Wed. Nov. 20, 2024 – headed to my client’s house, because OF COURSE I needed more on my plate this week…

Cool, or even cold this morning. It was 55F yesterday, but got into the 80s by afternoon. It also cleared up and was a beautiful sunny day. I’m hoping for more of that. National forecast shows clear sky, but my wife says the local forecast is for lower temps. We’ll see what happens when it happens.

I did get some stuff done yesterday. Did about 4 pickups in mostly the same area. Hit the grocery store for early Thanksgiving shopping, and I was out of Dr Pepper. Lots of instore sale items this time. I saved $55 buying sales items with coupons, but still spent $350. There weren’t many turkeys left, but they were on sale. I found a 10 pounder, and added two drumsticks. I am thinking about smoking the beast at the BOL…

Most of the sale items weren’t staples, but they were holiday items, which will help people.

Speaking of inflation, I stopped to get D2 some Jack in the Box after her evening activity. Tried to get a Buttery Jack cheeseburger, not the meal deal. The menu board said the meal was ~$9.50 and the “burger only” was ~$6.25. After a comedy of errors involving me thinking the order taker got it wrong because she kept saying the charge would be ~$9.89, and insisting I only wanted the burger, to her limited english skills… finally another worker got involved and the price in the cash register for just the burger was $9+ and the meal was ~$13+. That’s 150% above the posted drive thru menu. I told D2 that she better savor that burger as it was the last one I was buying for a long time. $10 for a fast food burger. Criminy.

Today I’ve got a morning pickup, then I’ll head to my client’s place. He’s having control issues with his system and the normal phone troubleshooting didn’t work. Sometimes you just have to see the problem first hand. It also gives me a chance to invoice him for the year. Unfortunately it will suck up several hours from a day that I already had planned to use all the hours. I just don’t seem to be able to get ahead.

The check will be nice though.

No plan survives contact with the enemy.

Which is why we plan to have the plan fail. And we stack stuff, so we have choices and resources.


54 Comments and discussion on "Wed. Nov. 20, 2024 – headed to my client’s house, because OF COURSE I needed more on my plate this week…"

  1. Greg Norton says:

    “The settlement, announced Tuesday, comes months after the high court ruled in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis that Colorado violated Smith’s First Amendment rights by attempting to compel her to create wedding websites for same-sex couples against her religious beliefs. Earlier this year, a federal district court issued a final judgment requiring state officials to cease efforts to compel Smith’s speech, a resolution that brought an end to years of legal and personal hardship.”

    Speaking of free speech ….


  2. Greg Norton says:

    $10 for a fast food burger. Criminy

    I paid $15 for just chicken and feta in a wrap at Cava in Boston last week.

    We had already gone through the line once, but something in the first Greek wrap I ordered was vile. Maybe the sauce. They were giving an authentic rude Mediterranean experience. Think Soup Nazi.

    Theme dining.

    I didn’t want to be “that guy”, but on the second trip through the line, I made them slow down and listen since I was paying for the chain restaurant food again.

    Hotel taxes were 30% in Cambridge, something I was not expecting.

    We should have just stayed at the hotel near the airport and rode the train every day.

    OTOH, the news at breakfast Sunday morning before we left was that the line to Harvard and MIT would be shut down for the following week, after our departure.

    No train for you!

  3. Greg Norton says:

    Most of the sale items weren’t staples, but they were holiday items, which will help people.

    The Christmas buying season is the shortest possible using the existing Calendar with the first of November falling on a Friday.

  4. Greg Norton says:

    $10 for a fast food burger. Criminy

    I paid $15 for just chicken and feta in a wrap at Cava in Boston last week.

    BTW, lobster rolls were consistently $30 everywhere last week, whether it was at the fancy lad restaurants in Martha’s Vineyard or, where my wife got one to say she tried it, High Rollers in Portland, ME.

    For reference, my hot dog and fries at High Rollers was $6.95. Kosher dog with a nice bun prepared NY deli style.

    High Rollers was a recommendation from the hotel desk clerk. We had to go back for my spare phone so I had already given him a tip for finding it in the room after we checked out.

  5. Nick Flandrey says:

    57F but it looks clear.  Sky is lightening…

    Coffee is ready for me and I am ready for it.


  6. Nick Flandrey says:

    Kamala Harris had a who’s who of Hollywood endorsing her, with celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé, Oprah Winfrey, Bruce Springsteen and Howard Stern backing her campaign.

    – know a person by the company they keep.


  7. Greg Norton says:

    Kamala Harris had a who’s who of Hollywood endorsing her, with celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé, Oprah Winfrey, Bruce Springsteen and Howard Stern backing her campaign.

    – know a person by the company they keep.

    Oprah’s production company was paid $1 million for … something.

    Oprah will be back in 2028, pushing Wes Moore, the Governor of Maryland.

    Assuming, of course, that Wes Moore doesn’t have “feet of clay” like so many real African American politicians seem to possess.

    Obama? Please. His was not the “real” experience.

    Reagan was the last President who grew up in something approaching true poverty conditions.

  8. Nick Flandrey says:

    Oprah got paid to wash $1M and transfer it from the campaign to someone’s pocket.   I’ll give 10-1 odds that most of it gets returned in the shape of appearance fees, grants to orgs, or donations.


  9. drwilliams says:

    MSNBC spinning off

    Probably too late for Mika and Morning Joe to consider only fans. 

  10. Greg Norton says:

    Probably too late for Mika and Morning Joe to consider only fans. 

    Holy Deep State, Batman, but I did not make the connection until yesterday that “Mika” is Mika Brzezinski, Zbigniew’s daughter.

    I heard a guest on with Cutie Pie (Hannity) drop that factoid while driving home from the office.

    MSNBC ratings have been too low to measure effectively for more than a decade.

    As for the rest of their channels, SyFy is so broke that they were running a “Lethal Weapon” marathon last week, licensed from Warner Discovery who is about to go over the edge into oblivion.

  11. paul says:

    am not comfortable banning anyone in the USA from advertising their products.  After all, everyone in the USA has a guarantee of free speech, especially from the federal and state governments.

    Only the US and New Zealand allow pharmaceutical companies to advertise prescription meds on TV.

    The USA is the only country in the world with the unlimited freedom of speech embedded in its Constitution.


    Ok.  Now do tobacco and alcohol.

    Drug companies can advertise but we can’t have beer commercials and the Marlboro Man? 

  12. EdH says:

    21F here in the California high desert this morning, 9F below the predicted 30F.  The forecast has been for consistently warmer temps than we have experienced, but that is a particularly big delta.

    House was a comfy 60 inside with no overnight heat on, but the heater will correct that soon.

  13. paul says:

    My AST keyboard has been wonky on a few keys.  It started with the X  going mostly bad and sort of spread to the C and V acting up and then upwards to the 1.

    I took it apart.  There was a film of some kind on that part of the flexible circuit board.  I cleaned everything with rubbing alcohol including the carbon contacts on the keys.  They went into a bowl of alcohol to soak before they were cleaned with a q-tip.  I put the keys in a sink of warm soapy water and washed with a sponge.

    It looks almost brand new.  Sure, there’s a shiny spot on the space bar and and some keys have part of the letter worn off.   Maybe I’ll get another 27 years out of it.


    Some of the carbon contacts on the keys looked different so I made sure to put them on the row of function keys. Other than F5 I don’t use them.

  14. drwilliams says:

    “Censorship, coercion, and totalitarian repression has become necessary to maintain the elite’s power because their ability to understand and persuade ordinary people is fading. “

    “Nobody cares that you are a professor. In fact, it is a strike against you. 

    We aren’t heretics; the elite are false gods.”

  15. drwilliams says:

    meant to add:

    It should be “hoodwink” ordinary people. 

  16. Lynn says:

    “SpaceX’s Starship could cause structural damage in Texas, researchers find”

    “Researchers at Brigham Young University found that one Starship launch produces loud noises that could damage nearby homes.”

    And the attacks continue.  Remember, the current plan is to launch a dozen of the Starships a day in the USA in the near time.

  17. Lynn says:

    My AST keyboard has been wonky on a few keys.  It started with the X  going mostly bad and sort of spread to the C and V acting up and then upwards to the 1.

    I took it apart.  There was a film of some kind on that part of the flexible circuit board.  I cleaned everything with rubbing alcohol including the carbon contacts on the keys.  They went into a bowl of alcohol to soak before they were cleaned with a q-tip.  I put the keys in a sink of warm soapy water and washed with a sponge.

    It looks almost brand new.  Sure, there’s a shiny spot on the space bar and and some keys have part of the letter worn off.   Maybe I’ll get another 27 years out of it.

    Some of the carbon contacts on the keys looked different so I made sure to put them on the row of function keys. Other than F5 I don’t use them.

    My 1992 Northgate Omni Key/102 Gold just keeps on plugging on.  It weighs at least 10 lbs, it has the function keys on the left where God intended them to be, and I have dropped several pounds of food between the keys over the decades.  It does not have a Windows key.  All of the key tops look brand new and the Enter key is huge like an IBM Selectric typewriter.

  18. Lynn says:

    “‘We’re not in high school’: Kim Ogg fires back at Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo”

    Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg took several jabs at Judge Lina Hidalgo during a Tuesday press conference, during which she officially announced a felony charge against the former Harris County Public Health director.”

    “Barbie Robinson was charged with a third-degree felony, accused by the Houston DA of using her position to benefit IBM by sharing non-public information and helping the company win contracts without competing bids. Harris County Judge Hidalgo immediately came to Robinson’s defense on Monday, calling the charges “an attack.””

    I am guessing that the charges will be dismissed when Lina Hidalgo’s buddy becomes the District Attorney in Harris County in January.

  19. Lynn says:

    Another house down the street from me for sale.  Only $1,100,000 for a 6/5/5 with all bedrooms down (gameroom upstairs).

  20. Lynn says:

    My 1992 Northgate Omni Key/102 Gold just keeps on plugging on.  It weighs at least 10 lbs, it has the function keys on the left where God intended them to be, and I have dropped several pounds of food between the keys over the decades.  It does not have a Windows key.  All of the key tops look brand new and the Enter key is huge like an IBM Selectric typewriter.

    I forgot another feature.  It can be used as a weapon since it has a ¼ inch metal backplate.

  21. Greg Norton says:

    And the attacks continue.  Remember, the current plan is to launch a dozen of the Starships a day in the USA in the near time.

    That won’t happen from Boca Chica. Setting aside the environmental concerns – which are real – locals in Port Isabel and South Padre Island would flip.

  22. Ray Thompson says:

    Researchers at Brigham Young University found that one Starship launch produces loud noises that could damage nearby homes.

    If the people built their homes after the launch pad was in the works, tough nuggies. I feel the same way about people that build around airports, then complain about the noise. Idiots. DFW was built in a largely empty area to avoid noise problems, basically abandoning Love Field. Then people built around the airport, then complained about the noise. Well, duh, there is usually noise around an airport.

  23. Ray Thompson says:

    Only $1,100,000 for a 6/5/5 with all bedrooms down (gameroom upstairs).

    Holy “I can’t afford it Batman”.  The wife and I would never see each other for days in a place like that. We are considering that our current home is too large for our needs. I would like something about 2K SQFT, single level, with a two car garage. Even that is pushing our needs.

    The problem is our current home is paid for, we know all the problem spots, moving would mean my wife would have to toss 75% of her junk and I would have to toss about 50% of my junk.

  24. Lynn says:

    “Laken Riley’s Stepfather Reads the Final Journal Entry His Stepdaughter Addressed to Her “Future Husband””


  25. Lynn says:


    “A personal story of how things happen. This will tie in to a later post.”

    “In 2016, I was attacked in my classroom by a student. In fact, it was a black student. He jumped me in my classroom, and in the ensuing struggle, I pinned him to the floor and called for help. The vice-principal suspended the student for ten days. The school resource officer (also black) came in to ask me what happened, and read me my Miranda rights. I told him that I didn’t want to answer questions, and demanded a lawyer. In an egregious display of a disregard for my Constitutional rights, he immediately went to the Principal and told him that I was obviously guilty, because innocent people don’t have anything to hide. The cop then went to the student’s home and told them he was cleared of all discipline and would be permitted to return to school. I was placed on suspension pending investigation.”

    It is way past time to sue the school.

  26. Greg Norton says:

    If the people built their homes after the launch pad was in the works, tough nuggies

    The Boca Chica Colony houses  predated SpaceX by many years.

    New development is not going to happen near the launch pad. Despite Port Isabel being only a few miles away on a straight line, reaching civilization, even a gas station, is a 45 minute drive.

    If Musk is serious about passenger service, the only way that would happen in his lifetime is to move operations to Kennedy and then cut a deal with Brightline to run the trains out to a station near the launch complex, connecting FLL and MCO to the rockets, with TPA and SFB also possible if politics are resolved.

  27. Ray Thompson says:

    “A personal story of how things happen. This will tie in to a later post.”

    I often times wonder if I could be railroaded and branded a sex offender. It would not take much for a few students that are problem students to get together with a fabricated story that I exposed myself while they were in the classroom. Or a student could say I touched them inappropriately and I really would have no defense. Especially students for which I have taken their phone or sent to the office. The student’s word would take priority over my word I absolutely guarantee.

    I am very careful to make certain there are several students in the classroom when I am in the room. When there are five students or less, I keep the door open, even though that is against school policy. Or in a couple of cases I have pawned the students off to another classroom with another teacher.

    The risk is real. Although in a one incident the school did side with me. A girl said she wanted to go to alternative school. I said she shouldn’t want to go there and would have to do something bad to be sent to alternative school. She then stated “what if I hit you?”. I said then you are going to jail. I told the school administrators what she said.

    The next day I was called into the office for a meeting with the county school officials. I thought I was in trouble. The officials asked me to repeat exactly what was said, and I did. That afternoon the girl was removed the school and never returned. I have no idea where she went. She was 16 so maybe she was just expelled for good from any schools. I thought it was a little harsh but zero tolerance I guess made the question of what would happen if she hit me made it a threat of violence.

  28. Lynn says:

    “Gaetz sent $10K in payments to 2 women who testified in House probe, records suggest”

    “The House Ethics Committee obtained records, including a check and records of Venmo payments, that appear to show that then-Rep. Matt Gaetz paid more than $10,000 to two women who were later witnesses in sexual misconduct probes conducted by both the House and the Justice Department, according to documents obtained by ABC News.”

    Now we know who got a copy of the House Ethics committee records.  Somebody needs to be arrested.  But it won’t happen.

    So, if I give money to my girlfriend, does that make her a prostitute and me a John ?

    So, if I have multiple girlfriends, does that make me a criminal ?  Back in the day, we called that a player.  I knew a couple of them and wondered how they got anything done in life.

    I’ll submit to you that the Ethics Committee of the USA House is nothing but a bunch of Peeping Toms.

  29. Lynn says:

    ““Not an Agreement”: House Ethics Committee Decides Not to Release the Matt Gaetz Investigation Findings”

    “Gaetz resigned last Wednesday shortly before the Ethics Committee was scheduled to release the investigation into allegations of the former representative engaging in sexual misconduct and illicit drug consumption. It remained unclear whether the committee’s report would be released, with Speaker Mike Johnson opposing the investigation’s publication.”

    I’ll bet that every Congressperson and Senator already has the report.

  30. Greg Norton says:

    DFW was built in a largely empty area to avoid noise problems, basically abandoning Love Field.

    The Federal Government and the Wright Amendment forced the airlines to abandon Love Field.

    Under the Amendment, the economics of the airport only worked for Southwest.

    Eventually, Southwest will have to rebuild the gates which were demolished.

  31. PaultheManc says:

    Just followed some articles and videos on Chris Wright, Trumps nomination for DOE Secretary.  Impressive individual and I couldn’t fault his thinking.

  32. Greg Norton says:

    Now we know who got a copy of the House Ethics committee records.  Somebody needs to be arrested.  But it won’t happen.

    Clinton Justice Department, but Florida law firm so I still smell Jeb! being involved.

    Jeb! had eight years as a Republican Governor, but he never managed to turn the FL Supreme Court, which haunted the party for more than a decade afterwards until DeSantis narrow victory over the known meth addict.

  33. Nick Flandrey says:

    Didn’t I read somewhere the Gaetz was investigated for these very same allegations over a year ago, and it was closed/determined there was nothing there?   Then he did something to get their panties in a bunch so they brought it up again.

    I remember reading about him and wild party life a while back.


  34. drwilliams says:

    Oh, So That’s Why the DA Didn’t Pursue the Death Penalty Against Laken Riley’s Killer

    There is a high statistical probability that another murder will be committed by an illegal alien, and a not-quite as high probability that it will be during the commission of a rape.

    There’s a low probability that it will happen to a family member of this DA, which is just too bad. 

  35. Nick Flandrey says:

    @ray, another concern about moving late in life is cognitive decline.   I’ve seen it many times now that because of memory issues a person that would have been fine in their old home for some time yet, can’t function in the new home because everything is in an unfamiliar place.


  36. drwilliams says:


    FBI found the witnesses stories had problems.

    Too bad there wasn’t an ethics committee back in the days when the Kennedy boys were running wild.  Oh, wait…

    no, “waitress sandwich”:

  37. Nick Flandrey says:

    Dang.  An auction I was bidding in closed while I was at my client’s house.   I missed out.  They had several lots of 63 milk crates listed.   The last one sold for $13.     I use and like using milk crates for all kinds of stuff, from keeping BBQ gas bottles from rolling around in the truck, to storing canned goods.   I have 1 pound LP gas bottles in milk crates.  I have ratchet straps, extension cords, and various bottled liquids in them.   I put aquatainer in them to provide better support.

    They stack and are  sturdy.   



    and while I don’t need 60+, they sell in local auctions for $4-5 each.   That would pay for a bunch of my own use.

  38. Nick Flandrey says:

    Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi moving to ENGLAND after Trump win as they become latest stars to flee US

    – buh bye… 

  39. Nick Flandrey says:

    FEMA chief throws colleague under the bus for skipping hurricane-ravaged Trump supporters in startling testimony


    Published: 17:17 EST, 19 November 2024 | Updated: 18:00 EST, 19 November 2024 

    The top official at FEMA threw a former colleague under the bus after outrage that the agency skipped assisting hurricane-ravaged houses if they had pro-Donald Trump signs.

    Administrator Deanne Criswell insisted Tuesday that news of an employee directing emergency personnel to skip Florida houses with signs supporting former president Donald Trump after Hurricane Milton was an isolated incident.

    FEMA employee Marn’i Washington was fired after a text chain was leaked that showed her instructing colleagues to ‘avoid’ houses that had Trump signs in their yards.

    In response, Washington went public in a series of interviews accusing FEMA officials of ‘lying’ about the scandal, and making her the scapegoat of a wider practice.

    But Criswell said the blame lays squarely with Washington, the fired employee. She appeared in front of two House committees on Tuesday to testify about the incident, which she called ‘completely at odds’ at the mission of FEMA that ‘would not be tolerated.’

    – once again, what started out as a “that can’t possibly be true” story in alt media is proved to be real.


  40. CowboyStu says:

    That won’t happen from Boca Chica. Setting aside the environmental concerns – which are real – locals in Port Isabel and South Padre Island would flip. worked

    I worked rocket launches for many years.  However, I know nothing about launches at Boca Chica as mine were launched at Cape Canaveral and I had to go down there for some technical issue meetings.

  41. Greg Norton says:

    I worked rocket launches for many years.  However, I know nothing about launches at Boca Chica as mine were launched at Cape Canaveral and I had to go down there for some technical issue meetings.

    Boca Chica is not Cape Canaveral by any stretch. The closest big city is Brownsville, about 90 minutes away, and the Rio Grande Valley is a very poor part of Texas in general.

  42. Lynn says:

    “‘The View’ Co-Host Sunny Hostin Forced to Read Legal Disclaimer On-Air After Making Remarks About AG Nominee Matt Gaetz”

    ““The View” co-host Sunny Hostin faced an awkward moment on Tuesday after being forced to read a legal disclaimer on live television following her harsh criticism of Matt Gaetz.”

    “The incident occurred as the co-hosts were venting about “child trafficking” and “child sex crimes.” Hostin, being a former prosecutor for the Department of Justice, decided to share her input on Gaetz being nominated by President-elect Donald Trump to serve as the next attorney general.”

    “Gaetz has faced criticism over 2021 allegations that he had sexual contact with a 17-year-old high school student along with allegedly paying young women for sex. The former Florida representative has continuously denied any wrongdoing.”

    “Moments after taking a shot at both Trump and Gaetz, co-host Whoopi Goldberg directed her attention to Hostin.”

    ““Sunny, you have a legal note,” she told Hostin, who appeared emotionless.”

    ““I do, Whoopi, thank you,” she replied.”

    Sounds like they have a lawyer or five lawyers on staff in the room.

    In the video, Hostin looks like she has a gun to her back.

  43. Greg Norton says:

    Sounds like they have a lawyer or five lawyers on staff in the room.

    In the video, Hostin looks like she has a gun to her back.

    Gaetz could still end up sitting in the Florida Governor’s Mansion.

    Disney’s lawyers know this.

  44. Lynn says:

    “First 12 Minutes of MTV”

    MTV was awesome.  Then they put in the reality shows and it sucked.

  45. drwilliams says:

    Burn It All Down

    Tom Knighton |  Nov 20, 2024 

    Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

    For my Republican colleagues in the House and Senate, If we are going to release ethics reports and rip apart our own that Trump has appointed, then put it ALL out there for the American people to see. Yes.. all the ethics reports and claims including the one I filed 

    all your sexual harassment and assault claims that were secretly settled paying off victims with tax payer money the entire Jeffrey Epstein files, tapes, recordings, witness interviews but not just those, there’s more, Epstein wasn’t/isn’t the only asset If we’re going to dance, let’s all dance in the sunlight. I’ll make sure we do.

    Where do I donate?

  46. drwilliams says:


    Dang.  An auction I was bidding in closed while I was at my client’s house.   I missed out.  They had several lots of 63 milk crates listed.   The last one sold for $13.     I use and like using milk crates for all kinds of stuff, from keeping BBQ gas bottles from rolling around in the truck, to storing canned goods.   I have 1 pound LP gas bottles in milk crates.  I have ratchet straps, extension cords, and various bottled liquids in them.   I put aquatainer in them to provide better support.

    They stack and are  sturdy.   



    and while I don’t need 60+, they sell in local auctions for $4-5 each.   That would pay for a bunch of my own use.

    Milk crates can be collectible for a number of reasons. Early RIM (reaction injection-molded) plastic crates can be identified by the swirling patterns in the plastic. Crates from iconic local dairies and crates with desirable surnames are worth a bit of research.

    Dates were often molded in. Look on the bottom for a round indexable mold insert that uses concentric rings to provide an operator-set date that is set for each shift. If not present, take a close look at the edges, which often contained a date for the mold itself.

    Milk crates are sturdy, but are typically designed for 4-gallons of milk, or about 34 pounds. If you are going to use them for significantly heavier loads the handles can be reinforced with a little patience. reinforce horizontally beyond the handle to spread the load. Look at some broken handles to see the weak points.

     It takes four applications of a thermoset epoxy or urethane, so working with multiple crates makes the most sense. Clean the handle area using a soapy brush, rinse well, and dry thoroughly. Lay the crates on one side and fill the outside of the top-facing handle and the inside of the bottom-facing handle. Just a bit past level is best. When the material is set, rotate the crates a 1/4 turn and repeat. Do it two more times. If you have a good bond you won’t need tape. 

    The crates are designed to stack, and can be secured in a stack by zip ties either temporarily to stabilize a load during transport or permanently if used to build structure.

    FYI, about twenty years ago I bought hundreds of crates from the local estate of a man who had worked at a local dairy. He built workbenches, shelving, tables, and a lot of other stuff using crates. When crates transitioned from metal wire to plastic in the 1970’s there were a lot of different designs molded for local and small regional markets. Those designs got refined and used less material over time, and the molding consolidated until there are only a few left today.

  47. Greg Norton says:

    MTV was awesome.  Then they put in the reality shows and it sucked.

    MTV ran “The Young Ones” late on Sunday nights along with other UK comedies which PBS wouldn’t touch and the BBC licensed cheaply.

    A future “Who’s Who” of British film and TV comedy just in that one scene, including Emma Thompson in her first screen appearance.

    “The Young Ones” is also how the US discovered Madness.

  48. Greg Norton says:

    MTV was awesome.  Then they put in the reality shows and it sucked.

    Of course, basic cable was the textbook example of Pournelle’s Cultural Weapon of Mass Destruction.

    Nuclear bombs dropped on the suburbs of the US in the 80s would have done less long term damage.

  49. drwilliams says:

    This starts with an RAH quote from “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress”

    But India keeps quiet because she gets the lion’s share from Luna … and then ‘plays politics with hunger’ – a phrase you may remember – by using our grain to control her elections. Kerala had a planned famine last year. Did you see it in the news?”
    “Because it wasn’t in the news. A managed democracy is a wonderful thing, Manuel, for the managers … and its greatest strength is a ‘free press’ when ‘free’ is defined as ‘responsible’ and the managers define what is ‘irresponsible.’

    and ends with:

    Their Managed Democracy was painstakingly built, hard won and will be jealously and zealously defended. They will not surrender it easily. They will not surrender it all. It will have to be wrested away from them and dismantled. I look forward to seeing if Trump and his new team of heavy hitters are up to the task of effectively executing the opening stages of what will be a generational conflict for the future of government.

    It’s worth following the link and reading the whole thing.

  50. drwilliams says:

    Jennifer Rubin’s Messaging Advice to Dems: ‘Republicans Want to Kill Your Kids’

    Psychotic break. Poor woman has forgotten that the main plank of the DNC platform is “Democrats demand the unrestricted right to slaughter their children, up to birth and beyond.” 

  51. Nick Flandrey says:

    IIRC, MTV invented the reality tv show.


  52. Nick Flandrey says:

    Ok, would you have confidence in a creative person, videographer, who didn’t have  a dropbox or onedrive to receive or disseminate large files?  

    Says he uses which I know nothing about and never heard of.   They want an email addy, but that seems to be it…


  53. Brad says:

    Says he uses which I know nothing about and never heard of.

    WeTransfer is fine. It allows easy transfer of big files. I have used it several times.

    Researchers at Brigham Young University found that one Starship launch produces loud noises that could damage nearby homes.

    Hit piece. They make it sound scary, by taking numbers out if context. In context, their numbers show that the sonic booms put as much stress on a house as a stiff breeze.

  54. Calvin Dodge says:

    I use the Jack in the Box app.  There are occasionally special deals, and I can always use it to get 2 Jumbo Jacks (my wife’s favorite) for $5 plus tax.

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