Sunday January 14, 2018

By on January 14th, 2018 in personal

It was 10 degrees, sunny, and calm when I took Colin out at 8:15.

Al stopped by late yesterday afternoon to check on Bob. He was awake and talking pretty good. When I had spoke to his nurse and RT earlier for some updates he had been sleeping most of the time.

43 Comments and discussion on "Sunday January 14, 2018"

  1. Nick Flandrey says:

    Hurray for Al, and great that Bob is talking better.

    Colin is getting lazy, sleeping in until after 8….


  2. Nick Flandrey says:

    Ah, no one has mentioned the Hawaii wake up call???

    “running around screaming and crying” is NOT gonna help you people. GET PREPPED. FWIW, the only real response they had was shelter in place. This is where the infamous duct tape and plastic sheeting comes in. Also the potassium tablets. Also being able to stay in your home for a couple of weeks.

    So who knows what we’ll find out. Was there a launch? Indications of a launch? A real false alarm? What kind of EMgr has the words “This is not a drill” loaded in their drill? On another site, the local HI resident has nothing good to say about HI EMgmt. Could be incompetence. On the gripping hand, people will probably learn what to do the next time, and maybe even get prepped.

    At home, FLU is gonna kill us all !111!1!11111!!1eleventy!! Seriously, this might be the one CDC has been warning about for 10 years. Start taking it seriously and watch for statements that are ‘ass covering’ but specifically won’t ‘start a panic.’ If we start to see those, that’s the time to worry. In the mean time, look at the CDC website. Look at their flu stuff and their ‘business continuity’ section. Lot of good taxpayer funded info and thought there.

    “Flu epidemic strikes EVERY state expect Hawaii equally hard for the first time as officials warn of a bad season with two strains of the virus going around”

    And…. over in one of the sh!tholes:

    “Panic spreads after girl, 9, dies of new eye-bleeding fever feared to be even more dangerous than the Black Death

    The girl died of the viral disease in Uganda, sparking fears of a fresh health crisis
    A health team rushed to put her body in a bag and decontaminate her house
    It is feared the disease could kill up to 40 per cent of those infected by it


    “Three people were earlier reported to have died in South Sudan last week of a similar viral fever.”

    Read more:

    And the wonderful diversite’, doing the jobs Americans won’t do:

    “Jealous girlfriend and a couple ‘abducted, zip-tied and beat the WRONG woman in a murder-for-hire plot over a love triangle – but still killed her after learning their mistake’

    ‘All three confirmed that this was a murder-for-hire and that the victim was mistakenly targeted and murdered,’ said Gibson.

    Read more:

    Janice Marie Zengotita-Torres, 42, of Kissimmee, Florida, was killed last week
    Glorianmarie Quinones-Montes, and Alexis Ramos-Rivera, both 22, abducted her, stole her ATM card, suffocated her with garbage bags and dumped her body
    They had been hired by Ishnar Lopez-Ramos, 35, to kill a woman who was in a relationship with a man she had romantic feelings for

    Read more:


  3. CowboySlim says:

    Yes, tRump needs to let more Ugandanese in. Our Medicaid needs more $$$ and patients.

  4. CowboySlim says:

    @lynn, WRT to WEATHER and CLIMATE, here is that which we need to accept:
    WEATHER: The inability to have predicted 6 months ago the incredible cold spell during the last month, e.g., the temperature in MPLS was -37°F, probably 30°F below the average low for the day.
    CLIMATE: The ability to predict with great confidence that 50 years in the future
    the temperatures will be 10°F greater than the current normal.

  5. SteveF says:

    CowboySlim, you left out one step of the “climate” claims:
    But if we replace between 55 and 60% of the fossil fuel consumption with renewal, zero emissions energy, the temperature increase will be only 9.87°F.

  6. Nick Flandrey says:

    Don’t forget the models don’t account for water vapor, the most common of the ‘greenhouse gasses’. Or solar variability. Or that they don’t know much about the ocean currents, or captured methane in seafloors, or plankton blooms, or really anything but the tiniest tip of the iceburg.


  7. Dave says:

    Also the potassium tablets.

    Also the potassium iodide tablets.

  8. CowboySlim says:

    @SteveF, yes I really appreciate the correction, thank you!

    Additionally, the scores of thousands of wind turbines will reduce the average wind velocity by 2.35 mph. Consequently, this velocity reduction along with the air density reduction due to higher ambient temperature will reduce the atmosphere to surface aerodynamic friction, drag, such that the earth rotation will increase and the days will be 23 hrs, 57 min and 46.2 sec in duration.

    Don’t bother, AlGore, I am not seeking employment.

  9. Nick Flandrey says:

    @cowboy slim- yep, was article by Dr someone that they weren’t getting the production from downwind turbines that they predicted. Turns out if you remove energy from a system, there is less left. Huh, who’d’a thunk it?

    Greens- the huge massive really big ocean is affected by every drop of poison put into it.
    Greens- the huge massive really big atmosphere can have all the energy removed from it you want, and there will still be more left.



  10. CowboySlim says:

    @Nick, YUUUP, be careful while out among the wind turbines so as to walk around the deceased Golden Eagles. Do not carry a weapon in the presence of Federal Agents as you will be arrested, incarcerated and charged with killing these national icon birds.

    Yes, on my 4WD sightseeing trips I have transited Bunkerville, NV.

    Yuuup, on my way to the non-existent Area 51. Had lunch at the Little A’Le’Inn.

  11. Nick Flandrey says:

    @stevef, there have been several union “labor actions” too. Never let an opportunity go to waste….


  12. brad says:

    I thought I had commented about the Hawaii situation here. Must’ve been on some other blog, then…

    Anyway, my take: stupidity, simply that. Enabled by a computer system that was developed by the lowest bidder, under government contract, a system that no one has ever taken particularly seriously. Until now, of course.

    Meanwhile, I found the population’s response to the situation – or what bits of it made their way to Switzerland – pretty funny. Hiding with your children and in-laws, all piled in the same bathtub – protected by a mattress that you dragged over yourselves? I mean, seriously, WTF?

    Given the total lack of a civil defense infrastructure, and the short warning, the best and only thing you could do is retreat to an inner room – away from any windows – and wait things out. Even Nick’s comment about plastic sheeting doesn’t really cut it, because you just don’t have the time.

    All that said: I hope there are lots of good records of the island, and that these are all made public. They will provide fascinating (and potentially very useful) information about how the populace reacts to impending disaster. If the government had a collective brain (which it doesn’t), this would feed directly into federal and local disaster planning (which it won’t).

    As a final note: Having some marginal idea about missiles and nuclear weapons, I have to say that NK’s chances of successfully flying a missile that far, targeting it that accurately, and then successfully detonating it – well, the chances are pretty laughable. Even if the warning were real, the right reaction is a bowl of popcorn, to watch the antics.

  13. brad says:

    On a different topic, but possibly of interest. To my shock, Switzerland has now, really, truly adopted a new law regarding citizenship.

    Getting citizenship is something you do through your local community. Some few communities have made headlines by refusing citizenship applications to muslim immigrant who – for example – refused to allow their daughters to attend school gym classes. The new federal law – in effect as of this month – now makes this official: refusing any part of the mandatory school program is grounds for being refused citizenship. This includes swimming instruction, which is the real issue for muslims with school-age daughters. Religious excuses of any kind can no longer be used a justification.

    Also: no one can receive citizenship, if they have been on welfare at any time in the past three years. The only way out of this is to repay all welfare money received.

    FWIW: On the very populist newspaper I am currently looking at: 89% of the commenters fully agree with this.

    I’m in shock. Very positive shock, but shock nonetheless. I didn’t really believe the government here would have the guts, because plenty (I would have though most) of the politicians, and plenty of Swiss in general, are just as progressive as anywhere else.

    Of course, this attitude is what currently has Switzerland in the crosshairs of the EU. But their demands are nuts – among other things, they want Switzerland to automatically accept all laws made in the EU as fully binding Swiss law. I mean, that’s just nuts, but that’s what the EU demands. The argument is escalating, and there is a good chance that we will lose our current set of agreement with the EU. Since we are very much an island in the midst, well, life may become…interesting…

  14. Nick Flandrey says:

    KIJ doesn’t need an ACCURATE missile. Like the talking dog, it doesn’t matter what it says so much as that it talks. Getting any sort of nuclear payload anywhere NEAR a populated area, on purpose, is all it will take for the people to collectively lose their sh!t.

    Look at the changes after 9/11, where “only” 3000 people were murdered. 9/11 showed people they were in fact vulnerable. KIJ and a missile attack that came anywhere close would do the same. Besides, who cares what part of Cali he hits. If he hits ANY part of Cali it’s a win for him. “No biggie, he doesn’t have an accurate missile, so sorry Oakland, but he was aiming for SF, so hey, I’m just glad he didn’t hit SF…” that ain’t gonna cut it.


    (or sorry San Diego, he was aiming for SF so I guess that’s ok…)

  15. Nick Flandrey says:

    @Lynn, you mentioned elsewhere that shutting down nukes was a bad idea, but you also mentioned San Onofre’. That place NEEDS to be shut down and remediated.

    I lived in fallout range of there for years. They’re sitting on a fault line. They are easily attacked by terrorists from the sea. They are aging less than gracefully. They were overdue for shutdown 15 years ago IIRC….


  16. Harold Combs says:

    If he hits ANY part of Cali it’s a win for him.
    You mean suicide. He will probably be a smoking crater before the missile hits CA.

  17. lynn says:

    @Lynn, you mentioned elsewhere that shutting down nukes was a bad idea, but you also mentioned San Onofre’. That place NEEDS to be shut down and remediated.

    The only way that you can remediate a nuclear power plant is to remove all of the equipment, all of the concrete, all of the old fuel rods, all of the top soil down 50 ft (SWAG), and throw it all in the Marianas trench. Or in that mountain place in Nevada built to handle nuclear stuff that we are not using. Otherwise, you are just whistling in the wind.

    BTW, San Onofre was totally shutdown several years ago. The utility had to purchase a boatload (30 ? 40 ? 50 ?) of natural gas turbines to replace the three nuclear units. Since we have yet to remediate an entire nuclear power plant, the costs are doubling every year or so as they find new problems.

  18. lynn says:

    @lynn, WRT to WEATHER and CLIMATE, here is that which we need to accept:
    WEATHER: The inability to have predicted 6 months ago the incredible cold spell during the last month, e.g., the temperature in MPLS was -37°F, probably 30°F below the average low for the day.
    CLIMATE: The ability to predict with great confidence that 50 years in the future
    the temperatures will be 10°F greater than the current normal.

    Heh ! This is worthy of stealing.

  19. DadCooks says:

    I spent one of my careers involved with remediation of not only the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, but also as the designated DOE (Department of Energy) interface with INPO (Institute of Nuclear Power Operations) which is a worldwide nuclear advisory and support group. INPO has managed to do some things despite politics that have minimized some serious nuclear problems. These will never be known to the public though.

    How remediation is currently being done is a very bad joke. All that is ever done is that vast sums of money are spent moving the radioactive stuff from one place to another. In the process actually spreading contamination. The most cost effective and cleanest way of remediation is complete in-place 360-degree entombment in steel and concrete. I leave it to you to guess the obvious reasons this is not done.

  20. Ray Thompson says:

    I see where the news programs are airing news segments on programs trying to improve the lives of people in the shirt(-r)hole countries. All feel good stories that only show the better parts of the countries. Even those areas are crowded, rampant traffic, and general confusion.

    Trump was right, the media just does not want to accept the truth.

  21. SteveF says:

    I leave it to you to guess the obvious reasons this is not done.

    That ol’ debbil, Global Warming?

  22. Miles_Teg says:

    All you vaxers need to eat what the Prophet says you should eat. Then you can avoid diptheria and all the other nasties…

  23. nick flandrey says:

    Haiti has better parts? Who knew?

    I say not one dime for sh!thole countries until we fix our own sh!tholes. Probably with a strong program of buyouts and returning the land to it’s semi-natural state. Scrape the cr@pholes clean.

    Full moratorium on new applications for immigration, with exceptions for those who have served us and are subsequently at risk in their home sh!tholes. Return to sponsorship for all in the pipeline. Hard look at anyone who doesn’t speak and write english to at least 4th grade level. Minimum $10k in cash- if they can pay a coyote that much, they can certainly bring it with them legally. Institute a scoring system like NZ used to use. Skilled trade, STEM degree, money in the bank, verifiable employment history- all pluses. Welfare recipient, liberal arts degree, poor, no job, no english- all minuses.

    Yeah I know it would have kept out some of our own ancestors, but times have changed.


  24. nick flandrey says:

    “”I find that question funny, because it’s God’s decision to choose who gets what disease. It’s God’s will — our lives are in God’s hands.””

    This is why bigcorp has trouble in “asia” with accident prevention. Since accidents are the will of Aloha, trying to avoid them is anti-pisslamic. Posters everywhere saying “Accidents are Preventable.”

    After a huge scaffold collapse which killed a whole bunch of people (while I was in the ME for work) the paper quoted the Construction Manager saying “No one can be blamed for this accident, it was the will of allahahaha.” My first thought was, sure buddy, I know ONE person I’d start the blame with if this was the US….


  25. lynn says:

    The most cost effective and cleanest way of remediation is complete in-place 360-degree entombment in steel and concrete. I leave it to you to guess the obvious reasons this is not done.

    This has been tried once that I know of. Chernobyl.

  26. jim~ says:



    Thanks for the tips. Radio won’t receive Time freq, though I swear I used to get something when I lived in Hawaii ages ago.Won’t receive NOAA alerts, either.

    Nice links, but either this ancient concrete building and my location against a N-S hill blocks signal (will have to test on roof) or the radio is shot – but it gets FM & AM just fine.

    Cute little thing. Sony ICF-SW1S. Bit of a collectors item now.

  27. nick flandrey says:

    @jim~ what do you hear on 5.000? If you hear loud static and noise, you may have some loud RF sources in the house. LED lighting, cheap switch mode power supplies, USB chargers, and older florescent lamps can all spew RF noise.

    It’s also time of day dependent too. Right now, I can hear 10.000 but none of the others. I’m getting alot of hams in the high range too.

    I’ve gone days without being able to hear 5.000.

    You can try adding some antenna. Just wrap the bare end of some wire around the extendable antenna, or use and alligator clip. In the carribean, I was using my balcony railing, just by touching the antenna to it.


  28. DadCooks says:

    This has been tried once that I know of. Chernobyl.

    It is not a 360-degree cocoon. The place is so hot because of the explosion that only a steel and concrete above ground containment has been built for now. Underneath cannot be excavated because of what has leaked into the soil below it as well as a mass of melted radioactive material beneath it. The area around Chernobyl is contaminated for far more than the barriers indicate. The contaminated area is greater than the area contaminated by the combined areas of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs.

  29. nick flandrey says:

    There’s a youtube of some whiny greenie show about the containment built on Bikini Atol. interesting even despite all the hand-wringing about globull warmening raising sea levels and increasing storms until the containment disk is destroyed, dooming us all to death by radiation poisoning and killing mother gaia….


  30. nick flandrey says:

    Add to the tally of rat related destruction-

    3 large bottles of Miracle Whip
    large bottle maple syrup
    another 6 pouches of meat
    a dozen sauce pouches
    a dozen flavor pouches

    Also I’ve found that the canned cream, Nestle Media Crema (table cream) absolutely doesn’t last past its expiration date. It gets solid in a bath of liquid. So that sucks.

    Also I’ve got a half dozen cans of meat, all from the same lot, that aren’t under vacuum anymore. I’ll be complaining to the manf. on that one. The expiry is Jan – 18.

    A couple of dented cans looked suspicious and one can of spam wasn’t under vac either.

    I’ve got a dozen or so boxes with dirt on the outside but the contents are in bags and foil packets. They’re gross, so I’ll probably toss them. SHTF, I’d eat them or trade them.

    I’ve got about 60-90 cans with dirt on the tops. I’ll be washing and bleaching them.

    I’ve got to do an actual post of lessons learned from the damnable rats.

    I had two dead ones today and a live one stuck on the pad. I set 6 more glue pads, and spring clamped them to the shelves, with bait stuck to them. I’m hoping for a good harvest tomorrow. Hearing them move around on all sides of me today was CREEPY.

    I’m going nuclear on them this week. I want this over…


  31. jim~ says:

    what do you hear on 5.000?

    I don’t GET 5 MHz… through 25 MHz. That’s the radio’s fault. But I swear I used to get something in Hawaii, in English. Have to take on the roof to see if I can get anything.

    It has an external antenna, which I’ve used to no effect. Don’t get a thing except AM and FM.

    Read a funny tale about a guy who owned an A-frame house. He ran a copper wire all 35′ below the ridge pole then attached his antenna. Voilá!

  32. jim~ says:

    The rat problem just kills me! There are SO many ways to get rid of rats. If I still had my ferrets I could loan them to you, but one tried and true recipe is Plaster of Paris and oatmeal.

    Cry me a river if you think it’s cruel. Maple syrup is expensive!

  33. lynn says:

    I had two dead ones today and a live one stuck on the pad. I set 6 more glue pads, and spring clamped them to the shelves, with bait stuck to them. I’m hoping for a good harvest tomorrow. Hearing them move around on all sides of me today was CREEPY.

    Dude, you are supplying shelter and food. All they need otherwise is water.

    Gonna get cold and wet Tuesday night. Looks like we may get snowed on again. Man, we are having a real winter this year !

  34. brad says:

    We don’t have rats, but one of our cat brings lots of live mice into the house to play with. Dunno if my experience transfers, but I have the best luck with live traps. Little cages that you put the bait in. To get at the bait, the mice brush past the trigger that closes the door. These seem to be much more effective than snap-traps, because it’s almost impossible to eat the bait without triggering the trap.

    Of course, you then get to kill the things. In my case, that’s easy: I toss them out on the lawn in front of the cat. They rarely survive a second round of being used as a bouncy-ball, and then they get eaten, what’s not to like? Nature is red in tooth and claw…

  35. Chad says:

    Ah, no one has mentioned the Hawaii wake up call???

    Part of me just thought it was a false alarm orchestrated by the extreme left to instill fear and jump start the prog agenda on North Korea. Sort of a, “Sure it was a false alarm, BUT what if it had been real?! We need to give Kim Jong-un the diplomatic equivalent of a handjob to avert the annihilation of the human race!!!”

  36. Miles_Teg says:

    According to Jamie Lee Curtis (who I thought had better sense) and Jim Carey it’s all Donald’s fault.

  37. Nick Flandrey says:

    Isn’t carey that guy who kept trying to be funny on camera in the 90s?

    You know, the wife beater, drug addict, sexual deviant?

    JLC, I had better impression of her, but she’s still just a meat puppet, getting paid to say what other people think, professional liar, emotion whore….. perhaps I’m feeling a bit harsh this am. Read thru the google lawsuit documents and I can’t believe the sh!t (allegedly) going on there. Makes you yearn for the cleansing fire.


  38. lynn says:

    Read thru the google lawsuit documents and I can’t believe the sh!t (allegedly) going on there.

    ??? URL ???

  39. lynn says:

    Wow. That is a hostile work environment.

    How does Google run their business if they are running the competent people off ?

  40. SteveF says:

    How does Google run their business if they are running the competent people off ?


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