Sat. Jan. 6, 2024 – the day the coup went live?

By on January 6th, 2024 in culture, decline and fall, march to war

Cold and clear, warmening later… Unless it gets colder, that is really the same right? Al Gore said so. It was mostly jacket weather yesterday until pretty late in the day, then I took it off for a while. Went back out after dark to move the truck and wished I had a jacket on again. Today should be much the same.

Did my pickups. Spent some time talking to one of the auctioneers I used to see a lot of the time, but she does mostly surplus and salvage, and I don’t do much of that any more. She’s expanded her business and built onto her building. And she’s done it mostly by what one of the guru books calls “sticking to your knitting” or concentrating on what you really do, and doing it well. She’s watching the new players getting into the game and watching them fail, just like I’m doing. We had some good conversation about that.

Then I did two more pickups and hit the Goodwill bins. Not much good stuff for me. Sometimes it’s like that. I’ve got too much stuff anyway.

Today I have to make the last pickup for the week, the solar panel. I’ll drop in on my auctioneer and see if I can pin him down for dropping off a load on Monday or Tuesday. Picking up a check would be nice too. Then it’s back to doing cleanup and put away stuff around the house.

The post title asks about the deep state de-cloaking, btw. They seem to have manufactured a riot out of thin air, and the sideshow and show trials have had their chilling effect… and people are still in jail without trial. In America. For political reasons. It can’t be long before the shooting starts, nerves are starting to get really frayed. Could be everyone is playing ‘wait and see’ with the upcoming election. Could be they’ll always find a reason to wait a little longer. But I don’t think there’s much chance of something NOT setting the whole powder keg alight. Like most violence it will be sudden, and most people will think it came out of nowhere, but if you can step back and ‘watch the video’ you can see it as almost inevitably moving from step to step. If you were a historian writing 10 years from now, you could almost certainly link the things that have happened in the last 9-10 years into a narrative that looks natural and unstoppable. The only thing lacking is Pearl Harbor, or the Archduke’s bad day.

If you disagree, I would like to hear how and why. Because it seems to me that war and upheaval are the natural outcomes when a society gets as stressed as ours is. And that won’t be pretty. Assume it will happen. Assume it will be bad. Assume it will be worse than you think. And then–

Stack what you need.


45 Comments and discussion on "Sat. Jan. 6, 2024 – the day the coup went live?"

  1. Greg Norton says:

    As far as I can tell, the exodus to Texas is not slowing down either.

    My condolences. Between that and illegal migrants, how long can Texas keep its identity?

    What identity? 

    Abortion restrictions and razor wire at the border do not make a state “red”.

    Abbott only buses the migrants because DeSantis did first it in Florida.

    As for transgender “confirmation” surgeries for minors, construction on the two big hospital complexes near my house, along with infrastructure such as hotels and apartments, continues to proceed, albeit at a slower pace than when the RINOs in Austin passed the ban for a distraction from the massive tax increases passed last year.

  2. Greg Norton says:

    If you disagree, I would like to hear how and why. Because it seems to me that war and upheaval are the natural outcomes when a society gets as stressed as ours is. And that won’t be pretty. Assume it will happen. Assume it will be bad. Assume it will be worse than you think.

    It won’t just be limited to left vs. right, however. A lot of divisions exist internally on both sides, and I honestly believe half of the white population in this country aspires to be the catalyst for the authorities loading the neighbors into boxcars headed to the ovens for reasons other than simple politics.

    The trailer isn’t wrong about the most dangerous animal on the planet in my experience, even emphasizing the point with the cop, but then they blow it with the “White Tears” meter.

  3. nick flandrey says:

    Cool and clear, as hoped.  Christmas decor should have a chance to dry out and then I can think about putting it away.



  4. nick flandrey says:

    Well, shoot.   Ran out of internet, now I have to do some work…


  5. drwilliams says:

    It’s Saturday. 

    After your coffee is done, don’t forget to check your cookies to make sure they haven’t gone bad overnight.

  6. SteveF says:

    Decent weather here, for the moment: a little below freezing and just a few flakes of snow yesterday and this morning. 100% overcast but you can’t have everything.

    I’m letting the chickens out as much as possible today because snow is coming, starting tonight. 7″ accumulation expected, just a dusting by Jenny’s standards but up to the birds’ shoulders. They’ll be trapped, trapped, I tell you, in the run under the deck, with a measly 35 square feet of space each. The misery! Really, my birds are so spoiled. I’m just annoyed that I screwed around and screwed around and didn’t place the order and their heated perch won’t arrive for a few more days. I’m sure that keeping their little toesies warm would be appreciated when the temperature was and will be around 20.

    re the political prisoners, I know a couple guys who are even more upset about it than you and I are. And they have no families to take into account and they’re getting up there in years with nothing to look forward to other than getting older with more medical problems. They say that they’re not going to start things, but when “it” starts, they’re going to go after traitors. Considering that I’m practically a shut-in and don’t talk more than casual pleasantries with hardly anyone, I have to wonder how many are making similar plans? Even if the vast majority are more mouth than action, are we talking about a million vets and hunters and reformed gang members?

  7. drwilliams says:

    When the government puts people in prison for years without trial, convicts them of false charges and keeps them in prison for more years, and makes it clear that worse crimes are ignored in the case of the “right” people, there are a lot of people that can do the math. 

  8. Greg Norton says:

    They say that they’re not going to start things, but when “it” starts, they’re going to go after traitors.

    And who exactly is a “traitor” in their minds? 

    Skippy down the street who doesn’t keep his yard mowed and resodded?

    If you don’t believe the vets will go as far as violence over that one, you haven’t lived in an HOA in Florida.

  9. drwilliams says:

    For every vet willing to do violence over long grass, there are 100 products of Barry Obama’s High School for Radicals and similar indoctrination factories that are willing to attack Jews in the streets.  

  10. drwilliams says:

    somewhere between ROTFLMAO and ROTFLMAOPIP:

  11. drwilliams says:

    The chick who lost her mind on a 16-year-old in an IDF sweatshirt graduated from the Barack Obama School for Social Justice.

    How many tax dollars are propping up that cesspool?

    What’s the ethnic makeup of the student body?

    Would examination of the curriculum be able to differentiate this school from a religious school?

    What percentage of the senior class graduated, and what percentage were National Merit Scholars?

    What percentage of the senior class is going to college, and what’s the breakdown of declared majors?

    Does anyone really think the radicalization problem starts in colleges?

    THE Good News: ESL classes have been successful. the spittle-spraying “F**k You!” is Ivy-League clear.

  12. drwilliams says:

    The new White House policy is that the limo must be within touching distance:

  13. drwilliams says:

    Note :  “Once each minute the ACU [which is the central processing unit for the ASOS] calculates the 5-minute average ambient temperature and dew point temperature from the 1-minute average observations (provided at least 4 valid 1-minute averages are available). These 5-minute averages are rounded to the nearest degree Fahrenheit, converted to the nearest 0.1 degree Celsius, and reported once each minute as the 5-minute average ambient and dew point temperatures. All mid-point temperature values are rounded up (e.g., +3.5°F rounds up to +4.0°F; -3.5°F rounds up to – 3.0°F; while -3.6 °F rounds to -4.0 °F).”  [source: ASOS Users Guide. 1998 ]  The station illustrated is a NERRS station and uses 6 minute intervals, but the algorithm is similar – kh.

    The output signal of a thermistor is volts. The omission in the above is that voltage is first converted to temp(F) before being averaged, rounded, and converted to Temp(C). (Kip Hansen is well-aware of this, but it should be made explicitly clear.)

    (It also bugs me to see “6-foot (2 m). I have a tape with inches on one side and cm on the other. The 6-ft mark is more than half a foot away from the 2-m mark.)

    Having some experience with locating temperature probes in industrial operations, I am skeptical about claims of accuracy based on the electronics and the sensors being “well-sited”.  (I made a verbal report to a manager on a Sunday after visiting a struggling out-of-state production facility : “If you turned off the overhead lights in the control room and took a ball pein hammer and smashed the LED temperature readouts that were not accurate, you would end up in the dark.”) When I see a busy site like the one in the first photo of the link above, the first question that comes to mind is “What is this other shiite and how stable is the configuration over time?

    “Weather stations” are not and were never designed to measure “climate”. Weather stations are sited at airports because air temperature directly determines the lift capacity of an airplane (see Chuck Yeager’s bio) and precipitation, wind speed and direction, and visibility are key factors in safe flying. A weather station serves its purpose by accurately measuring the reality of conditions that the planes experience. Safe flying is also why airports are the site of measurements of the atmosphere aloft, going back to the days of weather balloons and radiosondes. 

    Taking those measurements over decades to track small changes in climate requires siting that is not subject to changes that can subtly affect the measurements. A city center a few miles away creating an urban heat island that expands as the building get higher and denser or a new asphalt runway adding acres of good solar absorption just a few hundred yards away upsets climate calculations. It changes the conditions the planes experience, so measuring the new physical reality is the right thing for flying safety.

  14. Denis says:

    Judicial Watch has launched a wrongful death action on behalf of Ashli Babbitt’s family.

  15. CowboyStu says:

    Taking those measurements over decades to track small changes in climate requires siting that is not subject to changes that can subtly affect the measurements. A city center a few miles away creating an urban heat island that expands as the building get higher and denser or a new asphalt runway adding acres of good solar absorption just a few hundred yards away upsets climate calculations. It changes the conditions the planes experience, so measuring the new physical reality is the right thing for flying safety.

    Yes, as a professional thermodynamicist, I agree totally.

  16. Brad says:

    Wattsupwiththat has a graph of the “climate reference network” data. Those are sites that should not have UHI effects. Climate alarmists don’t mention it, because it isn’t alarming.

    Anyway, that algorithm for reporting temps is weird. Rounding to the nearest degree F, and then pretending to have 1/10C accuracy? Seriously?

  17. Greg Norton says:

    The new White House policy is that the limo must be within touching distance:

    Hair sniffing distance.

  18. drwilliams says:


    The CRN network is better. If we had universal coverage of the earth with very good equipment starting tomorrow or even 100 years ago, we might be able to say something about changes during that time.

    The difficulty is that we don’t. We have too few stations (fewer than before the collapse of the Soviet Union, when we lost 100’s), bad site quality, location changes, equipment changes, and a host of other problems. Satellite measurements have only been in place for a bit more than 40 years, and can’t measure the critical pole areas. To top it off we have the historical temperature records in the hands of global warming zealots who hide raw data, make adjustments according to methods they have brewed up without oversight, and insert themselves into policy when they should be even-handedly reporting data. We spend approximately $30 billion a year on climate “science”, but despite the total failure of the dire predictions breathlessly reported in the press, reasonable dissenting voices are not funded and herculean efforts are made to shut dissenters out of the public forum. The data that is paid for by the taxpayers is largely kept in the private fiefdoms of petty pseudo-scientific muddlers despite grant requirements and publication standards otherwise. 

    And all of it is grafted atop the reality that the climate of the earth has changed epically over time frames of millions down to mere hundreds of years, all before any possible contribution of man-made changes, and all of it beyond the present understanding.

  19. lpdbw says:

    Dr. John Campbell on YouTube, who has over time become a realist about the anti-science pharma industry, has branched out into the death of science in general, and specifically addresses climate change.

    All is proceeding as Eisenhower predicted in his farewell address.  Not just the military-industrial complex, but the even more important:

    Yet in holding scientific discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

  20. drwilliams says:

    Portland facing an explosion of a ‘highly infectious illness that spreads through fecal matter’

    Keep Joey Brown away from Portland and anyone who has been there.

  21. lynn says:

    Taking those measurements over decades to track small changes in climate requires siting that is not subject to changes that can subtly affect the measurements. A city center a few miles away creating an urban heat island that expands as the building get higher and denser or a new asphalt runway adding acres of good solar absorption just a few hundred yards away upsets climate calculations. It changes the conditions the planes experience, so measuring the new physical reality is the right thing for flying safety.

    Yes, as a professional thermodynamicist, I agree totally.

    Me too bro, me too.  These climate ignoramouses are literally incompetent.   All of the actual warming on the planet comes from the medium sized fusion reactor at the center of the Solar System. 

    Trying to measure the output of Sol is difficult on a calm day since it is only bounded by gravity.  When it has half a dozen sunspots going, it is nigh unto impossible.  

    The actual excess heat of the humans on Earth raises the temperature about 0.000001 F annually.  I have a paper on this somewhere if anyone is interested.

  22. MrAtoz says:

    Judicial Watch has launched a wrongful death action on behalf of Ashli Babbitt’s family.

    Murdered by Capitol Police Officer half-wit Michael Bird. He even admitted he fired as soon as he saw her. The man should be shamed wherever he is seen.

  23. lynn says:

    The actual excess heat of the humans on Earth raises the temperature about 0.000001 F annually.  I have a paper on this somewhere if anyone is interested.

    BTW, all of these climate idiots do not take chemistry into account for the solar warming.  The first 100 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere temporarily raises the atmospheric temperature 10 F.  The second 100 ppm of CO2 raises the atmospheric temperature 5 F.   The third 100 ppm of CO2 raises the atmospheric temperature 2.5 F.  The fourth 100 ppm of CO2 raises the atmospheric temperature 1.25 F.  

    So that is a total 18.75 F temporary rise of the greenhouse effect.  If it weren’t for that then you could walk across the Bering Straits on ice 12 months out of the year.  Or from England to France on ice.

    We are one third of the way to 500 ppm which is another raise of 0.625 F.  Each 100 ppm rise of CO2 has half of the previous rise in temperature.

  24. Greg Norton says:

    The Sports segment of the local Faux News had a story about a UT player departure for the draft or transfer portal every night this week.

    UT Austin might actualy have to play the Manning nephew in their inaugural SEC season rather than letting him mature another year.

    “South Park” ran this episode Saturday night. My kids had no idea why I found it so funny.

  25. nick flandrey says:

    The man should be shamed wherever he is seen.  

    – without checking, I think he’s now dead.   


  26. lpdbw says:

    Judicial Watch has launched a wrongful death action on behalf of Ashli Babbitt’s family.

    Any lawsuit that fails to list the entire DOJ, from the Attorney General on down, as co-defendents (and co-conspirators) is incomplete.

  27. nick flandrey says:

    Um, can’t believe no one has mentioned this 

    or the crash in Japan…


  28. Greg Norton says:

    The man should be shamed wherever he is seen.  

    – without checking, I think he’s now dead.   

    No, but he is protected.

  29. Ken Mitchell says:

    Anthony Watt, of has spent the last 10+ years inspecting various weather stations for obvious flaws and irregularities. In 2022, he released a report “It’s Worse Than We Thought” , “ a new study, Corrupted Climate Stations: The Official U.S. Surface Temperature Record Remains Fatally Flawed, finds approximately 96 percent of U.S. temperature stations used to measure climate change fail to meet what the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) considers to be “acceptable” and  uncorrupted placement by its own published standards.” 

    TLDR version; Ignore glowbull warmists. They’re all lying.

  30. Greg Norton says:

    Um, can’t believe no one has mentioned this 

    or the crash in Japan…

    We flew a MAX-9 on the return trip from O’Scare in November. Brand new.

    The crazy part is that this story is also on the wires this morning.

    Wasn’t the crash in Japan due to pilot error?

  31. nick flandrey says:

    Wasn’t the crash in Japan due to pilot error? 

    – apparently on the part of the plane on the ground, the Japan Coast Guard, who got lost and entered the runway…


  32. Greg Norton says:

    Portland facing an explosion of a ‘highly infectious illness that spreads through fecal matter’

    Austin is next. I’ve seen human excrement in the streets, and a sizeable chunk of downtown is dominated by the homeless.

  33. nick flandrey says:

    Ha ha…

    ZeroHedge Live Debate: Was January 6 A Manufactured Crisis?

    With out a doubt the reaction to it was.   And with all the undercovers involved, the most egregious acts were almost certainly not what we are told to believe.


  34. lynn says:

    I mentioned the JAL crash yesterday because I was surprised that all 387 souls made it out of the A350.

  35. EdH says:

    Wasn’t the crash in Japan due to pilot error?

    Runway incursion.  Could be tower or CG plane.

    The Airbus  passengers got lucky – 18 minutes to evacuate when the book says 90 seconds!

    Of course, that’s a dirty little secret that everyone in the biz knows, that the book time is a joke. The evacuation tests that the manufacturers make (per the FAA regulations) are little set pieces with no relation to reality.

    I read that years ago some bored evacuation test leader got a wild hair up his behind and made an offer over the intercom of $100 to the first 10 people out of the plane during the test. Utter chaos ensued.  They didn’t do it again…

    (Some people credit the calm Japanese mindset … but I’ve seen my share of Godzilla movies, they panic just like everyone else.)

  36. nick flandrey says:

    When I was in Phoenix it was very common to go spend a day jumping down the inflated ramp for testing purposes.   I never did it, but a lot of other students did.


  37. Lynn says:

    “The AARP just told its 38 million members to get an eighth (yes, EIGHTH!) shot of mRNA”

    “Can’t make it up. The solution to jab failure is… more jab failure.”

    And the AARP is getting deeper and deeper in absurdity.

  38. nick flandrey says:

    Someone one the email chain suggested the girls and moms all mask up for the GS meet up that wife and d’s went to today.   Ah,… nope.

    Some people are so eager for the collar and the lash.   I can’t quite believe it.


    added- and our costco had the food demo people masked today. Caught my eye, but I didn’t know why.

  39. Alan says:

    The AARP is happy to sell their “endorsement” for the right price. 

  40. Alan says:

    >> But I don’t think there’s much chance of something NOT setting the whole powder keg alight. Like most violence it will be sudden, and most people will think it came out of nowhere, but if you can step back and ‘watch the video’ you can see it as almost inevitably moving from step to step.

    The evening of November 5th comes to mind… 

  41. Alan says:

    >> If you don’t believe the vets will go as far as violence over that one, you haven’t lived in an HOA in Florida.

    Or gone to a movie there…

  42. Lynn says:

    Um, can’t believe no one has mentioned this 

    “Alaska Airlines pilot frantically requests ATC help after plane window BLEW OUT over Portland”

    The Boeing 737 Max seems to be snakebit.  Not good.  And having a door replaced with some sheet metal and a window seems to be a little cheesy for an aircraft that carries a couple of hundred people around the planet with thousands of takeoffs and landings.

  43. JimB says:

    Re masks, when we had a state masking mandate during the epidemic, mask compliance was not anywhere close to 100% locally. I went into a store without a mask, and was greeted by an employee who said I had to wear one to be in the store. I replied that I would leave the store, and walked toward the door. She followed me outside to the sidewalk, jabbering that I could still shop, but I had to wear a mask. I repeated (just once) that it was my choice, and I wouldn’t violate the rule, but I would rather leave than wear a mask. That was the only time I was accosted and told to wear a mask during the entire epidemic. Glad that there were so many sane employees in other stores. I did wear a mask out of courtesy in some mostly out of town stores where there was high compliance. I may have principles, but I also don’t want to attract too much attention.


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