get some extra gas for the gennie on the way. I can always put it in the truck later if I don’t use it up there.
First world is sliding to third world status.
That’s just one reason to prep. There are many more…
So stack up what you need. And be prepared…