Thur. Feb. 7, 2019 – everything new is old again

By on February 7th, 2019 in Random Stuff

71F and wet with rain in the forecast. Lots of driving around to do today, so I hope the rain holds off.

The world seems to have forgotten history. “This time it’s different!” seems to come just before the proof it’s NOT.

Once you’ve been around a while, you have actually lived through a few cycles yourself, and you can see, if you have the eyes. This is what drives older people nuts about ‘the young.’ For someone like the new socialist in the congress, or the SJWs with the outrage du jur, they are baby ducks. Everything is new and shiny. Everything is the best ever or the worst ever. The truth is that people haven’t changed that much in the last couple thousand years. We eat better, have better health interventions, but as HUMANS we are pretty similar to the “ancient” greeks, romans, etc. More of us have enourmous wealth and personal power verses the vast majority of humans in history, but we still use it to find a mate, get more food, frustrate a rival.

About every couple of generations, we have a horrific war, mainly because the generation that fought in the last one has passed from power, and the powers that be have never experienced one first hand. So they think that THIS time it will be different.

It’s not. Not really. And I think we’re about to have a new generation of baby ducks learn that hard lesson. The shiny new thing is really just the same old thing underneath, because WE are still the same.


76 Comments and discussion on "Thur. Feb. 7, 2019 – everything new is old again"

  1. Ray Thompson says:

    It seems lately that black people are offended by anything that is black. Store window displays that exhibit objects that are not real and are extremely exaggerated caricatures. Black sweaters that cover part of a face where the same exact design in white would have been lauded as high fashion. Black face from the 60’s where even major entertainers used such features are now coming back to haunt people. White drinking fountains that must be replaced as it is considered a throw back to the whites only drinking fountains.

    What people did 50 or 60 years ago, when it was acceptable, has little bearing on how these people are today. Instead such antics are now being used as political weapons so these spoiled brats can get their way.

    Black people have found their new weapon. If it is black, it is offensive. Yet these same people have these bizarre names that few can pronounce. These people continue to be racists, find racism in everything when it was not intended as such.

    I was accused of being racist and have to spend eight boring hours being told I was a racist simply because I asked a black employee “Ron, is there anyone in Oak Ridge you don’t know.” Somehow that was a racist remark that offended him deeply. He filed a complaint. Rather than hear what I actually said and take the comment in context I was instead immediately guilty of racism. The mere filing of a complaint produced a sentence without any investigation.

    The insanity continues. People such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have to keep racism alive. That is their income model, how they make a living. They should be ashamed.

    Everything should be color blind. Skin color irrelevant. A person should be judged on their merits alone. If something offends, just walk away. No one is forcing anyone to look at a display or wear specific clothing. To see something racist in something that is not racist is just plain silly. It only shows the person’s thin skin and their limited and shallow perception of themselves.

    The white, heterosexual, married male is a doomed species. It is insanity.

  2. JimL says:

    32º and cloudy, and supposed to rain all day with a high of 56º. I don’t see our ski race happening on Saturday. I guess I’ll work on the upstairs instead.

    I agree with @Ray’s take on racial unrest. It seems to me that, before President Obama was elected, we were making progress. It may have not been what some wanted, but it progressed. We CERTAINLY didn’t have the strife we have today. Is it fair to blame it on him?

    I hesitate to comment on Liam Neeson’s discussion. The way I read it, he went out looking for a black man to start something with him so he could kill him. He didn’t pick a random black man on the street. He went to a neighborhood wherein he believed such individuals were present and looked for a situation. Failing to find one, he went home.

    He went looking for trouble and didn’t find it.

  3. brad says:

    @Ray: I assume that happened at the school? Anyway, I have trouble seeing you taking this lying down. As you say, a complaint should not lead straight to punishment. Were I in your shoes, I would insist on an investigation. Should the complaint turn out to be due to oversensitivity, then “Ron” needs some remedial training.

    Who is “Ron”?

  4. Harold Combs says:

    70f and humid at commute time this AM. We are expecting it to be in the 20s tomorrow at this time.
    Victimhood is the new power. Weakness the new strength. The louder you whine the more you get. To paraphrase a line from “The Incredibles” (1) “When everyone is racist, no one will be”. The racist accusation has been so overused as to be meaningless. Foods are racist, facial expressions are racist, clothing, hairstyles, even asking students to “do your best” is racist. It’s become the ultimate whine and so overused it’s a joke. I remember “colored only” drinking fountains, they were exactly the same as the others, just had a special sign over them. As a kid I thought they must be very special that we non-colored weren’t allowed to use them. The home I am buying has black bathroom fixtures, tubs and toilets, is that racist? LOL. Seriously folks. I have seen real racism and none of this is it.

  5. Nick Flandrey says:

    It says something about the world we live in today that people have time and energy to worry about ‘microaggressions’ instead of MACRO aggressions. Blacks no longer get whipped by the oversears, but some of them miss it so much they whip themselves and each other, fighting over who gets whipped more.

    White children who’ve never known a day of hunger or hard work are so well off they can worry about being asked questions that upset them and people that LOOK at them. They hate themselves so thoroughly that they change their bodies with food and surgery, their minds with programming and drugs, and their appearance with coloring, clothes, and conformation.

    I can tell you that Jeb! was right about one thing. The brown people pouring over our southern border are more vigorous and focused. It’s said that ‘hunger focuses the mind’ and it seems to be true. They are not whining about someone else’s privilege, they want to take it for themselves. They are not worried about “eye rape” having been raped for weeks at a time by coyotes and sex slavers. They are willing to put their 10 year old daughters on birth control so they don’t get pregnant when raped, AND SEND THEM ON THEIR WAY. [something that I find despicable on both sides, I do not want anyone who would do that as a neighbor]

    A couple of years ago I was shocked by some of the stuff I read in comments to other blogs. Now I see it in more places, and much more openly. “Better to get hung for a sheep than a lamb.” By calling decent conscientious people nazis and racists, all they’ve done is create the very feelings they claim not to want. “F it, call me a racist, and I’ll call you n*gger right back” seems to be getting more and more common.

    The social structures that created this country and our society, one of the wealthiest for the most people in the history of the world, are falling apart. They’ve been under conscious assault for decades, and we are living the result.

    Balkanization isn’t pretty. It’s much easier to break something than to build it.


    (France and Italy are chest thumping and looking for reasons to throw down a glove now too.)

  6. Ray Thompson says:

    Who is “Ron”?

    Ron was an employee where I used to work in the ’99-’93 time frame. An 8A firm (small minority owned firm). Lot of minority people worked there, most of them really good workers that I would pleased to have working for me. Ron was not one of them.

    This was years ago. The “training” was mandatory, either take it or be terminated. Thus little choice. The training consisted of watching some videos, reading some papers, then signing a couple of forms. Being told how being black was great, white was bad as I was a racist just by being white. Basically promising not to be a racist.

    I was called into my bosses office, told I made a racial remark, had to go to mandatory training. I asked what I said and he told me. I asked how saying “Ron, is there anybody in Oak Ridge you don’t know?”. Boss said it did not matter. The claim had been made and I was therefore guilty and required to attend training. As an 8A firm they could not chance losing the contract. And by the way, the training would consume a vacation day.

    After that incident I basically did not talk to anyone or say anything unless asked a question. Answer was the simplest as possible, hopefully a yes or no. After about six months my boss wanted to know why I was not being social. I asked if he remembered the racism charge. He did. I stated it was best to not say anything because anything I said was racist. He sort of said I was being a jerk. I nodded in agreement.

    I had been through much mandatory diversity training in the USAF. The military probably being the first organization that became color blind. I knew full well to not make disparaging remarks about someone based on skin color.

    I consider racism bad, both ways. If I don’t like someone it is because they are an asshole, not because they are green, brown, blue or black.

    What I don’t like is it automatically assumed I am a racist simply because I am white and not on welfare.

  7. CowboySlim says:

    In order to demonstrate that I am not racist, I am going to file in court to change my first name: Stuvondre.

  8. Harold Combs says:

    I’m a card carrying member of the Muskogee Creek tribe but still get called racist by liberals who disagree with anything I say. When they can’t argue the facts they fall back on personal invective. The idea, I guess, is if you are a racist or Nazi or homophobe or whatever then your arguments are automatically invalid.

  9. Greg Norton says:

    Roger Stone uses iCloud? WTF?

    Pictures from his phone most likely.

    Turning iCloud off completely takes effort.

  10. Nick Flandrey says:

    Islamophobe- descended from homophobe the way laptop came from desktop (and all the xxx-gates descended from Watergate, which was simply the name of a BUILDING.

    Also completely misleading. I am not AFRAID of islam, I despise it. I am not AFRAID of ‘homos,’ I am often puzzled, sometimes disgusted, but mostly indifferent. The very word ‘homophobe’ is a lazy substitute for what they really mean, ‘homosexual-male-phobe”, since that is what they are concerned about, not “sameness”. (And very few people have any concerns at all about lesbians.)

    To say someone is afraid of something gives unwarranted power to the ‘thing’, power it doesn’t have. It’s a tactic of a weak position.


  11. Nick Flandrey says:

    “Turning iCloud off completely takes effort. ”

    If you’ve made the mistake of buying into the iCulture, the only effort it should REALLY take, is a cancelled bill and an ebay listing. Or a sledgehammer.

    Mainly, I’m surprised that a longtime and skilled political operator would have anything worth looking at on his phone….


  12. Greg Norton says:

    I can tell you that Jeb! was right about one thing. The brown people pouring over our southern border are more vigorous and focused.

    Jeb! is a hypocrite. His extremely white bread ex-Playboy Bunny girlfriend was an open secret during his tenure as Governor in Tallahassee.

    At our house, we knew his campaign for President was doomed from the moment he announced. Winning would have meant looking Columba for eight years. Shudder.

    Now that the folks are gone, I often wonder how long it will be before Jeb! packs it in and retires permanently to Boca Grande with his girlfriend.

  13. MrAtoz says:

    Universities began “teaching” racisim can only be from the majority race in power years ago. Therefore only WHITEY! can be raycisss! Any other race can use any racial slur or call WHITEY! raycisss and not be racist themselves. Hispanic is NOT a race (the US Army told me so, so it must be true). However, when Hispanics are the majority, they’ll be called racist by blacks with no problem.

    Viva La Raza, bitches!

  14. Harold Combs says:

    In the 90’s Hispanics and Blacks were fighting for top minority status in San Francisco. The Blacks were upset that the growing Hispanic minority was using their tactics to get special privileges that previously had been reserved for Negros.
    After writing that in MS Word 2016 I wondered how long till our document creation tools will refuse to allow us to use such words as “colored” or negro” or the “n” word and even report our attempt to a central database for wrongthink.

  15. brad says:

    “The very word ‘homophobe’ is a lazy substitute for what they really mean, ‘homosexual-male-phobe”, since that is what they are concerned about, not “sameness”.”

    Have you heard the term “TERF”? It was a new one on me, but is apparently the latest in outrage. Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist. It is used to disparage, among others, lesbians who don’t want to have sex with trans-women (i.e., men, i.e., people with male genitals who may or may not have gender dysphoria). You’d think it would be kind of obvious that the sexual attraction would be missing, but this is not acceptable.

    So we see the ever-more-radical left turning on the not-quite-so-radical left. The progs and SJWs are eating their own.

  16. Greg Norton says:

    So we see the ever-more-radical left turning on the not-quite-so-radical left. The progs and SJWs are eating their own.

    Nothing new. There is definitely a pecking order. The ‘L’ and ‘B’ portions of the LGBTQ spectrum have always viewed the ‘T’ people as beneath them and even … gasp … abnormal.

    About a decade ago, I was in Atlanta the morning that the Gay/Lesbian student organization at Morehouse College decided to throw the ‘T’ students under the bus, voting 102 to 3 to support the administration’s requirement that males and females have to wear clothing appropriate for their gender.

    The irony of the day which makes it stick out in my mind is that, after seeing the news over breakfast, I headed to the last few hours of scab training for a possible strike at Death Star Telephone scheduled for later that year. Ultimately, the union folded after one of the rank and file went on national TV to show off their ‘T’ pride … and $80,000 worth of sex change surgery.

  17. Nick Flandrey says:

    The problem with building your identity around how “x” you are, is there is always someone more “x” than you. Whether the “x” is “woke”, “devout”, “loyal to the party”, “gay”, “tolerant”, or simply “badass.”

    The left has progressivism as a religion, and there are always zealots who are ready to get ever more extreme to stay the most “x”…. this leads to religious/doctrinal wars, which is self limiting for the movement. Unfortunately, a lot of damage gets done before the pendulum swings back.


  18. Greg Norton says:

    The left has progressivism as a religion, and there are always zealots who are ready to get ever more extreme to stay the most “x”…. this leads to religious/doctrinal wars, which is self limiting for the movement. Unfortunately, a lot of damage gets done before the pendulum swings back.

    All the Progs I know live extremely conservative home lives, especially those with kids.

    My friends in MD couldn’t get over why I didn’t vote for Robert Francis in TX … but I have a sneaking suspicion they pulled the lever for Larry Hogan at home … Stretch Pelosi’s original stomping grounds.

  19. Nick Flandrey says:

    They are by definition hypocrites, and they know it in their hearts, hence all the virtue signalling and public protestations of faith.


  20. Harold Combs says:

    In a society where identity is dynamic, tomorrow I may be a handicapped black female if I want, identity polotics is meaningless. I have always said that if being gay were to offer me an advantage then I’d say I was gay. Since there is no objective test for “gayness” I’d be golden. But today, the progressives have forgone even objective reality and we can be anything we want.

  21. lynn says:

    Over The Hedge: “But I Complete You !”

    Getting weirder by the day. You may need to go back a couple of days to understand the current strip. Of course, I am not sure that I understand the current strip.

  22. lynn says:

    Arlo and Janis: slow dancing and calories


  23. lynn says:

    “Episode 403 Scott Adams: The Border “Emergency” and the SOTU, Climate Bubbles, and Hoaxed”

    “Did you know we currently have 35 active National Emergencies?”

    No, but I am not surprised.

  24. lynn says:

    “Netflix paid NOTHING in federal or state taxes in 2018 despite posting record profits of $845million – and even got a $22million rebate”

    Hey, at least Netflix is profitable now. I have been seeing statements that the vast majority of the stock market rise is the four FANG stocks: Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google.

    “Netflix, which has just announced a price hike, now has 139 million subscribers”

    We are probably going to drop DirecTV soon as we really watch Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Youtube Premium, and local channels now. I’ve still got to get off my lazy butt and get a time shifting solution so the wife can get her daily General Hospital saved for her to watch later.

    Hat tip to:

  25. CowboySlim says:

    Hispanic is NOT a race (the US Army told me so, so it must be true).

    In Californication. Mexicans cannot be referred to as “Hispanics” but must be referred to as “Latinos”.

    OTOH, I have never heard them speak in the language of Caesar, the Emperor of the Roman Empire, rather than Spanish. ¿Claro que sì?

  26. Greg Norton says:

    We are probably going to drop DirecTV soon as we really watch Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Youtube Premium, and local channels now. I’ve still got to get off my lazy butt and get a time shifting solution so the wife can get her daily General Hospital saved for her to watch later.

    I have a TiVo with the Lifetime service contract which works really well for OTA (broadcast TV) and cable with the cable card.

    The bonus is that, until recently, I have been able to download broadcast TV shows from the TiVo for conversion to DVD or archiving, but my download scripts have fallen behind the TiVo OS upgrades. I need to work on those. I know the feature is still there since I can download through Firefox.

    One of my friends was looking into the Channel Master box, but I believe they got busy on other projects.

  27. Ray Thompson says:

    Since there is no objective test for “gayness”

    Limp wrist?

  28. paul says:

    Straight Talk sent a text today. The $45/month plan now has 25GB data! Up from 10GB. Big whoop. They don’t allow tethering or hot-spotting.

    I’m not a fan of watching movies on a 5 inch diagonal screen.

    I need to change plans or companies. But my phone is locked to them. I’ll need to buy another phone.

  29. Rick H says:


    MetroPCS (and/or Sprint, since they now own MetroPCS) has several unlimited data/text/call plans, with flat rates of $25-40 (depending on the number of lines you get). Plus they will give you a free phone (we got LG3’s; happy with them). And I think pay off your contract on your current phone.

    I’ve used MetroPCS for 1+ year, and am happy with coverage and cost. Works fine on my trips from WA to UT and CA. Wife likes it on long trips, as she can watch scrapbook videos while riding along. I use Prime Music during the trips.

  30. dkreck says:

    Straight Talk sent a text today. The $45/month plan now has 25GB data! Up from 10GB. Big whoop. They don’t allow tethering or hot-spotting.

    I’m not a fan of watching movies on a 5 inch diagonal screen.

    No casting?
    Interestingly I have a Chromecast on bedroom tv – 32″. However my 15″ Chrombook at one to two feet away looks the same size as the tv ten feet away.

  31. Greg Norton says:

    Straight Talk sent a text today. The $45/month plan now has 25GB data! Up from 10GB. Big whoop. They don’t allow tethering or hot-spotting.

    I think my LineageOS phone with Straight Talk tethers regardless of the carrier rules. I’ll have to check it out when I reactivate the phone next month for our trip.

  32. lynn says:

    “Green New Deal: “Air Travel Stops Becoming Necessary””

    “This morning, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released an overview of the Democrat “Green New Deal” which threatens “a massive transformation of our society.” Below are the details of the proposal.
    1. Rebuild every single building in the U.S.
    2. Will end all traditional forms of energy in the next ten years.
    3. Plans to ban nuclear energy within 10 years if possible.
    4. Build trains across oceans and end all air travel!
    5. Don’t invest in new technology of Carbon Capture and Storage, just plant trees instead!
    6. Mandates all new jobs be unionized.
    7. May include a carbon tax.
    8. May include cap and trade.
    9. How much will it cost?”

    “She does provide one estimate that the cost to “repair and upgrade infrastructure U.S. infrastructure” alone will cost “$4.6 trillion at minimum.””

    “How will it be paid for? Don’t worry about that.”

    “Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t provide any insight into how the trillions of dollars in spending will be paid for other than claiming, “The Federal Reserve can extend credit to power these projects and investments and new public banks can be created to extend credit”.”

    “But as Ocasio-Cortez says, “the question isn’t how will we pay for it, but what will we do with our new shared prosperity”.”

    Shared prosperity ? Just like Venezuela is sharing their prosperity right now.

    Just another bunch of whack jobs.

    Hat tip to:

  33. lynn says:

    Since seems to be down now, here is an alternative site:

    “Revealed: Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Green New Deal’ calls for all-electric cars, no more airplanes or ‘farting cows,’ $4.6 TRILLION in infrastructure spending and income guarantees for people who are ‘unwilling to work'”

    “Included in its wish-list are a transition to 100 per cent electric cars and replacing all airplane travel with high-speed trains.

    “‘That would be pretty hard for Hawaii,’ Sen. Mazie Hirono, from the Aloha State, said Thursday.”


    Hat tip to:

  34. Greg Norton says:

    Rebuild every single building in the U.S.

    Cover for EPA inspectors to enter every home in the country without a warrant.

    As with CAFE, Congress will be too cowardly to set limits on the EPA’s edicts regarding energy standards for homes.

    Not that I’m really concerned. I saw an article today that the SALT cap is really starting to bite, and Congress will have to cut a deal with Trump if the state lawsuits fail or else things will get real interesting during primary season next year in places like NY, CA and CT — Dems running on … cutting taxes?!?

    And all the Dems running VA may be out before redistricting. Too funny.

  35. JLP says:

    Federal Reserve can extend credit to power these projects and investments and new public banks can be created to extend credit

    So massively increase the money supply with lots of new fractional reserve banking. I’m no financial expert but that sounds like the beginning of hyper-inflation.

  36. Greg Norton says:

    So massively increase the money supply with lots of new fractional reserve banking. I’m no financial expert but that sounds like the beginning of hyper-inflation.

    That horse left the barn 10 years ago. No one buys Treasuries at auction as an investment anymore. The only question is monetize $1 Trillion a year of debt or $3 Trillion.

  37. lynn says:

    That horse left the barn 10 years ago. No one buys Treasuries at auction as an investment anymore. The only question is monetize $1 Trillion a year of debt or $3 Trillion.

    Sadly, that is true.

  38. Greg Norton says:

    Sadly, that is true.

    Dinner at Red Robin … *Red Robin* … is $90 with my kids these days. We paid $60 regularly in WA State for the same menu items just five years ago, in an state with an $11/hr minimum wage. Anyone who says that inflation isn’t happening is kidding themselves.

  39. lynn says:

    Dinner at Red Robin … *Red Robin* … is $90 with my kids these days. We paid $60 regularly in WA State for the same menu items just five years ago, in an state with an $11/hr minimum wage. Anyone who says that inflation isn’t happening is kidding themselves.

    The drop in price of crude oil from $120/bbl to $50/bbl and the drop in the price of natural gas from $14/mmbtu to $4/mmbtu have hidden price increases in a lot of items, especially housing.

    What are you feeding those kids to spend that much at Red Robin, I thought that you just had two ?

  40. paul says:

    I think my LineageOS phone with Straight Talk tethers regardless of the carrier rules. I’ll have to check it out when I reactivate the phone next month for our trip.

    My first slab was a Galaxy S2. It did not tether. I rooted it with CyanogenMod and it could tether. After a couple of years the battery started to fail. I replaced it. Wow. The phone never held a charge for three days before. Ok, so, let’s update the CM stuff.

    Nice brick ya got there. Congrats on the long battery life.

    Off to Wally World. I now have an LG quad-core mystery number. It’s a nice phone. The camera sucks but I also suck at photography. I have not found a way to root the phone.

    I’ve tried a few apps that “make it easy” to tether or hotspot. They just give a button on the screen that saves the effort of remembering how to tether. The Android menu pops up and immediately vanishes. There’s something happening at boot to suppress the capability. Heaven forfend one would actually use the data that your service plan provides.

    After all of the above blather, yes, I’m sure you can tether or hotspot your LineageOS phone.

  41. dkreck says:

    The Green New Deal. We have to pass it before we find out what’s in it.

  42. paul says:

    No casting?

    I haven’t looked into that much. I have a Roku. Streaming Amazon or whatever through my phone to the TV seems like a “lookie what I can do!” thing. Very cool but I’m not seeing the point…. for me.

    [edit: I had the Roku app on my phone. It seemed like a waste of resources to use an app that is mostly just a remote control. Esp. when the Roku is over a year old and still on the original batteries in the remote. ]

    I want to tether to my PC when the ISP goes down because Bubba Backhoe had a bad day. I want to hotspot to a laptop on the off chance I might actually go somewhere. Actually, hotspotting to the Kindle Fire may be the way to go.

    Yeah, I can read e-mail and here on the phone. Typing is a real PITA though.

  43. lynn says:

    The Green New Deal. We have to pass it before we find out what’s in it.

    Yeah, Obamacare has been such a huge success. I can hardly wait for the vaunting success of the Green New Deal. After all, I am sure that nothing will go wrong.

  44. paul says:

    I can hardly wait for the vaunting success of the Green New Deal.

    But but but….. you’ll have a new house!

    That it will be half the size of a singlewide mobile home, well, Comrade! We have to be Green to save the seals with snakes in their noses! Da! Oh, and BTW give us all the stuff that won’t fit into your brand new shiny solar powered shack.

  45. paul says:

    One thing about this time of year is that the weather is interesting.

    It was 78F yesterday. The cold front started in last night and I really have not figured it out after almost 40 years if it’s high or low pressure but my stupid leg goes nuts. Like, a pair of crutches would be good. Not needed, leg works fine, but. Maybe I need a drug better than beer. Aspirin doesn’t help.

    I woke up around 4:30 this morning and about to pop. Leg is just sore. Took care of business and had a drink of water. At 6AM the wind chimes started. Twenty minutes later it started to rain… and then started to rain buckets. I went back to sleep with Penny curled up between my legs. She’s a dog. Get your mind outta the gutter.
    All in all, a tenth of an inch of rain.

    You know how your upper teeth hurt when your sinuses are congested? All of my teeth hurt this morning. Weird. All normal (for me) now. Leg is still tender.

    Tonight’s low forecast is 30F. Friday’s high is 38 and low 34. Saturday 40/37. Generally warming through the week. Not great but hey, it’s February. Next Saturday? 80F.


  46. lynn says:

    That it will be half the size of a singlewide mobile home, well, Comrade! We have to be Green to save the seals with snakes in their noses! Da! Oh, and BTW give us all the stuff that won’t fit into your brand new shiny solar powered shack.

    Wow, so my new home will be an Airstream with foam insulation. That will be … tight.

  47. Greg Norton says:

    What are you feeding those kids to spend that much at Red Robin, I thought that you just had two ?

    Four hamburgers, appetizer, dessert, and soft drinks. $70-something plus tip.

    I’ll do 20% for decent service, 15% otherwise.

  48. Nick Flandrey says:

    Listening to NPR in the truck today, Pelosi was asked about the GND and she said she hadn’t seen it but she appreciated “the enthusiasm.” Said we “need all the enthusiasm we can get.” Damning with faint praise….

    Obamarama’s Energy director says “we need A GND but probably not THE GND.” He said it was ‘very unlikely’ to go anywhere. In fact, the half hour of coverage it got was prefaced by and shot thru with comments about how unlikely it was, how it wasn’t binding anyway, how AMBITIOUS the goals were, etc.

    And BOY O BOY those lefties are ANGRY about the SOTU. They were practically shouting at each other.


  49. paul says:

    Wow, so my new home will be an Airstream with foam insulation. That will be … tight.

    Stay South. That way you won’t need clothes beyond shorts and a few t-shirts.

  50. Nick Flandrey says:

    I spent $32 at Jack In the Box yesterday, big sandwich for me, 4 pc chicken for one child, Jumbo Jr Jack for the other, 2 large fries and 3 small shakes.

    For the record, that would have been over 4 pounds of USDA Choice NY Strip at HEB today.


  51. Greg Norton says:

    Wow, so my new home will be an Airstream with foam insulation. That will be … tight.

    More like surplus FEMA trailers from Punta Gorda 15 years ago, post Charley. They were toxic hazards so the Feds just towed them somewhere, waiting to be repurposed.

    Seriously, you don’t want to live an RV, even in an Airstream, year ’round in most climates. If you haven’t already, get one of the books written about the Amazon “Camperforce” people.

  52. paul says:

    GND? Girl Next Door? Ground?

  53. Nick Flandrey says:

    Green New Deal

  54. Nick Flandrey says:


    Foxfi used to work for tethering on unsupported plans. ATT changed their rules and allows tethering so I haven’t used it.

    If you have a sim card, get a verizon MiFi off ebay and pop the sim in there. It’s worked with every sim I’ve tried including the “free” freedom pop service.

    I DON”T recommend Freedom Pop as their business model is deceptive and hard to cancel. It is cheap / month and works, but I ended up paying over $100 for my “free ” service before I got all the billing straight.


  55. Nick Flandrey says:

    Most of the surplus and used FEMA trailers hit the auction last year. Just a couple months before Harvey.

    they went for $3 to $5k each depending on how trashed they were.


  56. lynn says:

    GND? Girl Next Door? Ground?

    Green New Deal.

  57. lynn says:

    We got the industrial fans and three dehumifiers pulled out of the office this afternoon. The humidity in the office was reduced from 55% on Monday to 38% this morning. All of the wet areas were dried out according to their $3,000 infrared tool. I want one (it works in the dark too !).

    Now I have about $6,000 of sheetrock and baseboards to be replaced in the office building. And lots of painting. I am hoping that the old baseboards can be re-used without problems so we do not have to restain everything in sight. Plus my baseboards are fairly unique at about 5.5 inches in height.

    All-in-all, my costs are going to be around $11,000. Including the two new water heaters in the office building and the warehouse for $2,700 that the insurance will not pay for. My insurance deductible is $1,000. But the insurance adjuster was muttering about my building is $683K to rebuild and I only have it insured for $500K. That is 73% of the value whereas to get 100% coverage, the insured amount needs to be 80%. He was going to look at the numbers and see if he could get to 80% so I will not know for a few days how much the insurance is going to pay. Sigh.

    My tech support guy said it best. With all of the fans and humidifiers running, it was like sitting on the wing on an airplane flying to India from the USA.

  58. lynn says:

    Seriously, you don’t want to live an RV, even in an Airstream, year ’round in most climates. If you haven’t already, get one of the books written about the Amazon “Camperforce” people.

    One of my guys lived in an old RV for three years, about a mile away from the office in an RV park. His major complaint was the lack of insulation in the RV so it took a long time to cool down or heat up. His RV had two a/c units that he did not run during the day. And a propane heater that he did not run during the night, he used an electric blanket instead. He said that in the cold mornings, it was the same temperature inside as it was outside. Nippy, very nippy.

  59. Nick Flandrey says:

    I lived in a single wide, from 1955, for 4 years in the Phoenix area. No air conditioner for the first 2 years. Just swamp cooler, which is cold and damp at night, warm and damp during the day. Gas furnace for heat that would blow out when the wind started to blow hard. Which it does all winter. SUCKED. (added- but it was CHEAP and right across from campus.)


    (neighbor lady was a holocaust survivor with a tattoo on her forearm, her son didn’t quite make it all the way back from Vietnam, but was mostly functional most days. lots of misfortune there.)

  60. Nick Flandrey says:

    From open sources–

    First responder safety awareness of fourth generation nerve agents

    “Nerve agent” is not the first thing to enter one’s mind when responding to an
    unconscious victim in a suburban or small-town setting.

    Last year, several people in the United Kingdom were poisoned using fourth
    generation nerve agents. Two victims were targeted and a few months later two
    others were accidentally exposed. At the frst incident, first responders donned
    hazmat gear because they feared fentanyl and had no idea a nerve agent was
    involved. The incidents could have sickened or killed dozens of responders.
    The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently released several
    awareness guides to help first responders in the United States prepare for an
    unlikely fourth generation nerve agent incident. The guides provide information
    to all frst responders and related fields.

    Fourth generation agents are in the chemical warfare category and pose unique
    challenges to first responders. They differ from other nerve agents in that:
    –They pose a significant cross-contamination hazard.
    –Symptoms can be delayed as much as three days from exposure.
    –They are most likely to be found in liquid form and do not easily evaporate.

    For training on chemical incidents, the Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP) in
    Anniston, Alabama, offers a variety of related courses for first responders. The
    CDP offers courses on biological and toxic agents for first responders and hospital

  61. MrAtoz says:

    I’m not willing to work.

    AOC 20XX for LIFE!!!!

  62. lynn says:

    I’m not willing to work.

    AOC 20XX for LIFE!!!!

    Yeah, I figure that AOC will be our last President. I must admit that I never thought that Nehemiah Scudder was going to be a female priestess of Gaia.

    Heinlein got it wrong, the future of the USA is not a Christian theocracy, the future is a bunch of earth worshipers. Pournelle got it right but he wrote his book 39 years later than Heinlein.

  63. dkreck says:

    Stay South. That way you won’t need clothes beyond shorts and a few t-shirts.

    Why that much?

    (ok I just watched ‘Mr. Monk and The Naked Man’ during dinner. and yes I’ve been to a few beaches – might be a good way to live)

  64. Nick Flandrey says:

    Try running a tablesaw with the junk on display….. not gonna do it, wouldn’t be pru-dent.

    I used to wear my nail apron with a tape measure right in front, because it would spread the impact of the really bad kickback… and the impact could cost you one of your magic beans if it was bad enough. Happened to a co-worker.


    Or, shudder, running a router at waist level, shudder……

  65. Nick Flandrey says:

    How does a child get a hyphenated last name? Unless she was previously married?


  66. Nick Flandrey says:

    She’s not a priestess of gaia, she’s like the mirror scrooge mcduck. She can’t wait to spend every coin in the world.


  67. Ray Thompson says:

    His RV had two a/c units that he did not run during the day.

    I just bought a travel trailer, 24 foot. In 98 degree temperature the single A/C unit kept it comfortable. We also tried the unit when it got 40f. The propane heater worked well. Ducted heat in the floor, ducted A/C in the ceiling. But when in an RV park for heat I just used a small electric ceramic heater. Did a fine job. Only use the propane for traveling when the fridge and freezer needs to be kept cold.

    I would not use the unit much below freezing due to plumbing freezing. The insulation has come a long ways. There is 4 inches in the roof.

    We did see some cold weather units at an RV show. Well insulated, covered under carriage, heated holding tanks. Supposed to be good to below zero.

    I could live in my trailer for a year. Not so the wife or both of us together. Much too small. If I was going to do that 35 foot would be the minimum.

    I also learned that most state and national parks have a length limit of 30 feet.

  68. brad says:

    @Greg: “I think my LineageOS phone with Straight Talk tethers regardless of the carrier rules.” Do let us know if that is the case. It ought to be, since it’s none of the carrier’s business how you use your data allotment. I haven’t yet installed Lineage, but it’s on my medium-term “to do” list.

    – – – – –

    What kind of undereducated fruitcake is Ms. Ocasio-Cortez? Here’s her full proposal if you want some humorous reading while on the toilet. Don’t miss the addition of universal basic income.

    The woman has no touch with reality – and apparently none of her advisors do either. And she’s going to pay for it by “extending credit” and creating “new public banks”. Sure you are, darling. Don’t forget selling the magical unicorn farts, while you’re at it.

    She will be a worthy successor to Nancy Pelosi in 20 or 30 years.

  69. JimL says:

    Okay – triggered by two things…

    Wow, so my new home will be an Airstream with foam insulation. That will be … tight

    The problem is the presence of foam insulation. No way. you MUST use sustainable, earth-friendly insulation or you’ve wasted all the effort to make the world a better place.

    The second thing? It’s not that Representative Ocasio-Cortez has these ideas. There are nutters in every crowd. No. The scary part is that I saw mention of it in Ars Technica. I know the crowd over there leans a little to the left, so I took a look at the comments. They were scary. 300+ comments fawning over the little toad’s excretions. The few that questioned its efficacy or financial viability were down-voted into oblivion.

    There was one commenter who wrote an entire screed on the efficacy of California’s program.

    I don’t get it.

  70. Ray Thompson says:

    What kind of undereducated fruitcake is Ms. Ocasio-Cortez?

    I liked the part about zero emissions for farmers. Ever try to control bovine farts? Then to remove all combustion engines. Ever try and pull an 8 bottom plow all day with an electric motor? You might get 10 minutes on batteries.

    The lady is truly an idiot, a clueless dolt. That she got elected speaks volume for left sided bell curve people that voted for her. If she is the future we are doomed.

  71. JimL says:


    If we stop eating Beef we won’t have bovine farts. Yes, that’s an unwritten assumption of her plan.

    Yes, you can pull a plow with wind & solar. You need the same power whether it comes from fossil or renewable. Part of the plan is “suck it up.”

    People are voting themselves bread & circuses. THIS is why the franchise should be limited to those who can (and do) produce something.

  72. Nick Flandrey says:

    Of course there will be no bread if modern farming is eliminated.

    I’ll SWAG that the world would see a pretty quick 1/3 reduction in population if the US quit producing wheat, corn, and rice for export. Anyone else remember the worldwide food riots when corn exports were cut and prices went up after the ‘green’ tax (subsidy for corn ethanol) was enacted? Production shifted from other crops to corn, causing their prices to increase too. Modern mechanical factory farms allow the world to eat on the output of <1% of the population. Since she pictures herself as Manor Lord, with the peasants (picturesque noble savages all) working in the dusty fields of the Hacienda, SHE'S not worried about eating. Or she thinks food comes from corner stores, so shut down the nasty smelly farms....

    I REALLY want to know, who is her patron? Who is putting their hand up inside the puppet? We know NOTHING about her. Sounds kinda familiar no? and look where that went, from a speech at the Democratic convention to the White House.


  73. Nick Flandrey says:

    In other, wildly different news, the Amateur Radio Relay League, or ARRL, the association that ‘runs’ amateur radio has a new CEO. He’ll either be awesome, or kill it…

    “”As a business, ARRL is not just QST magazine, The Handbook, DXCC, or the VEC program. We can’t allow ourselves to continue to think within those traditional parameters,” he continued. “ARRL’s businesses are not membership, publishing, and advertising. ARRL’s businesses are value creation, value delivery, and advocacy. I plan to architect ARRL along those lines.””

    Yep. “Value creation” and “value delivery”. That’s what an association does. Lord have mercy.


  74. Ray Thompson says:

    They were scary. 300+ comments fawning over the little toad’s excretions. The few that questioned its efficacy or financial viability were down-voted into oblivion.

    Lot of zit faced weirdos who’s idea of a good date is their right hand. Most are clueless idiots with no social life who like to brag on themselves when talking equipment, phones, or network. No tolerance for alternative opinions or options. It is their way or no way. I used to frequent DSLReports but finally had enough of the little twerks, especially the moderators, who think their role makes them supreme leader.

  75. SteveF says:

    The problem is the presence of foam insulation. No way. you MUST use sustainable, earth-friendly insulation or you’ve wasted all the effort to make the world a better place.

    Vacuum makes a good thermal insulator. I suggest Democrats’ skulls.

    And Ars Technica has been about worthless for years. Probably ten years.

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