Day: December 9, 2013

Monday, 9 December 2013

09:23 – The Christmas rush has started. We’ve shipped six kits so far this morning, and we’re likely to remain busy right up through Monday the 23rd. USPS does an all-out push for Christmas. They treat Priority Mail 2- and 3-day packages like Express Mail if that’s what it takes to get them delivered by Christmas. They even deliver anything that looks like it may be a gift on Christmas morning if necessary.

We’re going to be pressed to keep up, not just with getting kits shipped, but with getting more built to meet demand. I went through our component inventory yesterday and had Barbara labeling and filling bottles of stuff we were very short on. We now have enough of everything in stock to build another two dozen each of the biology and chemistry kits, in addition to what’s already in finished-goods inventory. We will have enough components to build another dozen or so forensic science kits once the polarizing filters arrive. But I’m going to be busier than the proverbial one-armed violinist.

16:26 – Wow. The first seven days of the month were pretty slow, but today was hectic. Put it this way: if we ship as many kits per day for the next two days as we did today, we’ll exceed total December 2012 kit sales–units and revenue–in only three days. That’s assuming that we can build enough kits fast enough to meet demand.

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