13:05 – I just finished assembling chemical bags for another two dozen biology kits. Now I’ll start on getting together what I need for another five dozen chemistry kits. I’m down to three 30 mL bottles of 6 M hydrochloric acid in stock, and none made up. So I just made up six liters of 6 M hydrochloric acid, sufficient for 200 bottles.
And then there are all the smaller tasks that need to be done. I got a query this morning from a woman in Australia who wanted to know if she could order the international versions of both a chemistry kit and a biology kit and have them shipped in one box to reduce shipping charges. I told her we could do that. The shipping surcharge for one kit to Australia is $69. Shipping two kits in one box costs about $103, give or take, depending on actual weight. The international kits substitute chemicals that are legal to ship internationally for the regulated chemicals in the standard US versions of the kits. We’re down to only nine of the international biology chemicals bags and only two of the international chemistry chemicals bags, so I need to make up another dozen or two of each. I also need to make up another liter of Kastle-Meyer reagent for forensic kits and bottle it. And so on.