Month: December 2017

Sunday December 31, 2017

It was 10 degrees, partly cloudy, and calm when Colin went out at 7:45.
I was down to see Bob yesterday. Things are about the same. Speech therapy will work with him next week to check on swallowing and teach him to use the valve on the trach. The nurse showed me yesterday how it works by placing her finger on the valve and having him answer some questions.

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Saturday December 30, 2017

It was 30 degrees, sunny, and breezy when I took Colin out at 8am.
Al went by to see Bob yesterday morning. They had downsized his trach tube to the smaller one. Speech therapy can now work with his swallowing and teach him to use the speaking valve. Al put his phone on speaker so I could talk to him for a minute.

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Friday December 29, 2017

It was 24 degrees, sunny, and breezy when I took Colin out at 7:45.

While I was visiting with Bob yesterday the PT came in. She does a great job spending a good thirty minutes with him. She has him do a wide variety of arm and leg exercises. I took two squeeze balls down last week. She has him reach for those and then toss them alternately with left and right hands back to her. She is also helping him sit up on the side of the bed. He is very weak but she pushes him to do “one more”.
The lung and throat secretion issues are slowly getting better.
I had a question about Colin during Bob’s absence. For the first couple of weeks he would go out to the garage to look for him when I left and came back home. Now, I imagine, he just figures he went some where and will be back sometime.

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Thursday December 28, 2017

It was 10 degrees, sunny, and calm when I took Colin out at 7:45.
I called late yesterday afternoon to check on Bob. The nurse said he was up in the chair for two hours. Otherwise, things are the same.

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Wednesday December 27, 2017

It was 23 degrees, partly cloudy, and calm when I took Colin out at 7:30.
I went to Winston to visit Bob yesterday. Nothing new to report.

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Monday December 25, 2017

It was 19 degrees, sunny, and windy when I took Colin out at 7:30.

I was down to see Bob yesterday. He was about the same though the doctor did take out the right side chest tube while I was there. He still has the large trach and left side chest tubes.

I want to let you know I always mention names and tell him you are pulling for him. You also know he has never liked the Christmas holiday and comes up with several anti-Santa devices. I will say no more except last night we had 45 mph winds so he blew right past us.

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Sunday December 24, 2017

It was 36 degrees, partly cloudy, and calm when I took Colin out at 7:30.
Frances and Al visited Bob yesterday afternoon. His bed was in the chair position. He was alert and interactive with them. The nurse on duty had not seen him for a week and said she thought he had improved a lot since then. The doctors have not replaced the large trach tube with a smaller one yet.

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Saturday December 23, 2017

It was 49 degrees with heavy fog, drizzle, and wind when I took Colin out at 7:30.

I spent a couple of hours with Bob yesterday morning. Nothing new to report.

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Friday December 22, 2017

It was 39 degrees, cloudy, and breezy when I took Colin out at 7:30.

Things are about the same. His heart doctor called me yesterday afternoon to let me know they are going to hold off on a procedure to the lungs to see if they will clear up on their own. He is supposed to have a smaller trach tube put in today.

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