Day: April 10, 2022

Sun. Apr. 10, 2022 – day of rest. Trying to anyway…

Another crisp and clear day, cool but warming through the day.   It was beautiful.  Hoping for more.

It was 66F when I went to bed, instead of the two previous nights when it was 46F.  Perhaps winter’s last hurrah, and now we’re moving safely into spring and then summer…

Did my errands.   Did not go to the BOL.  Didn’t get any calls from the new septic guy either.   I hope he went by the property.  I hope he can design a system that meets our goals.

Went by my storage unit twice.  Got one auctioneer to commit to taking another load on Tues.  Found a couple of real good resale items.   All in all a good day yesterday.


Today I’m sleeping in.   I’m wiped out and need to catch up.  Can’t face the new world order on a sleep deprived brain.

Can’t  really face anything well, with a sleep deprived brain.

So talk amongst yourselves, until I bestir myself.



(and stack something)

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