09:53 – More kit stuff today. At this point, we’re building subassemblies for stock that we can later use to assemble finished kits quickly. Basically, everything that doesn’t have shelf-life considerations gets built now in anticipation of the heavy sales period from late July through mid-October.
Last night, I started reading Rain Strickland’s Tipping Point, another PA novel written by a Canadian woman. And, like Theresa Shaver, Strickland is an actual storyteller who writes competently. This book gets a high percentage of poor reviews on Amazon, mostly from readers who take offense at the strong language and explicit sex, neither of which bother me. I made it through only the first 15% of the book last night, but so far it seems like a good addition to the genre. It’s available under Kindle Unlimited, so I went ahead and downloaded the second book in the series and stuck it in my TBR queue. Book Three is due out in June.