Day: October 26, 2021

Tues. Oct. 26, 2021 – week is bringing stuff to do, that’s what…

Another day that is hot and humid, with some chance of rain. Didn’t rain yesterday but it sure was humid again.

Spent the morning cleaning and moving stuff, and the afternoon with D2 rearranging her room. She likes the result, and it is the end of several projects. We measured and modeled her room and furniture in Sketchup, we assembled a flat pack bookcase and painted it with her running a mini screw gun, and I turned an old VHS tape storage tower into a display for some of her small Lego kits. Took quite a bit longer to do all that than I thought it would. Then again, by the time we got home from school, and before having to start dinner, didn’t really leave a whole lot of time, and I lost a couple of Mondays to vacation and no school days. Not sure what the next project will be, maybe getting one of the 3D printers running.

Today I’ve got pickups and drop offs. And if I have time some work on my client’s project paperwork, or some more Halloween decor. Unless it rains.

And on Thursday I need to pick up in Austin. I won the parts truck in the auction out there. I’ve got all the stuff I’ll need for my Ranger, for a long time or until I sell the leftovers. Freaking tailgate is $400-600 and I got the whole truck for less than that. It’s everything the shop needs to fix my truck, and then some. Maybe I’ll offer it to them.

In any case, I’ll be busy this week. Moreso than normal.

Don’t know how much stacking I’ll do, other than the truck stuff. I’m starting to get nervous about seeds and fertilizer. I need to find time to hit up the Home Depot garden center. Like every other project going, the fall garden is looming.

So do as I say, not as I’ve been barely able to do… and keep stacking.


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