Sunday, 13 November 2016

09:39 – I see that Trump has some hesitation about living in the White House as President, and who could blame him? Just because he’s been elected President doesn’t mean he and his family should have to take such a big step down in living accommodations. There’d be some other advantages to him living in his NYC penthouse, including the fact that he’d be far away from DC. He could, of course, use the White House for ceremonial events like withdrawing the US from so-called climate-change accords.

Anti-Trump rioting continued for a fourth night, although the MSM, including FoxNews, describes it as “protests”. I hope that local authorities understand that with Obama and his justice department on the way out, their hands are no longer tied when dealing with rioters. Peaceful protests are fine, and in fact should be encouraged. But when protesters cross the line by blocking streets, assaulting cops and civilians, and burning things down, they are no longer protesters. They are rioters, and should be met with lethal force.

I expect things to get worse before they get better, if they ever do. I have a sneaking suspicion that the prog establishment is secretly happy that Trump was elected. That way, when things get worse, they can blame everything on Trump. And things are going to get worse. Decades of prog rule have literally bankrupted the country, and the crash, when it comes, is not going to be pretty.

We’re about as well-prepared here as we can be, although we continue to make minor adds and tweaks as I think of weaknesses that need to be shored up. As always, I want to make sure that we have water, food, heating/cooking, power and communications, sanitation, medical, and defense needs covered. We’re actually in pretty good shape now on most of those. I do plan to put in another Walmart order for bulk staples and some miscellaneous stuff, but that’ll be it for LTS food for at least a while.

For future reference: A 2-liter soft drink bottle holds 3 pounds 14 ounces of pinto beans, which are free-flowing through a suitable funnel into the 2-liter bottle mouth.

39 Comments and discussion on "Sunday, 13 November 2016"

  1. Dave Hardy says:

    Yes, the coming crash will be blamed exclusively on tRump and not all those previous decades of libturd rule enabled by commie infiltrators since the 1930s; that’s not going away overnight by any means. And no matter where tRump lives, he faces major problems with a Dem/RINO Congress and of course the entrenched Fed bureaucracy, which never goes away.

    I’m still operating on the premise, regarding prepping, that we have to be ready up here for a long cold winter with no power and local goblins roaming around the AO looking for trouble. My main concerns at this point are that we need a LOT more stored food and wotta, much better security on the doors and windows, and a generator that we can run for a few minutes per day for the well pump and oil burner, maybe, at least. We don’t need the freezers during that long cold winter, and we’ve routinely used the back porch.

    To that end, I plan to focus on food rather than more ammo for a while, keep lobbying for the generator and the door issues, and find some way via antennas to get better reception here for the radios.

    Sunny w/blue skies again, quite breezy.

  2. Denis says:

    Don’t you have a Riot Act in the colonies? 🙂

    This was the proclamation:

    “Our sovereign lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the act made in the first year of King George, for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God save the King.”

    The “pains contained in the act” included a a felony punishable by death without benefit of clergy for “any persons unlawfully, riotously and tumultuously assembled together” to cause (or begin to cause) serious damage to places of religious worship, houses, barns, and stables…

  3. DadCooks says:

    There is no talking to or reasoning with the stupid ignorant uninformed snowflake buttercups. Fritter and ButtCrack are full of posts of historical inaccuracies this morning (so what’s new). It blames the Republicans for ALL the problems of the world that have ever happened since creation.

    The stupid ignorant uninformed snowflake buttercups haven’t a clue what personal responsibility is or what the phrase “working together” means. I heard an interview with Debbie (D&C) Wasserman(spread ’em)-Schultz last night. She regurgitated the same old party line that they are willing to work with the opposition, just as long as things go there way and there is no compromise. Unless us Deplorables are willing to give the stupid ignorant uninformed snowflake buttercups some of their own medicine there will be no progress.

    Keeping my powder dry, my eyes open, and unwilling to accept anything coming from the stupid ignorant uninformed snowflake buttercups.

    I like @Denis’ “Riot Act”, particularly the “…punishable by death without benefit of clergy…” part.

    I’m not in this game to participate, I’m in it to win it!

  4. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    We used to have a Riot Act, and it was invoked repeatedly, especially in the late 19th century against rioting union members. It wouldn’t surprise me if the progs have managed to repeal it sometime over the last several decades.

  5. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    @Dave Hardy

    Yeah, from what you’ve said you really need to get more food stored. For bulk nutrition, IIWY I’d order, say, 100 pounds of Walmart GV macaroni ($3.17/5# as of this morning) and twelve pounds of Walmart pinto beans ($2.98/4# as of this morning). Add a gallon of cooking oil, and that should suffice for you and your wife for two months.

    One thing I really like about pasta is that you can cook it simply by bringing water to a boil, adding the pasta, and pouring the whole thing into a large Thermos (or even a cardboard box insulated with newspaper) for half an hour or so. It comes out cooked, and you don’t have to waste fuel simmering it. You can even use water from the lake since boiling kills anything alive in there, and save it afterwards toward flushing your toilet.

  6. SteveF says:

    Fritter and ButtCrack

    Those are the best name twists I’ve seen.

  7. DadCooks says:

    Thanks @SteveF but I am just repeating something I saw somewhere (maybe even here). I have very few “friends” on ButtCrack and use a pseudonym on Fritter. All my “friends” on ButtCrack are blood family relations and their spouses. I’m sad to say that my Sister and her kids (grown, married, and spawned) are stupid ignorant uninformed snowflake buttercups. My poor BIL is a closet Conservative.

  8. Dave Hardy says:

    And the Clinton News Network is reporting, breathlessly, and with mucho gusto, that the arch-criminal tRump and his evil Whitey minions are arranging to have the trial date for his dastardly and evil Trump University capers postponed until after the swearing-in of this evil and dastardly criminal in January.

    No mention ever, anymore, of the long, long list of the Clinton Crime Family’s felonies in general, or Field Marshal Rodham’s in particular, which are LEGION. It will be mildly interesting to see what happens from this point on with the CCF; we’ve already witnessed them floating Princess Chelsa for Nita Lowey’s seat in Congress and tales of both Cankles and Huma crying and weeping inconsolably, enough, along with the tears of the countless SJWs and progs, usually college-age females, as to make your heart break at the cruelty of it all.

    And more chatter from Little Debbie Wassername Shitz about “compromise” and “reconciliation” and how WE need to do ALL the compromising and reaching across the aisle, etc., etc. One could laugh, I suppose, but leave it to the RINO House and Senate to do just that in the coming months, mark my words. They’re gonna figure on being left out in the wilderness, so to speak, for a measly four years, during which they will regroup and better organize their swarms of illegal aliens and other Turd World immigrants, while also getting a much better fix on rigging the voting machines and in-between elections.

    Either this election caught them flat-footed and was a big shock, or it was all in the bag all along and the rulers and media have been expertly playing us all for fools.

    @RBT; yeah, I’m gonna go ahead and order up that stuff from Wall-Mutt in the next couple of weeks and also keep stocking up the canned goods and sacks of root veggies for my beginnings of a root cellar. I’d like to have all this in place by Xmas and organized decently so I can simply just keep adding to it.

    How is Wall-Mutt’s shipping time?

  9. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    WM has free shipping on orders of $50 or more. They generally say about a week to ten days in transit, but we usually get it within five or six days.

  10. DadCooks says:

    I have Walmart ShippingPass that gets me free 2-day shipping, no order restrictions other than must be a ShippingPass flagged item (everything I order is ShippingPass). Walmart gets some of my stuff to me in 1 day, most comes from a warehouse in Spokane. They have never missed the 2-day, even ordered on a Saturday and have my order on Monday.

  11. Dave Hardy says:

    “WM has free shipping on orders of $50 or more.”

    Yeah, I just saw that, cool. 5-10 days works for me just fine.

    So, and I know you’ve said this before, as have others, but for about $300, I can get enough food in here to keep wife and I alive for a month or longer. Of course eating mac and beans two or three times day would get old after a while, but when you’re hungry, you eat what’s put in front of ya. Thus the root veggies and canned goods and whatever we can grow on our pitiful little plot of land-without-sun here.

    For the latter, we’re looking at doing more with containers and grow bags in the few spots that get regular sun during our pitifully short growing season, while continuing to work our current half-dozen raised beds. I’d like to double the latter, if possible, and get seeds started indoors this coming late winter/early spring. By that time I hope to have enough space in the attic configured to work something up with grow lights for that.

    We also need to get more meatspace relationships going with local farmers and CSAs in this AO, something I didn’t get around to this past season, along with a bunch of other stuff, thanks to being partially crippled for the past six months.

    So, food and wotta storage this fall, plus getting antennas working bettah, plus more meatspace contact with other peeps around here. We’ve been here four years now and it’s taken about that much time to get beyond polite small talk in the village, and they’ve had ample opportunity to watch how we operate and vice-versa.

  12. Dave Hardy says:

    A long shot, but these fuckers look like they’re gonna go for it:

    “Ultimately, the President is just a well-staffed Deep State puppet anyway, and has been for a long time. It would be nice to have one that isn’t outright evil, though, who might have a chance of at least slowing down some of the horror.”

    Ain’t dat what ol’ OFD been sayin’ for so long here???

  13. Greg Norton says:

    Fritter and ButtCrack

    Before election day, I saw an article speculating that the “Lean In” twit who helps runs Facebook was on Cankles’ short list for Treasury Secretary.

    More than half of the country voted for that kind of thinking?

    Facebook’s behind the scene *tech* is interesting, but the rest of it could go away without any real impact on society.

  14. SteveF says:

    but when you’re hungry, you eat what’s put in front of ya.

    Maybe. Both “studies show” and anecdotes suggest that “recipe fatigue” is a thing. A number of people don’t eat enough when it’s the same thing every day.

    Important note: I’ve never seen a study of this which attempted to identify why some people stop eating and some just choke it down. I suspect that special snowflakeness, spoiledness, habitual self-indulgence or lack of self-discipline, and similar mental liabilities would lead to people unintentionally starving themselves. You and I, I suspect, could eat pasta and beans every meal for a month. Not happily, but we’d do it. Various people we may know, on the other hand, would start complaining by the second meal and start skipping meals by about the tenth. If, for some unfathomable reason, you think that letting them starve themselves to death would be a bad thing, you might want to get a couple big shaker jars of herbs and spices.

  15. Nick Flandrey says:

    Nope, if it went away there would be a net positive effect as at least SOME went back to working while at the office instead of posting endless updates.

    Of course, killing 10% of them might do the same thing and have other positive benefit as well.

  16. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Irish farmers starved in large numbers during the potato famine, refusing to eat wheat and other grains sent by the US and others.

  17. lynn says:

    Decades of prog rule have literally bankrupted the country, and the crash, when it comes, is not going to be pretty.

    ‘Tis the truth, that is.

  18. lynn says:

    Note that we have a Supermoon tonight. “The Closest Supermoon Full Moon Since 1948: How to See It Online”

    Lets hope that bad boy does not auger in.

  19. Greg Norton says:

    Lets hope that bad boy does not auger in.

    Neal Stephenson blew up the moon in his last book, “Seveneves”. The reentry heat of various bits and pieces burn off most of the life on the surface of the Earth.

    Don’t rush out to buy a copy. It is SJW/Prog propoganda IMHO, and I’m currently looking at my signed first edition “Cryptonomicon” — serious Stephenson fan speaking.

  20. SteveF says:

    Don’t rush out to buy a copy.

    I got a copy, but it’s at about #10 in the queue on my Kindle. (As a side note, it annoyed me that the Kindle version was more expensive than the paper version, but the convenience was worth it. And any way, it was no cash out of pocket; I paid for it by cashing in Amazon credits for taking “no hurry” shipping a bunch of times.)

    Have you read Anathema yet? I got that, too, and it’s also in my Kindle queue.

  21. Dave Hardy says:

    “More than half of the country voted for that kind of thinking?”

    Actually just less than half of the registered voters who voted, and not counting the illegitimate votes and fraud that went on. Like RBT says, if not for that, Trump would have beaten her handily in the pop vote as well as the EC. And now they’re gonna try to finagle something with the EC by 12/19.

    I got a brief kick outta Stephenson’s earlier stuff but I just don’t have the patience (or time) anymore to sit and wade through big fat paperbacks of sci-fi and fantasy stuff. If I’m gonna do that, then I’ll sit and wade through various translations of the Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid, Alexiad, etc. Currently, on Sundays mainly, it’s the Iliad and the Old Testament, concurrently.

    And if all we got to eat here is pasta and beans, then yeah, I’d have the sauces and seasonings for it and we’d just have to cowboy up and gag it down for however long. We probably would skip a meal here and there as both of us could afford to lose about 20-30 pounds each, hopefully flab and not muscle. And the occasional rabbit, squirrel or deer would do nicely for a change, plus chickens, eggs and fish.

  22. lynn says:

    Lets hope that bad boy does not auger in.

    Neal Stephenson blew up the moon in his last book, “Seveneves”. The reentry heat of various bits and pieces burn off most of the life on the surface of the Earth.

    I prefer David Weber’s version, the moon is a FTL spaceship that is replaced with a gravity generator at the end of the book, “Mutineer’s Moon”.

    Written before Weber started selling words by the ton. Six out of five stars in my book.

  23. SteveF says:

    Yes, Mutineer’s Moon is excellent. Its sequel, The Armageddon Inheritance, is even better.

    (Except that OFD won’t like it because it was written less than 800 years ago.)

  24. Dave Hardy says:

    “(Except that OFD won’t like it because it was written less than 800 years ago.)”

    Precious little worth a shit was written after 1200, other than the Commedia, the English Renaissance translations of Homer, Virgil and Ovid, and of course, de Vere’s stuff. There is only so much time allotted to us for for serious reading in our lives, so as mine continues to dwindle down, that’s where I spend it, mostly. As always, YMMV.

  25. lynn says:

    Yes, Mutineer’s Moon is excellent. Its sequel, The Armageddon Inheritance, is even better.

    And yet the third book in the trilogy, “Heirs of Empire”, is merely above average. The expositions on pike warfare versus breach loading muskets gets overwhelming at points.

    Of course another moon book, “The Moon is A Harsh Mistress”, is awesome book but the moon survives the book even though the loonies are throwing rocks at the Earth.

  26. Miles_Teg says:


    “I have very few “friends” on ButtCrack…”

    I have 22. My elder neice has over 1000…

  27. ech says:

    Have you read Anathema yet?

    Anathem is a very odd book. Helps if you understand philosophy and some basic quantum physics ideas.

  28. DadCooks says:

    IMHO, ButtCrack should have an “acquaintances” category. Just points up another problem with the Millennial +/- generation. “Friends” on FaceCrack are just like “participation” trophies and not keeping score, except that people compete to have the most friends and consider more friends to be a “badge of special snowflake”. Today’s generation doesn’t have a clue what a real friend is. The reality is that a person really only has a few real friends (can be trusted implicitly) and the rest are different levels of acquaintances from close to distant with from little trust to no trust. Family members can be friends or acquaintances or none of the above.

    ButtCrack also needs a thumbs down and bull shit emojis to chose from in the “like” choices. But that would probably be too much for the ignorant uninformed snowflake buttercups.

  29. Greg Norton says:

    Have you read Anathema yet? I got that, too, and it’s also in my Kindle queue.

    No. I skipped that one and went straight to “Reamde” after The Baroque Cycle.

    I got a signature for my “Cryptonomicon” at a Stephenson appearance in Portlandia supporting “Reamde”. I bought the featured book even though it wasn’t required. Support the artist …

    Stephenson currently works at the Magic Leap boondoggle (my guess). The book that comes out of that situation will be interesting whether or not the tech actually works.

  30. SteveF says:

    And yet the third book in the trilogy, “Heirs of Empire”

    There was no third book in the series. Nor was there a sequel to The Matrix.

    Anathem is a very odd book.

    OK, thanks. I’ll take that as a qualified endorsement, as you didn’t say “Oh, jeeze, give that one a miss.” As re understanding philosophy and quantum physics, why, of course I do! QM (or QP) says that nothing happens if no one observes it, meaning that if everyone on Earth closes their eyes at the same time, all motion will cease, meaning that the entire universe will go to absolute zero and never recover. (Not that we have to worry about it as a practical matter. Some wiseguy, probably a Libertarian, would keep an eye open just to be difficult.) And philosophy is mostly a bunch of drunken sophomores coming up with theories, 90% of which will be forgotten before the philosophers sober up, 90% of the remainder will be so stupid they should have been forgotten, and 90% of that remainder will be unworkable. And no one will be able to distinguish the 0.1% possibly-workable ideas from the rest.

    Assuming that’s a sufficient understanding of the fundamentals, I’ll read Anathem* when it gets to the top of the queue, but may bump Seveneves down a couple notches.

    * I got the name wrong, above, probably because of a legacy of colonialism and racism, but possibly because I’m currently reading a different story called Anathema.

  31. SteveF says:

    No. I skipped that one and went straight to “Reamde” after The Baroque Cycle.

    OK, thanks. I didn’t get Reamde, for no reason that I recall.

    As for The Baroque Cycle, guh. I tried three friggin’ times to get into that, and each time gave up less than a third of the way through the first book.

  32. ech says:

    FWIW, I liked The Baroque Cycle quite a bit. Read it twice. Stephenson wrote it by hand with a fountain pen, BTW.

  33. Greg Norton says:

    As for The Baroque Cycle, guh. I tried three friggin’ times to get into that, and each time gave up less than a third of the way through the first book.

    You will have zero trouble with “Reamde”. It was Stephenson’s first book written with a word processor, and the well-researched storyline moves like a screenplay.

  34. Nick Flandrey says:

    I’ve got tons to say about Neal s books but am in the car on the phone.

    More later.


    Note that New Zealand is having shtf fur some folks.

  35. lynn says:

    And yet the third book in the trilogy, “Heirs of Empire”

    There was no third book in the series. Nor was there a sequel to The Matrix.

    Was John F. Kennedy assassinated in your universe and if so, what year did it happen ?

  36. SteveF says:

    It’s more like that piece of shit Obama was never elected in the universe I wish to create. If you wish hard enough, you can achieve anything, right?

  37. nick flandrey says:

    Regarding Neal Stephenson, he likes to find something to teach about or a big picture question to explore in a book.

    Snow Crash has some iconic themes, and one of the best openings ever, 44 pages of The Deliverator, that set the tone for the rest. Timeline is a bit confused, but truly great and funny details.

    I like the style of Cryptonomicon the best of all (alt history, teaching cryptography).

    In Diamond Age, he looks at a world where basic needs are met, no one really has to work. How do you raise the next generation to succeed like you did, when they don’t have the same experience of straining, sense of adventure, hard work, and have all their needs met?

    I had some trouble getting thru the Baroque Cycle, as I didn’t have enough history knowledge to know when he was making sh!t up, and I couldn’t identify the people he’s caricaturing. This left me a bit frustrated, like I was missing the ‘in jokes.’ (Has the ‘secret history’ of math and ‘the calculus’ as a theme.)

    Anathem took a couple of tries. For me, I’d say that like the Baroque Cycle, you absolutely can not drink alcohol while reading this. Paying attention and being sharp helps a lot. It is actually one of my favorites, at least until the monks enter the wider world. Filled with math jokes, I caught enough to know there were a bunch more.

    Reamde- in the moment, moves away from his previous style of asides, vignettes, and digressions. If you dislike he style in previous books, this one is crisp and clean by comparison, and much more direct. Some interesting observations about gaming and virtual worlds.

    Seveneves- Eh, not a favorite. Really two novels in one. Only read it once. Kind of angst-y. Predictable. Worth a read for completeness sake but was disappointing to me.

    Lesser known work-
    The Big U- he’s come out against his own book, saying he didn’t want it published, and wishes people wouldn’t read it. You can see several things here that show up in later work.

    Zodiac- one of my favorites. Yes, it’s about an environmentalist. But he kicks ass the way they should if they were men and not neutered timewasters.

    Two that he wrote with his uncle as Stephen Bury:
    The Cobweb- bio terrorism in the Heartland. Many of the style elements of later work present here, well written and entertaining.

    Interface- politician ends up with a brain implant and is controlled by others. Watching Hillarity during the debates brought this novel to mind years after I last read it. Not one of his best but in light of current events, worth a read.

    And that’s my capsule summary…..


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