Friday, 15 August 2014

By on August 15th, 2014 in science kits

08:06 – I’m still covered up with kit orders, but unfortunately this month isn’t as hectic as August of last year. Through this morning we’re running at about 85% of last August’s overall rate. Still, the second half of the month is always even busier than the first, so we may be able to match last August’s results or nearly so.

64 Comments and discussion on "Friday, 15 August 2014"

  1. Lynn McGuire says:

    My brother the bank pres just sent this to me:

    “August 15, 2014

    The Houston-Sugar Land-Baytown Metro Area created 112,200 jobs in the 12 months ending July ’14, according to the Texas Workforce Commission. The Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metro led the state, adding 120,800 jobs, followed by Houston, then Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos with 32,600 jobs. Job growth in the state’s 25 metro areas follows.”


  2. MrAtoz says:

    The shit begins to hit the fan in the Ukraine.

    Hello, Obummer, hello? No wonder he’s rushing back to Mordor.

  3. MrAtoz says:

    Now that Ferguson PoPo have released the name of the cop, Twitter is alight with “I’m gonna kill the pig” etc. I don’t understand why Twitter and Facebook don’t police more and summarily close those accounts and log the ip. There is no 1st Amendment on Twitter. Any death threat should end the account period.

  4. Lynn McGuire says:

    Scott Burns is reporting that both Social Security and Medicare are now requiring huge cash infusions frmo the feddies:

    “It appears that things are getting better, if you can believe it. (You can’t.) Exhaustion of the Medicare trust fund is now 2030. That’s four years further away than last year. The Social Security trust fund runs out of money in 2033, same as last year. That’s well beyond the attention span of our friends in Washington.”

    “Appendix F tells us that the net surplus in trust accounting for combining Social Security and Medicare is a mere $10.1 billion. This figure includes the $102.8 billion in interest income credited to the Social Security trust fund. The interest credit gave Social Security a $37.6 billion surplus for the year. The $23 billion loss for Medicare hospital insurance reduced that surplus. So did the $4.6 billion loss for Medicare supplementary medical insurance. (You can see this for yourself in Table V.F1 on page 227 of the Medicare report.)”

    This is why the tea partiers are all upset. But, the horse has left the barn and the barn is on fire. Ain’t gonna be nothing there in the morning. And it gets worse:

    “Appendix C deals with differences between spending determined by law and actual spending. The difference is enormous. Medicare payments for inpatient hospital stays will decline to 40 percent of private health insurance payments if payments follow law. ”

    That means that insured healthcare patients are going to pay more at the hospital.

  5. Lynn McGuire says:

    BTW, got my group quote for the annual increase in our healthcare insurance. An increase of 22.1% starting Dec 1. They quoted me a new Silver plan for just a 14% increase that we will probably take.

  6. MrAtoz says:

    I just purchased one of these. Not the tank top bizatchs. Thanks to Jesse the Fuckwad Ventura.

  7. ech says:

    My daughter is considering getting a taser. Any recommendations from y’all here? (For various tedious reasons involving a roommate, she can’t have a pistol at home or she’d get one.)

  8. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Sounds like your daughter needs a new roommate.

    Tasers (usually) work for cops because there’s the threat of deadly(er) force behind them. I’ve watched demonstrations where the person hit simply brushed away the wires and could have continued the attack. They’re simply not reliable as an only means of defense.

    When Jas left for college she talked to me about getting pepper spray/CS. I told her pretty much the same thing, that it was unlikely to reliably deter an attacker, and was in fact likely to outrage him and cause him to hurt her more than he otherwise might have. I suggested that about the most effective handheld spray she could could get was a can of Easy-Off oven cleaner, the kind with lye. A shot of that in the eyes will instantly and permanently blind an attacker. It is extremely corrosive, and not just to the eyes. Also to skin and mucous membranes.

    I’m assuming they still make the stuff, although it is by far the nastiest, most dangerous household chemical product ever devised. Ah, I just checked, and their oven cleaner is now wimpified. They do make a “professional” barbecue grill cleaner that’s listed as 1% to 5% sodium hydroxide, but that’s a pale shadow of what the stuff used to be. Even so, I’d rather have a can of that than pepper spray.

  9. Miles_Teg says:

    Jas couldn’t or wouldn’t get a concealable handgun?

  10. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Most US college campus prohibit students from possessing firearms. It’s usually an expulsion offense, and often felony charges are filed. Also, in most jurisdictions one has to be 21 years old to buy OR have possession of a pistol, and very few jurisdictions will issue a carry permit to someone under 21 even in extraordinary circumstances. As a matter of fact, there’s a recent news story about a girl who’s attending an Ivy League university who’s being stalked and is in reasonable fear for her life. No one, including the cops, has any problem with her carrying a pistol for self-defense. Except the university itself, which has threatened to expel her if she does.

  11. Lynn McGuire says:

    When I was a student at Texas A&M University back in 1978 to 1982, many students had guns on campus. Lots of deer rifles and shotguns in the dorm rooms. All these new rules suck and are probably unconstitutional.

  12. Jim B says:

    Wasp spray, with a range of 20 feet, or is that an urban legend?

  13. OFD says:

    Yikes, I spend the day with wife at the airport, lunch, MIL’s place, yadayada and all Hell breaks loose, all these problems I gotta solve now…

    Ukraine: Bad chit is happening there and no good end in sight; there is no such country by the way; it’s part of Russia. Vlad will enforce that, one way or the other. If the Euros don’t like it, let’s see how they like no heat this winter.

    Iraq: ISIS will overrun the country and the rest of the region will erupt in chaos; at some point Israel may feel threatened enough to use nukes; if they do, they can expect return strikes from Iran and Pakistan, for starters. Imagine: a sea of molten glass from the Med to Malaysia.

    Ferguson: Highway Patrol black savior captain has saved the town, all is good. Except that three of his officers were stoned last night and three of his cruisers wrecked. I still say NatGuard is pending.

    SS and Medicare: I agree with Bob’s theory; they’re intentionally blowing up these systems, to be replaced by a gigantic mega-fund which they can then loot with increasing impunity. If we get sick or hurt, tough shit. From now on. Unless we can work out private arrangements locally with MD’s and DD’s or fly overseas to have stuff done. The One Percent will not be affected, of course. Nor the military and cops still on active duty; once you leave those forces, though, tough shit.

    Taser vs. handgun vs. nothing for college student protection/self-defense: I worked as a campus cop in a crummy section of a city for several years; some students had Mace or CS spray tubes then; firearms were utterly verboten for them. And we had one kid aim a pellet rifle at us one night; he was expelled immediately. If it was our daughter, I’d send her to a good self-defense class first of all and then work out something from there, based on expert recommendations suited to the local circumstances. Agreed with Bob again that she needs a new roommate ASAP.

    MrAtoz and the tee shirt: I dunno what to make of that case; I just saw a clip of Ventura explaining his side of the story, which I thought was very plausible. I note that these kinda guys often talk trash to each other and maybe this one got outta hand and then the lawyers got to it.

    Fairly common delayed/lost luggage issue with Mrs. OFD and United this morning, but resolved a couple of hours later. Rental cah returned. Saab picked up but we won’t be using that garage again (she was a big customer of theirs for 17 years but the ownership has changed and none of the same guys are apparently there anymore.) Had lunch at the Shanty-On-The-Shore and watched the ferries and excursion boats and sailboats off the Burlington lakefront, thirty miles south of us here. I had a nice lobster roll with bacon, lettuce and tomato. And some clam chowduh.

    Back home now to do more house and yard work this weekend, with a Saab convertible joy ride tomorrow and lunch again, maybe, if the weather is good. We both deserve a break after this past couple of weeks. My IT job fell through, and probably yet another bullet dodged anyway. Rumors still abound concerning IBM and possible hiring again, since the sale to the Emirate of Dhubai failed. I’m going ahead with other plans anyway now, my days in IT may be coming to an end, though I’d hoped to keep our income up for another couple of years that way. Now I may have to ramp up wicked fast on something else. I hate having the wife carry the whole load, I really do.

    Overcast again, possible showers on the way. We need wottuh like TX needs sunshine.

  14. Jim B says:

    I went to college in a tough urban neighborhood two or three ice ages ago. After some campus muggings, a bunch of engineering students severely beat two suspicious characters, enough to put them in the hospital for quite a while. The authorities looked the other way. The campus was verrry quiet for a looong time. Just sayin’.

    Sadly, today the outcome would be different, and the students would be in real trouble. We live in interesting times.

  15. Jim B says:

    Sorry (again) about the IT job, OFD. OTOH, you have again proven that the world falls apart when you take a day off. Too bad you can’t profit from protecting the world. A certain organization comes to mind.

  16. MrAtoz says:

    MrAtoz and the tee shirt

    Ventura is a douche. The only one who impugned his income was him. Watch one of his “conspiracy” shows. His career was over before the book came out. As many have said, take your $500K defamation and move on.

  17. MrAtoz says:

    And of course, race baiter Jackson calls MO shooting “a state execution.” Calls for White House policy to combat problems in Black community. Chicago, anyone? Not a peep. Crickets. zzzzzz

  18. OFD says:

    “Too bad you can’t profit from protecting the world. A certain organization comes to mind.”

    I know. Sadly, though, the Vatican isn’t hiring right now and they don’t pay much anyway.

    “We live in interesting times.”

    And they may get even more interesting when things like that return as a form of community policing, though some disparage it as vigilantism, what else are ya ‘sposed to do if the regular cops won’t help you? Or if they come after you instead, on the low-hanging-fruit theory of police work…

    ” Watch one of his “conspiracy” shows. ”

    Can’t, if they’re on regular or cable tee-vee. I guess I could look around on the Tube, though; I’d read one of his books several years ago on various conspiracies. Maybe he got hit in the head one too many times back in his WWF days, but he sounded and looked fairly lucid in the recent vid I watched.

    “…race baiter Jackson…”

    That’s his main gig. Him and Sharpless. How they make their livings. Like Cadillac ridin’, smilin’, stylin’, and profilin’ urban preachers of long ago. “while the grass-roots stared in envy and drank wine…”

    The new black leaders out there probably can’t wait for these old farts to retire and die off. They speak a different lingo now. And some of the smarter ones tell their ‘hoods to STFU and quit talkin’ ’bout blowin’ a white boy away, etc. ‘Cause Whitey has the firepower, do not eff wid it, they say. And some of them are also talking about seceding.

  19. CowboySlim says:

    “And of course, race baiter Jackson calls MO shooting “a state execution.” Calls for White House policy to combat problems in Black community. Chicago, anyone? Not a peep. Crickets. zzzzzz”

    From the convenience store video released today the deceased was embarking on career of common criminality. Would race baiter Sharpson really expect us to believe that his theft of cigars was his first and forever only crime.

  20. Lynn McGuire says:

    And some of them are also talking about seceding.

    Huh? Are any of the states majority black?

  21. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Mississippi is getting close …

  22. Lynn McGuire says:

    Mississippi is 37% from the 2010 census according to:

    That means that almost 2/3rds of the state would not be interested. Probably vehemently not interested.

    How is the Liberia experiment going? Looks like a failure to me.

  23. dkreck says:

    California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas might return to Mexico. Of course they would be far better off to form their own country. Of course Texas and California would dominate.

    Fred has a proposal

  24. Lynn McGuire says:

    The Great State of Texas ain’t returning anywhere. If Texas secedes then we will go with Oklahoma, Nebraska, Wyoming, Kansas, South Dakota and maybe Colorado, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico. And yes, Texas will dominate.

    Fred’s article has a basic problem. There is nowhere to form a Liberia in the continental USA. I guess we could give them DC and move the USA capital to Kansas.

  25. dkreck says:

    That’s your attitude now Lynn but when the Latinos have the majority, watch out. Non-hispanic whites now are less than 50% of California’s population.

  26. MrAtoz says:

    Mr. Lynn, please allow Nevada to join Texas. Somebody has to provide the vices to Texas.

    I think Fred describes the libtard Utopia (Affirmitive Action anyone). He also describes the way it really is.

  27. MrAtoz says:

    Here’s the libtard mentality. Meathead explaining that gridlock in Congress is because of the Tea Party. Libturds will use any excuse to get to Utopia. Does he really think the TP has that much influence? Make movies and zip it.

  28. Lynn McGuire says:

    I would not be surprised to see Gov. Perry convicted. The jury will be white liberals exclusively from the Austin area who hate Perry with a passion. They are the same ones who convicted Tom Delay for money laundering which he is still appealing.

    Looks like four states are now majority minority: Hawaii, California, New Mexico and Texas.

  29. OFD says:

    “That means that almost 2/3rds of the state would not be interested. Probably vehemently not interested.”

    That 37% is becoming 40% and then on up with no signs of stabilizing or falling back; they will have the majority in just a few more years there.

    And of course the Southwest will have the other majority taking over, de facto.

    We are watching the opening stages of the country breaking up. Like it or not. That old melting pot/gorgeous mosaic stuff ain’t workin’ out no mo. It ain’t workin’ in Europe or the Middle East or Africa or South America, either. I haven’t read Fred’s latest yet, but I bet we agree on this.

    Frankly I’d just as soon break off northern New England and maybe north-country New York off and link up with the Maritimes. The rest of NY can hook up with NJ, Delaware, eastern PA and southern New England. The rest of y’all gon hab to figga it out.

    Our Novacadia regional capitals are destined to be Halifax, the largest city at around 400,000, followed by St. John, New Brunswick, and Manchester, NH, at around a tenth of that. Those would be our three largest cities, with a total regional population that is 2/3 rural and 97% northwestern European ethnicity. Bounded by ocean access, and countless lakes, rivers, streams and extremely fertile farmland. With plenty of annual rainfall.

  30. OFD says:

    It is getting crazier by the day out there with robocops gone wild:

    ““As sheriff of the county, I have to put ourselves in the best position to protect our citizens and protect our property,” he told a reporter. “I have to prepare for something disastrous.”

    Yeah, right, buddy; like major chit happens in your county every week or sumthin.

  31. OFD says:

    “It wouldn’t matter how the “encounter” began, or whether the officer was acting on “reasonable suspicion” when he snarled a profane directive at the two inoffensive young men. Once the officer had decided to favor them with his attention, they were subject to his will, and could be detained, abused, or killed at his discretion – and his judgment is not subject to review by sublunary beings not clad in the vestments of the state’s punitive caste.”

    William Grigg and Radley Balko have done yeoman work in exposing all this stuff over the past few years; it’s amazing to me they both haven’t been raided and “killed resisting.”

  32. OFD says:

    “Remember, a police state does not come about overnight. It starts small, perhaps with a revenue-generating red light camera at an intersection. When that is implemented without opposition, perhaps next will be surveillance cameras on public streets. License plate readers on police cruisers. More police officers on the beat. Free military equipment from the federal government. Free speech zones and zero tolerance policies and curfews. SWAT team raids. Drones flying overhead.”

  33. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    There was an article in the paper this morning that said a South Carolina police officer will not be charged in connection with shooting a 70-year-old North Carolina man. During a traffic stop, the cop mistook the man’s cane for a shotgun and fired a blizzard of shots at him. Fortunately, only one shot hit the man, who survived.

    No word on whether the man will be charged with possession of a cane, or whether the cane was loaded.

  34. Dave B. says:

    Now that Ferguson PoPo have released the name of the cop, Twitter is alight with “I’m gonna kill the pig” etc. I don’t understand why Twitter and Facebook don’t police more and summarily close those accounts and log the ip. There is no 1st Amendment on Twitter. Any death threat should end the account period.

    I’m sorry, but I’m the son of an attorney, so while I agree with your point, I have to make a subtle distinction about what you said. The First Amendment does apply to Twitter, and it gives Twitter the right to delete tweets that violate their policies just as the newspaper has the First Amendment right to choose which letters to the editor to publish.

  35. OFD says:

    “Social media” like Twitter and FaceCrack are quite selective about what they delete and ban and so forth; the latter has been rigorous in purging right-wing stuff and anything at all that might smack of offenses against Islam, and the usual race and gender policing. But they’ve let borderline child porn stuff remain until they can’t ignore the complaints anymore; by the way, this stuff and sex with children seems to be gaining traction, just like I and others have said years ago; it is a slippery slope when you start approving outlandish behavior and lifestyles.

    I’m also pretty sure that if the incident had involved a black cop blowing away a white kid in the same circumstances, Twitter and FaceCrack would be very stringent in controlling, banning and deleting threats against that cop. What we have in this country now, and have had for a long time, is reverse racism, and it is fully approved and encouraged at the highest levels. Under the guise of fairness and justice, of course.

  36. MrAtoz says:

    I’m sorry, but I’m the son of an attorney, so while I agree with your point, I have to make a subtle distinction about what you said.

    Poorly worded on my part. I agree the 1st applies, but what I meant is Twitter/FB can delete as they see fit exactly as you said. They don’t have to publish everything *because* of the 1st. Very selective as Mr. OFD said.

    I’m not on any social media. Never will be.

  37. bgrigg says:

    “I’m not on any social media. Never will be.”

    Given that social media covers things like internet forums, web blogs and such, I see a problem with that statement.

  38. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    I consider this site to be an anti-social medium.

  39. SteveF says:

    Social disease.


    Social security.

    Social media.

    Yah, count me out.

  40. OFD says:

    And don’t forget deleting “social studies,” a stupid conglomeration of supposed history, sociology, psychology, “international relations,” maybe geography, economics, etc., etc., and listed as such in way too many publik skool programs over the decades.

  41. Miles_Teg says:

    Re: the SC cop.

    He may have had in mind the use that 19th Century SC rep Bully Brooks made of a cane:

  42. OFD says:

    “…a South Carolina police officer will not be charged…”

    Of course not. They’re rarely even disciplined for stuff like this, let alone charged. “Gee, I thought it was a shotgun and feared for my safety, Chief!” “OK, son, don’t worry about it, forget it. Say, you take that sergeant exam yet?”

    Balko’s book and Griggs’s longtime online catalog of abuses are replete with stories like this, esp. the SWAT raids that end up with innocent people being maimed and killed. Another thing they love to do is shoot peoples’ pets, esp. dogs. And what Balko found out was that when these stories were told to groups of people around the country, they were kinda ho-hum about people being murdered by cops but dogs being shot? That enraged them.

  43. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    I see that the cops in Ferguson are now standing by and doing nothing, literally, while shops are looted.

    I’m afraid those in urban areas and before long the suburbs can expect more of this. The saying used to be “when seconds count the police are only minutes away”. Now they don’t bother to show up at all. So why haven’t they all been fired?

  44. Lynn McGuire says:

    I see that the cops in Ferguson are now standing by and doing nothing, literally, while shops are looted.

    Wow. Wow. Wow. I expected a lot of things but I did not expect the cops to stand down. That would not happen here in the Land of Sugar. But it might happen inside Houston.

    I predict gun sales in the USA will go out the roof now.

  45. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Oh, it might well happen there. In situations like this, police departments are under incredible pressure, both legal and political. I don’t know what the answer is, if indeed there *is* an answer, but I do know I want to be far from an urban environment.

  46. Lynn McGuire says:

    Fort Bend County is a very unique place. 1/3rd white, 1/3rd Asian, and 1/3rd other minorities (black and hispanic, etc). For a total population of 650K.

    Apparently, the gun ownership out here is freaking amazing. Almost everyone has at least one gun and many have several. If the police were to stand down for rioters then I am afraid of what the populace would do to any rioters. It would not be pretty.

    So, while we are very close to a huge urban center (Houston), the level of collective danger from rioters is quite low. Almost no risk of rioting from internal as they just do not have the numbers.

  47. dkreck says:

    If everyone is armed might the rioters shoot back?

    And the new majority of minorities…

    KENNETT SQUARE, Pa. (AP) — For the first time, U.S. public schools are projected this fall to have more minority students than non-Hispanic whites, a shift largely fueled by growth in the number of Hispanic children.

  48. Lynn McGuire says:

    If everyone is armed might the rioters shoot back?

    I believe that crosses over into insurrection and civil war. The police cannot begin to handle that so the Guard is called out. They tend to shoot indiscriminately so I advise keeping your head down at that point.

  49. OFD says:

    Well gee whiz, what was the point, then, of giving all these cop departments “surplus” military hardware if they can’t handle a simple insurrection or civil war battle??

    Yeah, when you hear the Guard is being called out, remember Kent State and Jackson State, but I reckon most Guard units now have combat-hardened vets of multiple Sandbox tours so they might know something, or not; they may just use the same Sandbox tactics on Murkan subjects.

  50. MrAtoz says:

    I consider this site to be an anti-social medium


  51. Lynn McGuire says:

    One of our neighbors welcomed their son back home from the sandbox yesterday. They put about 100 flags along the road to their house and hung big signs, “welcome home son” and “welcome home daddy”. Just overjoyed to see one coming home alive and celebrating in my heart for them.

    When my son came home from the sandbox the joy was overwhelming each time. Even though I could see the hurt in his eyes. He has been home for six years now and I wonder if he will ever get over it.

  52. OFD says:

    “Even though I could see the hurt in his eyes. He has been home for six years now and I wonder if he will ever get over it.”

    Probably not entirely, Mr. Lynn. Everyone is different but that is a world of hurt and leaving aside my piddly issues, I’ve talked with WWII vets who are in their nineties and they ain’t over it. I’ve also seen, and see every week now, the hurt (and rage) in their eyes as they come back from the Sandbox wars.

    My current sentiment, and I apologize if this is offensive to anyone: Screw the flags and parades; we need to quit signing up. Every single one of this country’s wars since the beginning could and should have been avoided. I’m no pacifist, as should be evident here by now, but violence and war should be the very last resort.

    God bless and help your son, Mr. Lynn; if he ever wants to communicate; I’m here. Speaking of which, how’s that firearms business coming along these days?

  53. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    I’m sure it never goes away completely. I’ve mentioned before that I’ll never forget an airline trip I took with my parents in about 1965. I would have been 12 or so. My dad had been a navigator on a B-17 during WWII. He took the window seat, and during the flight he looked out the window constantly and was obviously on-edge. I was kidding him about being nervous about flying. My mom hushed me up and told me that my dad, twenty years after the war, was still watching for Messerschmitts and couldn’t help himself.

    After watching real combat footage of Bf-109’s and FW-190’s attacking boxes of B-17’s, I was surprised that my dad had even been able to force himself to board an airliner.

  54. OFD says:

    I haven’t flown since 1994.

    I don’t like commercial airliners and big planes; but I’d probably be OK in a puddle-jumper Cessna or Piper Cub type. Also OK in helicopters, so whenever MrAtoz is ready, we can take that nice vacation trip down over Mordor On the Potomac.

  55. Miles_Teg says:

    Is there still a severe ammunition shortage over there?

  56. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Dunno. I used to have quite a bit until I accidentally dropped it in the river.

  57. MrAtoz says:

    I’ve considered getting current in rotary wing, Mr. OFD, but too expensive if you’re not flying for somebody. I feel I could get in and fly. The hard part is starting the damn things. UH60 is not too bad since it is quite automated.

    Here’s the in Ferguson. I guess his got his journo degree from Dunce University. Geez.

    And Holder orders a second autopsy on the Brown kid. Because of extraordinary circumstances. I wonder what else there is besides the bullet holes.

  58. OFD says:

    “I’ve considered getting current in rotary wing, Mr. OFD, but too expensive if you’re not flying for somebody. I feel I could get in and fly.”

    There’s actually a chopper flying school down the road from us here in the next town of Georgia, VT; I never see much activity there, though. Regular flight schools out on the Champlain Islands and north of us at the Franklin County airport, which I believe just got an upgraded runway and buildings; Mrs. OFD and I will recon that this week. We’re also doing a recon on one of the islands Wed/Thurs and staying in an isolated lean-to on the beach.

    So, MrAtoz, is flying and then not flying for a while and then getting back in sorta like jumping on a bicycle after years of not doing it? I feel I could fire up the M-60 again and wouldn’t need an assistant gunner…

  59. OFD says:

    Went to yer link, MrAtoz and got this:

    Example Domain

    This domain is established to be used for illustrative examples in documents. You may use this domain in examples without prior coordination or asking for permission.

    More information…

  60. OFD says:

    Second autopsy, huh? That Holder is a real sketch. They’re just gonna keep doing it until they get it right and crucify that cop. Like the EU making countries over there keep voting until they get it right.

    In a just country, Holder, Obummer, the Klintons, et. al. would all have long since been executed for treason by firing squads.

  61. MrAtoz says:

    I wonder what they think the local ME missed on the autopsy. Possible injuries from a beating maybe? Maybe they should do a tox screen for dope. Oh wait, that’s going the wrong way. Might prove thuggery.

  62. OFD says:

    If they check the kid for dope they oughta check the cop, too, but it’s probably too late; a lotta cops do all kinds of dope, as I have ample cause to know.

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