Saturday, 23 August 2014

By on August 23rd, 2014 in personal, science kits

10:04 – The guys who poured our new sidewalk sprinkled what I thought was grass seed along the edges of the walk. I’m not sure what it was, but what’s growing doesn’t look like any lawn grass I’ve ever seen. More like baby marijuana plants. So Barbara is out there now with a spade and her edger digging up the baby plants and putting down actual grass seed.

We’re in pretty good shape on science kit inventory, but mainly because sales have slowed down considerably. Until Wednesday, we were shipping anything from four to nine kits per day. Thursday, we shipped only two, yesterday one, and so far today one. But that’s the way it goes this time of year. We could end up selling 50 or 100 kits in the next week. Things go in spurts.

17 Comments and discussion on "Saturday, 23 August 2014"

  1. rick says:

    The guys who poured our new sidewalk sprinkled what I thought was grass seed along the edges of the walk. I’m not sure what it was, but what’s growing doesn’t look like any lawn grass I’ve ever seen. More like baby marijuana plants.

    You’re in the wrong state. There’s a good chance that Oregon will legalize marijuana, including home grown, this fall. with a measure that was described as the (Acapulco?) gold standard of marijuana reform efforts.

    Rick (who did inhale on the ’60’s) in Portland

  2. CowboySlim says:

    OK, here is the reality regarding the discussion of yesterday regarding educating children:
    1. I am not an educationist employed by a governmental educational bureaucracy, I don’t have to limit myself to PC remarks.
    2. Those who are, are 99% concerned with the two disadvantaged, failing minorities.
    3. I will address the one PC termed: English learners, or English Second Language.
    4. These are primarily born in this country of illegal alien, crimmigrant parents (illegal entry is a criminal event).
    5. These parents are rarely high school graduates of their home countries nor are they able to read in English.
    6. The family of two parents and 3 to 5 children live a one room, rented domicile, frequently a garage (spaces for two cars is top drawer).
    7. At bedtime, the children are not read to from an English version of a Dr. Seuss book, or similar, in English.

    Well, that is about it. When the get to grammar school, first grade, it is all over for them. Too late…adios, muchachos. Whatever Arne Duncan and his minions have will be all for naught…the cards have been dealt.

    What have they tried?
    1. Brown v. Board of Education,
    2. Desegregation busing,
    3. Head Start,
    4. No Child Left Behind,
    5. Race to the Top,
    6. Common Core (the next non-Silver Bullet to fail)
    Yes, I realize that 1 through 5 were all about the minority other than that which I described above; however, that doesn’t matter regarding the lack of success of any remediation applied after age 6.

  3. OFD says:

    “There’s a good chance that Oregon will legalize marijuana, including home grown, this fall.”

    Vermont seems to be slowly heading in that direction and we’ve got the medical marijuana thing going; someone ought to notify the Feds and the state “law enforcement” authorities now to STFU and get off all our backs; they’re still busting people for small amounts and running the damned choppers up and down the Champlain and Winooski valleys here and I doubt they’re hunting Jihadi John the Executioner or doing anti-terror, anti-smuggling ops up here. This is while the main dope problems in northern New England and northern Vampire State are prescription pills, crystal, and heroin. Again, the Low-Hanging Fruit Theory of Law Enforcement.

  4. OFD says:

    “What have they tried?”

    Yep. All tried by the Fed Leviathan state. And all for nought, as was to be expected. We as citizen-subjects and parents and taxpayers sat still for it and as we sowed the whirlwind, so now shall we reap it.

  5. Miles_Teg says:

    “More like baby marijuana plants. So Barbara is out there now with a spade and her edger digging up the baby plants and putting down actual grass seed.”

    I’m sure OFD is horrified at Barbara’s wanton destruction!

  6. OFD says:

    Horrified! Stunned! Gobsmacked!

    I would assume Dr. Bob would be able to identify actual baby marijuana plants and would refrain from becoming an accomplice in such a dastardly atrocity.

  7. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    I’ve seen adult marijuana plants, but never to my knowledge a juvenile.

  8. OFD says:

    If true, this will make things just a tad more interesting in North Murka over the next few months:

    Not to mention the other reports of intel warnings about ISIS plans to blow up a major Murkan city.

  9. Don Armstrong says:

    Robert Bruce Thompson said on 23 August 2014 at 13:52
    “I’ve seen adult marijuana plants, but never to my knowledge a juvenile.”

    You’d hardly know, but it’s not hard to guess. They’re dicots, but they develop adult leaflet shape very rapidly. They get a pair of opposite leaflets that are like adult leaflets, or maybe look like nettles – deep green, hairy, serrated edges – a little wider and shorter than adult leaflets, but not as much so as hops. Then another pair, rotated 90º, then adult leaves (maybe a little abbreviated – say three leaflets) with the leaflets still a little chubby, then they’re away and running with the full adult five-fingered leaves.

  10. brad says:

    Well, we did it, started heating yesterday. In August, which ought to still be high summer. So we’ve heated at least part of every month this year…

  11. MrAtoz says:

    Not to mention the other reports of intel warnings about ISIS plans to blow up a major Murkan city.

    Vegas is supposedly on the short list. I don’t believe that. Too many Mooslims in the area. Since they are away from Mecca, they love the drinking, whoring and gambling.

  12. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    As I said at the time, the 9/11 attack was the muslim equivalent of Operation Overlord in terms of the organizational ability to project power. The last time islam succeeded in projecting power was before Charles Martel kicked their asses at the Battle of Tours 1,300 years ago.

  13. Chuck W says:

    Buchanan responded “executive amnesty will set the country completely on fire.”

    Love these predictions from the far right. Too bad weather forecasters have a much, much better record of prediction than they do.

    My friends who vote Democratic are preparing for devastating losses in November. Not that that means anything.

  14. OFD says:

    Patrick is mildly right-wing, and still a believer in the two-party system, elections, voting, gummint, the Fourth Estate, and all that stuff. I can show you some far-right guys if ya want. And I’m arguably to the right of Patrick, and I don’t believe in any of that stuff anymore. Or waving the flag much, either.

    No, it doesn’t mean squat, whether or not the Dems have “devastating losses;” they and the Repubs are two halves of the same corrupt, stinking cesspool. I intend to chomp on pretzels, drink Moxie and Dr Pepper and enjoy the show.

  15. brad says:

    Left or right, doesn’t matter. I read a nice bit on some blog or other (heck, might’ve been here), about how the two parties are actually indispensable parts of the same beast. Left foot forward, right foot forward, that’s how the whole government makes progress towards its inevitable destination. Eliminate either party, and the whole thing comes crashing down.

  16. OFD says:

    The whole thing will come crashing down regardless, inevitably. Cannot be sustained.

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