Warm, damp, and might rain. I hope not. It threatened most of yesterday but never did rain on me, and it cleared up by afternoon. I drove around with the windows open and it was nice. Had the A/C on too, in the later afternoon when the heat caught up with the humidity.
Spent the day doing domestic bliss. Laundry, taking down some of the decor. I can’t take down anything that’s not really dry. Or I could, but it wouldn’t be smart… so I hope it stays dry today.
Checked the traps while I was in the attic. Turns out I had a small rat in the trap after all. One of the new, tunnel traps, the same one that got the first rat on the first day, got another. He was smaller and didn’t move the tunnel, so I didn’t see him on the cam. Guess I should check more often. In any case, I re-baited the live traps, and the other new tunnel trap. I didn’t clean and reset the first one, I’ll save that for another day. I did take it outside, in a bucket.
Then it was kid taxi service, and a quick trip to the theater when they thought they had an issue with sound. They didn’t really but the kid has his hands full and he didn’t have time to troubleshoot. One of the reasons the shows always sound so bad is that they never give any time to the sound guy to work with the actors and the mics. They don’t have enough rehearsal anyway, barely getting the show blocked before opening, so sound gets short shrift.
Like most things in life, if you don’t take the time, practice, test, and refine, you won’t get a good result.
Today I’ve got an auction pickup or two. I need to buy and assemble a drywall dolly to use when I pick up my new bed. It was $130 to rent one, and $199 to buy, so I’m buying. I’ll use it again. Later in the day I’ll pick up the trailer for the bed too. Lots of running around. AND I’ve got to get some stuff together for my non-prepping hobby quarterly swapmeet on Saturday. I’ll do that, then drive toward the BOL, picking up the bed and some other stuff on the way. Busy, busy, that’s me.
Don’t falter, right?
And find some time to improve your situation. Stacking is easiest.
I thought I was the only person who uses that expression, since JEP is no more. Glad you use it too! Good luck with all you have to do.
Not alone. I am in the same situation as Brad. I have to tread carefully, but I am finding those in my entourage who are enjoying it too.
Just hearing the atrocious news of organised Islamist attacks on Israeli football fans in Amsterdam. I hope that the missing/kidnapped can be recovered soon and unharmed.
I expect the retribution from Mossad to be swift and terrible. I do not hold out much hope of the same response from the Dutch. Poor Anne Frank, they learned not.
I am busy picking up the pieces after an elderly and vulnerable family member was the victim of the grandparent scam. Very nasty psychological tricks were employed. Let us say that my cup of human charity is not presently overflowing. A poor choice of timing for the barbarian hordes to kick off trouble around here…
And you’re one of the people who advocate legalized weed. There is a correlation.
Plus, they really do enjoy their “pizza” and “pasta” inside the Beltway.
This is why I have a lot of tools. I do most of my own maintenance and repairs. I can afford to hire most of it out, but I actually enjoy doing it. Usually. If the purchase price of a one time use is close to the rental price, I will almost always just buy. If the purchase price isn’t close, but I realistically expect more use out of it in the future, I will buy. The decision gets easier as the cost, and size increases too.
My last rental was a large hammer drill and a 4″ hole saw to make an opening for my garage mini split heat pump install a few years ago.
I will admit it was nice to just be sitting back and let other guys handle the downstairs heat pump install on Wednesday. They had a hell of a time getting the old air handler out of the attic. 5 ton unit, and it only fit by completely disassembling it. Same for the new unit.
And they say Perl is a write only language.
Thanks Charlie, I’ve got another series of audiobooks with similar naming across 20 disks that I’ll probably tackle at some point. Whoever did the first rip got lazy and then the lazy naming got enshrined in the online db, and now the tracks don’t sort properly in the car…
Going in to help the sound kid this morning. He needs a bit more confidence in the changes we made. Then it’s off to start my errands.
wrt “keeping it quiet”, I keep trying to remind myself that I was once a young idealist. It took until I was in my mid-to-late 20s to realize that I was not hearing the truth about many things.
Most of the young (under 30) people in my life fall into the “This is the end of democracy” camp, as do the single women over 30. I gave them my reasons why I thought DJT would win and why it would be a better thing for the country well before the election took place, so now I am holding my tongue when they talk about electing the “Russian rapist.”
They are suddenly also talking about the “missing” 20 million votes. I will personally wait until all the returns are in (sparing you all my rant about that), but it could be a learning opportunity if they go back to look at the numbers in 2012 and 2016 in comparison to 2020.
One noticeable exception is the one that busted his butt in school, moved for a good job, owns a house, and has a fiancee. Correlation?
I have noticed that they have suddenly stopped talking about how the Electoral College is unfair, and we should just go with the popular vote. So at least there is that.
I wonder what percentage of the pople in DC are on welfare? And what percentage on long term welfare?
Ole Snakehead is on the inner tubes wondering how the Dumbos lost when they had the money, celeb endorsements, incumbent, machine, etc. Hey, dumbass, when you have that and your message is “tRump is Hitler” is the answer. They refused to have a positive campaign and instead went the low road.
We can only hope Ole Snakehead vanishes to the dustbin of history. Did he even participate in the Kamel Humper campaign? All we saw was him calling everybody names.
I’m sick of foreign celebriturds demonizing our President and our country. Pull their visas immediately. Throw them out. Don’t let them in. Super model? Cara Delevingne is leading the pack asking for protests and disruption. Ban her from our country. Confiscate any property she owns here.
“Later in the day I’ll pick up the trailer for the bed too”
single roping the mattress to the roof of the ‘sploder and heading up the highway at 80mph not good enough for ya?
The Dems haven’t taken Carville seriously for years.
He was lecturing at Tulane and keeping a fairly low profile until he got into trouble for saying something non-PC to a class while making a joke.
Live by the sword …
5 ton is at the upper limit for residential AC.
I’m surprised they didn’t recommend splitting the zone if the downstairs is about 2000 sq ft.
The drain for our 5 ton unit was never installed right in Florida because the installer didn’t want to take on removing a rafter, even on a temporary basis, but still wanted the job.. As a result, the air handler had constant water leak problems, and the unit rusted apart in less than 10 years.
Brownells rocks. New Timney trigger for my Weatherby Vanguard in time for a stalking trip to Scotland? No bother! Not cheap, but good. Recommended.
Don’t feel special. My mother-in-law got scammed out our $1,200. Her “grandson” called and said he was stuck in jail in Mexico and needed money to get out. She went to Walmart, got a gift card, and gave the scammer the numbers. The person called back in 30 minutes and said he needed money for a lawyer. That is when she got suspicious.
It was too late. The person making the call knew enough information to convince her, the name he called her, the name of his parents, the city the parents lived, the name of one brother. The scam was done by someone who knew the grandson, or the more likely scenario, the grandson answered some “survey” that gathered the information.
Our kids have a safe word to let us know it’s really them. Thanks for making me think about extending that to the grandparents.
FWIW, they also have one that lets us know it’s them, but acting under duress. The whole family shares the same words, so they can know if I have to send someone to meet them too.
back from volunteering. Time to head out on my other errands.
we got some rain this morning, just enough to get everything wet so I can’t take it down and put it away. Dang.
When I was working at the bank I was testing some ATM’s for integration into the PULSE network. I had large amounts of cash. I had two PINs. One that would work the ATM normally, another that would trigger an alarm for immediate police response.
The combination to the safe in the ATM had the same scenario. One combination would open the safe, another would trigger a duress alarm. This was back before ATMs used money locked cartridges. They may still have the option, a key or combination that operated normally, a key or combination that triggers the alarm.
When I was with Burroughs in San Antonio one of my support customers was a bank. Bank of San Antonio I think (no longer exist). They used to have a glass wall so customers could see the magical computer. That wall was eventually made solid. On the console there was an operator interrupt button that would stop the teletype console immediately so the operator could get into the console.
When I was at the site one day I noticed a button underneath the console. I thought it was another OI button. I pushed it. Nothing happened.
About 3 minutes later the bank was crawling with police officers, with big guns. Turns out the button was a duress button meaning the bank is getting robbed by bad guys. Oops. After everyone was verified, after standing with the hands on the heads, I was allowed to leave the building. There were 10 police cars, two fire trucks, two ambulances, and the three local news stations in San Antonio outside the building. Double oops.
When I got back to the office my boss asked if I knew what I had done. I told yes, it was painfully obvious. The bank accepted responsibility as that alarm button was supposed to have been disconnected when the windowed wall was removed.
Yeh, there was a lot of excitement for several glorious minutes.
Just hearing the atrocious news of organised Islamist attacks on Israeli football fans in Amsterdam. I hope that the missing/kidnapped can be recovered soon and unharmed.
I expect the retribution from Mossad to be swift and terrible. I do not hold out much hope of the same response from the Dutch. Poor Anne Frank, they learned not.
“Israel Sending Rescue Planes To Netherlands To Save Jews Being Attacked and Beaten By Muslim Mobs”
I have seen this movie before. Europe is not safe anymore. They came for the Jews earlier this week. They will come for the Christians soon.
Hat tip to:
And you’re one of the people who advocate legalized weed. There is a correlation.
Plus, they really do enjoy their “pizza” and “pasta” inside the Beltway.
I advocate getting rid of the war on drugs. I am worried that the SWATting will some day come to my house as kids are having fun watching the SWAT team roll up, shoot my dog, shoot me, handcuff me and my wife, etc.
What is the comment about the pizza and pasta ?
If the stories about the child exploitation inside the Beltway are true, the mucky mucks refer to various activities as going for “pizza” and “pasta”.
The District is Mordor.
I’m not against decriminalization, which is a separate issue.
Even Trump has spoiken in favor of decriminalization at the Federal level.
Trump was also in favor of the FL legalization initiative, one of several significant policy deviations from DeSantis.
DeSantis pushing against the initiative is another one of those dice rolls where the genius won’t be appreciated for a few years, much like Florida’s response to Covid and the move to crush Disney when they started to play politics leading up to the 2022 midterms.
Ray: “Yup, Identified a deficiency in their security. What’s the billing code for that?”
My decriminalization program is enemization.
Robocar picks up the perp and the drugs, robot clears the way, inserts the drugs, empties the trash at the designated area, and starts the wash cycle.
If the perp walks out with a non-fatal does, his Obamacare account gets charged for medical services.
“The Statute Of Limitations On Election Fraud Is…?”
So 14 million Biden voters were abducted by aliens right before the 2024 election ?
Hopefully they will not bring them back.
Decriminalize weed. Discourage all drug and alcohol use. Ever notice how we’re told not to drink, especially not to drink and drive, but no one seems to care about THC usage?
But first, OTC ivermectin and HCQ and Fenbendazole.
Robocar picks up the perp and the drugs, robot clears the way, inserts the drugs, empties the trash at the designated area, and starts the wash cycle.
Wait, I think I saw that scene in a Terminator movie.
Ivermectin is OTC in Tennessee, at pharmacist’s discretion.
The woke drugstore chains hurtling towards their own blind date with Bankruptcy, CVS and Walgreens, still won’t dispense, however. Try Publix.
HCQ is tougher because it has to be kept available for Lupus patients.
Fenbendazile is a new one on me.
Decriminalize weed. Discourage all drug and alcohol use. Ever notice how we’re told not to drink, especially not to drink and drive, but no one seems to care about THC usage?
People who want drugs or alcohol or cigarettes or ??? are going to get them anyway. I just got this proven to me by my wife’s BFF’s daughter and her heroin dependency. Her daily methadone hit and her vape stick was not enough to keep her satisfied.
The War on Some Drugs has turned the sheepdogs of the various thousands of police forces into wolves.
Shoot, we are all addicted to something. I love food and caffeine. I have been told to moderate food (still working on that) and to stop coffee and diet DP (not gonna happen despite my heart issues).
Local Faux News last night had a story about a guy in the UK who was addicted to Dr. Pepper, drinking 5 L of it a day and spending … $40k … ? … on the drink over a three year period.
That is an expensive habit in the UK even though Cadbury Schwepps owns Dr. Pepper.
I’ve heard Coke products are prohibitively expensive overseas.
Management seemed to be watching me this week when I was on campus. In particular, always seeming to be around when I went to the vending area to feed my caffeine habit or had to use the restroom.
I’m on hydrochlorothiazide and I have what I believe is BPH which I’m not inclined to do much about as long as the cancer markers come back negative. Of course I’m going to pee. A lot.
I wonder what they’re up to.
“Local Faux News last night had a story about a guy in the UK who was addicted to Dr. Pepper, drinking 5 L of it a day and spending … $40k … ? … on the drink over a three year period.”
Sodastream has Dr. Pete. Skip the soda and just nip off the concentrate. The guy could have save at least $20k.
Whoa, Tesla has gone up from $225 to $325 since Oct 13 ? Response to the election and support of the winner ?
“Liberal Women All Over America Are Going on a Nationwide Sex Strike to Punish Men for Voting for Trump”
“(End of the American Dream)—Do they actually think that their plan will work? During this election, women overwhelmingly supported Kamala Harris and men overwhelmingly supported Donald Trump. So now some liberal women have decided that it is time for a nationwide sex strike in order to punish men for voting for Trump. Yes, they are quite serious about this…”
“So let me get this straight. In order to “punish” us, these women are going to quit engaging in sexual immorality and start acting like chaste conservative Christian women?”
“And since they won’t be having sex, liberal women won’t be having as many abortions either. I think that we can all live with that.”
I find this hilarious. And the old saying, “why buy the cow when the milk is free” comes to mind.
What would happen if you sent 10000 Model 3’s to Moscow on autopilot, an d set them on fire?
I have a story about banking security. This is from a very reliable source, and I even met the principal character, although I didn’t ask for details.
Some years ago, one of the local credit unions had occasional courier runs between offices. Some of the runs were in excess of a hundred miles over some fairly remote routes. Things are pretty spread-out here in the desert. These couriers were CU employees who drove nondescript cars. Although they didn’t carry cash, they sometimes had important papers.
One day, a courier was pulled over in daylight by someone driving an unmarked car and flashing its headlights. She got out and put a bullet in the engine of the car, and then got the driver out at gunpoint and had him restrained on the ground before she would let him ID himself. Turned out he was an off duty LEO, who took offense at her speed.
In those days, the California Highway Patrol and sheriff deputies never used totally unmarked cars, and the drivers always had obvious ID, such as a uniform or at least a badge. Most of them knew how to approach a courier, but this guy was apparently clueless. No charges were filed; not sure who paid for the damage to his personal car.
Nowadays, practices are probably very different. For one, I doubt there are still couriers when electronic transfers are so common. If nothing else, couriers and liability are expensive. I did get to meet that courier, and she looked like anyone else. It makes me wonder when I go out in public: who might be around me. That’s part of why I am always polite.
Don’t forget they are taking themselves out of the gene pool, First time in history an evolutionary dedad-end hastened the process by creating suicide.
The Oct. 23 call was generally well received.
Plus everyone still believes in AI.
The one I don’t get is Dutch Bros. all of a sudden jumping 30% within the last week.
Maybe someone is going to buy them.
“Iranian Attempt to Assassinate Trump Thwarted by the FBI”
“The Justice Department unsealed criminal charges on Nov. 8 against three men who it is alleged were involved in a murder-for-iran network orchestrated by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which the United States designates as a terrorist organization.”
Um, Iran has assassination teams in the USA ?
“Office and Microsoft 365 will soon cost more, and it’s all Copilot AI’s fault”
“The price increase is due to the addition of Copilot into various Microsoft 365 apps, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote.”
Well, isn’t that special.
Um, Iran has assassination teams in the USA ?
– sure, why not? Walk across the border, meet your cell. It’s the 70s all over again, so assassination is back too.
Um, wow.
that’s some colorful language..
Wow, that bought a lot of houses in the Hamptons and motor yachts…
Kamala Harris’ campaign eviscerated for spending $1 BILLION and still losing ————– Canadian university’s new professor is convicted Islamist synagogue bomber who killed four
– US workers need to spend more than $15K for a permit to work in Canadia, but they’ve always loved importing terrorists…
“Classic” 365 is still available without AI at a lower price.
“Pizza” and “pasta”.
I didn’t see a single Kamala commercial during local Faux News leading up to the election.
I did see a lot of Colin Zachary ads.
I heard Cutie Pie state that the Dems spent $200 Million on Allred.
I heard Cutie Pie state that the Dems spent $200 Million on Allred.
I heard that the dumbrocrats dumped $150 million into Allred’s campaign at one point in one transaction. The FEC might should look into that.
I suspect that every Allred commercial inspired a conservative to go vote for Ted.
>> single roping the mattress to the roof of the ‘sploder and heading up the highway at 80mph not good enough for ya?
If rope’s too good for you there’s always the cheapo ratchet straps that never work right once you’ve used them for the first time.
>> Going in to help the sound kid this morning. He needs a bit more confidence in the changes we made.
@nick, kudos to you. Hopefully he/she will pay it forward some day…
I live my life in the UK. Is everything perfect – of course not. But I socialise out and about at all times of day and evening, using public transport, and do not experience any significant issues.
Many people in the UK would be ‘frightened’ to visit the USA, crime etc. I have just come back from 2 weeks in New Mexico and thoroughly enjoyed mixing with all the Americans I engaged with.
Let us not overstate our concerns.
Um, Iran has assassination teams in the USA ?
– sure, why not? Walk across the border, meet your cell. It’s the 70s all over again, so assassination is back too.
I have read more than one book that talks about foreign teams destroying the USA infrastructure.
“Trump Outlines Plan To Decimate The Deep State”
“Here are Trump’s ten moves to bury the Deep State.”
There are lots of places in the US, and even in Houston, I wouldn’t go after dark. There are places I don’t go in the daytime. There are more of them than there were, and they are worse than they used to be.
Plenty of pix out of Paris and surrounds… as well as Sweden of all places.
I”ve known two people addicted to DP (say a liter or more a day).
My guess is there is something in that odd taste that fits perfectly with certain sets of taste buds.
And back in the day I used to drink six pack of Coke daily, so I understand.
There are lots of places in the US, and even in Houston, I wouldn’t go after dark. There are places I don’t go in the daytime. There are more of them than there were, and they are worse than they used to be.
Plenty of pix out of Paris and surrounds… as well as Sweden of all places.
I won’t walk through the area surrounding Heathrow Airport ever again. Even in the daytime, that was scary. I will take the Tube for just a block unlike last time.
I have been in Paris in the nighttime. Eiffel Tower was unnerving with the excess amount of people (mostly muslims) trying to sell you stuff in your face. We left after ten minutes and we were six large guys. BTW, there was three soldiers with machine guns held in ready using a standard triangle format trying to clear the crowd under Eiffel Tower, it did not work with more than a thousand people selling trinkets.
I won’t go any father inward than Sugar Land in the Houston area at nighttime. And I am getting ready to add Sugar Land to that list.
“SpaceX: Cellular Starlink Connected 27,000+ Phones in Areas Hit by Hurricanes”
“The company’s ‘direct-to-cell’ Starlink satellites also transmitted more than 250,000 SMS texts.”
Interesting. Musk has some long term plans here.
I still go to the occasional show or concert downtown. Mostly symphony or chamber music. Like twice a year.
I go armed, and I don’t dally between the parking garage and the venues, and there are usually cops all around. They keep the transients about a block away; you have to drive past them.
“’Trump Effect’: Qatar Reportedly Makes Huge Move Regarding Hamas’ Leaders”
Qatar just kicked the Hamas leaders out of its country. Smart.
“open primary” my left one
The Light Destroyer, the Harridan, and the other traitors had a plan. We’ll just have to wait until someone in the know sucks enough wine boxes dry and spills the bean.
Elon musk is the largest single taxpayer in history, over $10B.
Pollster Behind Massively Botched Iowa Poll Showing Kamala Leading Deflects Blame
Spot-on analysis. I hope the Dems use her a lot more gong forward.
“EXCLUSIVE: FEMA Official Ordered Relief Workers To Skip Houses With Trump Signs”
“Whistleblower: ‘It’s almost unbelievable to think that somebody in the federal government would think that’s okay’”
“A federal disaster relief official ordered workers to bypass the homes of Donald Trump’s supporters as they surveyed damage caused by Hurricane Milton in Florida, according to internal correspondence obtained by The Daily Wire and confirmed by multiple federal employees. ”
I know who should be on Trump’s first firing list.
They had one job. Just one job, help people. And they screwed it up.
I hope they meant “impose”.
Wife drove thru heavy downpour in multiple places on the way to the BOL tonight. It stayed dry here, until now. Rain has started. I really hope it stops before noon tomorrow, as I don’t want to be moving mattresses in an open trailer in the rain, even though I got the big mattress bags to put them in.
Decriminalize weed. Discourage all drug and alcohol use. Ever notice how we’re told not to drink, especially not to drink and drive, but no one seems to care about THC usage?
People who want drugs or alcohol or cigarettes or ??? are going to get them anyway. I just got this proven to me by my wife’s BFF’s daughter and her heroin dependency. Her daily methadone hit and her vape stick was not enough to keep her satisfied.
The War on Some Drugs has turned the sheepdogs of the various thousands of police forces into wolves.
Shoot, we are all addicted to something. I love food and caffeine. I have been told to moderate food (still working on that) and to stop coffee and diet DP (not gonna happen despite my heart issues).
And here is the other thing, it ain’t none of my business if you are smoking weed or hash, snorting cocaine, or shooting up heroin. It just ain’t none of my business.
We are too much in each other business. We are turning into a nation of busybodies.
And here is the other thing, it ain’t none of my business if you are smoking weed or hash, snorting cocaine, or shooting up heroin. It just ain’t none of my business.
Generally, I agree, as long as one imbibes/ingests/inhales/injects “responsibly”, i.e., restricts one’s drug usage so that one doesn’t harm others, harmful behavior including but not limited to spousal abuse, abandoning family responsibilities, endangering others on the road or on the job, being a danger to oneself, etc., etc.
And there’s also the not-so-small matter of how drug abuse can transform the abuser into something subhuman.
And there’s also the not-so-small matter of how drug abuse can transform the abuser into something subhuman.
Have you seen what jail does to a convicted drug user ? 90% recidivisim rate. Go in scared, come out scarred, tattooed, and ready to kill the world.
We cannot keep on throwing everyone in jail for doing drugs. That way lays madness.