Warm and moist, after a mostly ugly day on Tuesday. It was overcast and humid all day but got really uncomfortable late in the afternoon. One little spritz of rain was no help either. Today we’re on the edge of t-storms, which means we probably won’t get them. We could use a gully washer.
Did a bunch of errands yesterday but didn’t really advance toward the goals other than some grocery shopping. Oh, and trying to raise good kids. That one is kinda important.
Today I’m working on fixing one truck and possibly replacing the other. I’ve got to get them sorted and stop spending time on them.
The news was pretty quiet yesterday, what little I saw, and there wasn’t much link posting here. No idea if that is significant or not, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, right? It’s probably not the calm before the storm….
Whatever’s coming, it’ll be better with bacon. So stack some more bacon. And water. And meds. And guns and ammo. All the things.