10:47 – I see that the standoff has ended, with the Bundy family and their supporters arrested and one of them shot dead. No surprise there. But it comes at a cost to the government in the form of decreased trust by the citizenry. After Waco, most normal people thought the fault was with Koresh’s group, although many questioned the use of tanks and firebombing to root out what were, after all, general peaceful civilians. After Ruby Ridge, still more people began to question just what the government was doing. And now with the Bundy family, still more average people are wondering just what’s going on. I think we’re going to see more events like this over the coming months and years, and more and more people will start to see the federal goons for what they are. Federal government goons murdering ordinary civilians.
I’m still tied up with administrative stuff, some of which has to be complete and in the mail by Friday.
Repeating my comment in yesterday’s post (just to trying and keep this in one place):
WRT Oregon shooting, according to KSFO (San Francisco, I stream their morning show in the morning) the guy that was killed had his hands up as well as the others that were wounded. We will never know the truth as all cell phones were confiscated. Sounds to me like this was a setup by an gooberment infiltrator.
“…the guy that was killed had his hands up as well as the others that were wounded.”
At least that’s what the political leadership here and in Europe is telling us, straight up. (Their own matter, of course, and they have the means to take care of themselves….for the time being.)
Hands up. Don’t shoot.
The Feds just created more martyrs; nobody reads history anymore, or anything at all for that matter. This is all over the III Percent net and related sites and emails today. One wonders what the Fed response will be when the Oregon event gets multiplied by a dozen or three-dozen similar capers around the country, simultaneously. Also what their response will be if and when some kind of interruption occurs, electrical or financial, to the FSA’s handout empire, i.e., EBT and ATM cards.
The Feds were moving in tons of equipment, gear and personnel prior to this confrontation and it certainly looks like they were pushing for an excuse to draw blood and end it. I think RBT is right and we’ll see more of this stuff in the near future and times will definitely get sportier, in the cities and out in the sticks. Tool up and keep your eyes and ears open all the time and in all places.
At some point, the word will go ’round. “Weapons free, targets of opportunity.”
On another subject, Scott Adams of “Dilbert” fame, has an interesting analysis of Trump’s latest move (not participating in Thursday’s debate). If you have not been keeping up on Scott’s 2D/3D analysis some of what he says may lose you, so you may have to do some homework and read past posts.
Once again Trump is demonstrating that he is not a traditional politician. This latest is just another example of his “Art of the Deal”. You see, he knows when to walk away from a “deal”, the sign of a great businessman, yes, I said it, man, deal with it you gender neutralists.
Gary North thinks this may be the wildest and most interesting election since 1860, and we’re already in new historical territory with Chump. Many strange things can happen, not least Cankles actually being indicted and yet running anyway and being elected anyway. Who she picks as a running mate could end up being the Prez eventually. And if Chump somehow gets in, more strange things could occur.
Methinks it will be a wild and crazy ride this coming year.
WRT ” I think RBT is right and we’ll see more of this stuff in the near future and times will definitely get sportier, in the cities and out in the sticks. Tool up and keep your eyes and ears open all the time and in all places.”
Is the Obola disAdminstration going to skip the Brown Shirts phase and go straight to the Waffen SS?
They’ve got the ground game well underway. The network of funding and command and control that they have built and continue to build with Occupy Whatever, (Some) Black Lives Matter, and the rest are just the AAA league for the eventual organization, whatever it’s called. Cadre is being formed up, and recruits are being identified.
The other prong is the militarized local PD (mostly commanded by democratic liberal chiefs) and the militarization of federal agencies.
Between them, things could literally change overnight.
They’ve infiltrated an army from south of the border, some of whom are undoubtedly waiting to step up.
They’ve already got the propagandists on their side. They are trying out demonization groups every week. Sooner or later, they’ll find one that sticks. Then the sh!t is really on.
The only question I really have is whether they have the patience to continue the slow roll, or if they will act precipitously now that they can SEE the finish line.
I love how Fox News claims The Mighty Trump’s ™ campaign manager “threatened and terrorized” employee Megyn Kelly. The Redumblicans really want TMT out of the race. He’s a terrorist, dammit! lol
where does Alice’s “friend” get all these lovely toys?
Oh, yeah, where are Sharpless, Jackwagon and Fartinacan? The shooters are the same people that they claim shoot Black people with a wild abandon.
I was talking to a friend yesterday about the BLM situation. He thinks that the next time someone has trouble with the BLM (or any other federal agency), they will just find the manager in charge and kill them. There is no change in the downside.
That is how revolutions are started.
Once you decide on murder, all the rest of your crimes are free.
“The only question I really have is whether they have the patience to continue the slow roll, or if they will act precipitously now that they can SEE the finish line.”
I tend to think their “D-Day” will be this coming year; the previous operations you mention, plus the Boston Marathon lockdown, and the Waco biker caper, were exercises. Once they kick it off and “hit the beaches,” they can expect rising anger and blowback. And then we’ll have our second civil war.
Or maybe most Murkan derps will continue to be mesmerized by all the colorful pixels and say, whatever is done to anybody else, ‘they had it coming.’ And if order starts to break down so as to negatively impact their shopping adventures and pixel viewing, they’ll be on their knees begging for its restoration at any cost.
We shall see.
Hey, I have a very serious question here. I managed to frag my old Focus 2001 MECHANICAL keyboard in the move from the study to the game room (yeah, the wife gave me an ultimatum). So, I now need a new mechanical keyboard for my home pc. And, I do not want one of these ultra gamerboy keyboards with all of the LEDs.
I think that I do want the Cherry MX brown keys. I love my keys clacky and long throw. In fact, I use my 24 year old Northgate Omni Key/102 Gold here at the office. If this keyboard ever dies, I will probably build a funeral pyre for it.
Any thoughts?
@Lynn, did you look at this one, it has Cherry MX Brown keys: http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Mechanical-Keyboard-Tactile-High-Speed/dp/B009C98NPY
I still have and use my just as old, if not more, Northgate Omni Key/102 Gold. It says something about a product when it withstands 24+ years of constant use.
The Feds are all over the TeeVee justifying their murder in OR. I wonder when they will roll out “we feared for our lives.”
If you can stomach the price, Das Keyboard is an awesome keyboard. I got mine without letters.
I’ll never buy another, though. It’s cool, and it works great, but my MS Keyboard works just as well for a whole lot less.
“I wonder when they will roll out “we feared for our lives.””
Boy, the numbers of peeps I could have blown away if I coulda used that excuse!
“He had an angry expression on his face and he was walking toward me.”
“He said mean things to me that made me nervous and fearful.
“He told me he was gonna kick my ass.”
“He wouldn’t stop yelling and writhing around on the ground while we were tasing and stomping him.”
“He kept moving after we pumped three or four mags into him.”
Thanks for the help with a new mechanical keyboard. A friend of mine on another board just pushed
at me. Looks good, new AT keyboards with USB cables.
The item that I love most about my 24 year old Northgate Omni Key/102 Gold is that the function keys are on the left side of the keyboard. That is where God intended them to be for easy software debugging.
If you can stomach the price, Das Keyboard is an awesome keyboard. I got mine without letters.
Ok, without letters is just strange to me.
Gettin’ my harsh on here today:
I am in love!
Left side function keys (but missing F11 and F12), vertical enter key, large back space key, oh my!
Other than some typist street cred, just what does not having letters do for you? They’re not exactly obstructive.
So, you would be opposed to something like: http://amzn.com/B00MR26TUO
So, you would be opposed to something like: http://amzn.com/B00MR26TUO
Oh man, the skin on my hands is already old enough. Bathing them in a continuous laser would be disastrous?
So the cops in one of Tri-Cities (Kennewick, Pasco, Richland WA) exhibited a lot of self control here. I know some of these cops, bad ass seal types. From the article this guy is a known problem.
BTW, the part of town where this guy lives has more than its fair share of “possible” illegals.
Good to know some cops are still doing it right and not jumping off with lethal force immediately as their default mode. Good going. That dude needs an anger management class!
It still astonishes me how many calls I went on completely alone back in the day that now require multiple cars and/or SWAT responses. With a revolver and a nightstick. WTF was I thinking???
Another funny thing is that given the job to do again right now, in some small town up here, I could still do it. Of course given a RHEL sys admin job again I could do that, too, and it would pay a lot more with less aggravation, or maybe I have that backwards…
Speaking of cops getting away with (attempted) murder.
Not only did those cops slide on that caper, the taxpayers had to shell out $4.2 million to the vics, plus probably paid for the cops being suspended or doing a “leave of absence” with pay for months or years. And LA taxpayers also bought the ladies a new car. Not only were they victimized, but so were LA taxpaying citizens. (undoubtedly not more than a third or a half of the population there, like in the rest of the country).
Don’t ya just get sick of getting boned by the gooberment? Something is gonna break soon.
Grab those ankles boys, BOHICA
“Don’t ya just get sick of getting boned by the gooberment? Something is gonna break soon.”
They no longer even have the dad-burned courtesy to grease us first. I don’t know what’s gonna break and how soon but it’s coming. They keep pushing and pushing and peeps out here are getting mad as wet hens. Even my lib-Dem Irish-Catholic wife finally got peeved when all that BLM stuff started splattering all over the net and tee-vee. She’s still not up to speed on the foreign invasions, though; thinks they’re all just nice peeps who deserve a chance, after all, we wuz all immigrants, too, amirite? I don’t get into it much anymore; she gets annoyed, so we’ll just wait and watch, shall we, hon?
“Grab those ankles boys, BOHICA”
Dat’s right, kemosabe, ’cause ever-thang be FUBAR
Looks like the Swedes are finally acquiring some clues…
“Yeah, .22 rimfire is made in dedicated factories. The last time I checked, it cost something like a quarter to half a billion dollars to build such a factory…”
I’m wondering why rimfire ammo is so expensive to produce. Surely a factory could be built for a lot than 250-500m.
Is centrefire ammo also hellishly expensive to make?
“Looks like the Swedes are finally acquiring some clues…”
The Squareheads shoulda got a clue when the first swarms of invading scum began to show up; man the friggin’ shore batteries and strafing aircraft, for Odin’s sake! Too little too late; now it will take them years and cost them millions of kronen or whatever the hell they use for currency. And the Danes are now compared to Nazis, for confiscating loot from these parasites; that’s rich: Denmark and the Danes stood up to the fucking Nazis back then, including King Christian X.
Meanwhile, back here in the United States of Amnesia, where not only no one reads history, but no one reads at all anymore, we’re on track to bring in more waves of locusts and parasites and scum, while our southern border remains a joke and the Murkan Southwest is also on track to become Nuevo Aztlan, and Mexican cultural values rising to hold greater sway. Along with narcotrafficantes and increased cartel traffic and the army that’s been snuck across for unknown purposes, but boding no good for the rest of us.
Y’all down there in the Great Lone Star State are on the front lines, hermanos y hermanas…
Up here our big threat so far has been the lone dumbass Quebecois toting a sled full of Xanax pills across a border trail salted heavily with Border Patrol sensors, and probably with drones swanning overhead.
As RBT has opined, and I agree, unless immediate drastic measures are taken, Europe is toast, writ large:
Next up after them? Us.
@JimL: Ah, another Das Keyboard type. I’m typing on one just now. The feel is great, and the lack of incriptions on the keys, well, that’s just cool. As Chad says, it’s not useful, but it’s cool.
One thing I find irritating: The enter key is only on one row. This seems to be true of *all* keyboards today. Weird, because for years enter keys were two rows high, and my fingers still expect that. This seems like a step backwards.
– – – –
On the migrant crisis: There is one serious problem with ejecting unwanted migrants. How do you get them home? Some countries don’t exactly have working airports that you want to fly into – Syria being a prime example. Some countries in Africa actually refuse to take their own people back. How weird is that? Others will take them back, but only if you pay the government some
bribesfees.Even if that’s all in order, flying them back is damned expensive. Not so much because of the airplane, but because they often resist. Then they have to be restrained, and you have to send a pile of police with them, to manage the restraints during the flight, and to force them off the airplane at the other end. You can also imagine the mileage the progressive press makes out of this spectacle.
How to get them out of the country? Bayonets should do it.
Where do they go after they leave? Not our problem, bud.
Well, it is a problem. If we chase criminal migrants out of Switzerland by land, we are chasing them into Austria, or Germany, or some other country where they are equally unwelcome. Said country will say, logically enough, “they’re your problem, not ours”.
Practically speaking, you need some place on the other end of the “chasing”, where you are chasing them to. By international law, it ought to be their home country, but some places are so messed up that even this doesn’t work. Unsurprisingly, such messed up places tend to generate lots of migrants…
Who says you have to get them home?
Right now, container ships and containers are a drug on the market. A standard shipping container can easily hold several hundred moslems, and maybe twice that with compression. Fill the containers with moslems, load them on a container ship, haul them out past the 12 mile limit, drop the containers over the side, and let them walk home.
And it may actually come to this, or something very similar, assuming the Europeans grow a collective set of balls.
Yeah, it’ll be interesting to see what Europe does. It’s still the progressive politicos and media against (I am pretty sure) the majority of the population.
Here’s the first pic I found for 2016, of refugees entering Germany. Facing the camera, we have three men, three women and a child. Just like nearly every picture the media publishes.
In reality, more than 70% of the refugees are men, most of whom are in their 20s or early 30s (see pic on page 3, if you don’t read German). You have to search, in order to find a realistic picture. There’s something fundamentally wrong, when it’s the young men demanding help, rather than the women, children and elderly. Proof, in my mind, that this isn’t a refugee crisis at all, but simply an economic migration.
Even if that’s all in order, flying them back is damned expensive. Not so much because of the airplane, but because they often resist. Then they have to be restrained, and you have to send a pile of police with them, to manage the restraints during the flight, and to force them off the airplane at the other end. You can also imagine the mileage the progressive press makes out of this spectacle.
The Nazis used to use boxcars. That is just to horrible to consider as boxcars do not float.
Basically, once you let them in, the only way to get rid of them is to encourage them to self-deport.
You can round them up. But you can’t send them home in any real numbers. Especially when home won’t take them.
What do you do, truck them to the border and push them thru the gate? What keeps them from trying to cross right back? Fly them deeper into the other country? Besides the expense, then what? After the first time you teargas your own plane to get them out, the receiving country will deny you access to their airspace and airports. Go in forcefully? Not likely and super expensive.
So once you’ve let them in, you are F’d.
at 200/flight, you’d need all the planes in the country and you’d be doing it for a century.
One thing I find irritating: The enter key is only on one row. This seems to be true of *all* keyboards today. Weird, because for years enter keys were two rows high, and my fingers still expect that. This seems like a step backwards.
Yes! And the backspace key needs to be two spaces wide. For example,
This keyboard looks like the old AT/370 keyboard that I had back at TXU in the 1980s. I had a direct connection to the Engineering 3090 with that PC so it had a special keyboard with 24 extra function keys that we programmed for mainframe macros.
because for years enter keys were two rows high
I wonder if IBM has a patent on that two row Enter key design?
” I got mine without letters.
Other than some typist street cred, just what does not having letters do for you? They’re not exactly obstructive.”
It had nothing to do with street cred and everything to do with pissing off the loud-mouthed jerk I worked with. He liked to use other people’s computers in the off hours because his was bogged down with all the crapware he had loaded. Thing is, he couldn’t touch-type, so that effectively stopped him from using my PC without exerting more effort than he was willing to put forth.
Yes, I can be a jerk. When warranted.
Whoa whoa whoa! I’m no greenie-whacko, but this kind of, of environmental catastrophe is just too foul to be contemplated. Think of the whales! Think of the cod! Think of the brine shrimp! What have they ever done to you, to make you hate them so?
A couple days ago we were discussing the burning of fecal matter in military camps. Wouldn’t the same technique work for disposing of Musloids? Or, to avoid wasting the chemical energy, we could convert them to biodiesel. No, that wouldn’t work. Islamorrhoid invaders would screw even that up. Running your car on Islamodiesel would probably leave behind a smell of fecal matter. Like running on used french fry grease but fouler.
Use the automated chopper/grinders from Ringo’s Dark Tide Rising series.
Put it between them and Mecca.
“Yes, I can be a jerk. When warranted.”
You weren’t the jerk; in fact, you were rather lenient. I might have taken harsher steps.
“Running your car on Islamodiesel would probably leave behind a smell of fecal matter.”
“Use the automated chopper/grinders from Ringo’s Dark Tide Rising series.”
But…Things That Make Ya Wonder…how come none of the musloid apologist ass-hats in the West personally take in these poor, huddled suffering masses yearning to breathe free? Or for that matter, any of the pro-infinite-immigration clowns, period? At most, they’ll hire them for menial work around the house and yard and then stiff them on their Social Security reporting and taxes. Not to mention pay and bennies.
Oh wait…I get it now…the rulers want us ALL in that boat; shit for pay, doing menial work and getting zip for bennies, while we get money deducted for various nightmarish versions of ObolaCARE and HillaryCARE.
Whoever said that it was a war being waged against the middle class in this country had it nailed.
Soylent Green is People!!! Feed the Mooslims to the hoards of FSA that will reside in the PRCs. We’ll call it “Green Pork.” That’ll give the tree-hugging greenie libturds a boner!
Well that’s no good! I don’t want green boners to occur. Especially not anywhere near me, but I don’t want them anywhere. Green boners result in more greens, and no one wants that.
I tried to watch soylent green not too long ago. It was made in ’73 and took place in 2022. Think we’ll be eating people and going to voluntary end of life centers in a couple more years? I guess it doesn’t look that ridiculous if you just phrase it that way…..
BTW Escape from NY was set in 1997!
‘snake pliskin, I thought you were dead!’
If RBT’s friend from grad school doesn’t know that RBT’s picture is in the dictionary next to prepper, he must really be oblivious.
Think we’ll be eating people and going to voluntary end of life centers in a couple more years?
Universal healthcare with single payer, where your need for medical care is decided by accountants, would certainly be the first step.
HA! Bureaucrats more like it. Anti-government thinking will be a mental defect and the cure is put ’em down. (and you thought Lois Lerner and the IRS were bad)
And they’ll all be ‘diversity hires’ with no love of you and me.