Month: April 2017

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

10:32 – It was 50.8F (10.5C) when I took Colin out at 0700 this morning, sunny and bright. By the time Lori showed up with our mail around 0915, it was 68F (20C). Ray of Ray’s Weather said yesterday he’d put away his snow meter for the year because we’re unlikely to see any more snow. But we’re still likely to see one or more freezes/frosts between now and mid- to late-May.

Lori had only two packages for us, both from Amazon, one the ARRL General Class license manual and the other a pack of five 7-gallon planting bags. Our lettuce is already sprouting gangbusters in the small starting pots, so we’ll probably use at least one of the bags for lettuce. I think we planted too much lettuce, especially since we don’t have any rabbits to feed it to.

We’re near finishing up several series we’ve been watching on Netflix and Amazon streaming, including a British series called Escape to the Country. In each episode, the presenter meets a couple who want to relocate to a rural area. The presenter shows them three houses.

I said to Barbara last night that nearly all of the couples are likable and remind me of us. They’re looking for the same thing we were looking for: to get away from big city rat race (or “rat run” as the Brits apparently call it) and live in a rural area. Most of them want to have a big garden. (Again, what Americans call having a green thumb in Britain is apparently called having green fingers. I think they do it just to annoy us…)

Another thing that struck us is the high prices of homes and particularly land in Britain. I suppose that makes sense, given their much higher population density. A nice home that might cost $200,000 in a rural area in the US often costs two, three, or even four times that in the UK, depending on how close it is to London or another large city. The buyers often say they want quite a bit of land with the home, but the homes they’re shown often include half an acre or less, what in the US would be considered a typical suburban residential plot. In the 20 or so episodes we’ve watched, only a handful of the properties they’ve shown have included even one full acre.

And detached homes are apparently pretty rare. A high percentage of the homes they show are semi-detached, which in the US would be called duplexes, and are pretty rare even in cities, let alone rural areas. And the Brits apparently have a lot more words and arrangements for sanitary facilities than we Americans do. In the US, a half-bath includes a toilet and sink, and a full bath includes those plus a shower and/or bathtub. In Britain, there are many different arrangements, including shower rooms that include only a shower, shower  rooms that include a shower and sink, bathrooms that include only a bathtub, and toilets that include only a toilet and no sink, which strikes Americans as bizarre. Where do you wash your hands after using the toilet?

At any rate, we’ve enjoyed the series. There are only 25 episodes on Netflix, out of (IIRC) something like 750 episodes that the BBC has broadcast over the last several years.


I read a lot of post-apocalyptic fiction. Most of it uses any of several recurring memes, all of which make for a good (and easy-to-write) story, but none of which are particularly realistic. Here, in no particular order, are several of those memes:


There is no such thing as a zombie. Enough said. Serious preppers may tell you they’re preparing for a Zombie Apocalypse, but they aren’t serious. That’s just shorthand for preparing for any eventuality.

Walking Home

The protagonist of these stories is often stranded hundreds or even thousands of miles from home and loved ones, and proceeds to walk home. He or they have many violent encounters, but always come through pretty much unscathed. Using just what they have in their (usually outrageously heavy) backpacks, they make it home after weeks or even months of walking, conveniently finding everything they need to make the trip.

Some of these treks are more realistic than others, notably Franklin Horton’s Borrowed World series and Angery American’s Home series, but ultimately all of them are fantasies. The reality is that if the S really HTF and you find yourself more than two or three days’ walk away from home, you’re not going to make it unless you start that trek before the majority of people realize what’s happened.

For example, if I were writing such a scenario and had Barbara stranded down in Winston-Salem, 60 miles or so from home, I’m not going to have her walk home. She’s in excellent shape for a woman her age, but even so it’s just not practical. Instead, I’d have her walk some and hitch rides when possible. Her trip back home won’t take weeks, let alone months. Instead, she’ll leave the moment the Event occurs and arrive back home in a day, if not later the same day. Better yet, she’d just drive home, making the normal 1.5 hour trip in, oh, 1.5 hours.

Destruction of Electronics

The two best-known books based on this meme are David Crawford’s Lights Out and William R. Forstchen’s One Second After. Both are better-written than average for this genre. The problem is, their scenario is very unlikely. There are two mechanisms for such an event:

o a Carrington-class solar storm (coronal mass ejection), which would damage long transmission lines, transformers, and any AC equipment that was connected, but not unconnected electronics, such as automobiles, cell phones, pacemakers, etc. etc. The aftermath would be hideously bad, but would not destroy all electronics, let alone electric motors and so on. Note that a CME is predictable, and that the world would have probably several days’ warning to take measures to minimize damage.

o a high-altitude nuclear electromagnetic pulse (HEMP or just EMP) event would have extremely severe consequences, but the extent and level of severity are unknowable, simply because it’s never happened. There are simply so many variables that making even a rough prediction is impossible. It’s safe to bet that a major EMP event would do incredible damage to our electric power grid and any electric/electronic devices connected to it, as well as many unconnected devices such as cell phones and other portable electronics. As to vehicles, the common meme is that all of them would be damaged beyond usability with the exception of diesels and elderly gasoline vehicles, those made in 1980 or before, which use carburetors and distributors rather than fuel-injection. In reality, modern diesels would actually be as much (or as little) affected as modern gasoline engines. My guess is that a significant percentage of EFI gasoline engines would be unaffected, other than perhaps requiring the battery to be disconnected and then reconnected to cause the vehicle computer(s) to reboot. Those vehicle computers are generally very well protected, in what amounts to Faraday cages.

Rawles’ Golden Hordes

In his books, Rawles was one of the first authors other than Pournelle and Niven to predict ravening hordes of refugees flowing out of the cities and into rural areas, where they’d overwhelm the locals. That’s possible, of course, depending on the type of disaster that occurs. In a financial collapse or similar widespread disaster, we’d probably see the converse: people migrating from rural areas to the large cities, because that’s where government disaster relief efforts would be concentrated. Rural areas would be the last to get any such relief efforts, if indeed they received any help at all.

Even in a worst-case scenario, such as terrorists setting off dirty bombs in large cities, mass migrations to rural areas are unlikely. Most ordinary people in the cities will wait too long before deciding to evacuate, by which time it will be impossible to do so. Look what less than an inch of snow did to Atlanta in 2014. Interstates literally turned into parking lots, even though the event had been forecast well in advance. A dirty bomb attack or similar event that occurred with no notice would clog highways even faster. Accidents, disabled vehicles, and all of the other things that happen in such circumstances would make roads impassable, starting with the interstates and other main highways, but quickly clogging even 2-lane roads.

What Rawles and others ignore is what I call the tenth-value distance. How many miles of road is sufficient to cut the number of people down to 10% of the original number? That TVD obviously varies with the specifics for an area. For the Triad and Charlotte populations trying to evacuate towards Sparta, I estimated the TVD at 10 miles. In other words, if 100,000 people set out from the Triad heading towards Sparta, after 10 miles that’d be down to 10,000, after 20 miles down to 1,000, and so on. After the 60 miles to Sparta, that original number of people would be down to (0.1)e6, or one one-millionth of the original number. Call it one tenth of a person would reach Sparta.

That’s the good news, at least for Sparta residents if not Triad residents. The bad news is that the TVD applies to average people. The TVD for really bad people–one percenter motorcycle gangs, inner-city gangs, and so on–is much higher. Yeah, we’d see groups of them up here, but there are plenty of Good Old Boys here, most of whom grew up hunting and shooting. Gang members who decide to come up here to rob, rape, and pillage would find themselves dead pretty quickly.

Bugging Out

The concept of bugging out is hugely popular in PA fiction, but the reality is that it almost never makes sense to bug out except in a disaster that’s very localized. If a train wreck dumps toxic chemicals near your home or a huge wildfire is approaching, yes it makes sense to bug out, but the idea of a very localized disaster with everywhere outside the immediate area unaffected is, by definition, not an apocalyptic scenario. In a widespread catastrophe, leaving your home and going out on the road is simply stupid. At home, you have all of your supplies and you are surrounded by people you’ve known for years. Hunkering down preserves those advantages; bugging out gives up all of them in exchange for the uncertainties of the road. Even if you have a well-stocked bugout location, getting there is by no means certain. And even if you do get there, there’s a good chance you’ll find it looted and perhaps occupied by squatters. Hunkering down is far safer, even if you’re in a suburb of a larger city. Making a run for it is not far from suicidal.


PA authors love to cast FEMA/DHS as evil jackbooted thugs. The reality is that they’re mostly ordinary people. In a catastrophe, they’ll being doing their best to do their jobs. Sure there’ll be some petty bureaucrats drunken with power who make things for refugees worse than they might have been, and yes the realities of having to care for thousands or tens of thousands of people will require them to enforce strict rules, but the idea that FEMA/DHS will end up running concentration camps, let alone death camps, is ridiculous. They won’t be trying to make people miserable, let alone enslave them.

Not that things wouldn’t be miserable despite their best efforts. Even if the country mobilized every resource available, the state and federal governments simply don’t have sufficient resources to deal with even a regional disaster, let alone one that’s nationwide. There simply isn’t enough spare food sitting around to feed everyone, or pure water, or spare electrical generation capacity, or drugs, or anything else. Everything would be in extremely short supply, and conditions in such refugee camps would soon become unspeakably bad. But don’t blame that on FEMA/DHS. Just resolve to do what it takes to take care of yourself and your family and friends, because if there is a large scale catastrophe the last place you want to be is anywhere near a refugee camp.

Breakdown of Law

Another common meme is WROL (without rule of law). The idea that the government becomes utterly incapable of enforcing even fundamental laws like those against rape, robbery, and murder. Since they can’t or won’t enforce such fundamental laws, plucky preppers have to do it themselves. These preppers have no fear of ever facing charges for shooting people out of hand and so on, because the government isn’t there any more. Don’t count on it. State and local law enforcement may be overwhelmed initially, and in fact probably would be. But they’ll still be there, and when things begin to settle down they’re likely to show up at your door and ask you some hard questions about that pile of bodies surrounding your house. The metric will be “were these the actions of a reasonable man?” Law enforcement, particularly in rural areas and small towns, will tend to sympathize with ordinary people who were forced to use lethal force to defend themselves, but that’s about as far as it will go.

Isolated Cabins

PA novelists often fantasize about a family living in their retreat, a self-sufficient homestead miles from their nearest neighbors. In reality, such a site would be about as dangerous as living in a central city. Maybe more so. Isolating yourself geographically from bad events makes sense superficially, but only for as long as it takes you to consider the implications. Being miles from your nearest neighbor doesn’t mean the bad guys won’t find you. It just means the nearest help is miles away. The bad guys, if they have the common sense of a turnip, will ambush you, snipe you, and otherwise pick at you piecemeal until they’ve eliminated your ability to defend yourself, which was pretty limited to begin with. You’re on your own. No one is coming to help you. You and your family will die alone, and the bad guys will eat everything you have stored away and then move to the next isolated cabin and do it again.

It’s far better to put yourself in a small-town/rural setting where you have friends and neighbors. Not just for a common defense, but to share skills, knowledge, and other resources. I know a lot about a lot, but I don’t know everything about everything, and some or many of the things I know nothing about may turn out to be critical. That’s why Barbara and I chose to move where we did. There are a lot of people around here who have useful/critical skills, and by becoming part of the community we are preparing to share our own skills in the expectation that others will do the same.

So I’m preparing for none of those scenarios because none of them are very likely. Which brings me to the final common meme in PA novels, but this one actually does make sense.

Doubling Up

What Rawles calls “doubling up” essentially means sharing not just your skills but your living space with others who have complementary skills and supplies. In a critical situation, when you’re surrounded by potential threats, you need trusted people above all. You and your wife aren’t enough. Even if you invite your extended family to stay with you during an emergency, that’s probably not enough people. There’ll be loads of work to do and not enough people to do it all. Finding additional trustworthy people to be part of your group should be your highest priority.

And that turns out to be the toughest preparation of all for most preppers. And that’s why I’m storing extra food, because I want to be able to offer refuge to unprepared friends. People I can trust not to shoot me in the back if the S really HTF.

I actually had this conversation with Lori quite some time ago. We’re better-prepared than Lori is, if you don’t count the fact that she has a 40-acre farm stocked with beef cattle and also has a year-round spring on the property. But if things ever got really bad, Lori knows we’d take her and her daughter in, and she volunteered to do the same for us. I hope it never comes to that, but it’s nice to have a fall-back position.

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Monday, 10 April 2017

09:19 – It was 48.2F (9C) when I took Colin out around 0700 this morning, bright and sunny. When I checked just now, it was already up to 60.5F (16C).

Herschel from Shaw Brothers showed up about 0745 to fix the toilet in the master bath. He was wearing a USMC cap. I didn’t realize he’d been a Marine. As it turns out, he was in from 1980 to 1986 as a Marine sniper. When I asked him where he’d served, he replied, “A lot of places we weren’t supposed to be.”

Barbara will be happy to hear that I’m finished ordering bulk LTS foods for now. Before I add much more, we need to get what’s already sitting around in piles organized, inventoried, and shelved. When Barbara read my page yesterday she said she didn’t think we needed more shelving and that just organizing the existing shelving would suffice. I’ll defer to her on that one. If there’s one thing librarians are expert at, it’s organizing and shelving stuff.

I signed up for the ham radio General Class licensing course being held locally. I also ordered the ARRL textbook for the course, although I probably don’t really need it. IIRC, the exam is 35 multiple-guess questions selected from a universe of something like 500. The ARRL book lists all of the questions with the correct answers. My memory is nowhere near what it used to be, but memorizing 500 questions/answers should still be well within my capabilities. And IIRC, you need to score only 70% to pass.

Barbara said she had no interest in getting her ham license, but I’m going to see if I can convince her to attend at least the first class with me, mainly just to meet everyone. The Technician Class exam is even easier than the General Class exam, and I’d like to see her get her Technician license. I don’t intend to run anything other than 2-meter rigs anyway, and a Technician Class licence would give her full privileges on 2M. We have a local 2M repeater whose footprint covers all the way east to Greensboro and all the way south to Charlotte, so if Barbara does get her Technician class license I’d probably install a 2M mobile rig in her car.


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Sunday, 9 April 2017

09:19 – It was 40.1F (4.5C) when I took Colin out around 0715 this morning, bright and sunny. When I checked just now, it was already up to 55.5F (13C).

Barbara has been pointing out for two or three weeks that I’m getting a bit shaggy, so with Bonnie’s funeral coming up I guess it’s finally time for a haircut.

I’ve been putting in bulk orders for science kit components: cases of 300 goggles, 300 thermometers, 864 plastic rulers, 288 glass beakers, 288 PTC test paper, 400 each of test tube racks, test tube clamps, 9V battery connectors, 100 mL and 10 mL graduated cylinders, 500 spatulas, 600 sets of pH test paper, etc. etc. All in preparation for the autumn rush. I’d order larger quantities, but there’s the matter of where to stack all this stuff. These quantities are at least enough to cover us partway into the autumn rush. I’ll need to place more orders in July/August to get the rest of what we need.

Right now, we’re into the slowest time of year for kit sales, so we’ll be spending a lot of time building subassemblies that’ll let us assemble kits on-the-fly during the rush period. We also need to spend some time during this slow period getting the prepping supplies room downstairs organized. Right now, there are cases and cases of canned goods and dry bulk staples piled all over the floor. Everything from six cases of Keystone canned meats to cases of LDS onions and dry milk to 3-gallon jugs of peanut oil to large jars of bulk spices to piles of Augason #10 cans to stacks of bagged egg noodles to pails of Augason brown rice. All of that needs to be organized and shelved, which means I’m going to need to install more shelves.


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Saturday, 8 April 2017

09:04 – Barbara called at 0755. I figured she was just calling to let me know their plans for the day before she headed home. If only.

Instead, she was calling to let me know that Bonnie had died in the early morning hours. The last we’d heard, yesterday morning, was that Bonnie had been admitted to the hospital, they’d put her on IV fluids, and that she had low magnesium levels but was otherwise okay. They wanted to keep her in the hospital for a few days to let her regain strength before sending her home.

Barbara said the doctors and nurses were shocked that she’d died. They expected her to recover, but with an 89-year-old patient, expectations aren’t always met.

This will be particularly hard for Barbara. I visited Bonnie for half an hour or an hour maybe two or three times a month, when Barbara couldn’t go for some reason. Barbara visited her several times a week. Bonnie was a nice old lady, of our parents’ generation, so for Barbara it was almost like being able to visit her own mother again. Bonnie will be missed.

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Friday, 7 April 2017

08:41 – A bit of excitement this morning. At 0558, Barbara’s phone rang. She announced that the call was from the 508 area code, so we assumed it was a spam call. A minute or so later, her phone chirped to indicate new voice mail. She was checking it when my phone rang, and it was also a 508 area code. Barbara announced that her call was from LifeLine. We’re both on the responder list for Bonnie Tedder, our 89-year-old next door neighbor. So we immediately got dressed and headed over to Bonnie’s house.

When we got there, Barbara found Bonnie had been trying to get out of bed but couldn’t make it. She was upset and confused and unable to move. Barbara did what she could to calm Bonnie while I called 911. A sheriff’s deputy showed up a few minutes later, soon followed by EMS. Barbara’s initial diagnosis was dehydration and a possible UTI, which EMS agreed with.

While Barbara and the EMT’s were getting Bonnie ready to transport, I stood out in the kitchen talking to the deputy. I asked him how many deputies the Sheriff had. A dozen total to cover the whole county 24×7. That’s anything from one to three on duty at any given time, to cover almost 250 square miles of territory. When he told me that, I was surprised at just how quickly he’d responded.

While all this was going on, Barbara called Gene, Bonnie’s nephew, to let him and his wife know what was going on. They said they’d head over to the hospital to meet the ambulance. The EMT’s got Bonnie on the gurney and covered her up well. It was about freezing out with winds gusting to 60 MPH.

Once the ambulance left for the hospital, Barbara stripped Bonnie’s bed, we locked up, and then we headed back home to a very puzzled Colin, who couldn’t figure out what was going on.

Barbara forwarded me an email yesterday about the Alleghany County Ham Radio Club holding license training sessions at the library starting later this month. I called the contact number and had a long talk with Sam Burgiss, the contact guy. I signed up for the training sessions, although I probably don’t really need to take them to pass the Technician and General Class exams.

He said the local club was eager to get more members. It’s not a traditional ham club, he said. There aren’t any dues, any officers, or even any by-laws. It’s just a casual group.

I asked if they had an ARES group, or possibly RACES. He said they didn’t, yet, but that one of the county commissioners was an active ham and interested in getting an ARES group going to support local emergency management.

I told him a bit about my background and that I’d been a ham operator back when dinosaurs roamed the earth in the mid- to late-60’s. He said that was great, because they needed experienced operators as Elmers for the younger people in their club. That surprised me. Ham radio is one of those hobbies that I think of as being mostly older and retired people, but he said they had quite a few young people. The thought of myself as an old hand is a bit intimidating. I consider myself a newbie, but I’ll be happy to do what I can.

With the continuing discussion about Keystone Meats, I’ve now gotten several emails from people who are concerned that the 28-ounce size is too large for them to use at one time. Keystone lists all of their 28-ounce cans as 14 servings, but a 2-ounce serving seems a bit small to me. A 3- or 4-ounce serving size is more common, which yields 7 to 9 servings per can. So what do you do if there’s meat left over?

In normal times, obviously, you can just do what we do. If you intend to use the left-over meat soon, refrigerate it. Otherwise, freeze it. But in abnormal times, you may not have electricity and for most people that means no refrigerator or freezer. The solution is pretty simple: put the left-over meat in a ziplock bag, squeeze out as much air as possible, seal the bag, and toss it into a pot of boiling water. Boil the bag for at least a couple minutes, or until the meat is heated through, turn off the heat, and allow the bag to cool in the water bath. All of the bacteria in the bag are dead, and the meat should be fine sitting on the counter at room temperature for a fair while.

The only issue is that boiling is not hot enough to kill Clostridium spores, which are common in soil everywhere, and probably in your kitchen as well. The upshot is that once the bag cools, those spores may germinate and produce billions of Clostridium bacteria, which in turn produce botulism toxin. For that reason, you want to make sure to re-cook that meat very thoroughly before using it. Boiling does kill the bacteria and destroys the toxin, so the food will be safe to eat once it’s thoroughly recooked.

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Thursday, 6 April 2017

09:42 – It was 46.3F (8C) when I took Colin out around 0730 this morning, drizzling and breezy. That was probably our high temperature for the day, as snow/sleet showers are supposed to move in this afternoon. We’re to get one to three inches (2.5 to 7.5 cm) of accumulation.

Last night we had heavy rains, bright lightning, and loud thunder starting just before midnight and continuing periodically for a couple of hours. Colin was not amused. When he’s terrified, he jumps up on the bed and tries to force his way behind us and on top of us. I hate to yell at him when he’s already terrified, but at one point he was standing on my throat. Given his size, that’s no joke.

Barbara is cleaning house this morning and then building more chemistry kits. She heads down to Winston mid-morning tomorrow, by which time the worst of the snow/ice should be gone, and returns Saturday afternoon at some point.

We just started dinner in the slow cooker. Two cups of rice, five cups of chicken bouillon, a couple cans of cream of * soup, and several large chunks of chicken. I think the recipe says it’s sufficient to feed four to six people, so we’ll get at least two if not three meals out of it.

Barbara has been taking the Winston-Salem paper since she returned to Winston-Salem after grad school in 1978 or 1979.  The WS Journal has the same problems as any other newspaper. Several days ago, they announced significant staff cuts due to declining circulation and advertising revenue. The paper also keeps getting small, both in page count and actual page size. This morning we got the first example of their new layout. Things have changed a lot. The editorial page, for example, used to be a double page spread at the end of the first section, with the back page of that section devoted to weather and similar items. The back page is the same as it was, but the editorial section is down to a single page instead of a two-page spread. No great loss, since the WSJ is a typical liberal/progressive rag. Their editorial staff has never met a government spending or social welfare program it didn’t endorse.

Oh, that science kit that I shipped to Canada on 3/22 and that somehow ended up in Paris, France has now finished its European vacation and is now back in Canada. It cleared Canadian customs (again) and is now in the hands of Canada Post. We’ve had several foreign shipments take odd detours along the way, but this is the first time we’ve had one detour to a different country.

FedEx showed up with a dozen cans of Keystone pork yesterday. Lynn had speculated in the comments about the number of cans that would be damaged. Of the 12 cans, 9 were pristine and 3 showed minor dings. Nothing serious. In fact, at first glance all 3 appeared pristine. It was only as I ran my fingers over them that I detected a slight dent in each. Nothing that would be unusual for cans on the shelves at the supermarket or Costco.

The 10 cans of Keystone beef chunks that I ordered at the same time are en-route and supposed to arrive today. The dozen cans of Keystone ground beef are supposed to arrive tomorrow in three (!) shipments, of 7, 4, and 1 cans.


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Wednesday, 5 April 2017

09:04 – It was 55.3F (13C) when I took Colin out around 0720 this morning, sunny and breezy. The weather is supposed to go downhill today, with showers and thunderstorms moving in, followed by colder weather tomorrow and Friday with precipitation changing from rain to snow.

Barbara took Colin to the vet yesterday for his annual checkup and vaccinations. He’s in fine shape, a Border Collie in his prime. He weighed in at 65 pounds (29.5 kilos). That’s huge for a BC, but Colin is a huge BC. He’s not fat. He’s 20 to 30 pounds heavier than an average adult BC, but he’s also 5 inches (12.5 cm) or more taller. He, along with Malcolm and Duncan before him, is part of a very large line.

Since about the beginning of the year, I’ve not been able to order any canned Keystone Meats from Walmart except the pork and beef chunks. Any time I tried to add ground beef, chicken, or even turkey to my cart, I’d get a message telling me that product was unavailable for either shipping or pickup with that combination of “options,” whatever options are when they’re at home.

Last night, I was on the Walmart site and noticed out of the corner of my eye that it was listing the Keystone ground beef on the “order again” group. So I cunningly sneaked up on it through the tall grass until I was close enough to pounce. I clicked on the quantity until it got up to a dozen 28-ounce cans, which was as high as it’d go, clicked on the Add to Cart option. Lo and behold, it showed up in my cart. I quickly clicked on the order now icon, and got it on order. So now I have another dozen 28-ounce cans of the ground beef on order, to arrive Friday.

Since the beginning of the year, I’ve ordered two dozen 28-ounce cans of Keystone pork, 22 beef chunks, and a dozen ground beef, a total of 58 cans and 101.5 pounds (46 kilos). With the other chicken, beef, pork, tuna, and Spam already in our deep pantry, not to mention the meat in our big freezer, that puts us in pretty decent shape on meat. We’re also in pretty good shape on grains, sugars, fats, and cooking/baking essentials, easily enough to keep the 4.5 of us fed reasonably well for a year plus.

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Tuesday, 4 April 2017

08:58 – It was 53.5F (12C) when I took Colin out around 0715 this morning, sunny and breezy. Today is to be the only nice day this week, followed by colder weather moving in and precipitation changing from rain to snow.

Barbara just took Colin to the vet for his annual checkup. This is a busy week for her. She’s volunteering at the bookstore this afternoon and has various other stuff going on all week. Friday, she drives down to Winston for a followup appointment with her doctor. She’s staying overnight with Frances and Al, and returning Saturday. It’ll be WWaP for Colin and me while she’s gone.

Kit sales remained pretty strong through late March, which is later than they usually fall off the cliff. Usually, mid-February through early June is very slow, things start to pick up in mid-June, and sales boom between July and mid-September. Oh, well. We’re running well ahead of last year at this time, and we can use a break.

I ordered another dozen 28-ounce cans of Keystone Pork from Walmart yesterday, along with ten 28-ounce cans of Keystone Beef chunks. That’s all Walmart would let me add to my cart. My guess is that they limit cart quantities to on-hand inventory, so I may have wiped out their supply of both.

Keystone Meats is not a large company, and with both Walmart and Amazon stocking their products, I suspect they’re having a hard time keeping up with demand. Amazon, as usual, prices their products much higher than Walmart does.

Keystone sells their canned meats direct at $75/dozen ($6.25/can) for everything except beef chunks, which are $85/dozen ($7.08/can), plus $20/case shipping. That takes the total to $7.92/can or $8.75/can for the beef chunks. Walmart prices the 28-ounce cans at $6.28 each, or $7.74 each for the beef chunks. When I checked Amazon yesterday, they were charging $10.77/can for the stuff Walmart sells at $6.28.

I’m still considering canning our own meat. Doing that would be cheaper than buying commercial canned meat, but the real reason I’m thinking about it is that it would expand our selection. Almost all commercial canned chicken, for example, is white meat, but we could can our own dark meat, as well as stuff like sausage that’s difficult or impossible to find commercially.

Right around the time we moved up here, there was a new building being built out on US21, only a couple hundred yards from our house. It was originally a retail meat processor. Bring your own cow or deer or whatever, and they’d butcher and package it for you. Apparently, they didn’t get enough trade to stay open, so they’re in the process of converting it to a new business, the Alleghany General Store. Barbara is keeping an eye on it as a substitute for Lowes. I suspect they’ll continue the butchering/packaging part of the business, so that may be a good nearby source for locally-sourced bulk meats that we can can ourselves.

And the USPS carrier just showed up to pick up a kit. I was expecting Lori, but she had a new substitute running this part of her route this morning. Tina, a nice young woman, is learning Lori’s route so that she can work as a substitute when Lori’s off. She has an official-looking magnetic placard on her car door that reads “USPS feMAIL Carrier”.

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Monday, 3 April 2017

09:49 – It was 48.1F (9C) when I took Colin out around 0730 this morning, damp and with heavy fog. The forecast for the rest of this week is pretty crappy, with heavy rains/thunderstorms today and rain/snow the rest of the week, with temperatures falling below freezing starting Thursday and into the weekend.

We got some of our plants started yesterday in small pots: five pots each of amaranth, St. John’s Wort, basil, dill, sage, rosemary, oregano, thyme, parsley, and jalapeno peppers; six pots each of broccoli and California Wonder sweet peppers; and eight pots each of Salad Bowl lettuce, ruby red onions, and Black Seeded Simpson lettuce. The two lettuces and jalapeno peppers are Burpee hybrid seeds. The others are all heirloom/open-pollinated. A lot of the other stuff like tomatoes, green beans, squash, turnips, parsnips, garlic, potatoes, etc. will be direct-seeded in the garden over the coming weeks.

We’re going to make up another batch of barbecue sauce today and have pork barbecue sandwiches for dinner. I’d ordered a bunch of stuff from Walmart to make it up, including three 114-ounce jugs of ketchup, two 105-ounce jugs of mustard, and four bottles of Worcestershire sauce. The first time UPS damaged the order, and Walmart re-shipped it. That was to arrive March 27th, but on March 24th I found out that UPS had also destroyed the second shipment. I figured Walmart would re-ship automatically, but as of this morning they hadn’t. So I contact their support via Chat and asked them to do so. I just go the confirming email that they’re reshipping it, so I’m hoping the third time will be a charm.

After initially having reservations, Barbara has decided that she really likes the Keystone Pork. We’ve used it so far for barbecue and in the slow cooker to make pork gloppita. We’ll be using it regularly for normal meals, so I’d better order another couple of cases.

Keystone claims a 5-year shelf life officially, but I’ve spoken to them about shelf life. One woman there told me that while they call it shelf life, in fact it’s a best-by date, and even that is really pessimistic. She said she’d eaten several of their meats that had been packed ten or more years previously and she couldn’t tell any difference between them and stuff they’d just packaged. Like most canned goods, these canned meats have actual shelf lives of decades. Other times, I talked to two different people there, who said pretty much the same thing.

Unfortunately, Walmart will let me order only the pork and beef chunks. I’d like to order more of their chicken and ground beef, but even when Walmart has those allegedly in stock they won’t let me add them to my cart. I just get a message that tells me they’re unavailable and that they can’t ship or deliver them to my nearest store with that combination of options. Oh, well. We like both the beef chunks and the pork, so that’s what I’ll order.

Speaking of which, just for a giggle I decided to check Target on-line yesterday. They do carry Augason products, although not Keystone meats. The problem is the same as it was the last time I checked, a year or two ago. Their prices are much, much higher than Walmart for the same items. They’re usually even higher than Amazon, which is saying something.

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Sunday, 2 April 2017

10:25 – It was 35.4F (2C) when I took Colin out around 0715 this morning, bright and sunny. It’s already warmed up to 53.5F (12C).

We spent a lot of time yesterday doing detailed garden planning. Not just what we’re going to plant, but how much of each and where exactly we’re going to plant it. Our last frost date, depending on who one listens to, is around mid-May, six weeks from now.

We’re going to start some plants indoors in small container arrays. When those are ready for transplanting, some will go into the garden and others will go into larger pots that will live out on the deck.

We made a quick run into town yesterday to Farmer’s Hardware. Barbara wanted to pick up some seeds we didn’t have. They carry Burpee seeds, all presumably hybrid, but that doesn’t matter for what we’re doing this season. She got two kinds of lettuce, some jalapeno peppers, and some yellow squash. We also picked up some bio-degradable planting containers, including a 4×9 array and ten 1×5 arrays. We’ll use those for starting vegetables and herbs, respectively, filling them with the starter mix we made up in a 5-gallon bucket yesterday, which is equal volumes of peat moss and composted cow manure.

They’ll sit on a table along the French windows next to the door out to the deck, where they’ll stay warm and get plenty of light. If that works well this season, next season we’ll probably put up floor-to-ceiling shelves along that window to let us get a lot more plants started in minimal space.

On our way home from Farmer’s, we stopped at Scott’s. They’re in the process of moving to a new cluster of buildings they’ve built a mile or so north of us on the road into town. They’re not officially open yet, but we stopped by to see what they were doing. Interestingly, they have a seed rack that contains exclusively heirloom/open-pollinated seeds.

They also have several hundred bags of animal feed piled in the middle of their main display area. I tried to convince Barbara that we should pick up some bags of chicken feed and then get some chickens. Colin desperately needs something to herd, and I figured free-range chickens would make a good flock for him. Barbara says no way. She’s not going to keep chickens. I suggested rabbits as an alternative, but she refused again.

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