Saturday, 6 May 2017

By on May 6th, 2017 in personal, science kits

09:25 – It was 41F (5C) when I took Colin out at 0715 this morning, cloudy and with a stiff breeze. We have cooler weather forecast for the next couple of days, with highs in the 40’s and 50’s (~ 8C to 15C) and lows just above freezing, rain, and winds gusting to 40+ MPH (64 KPH). Nice days to stay inside.

Barbara is cleaning house today and I’ll probably do a load of sheets. Otherwise, we’ll be making up chemicals, filling and labeling bottles, and so on.

I’ve read several disturbing articles recently about how cops are withdrawing from proactive policing. In the wake of Ferguson and the follow-on violence, many departments as well as individual cops are taking a hands-off approach to serious crime. They’re just standing by while they watch crimes happening because they don’t want to end up being villified on the news, charged with unnecesary force, and so on. In other words, they’re just letting the bad guys act as they want without any fear of apprehension or punishment. This is a harbinger of civilization on its way out.

Back in the olden days, cops–all cops, black, white, or orange with purple stripes–divided the world into three classes: cops, civilians, and scumbags. Cops were all part of a fraternity, and it was still largely a fraternity; no women to speak of. Civilians were the people who paid their salaries, and were to be protected and treated with respect at all times. Scumbags deserved no respect, and were treated with whatever ferocity was needed to keep them in their place, up to and including shooting the SOBs. And everyone just accepted this as the normal course of things.

No more. Now cops divide the world into just two classes: cops and everyone else. And who can blame them? They’re second-guessed every time they need to draw their weapons, and often face charges or dismissal. The federal government is their enemy, and even their local government will drop them like a hot potato to avoid even embarrassment. Middle-class people, who used to support the police unquestioningly, now treat them with suspicion. The days of Officer Friendly are gone, on both sides. So much for that thin blue line that used to stand between us normals and the underclass scumbags.

And the worst part is that with the cops increasingly not protecting normal people from the underclass, normal people are eventually going to start doing it themselves. If things continue on the current trajectory, it may not be much longer before we start seeing armed neighborhood vigilante groups protecting their neighborhoods from anyone they don’t like the looks of. Where the government fails, the free market eventually steps in.



79 Comments and discussion on "Saturday, 6 May 2017"

  1. nick flandrey says:

    The “Next Door” app (social media for neighborhoods) recently changed their policies because mgmt didn’t like people using it to identify and warn of ‘strangers’ in their neighborhoods. Too many of those identified were black.

    I don’t think there will be widespread vigilante-ism because most people are timid, lazy, and complacent. I DO think we’ll see an expansion of private policing and quasi-public policing. Forex, our HOA pays for 24/7 constable patrol. We have several sworn peace officers (actual cops) patrolling our neighborhood at any one time. Since we PAY them directly, they are much closer to understanding who their customers are. It’s our single biggest expense as an HOA. Most of the neighborhoods around here either pay for the constables to provide service or use a security service to patrol. The security costs less as they can do less. They are eyes and cars on the road though.

    This is in addition to the city cops, who are more than happy to share the burdens with the constables.


  2. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Oh, yeah, I wasn’t saying that I expect widespread vigilantism is around the corner. Neighborhoods that can afford to pay will increasingly make the kind of arrangements you mention. I expect vigilantism to become more and more commonplace, though, first in neighborhoods that can’t afford to pay and as time goes on in more middle-class neighborhoods.

  3. nick flandrey says:

    The other consideration is that when things get sporty, it’s PAYBACK TIME.

    Some people will take any excuse to settle an old score. viz LA during the R.King riots.

    Keep your head down, consider who might feel that you’ve wronged them somehow, keep an eye open.

    If you’re the kind of personality that just pisses people off, you might have a bunch of stuff headed your way when someone sees a chance to get some payback with minimal risk. It’s one of the very good reasons for OPSEC. Given the chance, weasel boy WILL dime you to the anti-hoarding Citizens’ Resource Recovery Teams.


  4. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Sure, but my real point was that what’s going on with cops generally is a harbinger of societal/civilizational decline. It’s like when Roman matrons stopped telling their sons to come back with their shields, or on them.

  5. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Which, incidentally, is why I don’t think policing should be a career path, at least for street cops. I’d like to see it more like the Peace Corps, although paid. We’ll always need skilled investigators and so on, so to that extent it could be a career path for a few. But the vast majority of street cops should be young men (and a few women) who undergo basic training and then serve a two-year hitch on the streets. After that, they’re out. Partner the newbies with a guy who’s halfway through his hitch. In his second year, he’ll partner a newbie to show him the ropes. It should become what the military is now for kids who are just out of high school with no real job prospects. And, for that matter, for middle class kids who do.

  6. Denis says:

    “…when Roman matrons stopped telling their sons to come back with their shields, or on them.”

    I believe that was Spartan matrons, but point taken.

  7. nick flandrey says:


    Add in casual violence, the sort of extreme porn that’s been normalized and widely distributed, the collapse of the traditional organizations and belief structures that moderated society, and the ongoing and effective attacks on ‘normal’ behavior and beliefs, and you have a collapse coming.

    The pendulum swings, and the biggest change is the difference from just before the peak of the swing, to just after the peak.


    added- it’s all part of devaluing the ‘person’ or individual, and only valuing groups that is part and parcel of the progressive agenda.

  8. MrAtoz says:

    Add in casual violence, the sort of extreme porn that’s been normalized and widely distributed, the collapse of the traditional organizations and belief structures that moderated society, and the ongoing and effective attacks on ‘normal’ behavior and beliefs, and you have a collapse coming.

    Hey, that’s the libturd mantra. Rules for Radicals! Denigrate anyone with a different opinion. Don’t like your health care, KILL tRUMP!

  9. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    “I believe that was Spartan matrons, but point taken.”

    You’re right, although I suspect that most Roman mothers during the Republic had much the same attitude. In my defense, I remember first reading this in Plutarch in about 9th grade, but I’d forgotten that it was Plutarch writing on Sparta.

  10. OFD says:

    Northern mommies said the same thing to their Union Army boyz being sent to invade and destroy the Southern states. MA and VT were very heavy for the Union side and hotbeds of abolitionist activism.

    And while the modern-day activists are all-fired worried about pulling down Confederate military statues and desecrating Nathan Bedford Forrest’s grave, a quick study of three Union Army generals will reveal what sort of nasty war criminal scumbags they were, and I’m looking at you, U.S. Grant, W.T. Sherman, and P.H. Sheridan. Not only were they war criminals during that war, they promoted themselves to genocidal war criminals during the so-called Indian Wars out West. Two of the best Confederate generals died in battle during the war; Stonewall Jackson, of course, and also J.E.B. Stuart.

    Overcast and 64 heading to 70, with intermittent rain showers and drizzle. Will attempt some more outside chores today and otherwise fiddle around inside; wife is off to GG’s for the afternoon, to help with garden stuff there, and will stay overnight and then fly out early tomorrow AM to Philly and a drive down to Wilmington, DE, for this next week’s gig.

  11. DadCooks says:

    For those who may have even the slightest interest on the capabilities of the the Russian Military, this is a fairly accurate article:

    WRT police/cops withdrawing:
    I have a number of friends who are currently serving in or who have retired from all the various “police” forces that serve around here. This is still a pretty tame area, BUT…, MS-13 has grown exponentially over the last 10-years. They no longer stay in the Hispanic “ghettos”, those “ghettos” are now in many of the apartment complexes in our midst of hard working folks. The newspaper has basically stopped reporting all the MS-13 related activities as it would quadruple the size of our newspaper. The cops catch them and the corrupt courts release them. A recent raid in one small apartment complex hauled in 53 MS-13s with multiple felony warrants along with lots of drugs (mainly meth and heroine, only a little MaryJane) and automatic weapons. Within a week all had been released. IMHO the majority of judges and lawyers need to be banished to a desert island, preferably with an active volcano or two.

    Eyes open, ears open, locked and loaded. (If you have a face/neck tattoo you don’t get even a first chance)

  12. nick flandrey says:

    They are a cancer in our society.

    They hide in the reservoir population like a disease.

    They victimize their own population first (although to consider hispanics as a block is to ignore the fact that they are VERY different) then victimize the rest of us.


  13. Greg Norton says:

    Which, incidentally, is why I don’t think policing should be a career path, at least for street cops.

    If the pensisons blow up, policing won’t be a career path anymore. Conscription or a Peace Corps-type program may be the only way the work gets done.

    Even here in Texas, cities such as Dallas and Fort Worth are, in strictly technical terms, financially insolvent due to outstanding, overly-generous pension obligations to retired police and fire fighters. The politicians who made the promises 30 years ago are no longer in office or, in many cases, even alive to take the heat from the voters.

  14. nick flandrey says:

    “promises 30 years ago”

    If it was just that… but they’ve been quietly adding benefits and raising amounts all along, just as they’ve been accruing police powers and exemptions for themselves. Chicago is busted, Detroit too. In fact there probably aren’t more than a handful of public or private pension funds that ARE solvent. They changed the accounting rules a number of years ago, and since then, they’ve been assuming outrageously high rates of return when figuring pay in amounts, and GROSSLY under-funding their plans.

    The first one or two to declare will get all the federal pension guarantee money, then that will be busted too.


  15. OFD says:

    It’s all a giant time bomb waiting to blow now; cancerous sub-pops within the general pop; pensions disappearing for one reason or another; lousy training; the current “stand-off” mentality; etc. Within our lifetimes, but occurring, like much of this sorta thang, in the cities, first, and mostly.

    Learn your AO real good.

    1.) WHO are your local police chiefs, fire chiefs, selectmen, city managers, town managers, district attorneys and ADA’s, judges, and any county, state or Fed officials? Where do they live and what do they drive and who are their families and friends?

    2.) Where are the local law enforcement departments, agencies, bureaus, agencies, etc., and what do all these people tool up with, personally, and in their vehicles? Are any of them approachable and amenable to at least neutral, if not friendly, contacts?

    3.) What are the main routes in and out and through your AO, with locations of bridges, dams, traffic controls, and sites capable of being blocked off? What, if any, are the surveillance devices in your AO and who collects that data?

    4.) Related to 3 above; what’s the rest of the infrastructure, WRT power and utility stations, substations, railroad tracks and rights-of-way, aircraft landing strips, fencing, water and sewer hookups, etc., etc.?

    5.) How much of this intel can you collect sitting at your PC, laptop or with your phone, and how much do you need to get by walking, biking, and driving around?

    6.) Related to posts above; are there, in fact, any such gangsta or rapefugee sub-pops in your area? What, if any, reporting is done on them? What, if any, law enforcement is directed at them?

    On further thought and edit: Some of us, like me, are not gonna be very well able to hump a ruck and some guns and ammo through hostile off-season landscapes much longer, if we ever could at all. While engaging enemy forces with the latest SUT.

    But we sure can collect and analyze local intel and it would be doing a solid for any such people who are able to conduct such operations in future SHTF scenarios in our AO’s.

  16. dkreck says:

    Meanwhile in California Calpers Retirement is in way too deep due to unrealistic pensions and even more unrealistic projections on investment. Law requires the general fund to prop up all shortfalls. All while Moonbeam remains totally in the pocket of unions, both private and government.
    Alas high speed rail keeps sucking and sucking up tax dollars.

  17. Greg Norton says:

    Alas high speed rail keeps sucking and sucking up tax dollars.

    Florida dodged a bullet on that project. Thank you California.

    The current generation of mucky-mucks in Tampa with the rights to redevelop the housing projects downtown never would have allowed a public train project to run between the Tampa and Orlando airports, the only route that would have even remotely made financial sense.

  18. Miles_Teg says:

    “Alas high speed rail keeps sucking and sucking up tax dollars.”

    I didn’t know that was still alive and kicking…

  19. OFD says:

    No kidz, no problem:

    And when the musloid demographics finally overwhelm Europe, they will find themselves amidst buildings and technologies that they can’t repair or maintain, nor can they build anything new. So they’ll have to import more contract engineering and slave labor to just keep their heads above water, but eventually it will all turn to smoking rubble, anyway, and will leave them the ruined walls from which to throw homosexuals from, or put uppity women against.

    I actually didn’t know this about Europe’s political leaders; why indeed should they give a shit about future generations?

  20. Miles_Teg says:

    I’m betting Macron will get up in Frogland. They have a death wish. He’s supposedly a centrist but is probably further to the left than the current rulers.

  21. OFD says:

    Mr. Miles is right again WRT to the Euro death wish, at least Western Europe. The Eastern countries seem to be made of stronger stuff, except that shit-weasel in Austria currently.

    And back in ol’ OFD’s teenage stomping grounds, through which I used to hitch-hike and bike back and forth to Boston area rock concerts and other fun:

    What was that someone said about a death wish?

  22. dkreck says:

    @Miles-Teg “Alas high speed rail keeps sucking and sucking up tax dollars.”

    I didn’t know that was still alive and kicking…

    Look at the last picture. I go by there almost every week. There must be 30 columns already, many 80′ tall. That’s not chump change paying for that. In fact it is being done with bonds so the final cost will include 30 years of interest.

  23. OFD says:

    And the French Death Watch continues:

    We’ll be able to pretty much write off western Europe and the UK pretty soon.

  24. Bill F says:

    “And while the modern-day activists are all-fired worried about pulling down Confederate military statues and desecrating Nathan Bedford Forrest’s grave, a quick study of three Union Army generals will reveal what sort of nasty war criminal scumbags they were, and I’m looking at you, U.S. Grant, W.T. Sherman, and P.H. Sheridan. Not only were they war criminals during that war, they promoted themselves to genocidal war criminals during the so-called Indian Wars out West. Two of the best Confederate generals died in battle during the war; Stonewall Jackson, of course, and also J.E.B. Stuart.”

    I agree that Jackson and Stuart were excellent men, but I don’t know what your problem with Grant is? Everything I have read about the man – including his memoirs, shows him to be a great example of a true patriot. Just having Sam Clemens back his work and life is good enough for me. He was a scholar and a gentleman as far as I know… Please help me out if I am mistaken.

  25. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    I suspect that OFD holds the Wilderness Campaign against Grant.

  26. Bill F says:

    could be – it was a NASTY time…

  27. OFD says:

    And Grant’s strategy of using masses of Federal troops as cannon fodder to eventually overwhelm the Confederate forces, like feeding meat through a grinder, and willing to simply take more casualties than them and win the battles and the war through sheer attrition of forces. Also his management of “Reconstruction,” designed as the coup de grace on an already ruined South and its people.

    But yes, it was a very nasty time in our history, and Sherman and Sheridan stand out as worse war criminals, and I believe it was either Sherman or Grant or both of them writing back and forth who admitted that if the Confederacy had won, they would rightfully be tried and hanged as war criminals.

  28. Bill F says:

    BTW – I was born and mostly raised in Colorado but spent grade school though Jr. High in the bottom of Louisiana. In spite of that – Grant is a hero to me. Maybe, in large part, because he was an engineer.

  29. Bill F says:

    “But yes, it was a very nasty time in our history, and Sherman and Sheridan stand out as worse war criminals, and I believe it was either Sherman or Grant or both of them writing back and forth who admitted that if the Confederacy had won, they would rightfully be tried and hanged as war criminals.”

    Yep bad times. I admire Grant for what getting though it. I think he his in a better standing than modern thinking places him. Could say the same for Stone Wall Jackson…

  30. H. Combs says:

    The ten most dangerous cities in America
    Not good. I live 5 miles from #5 on the list and have to drive through it to work each day. But like most crime can be found in just a dozen cities, crime in Memphis is concentrated in a handful of neighborhoods. If you stay out of these, you are in little danger. But in a SHTF event, I’m not comfortable being this close to one of the avenues of exit for both refugees and those right behind them.

  31. Greg Norton says:

    The ten most dangerous cities in America

    I believe #9. The entire I-5 corridor south of Downtown Seattle all the way down to Portland is dystopia right out of a Stephenson or Doctorow novel.

    How many Indian casinos does one city need?

  32. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Actually, by the map, Memphis is #2 in violent crime. The #5 rating averages crimes against persons and crimes against property.

  33. H. Combs says:

    Actually, by the map, Memphis is #2 in violent crime. The #5 rating averages crimes against persons and crimes against property.

    Well thanks RBT ….. that makes me feel so much better.

  34. nick flandrey says:

    My feeling about memphis is that it is a shit hole. Nothing there for me.


    Except a restaurant called Folks Folly, that place rocked.

    added- I’ll second St Louis too. That is another shithole.

    added- there’s something wrong with their methodology, but I don’t care enough to dig into it.

    Chicago, DC, Detroit, Gary IN, no where on the list…

  35. OFD says:

    Thanks a lot, you buggers; wife is heading to Johnson City, TN tomorrow AM.

    But we live nowhere near any of those places!

  36. Ray Thompson says:

    My feeling about memphis is that it is a shit hole.

    Having driven through Memphis one time I concur with that assessment. The place is a dump. Also drove through Baltimore one time as the GPS was set to avoid toll roads which puts you on city streets. Place was also a dump and routing reminded one of the scene in Vacation where Griswald was driving on the city streets. The scene was not far from the truth. Quickly changed the GPS to allow tolls.

    San Antonio is also a high crime location. Had my truck broken into and they stole my four year old GPS, ripped the power cable and left it plugged in. $200 damage to the lock. Some damage to the lock opening that I did not repair as it was slight. Apparently a screwdriver was jammed into the lock.

    Next visit we stayed just off 281 and north of 1604 at a Hyatt Place. Only this time everything was removed from the vehicle. Not so for the folks parked next to us whose Lexus had both front side windows busted out at night. Don’t know what was stolen.

    Big cities just suck, big time. Too many drug heads and losers with nothing to do.

  37. H. Combs says:

    I’m only here for the job. Once I retire, 2 years max, we are bugging out to our place in rural Oklahoma. Nearby town population 171. I am looking forward to getting out of IT and back onto the seat of a tractor.

  38. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    @H. Combs

    You’re welcome. Which side of Memphis do you live on?


    A lot of preppers live in far NE Tennessee.

  39. OFD says:

    Mrs. OFD really likes the Normals she’s met in rural TN, VA, NC, SC, TX, Mississippi and Lousiana. And the feeling was mutual; the folks in El Paso this last time gave her a rosary. And told her that they’d trained 50 mental health first aid instructors because of her over in Juarez, in preparation for the anti-Pope’s visit there. EACH of them had trained 50 more.

    I may slide out along with her to one or more of those locations at some point. She trains a lot of LEOs and emergency services personnel and military.

  40. Miles_Teg says:

    I’ve never given much thought to Grant, I remember that his presidency was tainted by the corruption of others in his administration.

    I do find the following cartoon to be rather amusing though (it was in the liberal American History book I used in Year 12 and uni.)

  41. lynn says:

    “A Revision on the Bill of Rights, Part III”

    “The main problem with the notion of self-defense is it imposes on justice, for everyone has the right for a fair trial. Therefore, using a firearm to defend oneself is not legal because if the attacker is killed, he or she is devoid of his or her rights. In addition, one’s mental capacity is a major factor in deciding whether a man or woman has the right to have a firearm.”

    Oh my.

    Hat tip to:

  42. OFD says:

    That revision is insane and even Mrs. OFD knows that and just related to me how she had to argue (in gun rights favor) against some of her FaceCrack libtard “friends” concerning the mental health issue. Whereas, anyone with ANY mental health issue is considered dangerous and potentially violent, which is utter bullshit and discriminatory.

    The part about deprivation of rights is batshit crazy; if someone comes at me with lethal force, he or she fucking forfeits any fucking rights they had and sayonara, muthafucka!

    And I’m holding Mr. Lynn responsible for my profanity by posting this batshit crazy stuff at this late hour on a Saturday night.

    My Colbert-level apology to anyone offended.

  43. Miles_Teg says:

    Even batshit crazy liberals like Jerry Coyne despise the PuffHo.

  44. Eugen (Romania) says:

    “And when the musloid demographics finally overwhelm Europe, they will find themselves amidst buildings and technologies that they can’t repair or maintain, nor can they build anything new. So they’ll have to import more contract engineering and slave labor to just keep their heads above water, but eventually it will all turn to smoking rubble, anyway, and will leave them the ruined walls from which to throw homosexuals from, or put uppity women against. “

    @OFD: Wow! These Muslims really terrorize you… It seems that you can’t differentiate between them (anymore), between terrorists and normal people.. Sad.

  45. OFD says:

    Musloids aren’t normal. They profess to believe, or actually believe, in, not a religion as is commonly supposed, but a political system devised from distorted elements of Judaism, Christianity and paganism that glorifies militaristic aggression, rape of women and children, theft on a grand scale, slavery, torture and murder. Over a billion of them and still multiplying. Very sad.

  46. Ray Thompson says:

    Musloids aren’t normal

    Well said Mr. OFD.

  47. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    People tend to categorize muslims as “bad” or “radical” muslims, who set off bombs and drive vehicles into crowds, and “good muslims”. The problem is, it’s the “good muslims” who mutilate girls’ genitals, toss gay people off buildings, and treat their women worse than they would their livestock. From my point of view, the only good muslim is a dead muslim.

  48. OFD says:

    We need a billion good muslims.

  49. Eugen (Romania) says:

    What if you were born in a muslim country? Give it a thought. Also on how much of that bad behavior is due to religion or due the human (animal) nature. And again, that bad behavior is constantly present on our “civilization” too.

    The ONLY difference is of education, not religion. You could exterminate the uneducated or you could educate them. But because of a few radicals, you choose the former.

  50. MrAtoz says:

    But because of a few radicals, you choose the former.

    Feel free to proceed to your Mooslim country of choice and begin the education. Please list me in your life insurance.

  51. Robert Bruce Thompson says:


    You are so wrong that it’s difficult to know where to begin. I understand why your attitude is as it is. You’re young, and you’ve grown up in an environment where the progressives, like Soros, have controlled everything you’ve been taught.

    That you mistake islam for a religion is understandable. But islam is not a religion in the normal sense; it’s a totalitarian political system with the trappings of a religion. It’s been at war with Western civilization continuously for a thousand years. Understand that you are an infidel as far as islam is concerned, which means you are destined to be enslaved or killed. That’s one of the chief tenets of their system.

  52. Eugen (Romania) says:

    I’ve grown up in a totalitarian political system, and I have learned not to confuse the regime with the people.

  53. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    That’s fine, but I’m sure you’ve also learned not to confuse the True Believers with normal people. The problem is that all muslims are True Believers, even if they appear normal. Their so-called religion tells them that it’s not just acceptable but admirable to lie to us infidels. Any muslim who doesn’t believe that is apostate and subject to being stoned to death. Which is done quite regularly.

  54. DadCooks says:

    “…I have learned not to confuse the regime with the people.

    Unfortunately, as much as we try to deny it, the regime is “the people”; that is the problem. “The people” allow the regime to exist, “the people” are the “nourishment” of the regime. “The people” have become dependent on “the regime”, no matter how vehemently they may proclaim to the contrary.

    Think truthfully about it folks. Look at Venezuela.

    Get serious. Get uncomfortable. Stop tolerating the intolerant.

  55. Eugen (Romania) says:

    “It’s been at war with Western civilization continuously for a thousand years.”

    Well, they seem to suck at it. If I look at the last century, they have hardly done any killings from those hundreds of millions, and they are like 1 billion people right?:

  56. Eugen (Romania) says:

    “Unfortunately, as much as we try to deny it, the regime is “the people”; that is the problem. “The people” allow the regime to exist, “the people” are the “nourishment” of the regime.”

    I disagree. Romania’s regime was installed by the Soviet army. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed or neutralized by the new regime during the years. The people have been mutilated.

    North Korea was installed by China. Syria was crushed by Russians. Yes, eventually the regime will fall, but it will take a long time.

  57. DadCooks says:

    I’m going to reduce it down to one word: collaborator.

    Think carefully. You may be able to easily recognize the active collaborator, but it is the passive collaborator that is really doing the most damage.

    It is all to easy to blame “the regime”. Look at their roots. You’ll see the faces of a lot of “common people”.

    General Yamashita’s motto: “Be happy in your work”.

    Slogan appearing on the entrance of Auschwitz and other labor camps: “Arbeit macht frei” (German pronunciation: [ˈaɐ̯baɪt ˈmaxt ˈfʁaɪ]) is a German phrase meaning “work sets you free”.

  58. Ray Thompson says:

    Well, they seem to suck at it.

    muslims suck at almost everything. They contribute nothing to society and anywhere they take over the place is lower than a third world country.

  59. Miles_Teg says:

    OFD, may peace and blessings be upon him, gets it right…

    “We need a billion good muslims.”

  60. Miles_Teg says:

    If the closest mooslems were on Alpha Centauri that would be close enough for me.

  61. CowboySlim says:

    “The ONLY difference is of education, not religion. You could exterminate the uneducated or you could educate them. ”

    Here is the issue of trying to educate them out of their muslimism:
    1. From birth they have been de-educated into muslimism and out of true, rational ability to think. They are told to accept and believe without question all the lies and misinformation of muslim gibberish. If they don’t accept it, they will be killed.
    2. That they live to adulthood, means that they will remain ignorant and uneducable for the rest of their lives.
    3. The muslim dictators and clergy have not interest in truly educating their subjects as we educate ours in the west.

    YUUUP, Boko Haram released 60 slave girls this week……the result of those leaders being educated last month?

  62. Miles_Teg says:

    Eugen, by design islam cannot coexist with our Western way of life. It is designed to be totalitarian, to control, to subjugate its own people as well as non-mooslems. The idea of tollerant, liberal islam is a contradiction in terms. The religion is *designed* to be totalitarian, and to subjugate all rival thought systems.

  63. CowboySlim says:

    I recall a decade ago that RBT wanted to force the flesh of dead pigs down their throats prior to their final resolutions.

    I guess I’m off to Kroger for baby back ribs for my Siete De Mayo BBQ.

  64. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Actually, what I said back a couple days after 9/11 was that we needed a way to sort out True Believer muslims from those who’d been brought up in islam but didn’t really believe it. What I suggested was that we accept any former muslim on the condition that he or she eat a ham sandwich and piss on a copy of the koran.

  65. Eugen (Romania) says:

    “Eugen, … [islam] is designed to be totalitarian, to control, to subjugate its own people as well as non-mooslems.”

    That’s why I don’t consider that people to be the enemy and myself targeted as an enemy by that people. Their opressors yes, their killers yes, but not the normal subjugated people (the vast majority). The reality gives me enough reasons for my position.

  66. CowboySlim says:

    OK, I messed up on the exact details.

    While not being a Christian, I will compare them favorably with muslimism.

    Muslimism still kills non-believers, which includes all scientists. Christianity has reformed itself in that context and no longer practices such.

    Re from Wikipedia:
    “In 1633 Galileo Galilei was convicted of grave suspicion of heresy for “following the position of Copernicus, which is contrary to the true sense and authority of Holy Scripture”,[130] and was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.[131][132]”

    Had to do with the heliocenrtric universe. Now Copernicus was more careful in this respect. He refused his book on the same subject to be published until his death.

    Well, Christianity has reformed itself in this regard, but I doubt that mulimism ever will.

  67. nick flandrey says:

    They can’t because Mo’s doctrine is considered inerrant, and so there is no mechanism to reform. And given that there is no equivalent to “render unto Cesar what is Cesar’s” the state and the religion are inextricably joined. Thus it is incompatible with Western civilization.


  68. Eugen (Romania) says:

    Isn’t this an education success?


    “Human rights advocates cautiously welcome royal decree by Saudi Arabia loosening guardianship rules on women.”

    “Women are very happy, men too,” she said. “Everyone is talking about it.”

    She said “she hoped the order would put a stop to what she called arbitrary demands by government officials for permission from male relatives, which she said is often based on local customs and not on religious teachings.”

    Remember that Saudi Arabia has been just elected in the UN commision for women rights.

  69. OFD says:

    I’d suspect that most Murkans don’t have much regard, if any, for the UN, which has long been a hotbed of anti-Western prejudice and bigotry and hatred. Putting the Saudis in that sort of position is a huge slap in the face to women everywhere, not just in Saudi Arabia, where women are still third-class citizens and treated like animals. Or worse. A country where de facto slavery is still practiced.

    The phrases “Saudia Arabia” and “women rights” are incompatible and can’t exist in the same sentence in any positive way.

    As for the UN, its headquarters building in NYC should be tipped into the East River posthaste.

  70. Eugen (Romania) says:

    The end of that article shows that there is a trend in Saudi Arabia for more women rights that started, they say in 2011. Yes, it may take 100 years to reach our level, but as long as the trend is positive I approve.

  71. lynn says:

    Unfortunately, as much as we try to deny it, the regime is “the people”; that is the problem. “The people” allow the regime to exist, “the people” are the “nourishment” of the regime. “The people” have become dependent on “the regime”, no matter how vehemently they may proclaim to the contrary.

    Think truthfully about it folks. Look at Venezuela.

    Channeling OFD, there are the words of the day.

  72. lynn says:

    The end of that article shows that there is a trend in Saudi Arabia for more women rights that started, they say in 2011. Yes, it may take 100 years to reach our level, but as long as the trend is positive I approve.

    Be glad that you were not born a woman in Saudi Arabia.

    I read a story a year or so ago about a women surgeon in Saudi Arabia. She was 35+ years old and fully trained and certified in the USA. She came home for a visit and her father took her passport away. He got her a job in the local hospital and takes her paycheck. She has $400,000 of student loan debt in the USA that she has defaulted on since she cannot leave Saudi Arabia while her father holds her passport.

    So, would you like to be in her situation ?

  73. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    “I am.”

    Really? I learn something new every day. I thought you were an American man.

  74. lynn says:

    “I am.”

    Really? I learn something new every day. I thought you were an American man.

    I am glad that I was not born a woman in Saudi Arabia.

    That should get me a comment or two. Of course, the wife told me that I am a male chauvinist pig the other day.

    BTW, the wife and I shared a table at breakfast with a woman soldier a couple of weeks ago. She was an Army Recruiter in San Antonio. She was about 35 and has been in the Army since she was 18.

    The wife was asking her about her notable Army experiences. She related her experiences in Iraq and Saudi Arabia to us. In particular, she was not happy with her experiences in Saudi Arabia. She and several other soldiers went to a mall in Riyadh to go “shopping”. While in the mall, she was beaten by one of the religious police for not wearing a veil. The man walked up to her and started hitting her with a cane. She had been warned but she did not believe it could that bad there.

  75. OFD says:

    “. She had been warned but she did not believe it could (be) that bad there.

    Yeah, that’s the sad troot of it; too many Normality Biased womyn can’t, won’t, or don’t get it until they’re hit over the head with a stick. Maybe those old-timey cartoons and comix of cave-men whacking womyn over the head with clubs weren’t all that false.

    Not that I advocate any such thing, of course. Merely pointing out that it’s very frustrating to see people actually have to get assaulted before they realize what kind of world they live in.

    A few years ago our son’s SIL came back from the Suck and the Sandbox tours as a Marine and she’s still effed up; married a fellow jarhead who stayed in the Corps and came back here to be a DI at Parris Island. She lived with him down there of course and soon discovered that he and his family hated Yankees and hated Roman Catholics and their idea of entertainment was to get roaring drunk every night and participate in bar brawls. Meanwhile both she and hubby had pretty severe PTSD for some odd reason. Needless to say that marriage ‘went South,’ haha, small joke, and she’s still struggling with getting on in life and dealing with PTSD.

    Meanwhile two or three more of wife’s cousins have gone off into the military and needless to say no one fucking listens to me or even seeks my input on any of this. Gee, why would they?

  76. SteveF says:

    Give it a thought. Also on how much of that bad behavior is due to religion or due the human (animal) nature. And again, that bad behavior is constantly present on our “civilization” too.

    Here’s the key point, Eugen, and I’d like you to read it a couple times to make sure you get it:
    I. Don’t. Care.
    I don’t care about the root cause of their inability to function with members of civilized societies. I don’t care about why they “love death more than you love life”. I don’t care why they’re mired in the 7th Century.

    As things stand, most of the Muslim world is a threat to my children and my nation. I care about that.

    I don’t care why. I don’t care if the US played some role in their current grievances. (Just as they don’t care that Muslim factions were warring among themselves a thousand years before the US was a nation, nor that Semitic tribes were warring with each other at least 4000 years before Mo was born.) I don’t care about the woes of people born in Syria. I don’t care that the residents of one village haven’t eaten in a year (because I know, as journalists apparently don’t, that their tribe was helping to starve the villages of another tribe a decade ago).

    Regardless of their merit on an individual basis or their danger on an individual basis, as a group the refugees from the Islamic world pose both a drain and a threat to myself and my nation and my culture. They should not be allowed into the United States.

  77. OFD says:

    “I. Don’t. Care.”

    + a billion or so, give or take one or two…

  78. DadCooks says:

    @SteveF and @OFD:
    I agree.

    And I believe that the statement I. Don’t. Care. can be translated to mean that it is time to stop the intolerant intolerants and looking for excuses to give them even more reasons for being mired in the pre-stoneage.

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