Day: January 6, 2024

Sat. Jan. 6, 2024 – the day the coup went live?

Cold and clear, warmening later… Unless it gets colder, that is really the same right? Al Gore said so. It was mostly jacket weather yesterday until pretty late in the day, then I took it off for a while. Went back out after dark to move the truck and wished I had a jacket on again. Today should be much the same.

Did my pickups. Spent some time talking to one of the auctioneers I used to see a lot of the time, but she does mostly surplus and salvage, and I don’t do much of that any more. She’s expanded her business and built onto her building. And she’s done it mostly by what one of the guru books calls “sticking to your knitting” or concentrating on what you really do, and doing it well. She’s watching the new players getting into the game and watching them fail, just like I’m doing. We had some good conversation about that.

Then I did two more pickups and hit the Goodwill bins. Not much good stuff for me. Sometimes it’s like that. I’ve got too much stuff anyway.

Today I have to make the last pickup for the week, the solar panel. I’ll drop in on my auctioneer and see if I can pin him down for dropping off a load on Monday or Tuesday. Picking up a check would be nice too. Then it’s back to doing cleanup and put away stuff around the house.

The post title asks about the deep state de-cloaking, btw. They seem to have manufactured a riot out of thin air, and the sideshow and show trials have had their chilling effect… and people are still in jail without trial. In America. For political reasons. It can’t be long before the shooting starts, nerves are starting to get really frayed. Could be everyone is playing ‘wait and see’ with the upcoming election. Could be they’ll always find a reason to wait a little longer. But I don’t think there’s much chance of something NOT setting the whole powder keg alight. Like most violence it will be sudden, and most people will think it came out of nowhere, but if you can step back and ‘watch the video’ you can see it as almost inevitably moving from step to step. If you were a historian writing 10 years from now, you could almost certainly link the things that have happened in the last 9-10 years into a narrative that looks natural and unstoppable. The only thing lacking is Pearl Harbor, or the Archduke’s bad day.

If you disagree, I would like to hear how and why. Because it seems to me that war and upheaval are the natural outcomes when a society gets as stressed as ours is. And that won’t be pretty. Assume it will happen. Assume it will be bad. Assume it will be worse than you think. And then–

Stack what you need.


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