Category: prepping

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

09:07 – Long-time reader Mikeric sent me email with a question about #10 cans: “I am curious about how you open them. I have spotty luck with can openers.”

Good question, and one that many preppers never think about because they don’t realize it can be an issue. The problem with #10 cans is two-fold: first, they’re tall enough to make it difficult or impossible to use a standard counter-top can opener, electric or manual. Second, the lid on #10 cans may be recessed deeply enough from the rim that some can openers may just spin the can around without the cutter blade coming into contact with the lid itself.

For emergency use, the best bet is military P-51 and/or P-38 can openers. The P-51’s and the slightly smaller P-38’s are cheap, fast, and effective (once you figure out how to use them). If you depend on canned goods in your food storage, you’ll want to have a bunch of them scattered around so you’re never lacking a can opener. As a matter of fact, I just added a 20-pack (ten of each, P-51 and P-38) to my Amazon cart. That’s 20 US-made, military-issue, Shelby can openers for about $9. You’ll want at least one in each of your emergency kits, plus several more scattered around your kitchen and food storage areas.

For daily use, you’ll want a normal can opener or openers. We threw out our electric can opener years ago. It worked only with normal size cans, didn’t work when the power was down, and was difficult to keep clean. Our main can opener now is an Oxo safety can opener that Barbara got at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.

We also have a couple of standard manual can openers, of the sort that Swing-A-Way pioneered in the late 1930’s. Swing-A-Way can openers made prior to about 10 or 15 years ago are just about bullet-proof and can open any standard or institutional size can. They’re still sold for $5 or $6 apiece, but unfortunately they’re now made in China and are reportedly now typical shoddy Chinese junk. There’s a US-made version sold under the name EZ-Duz-It, which reviews say is as good as the original Swing-A-Way openers, but I haven’t seen one of those.

Finally, if you find yourself without any tools at all, you can open a can by pressing it against any concrete surface and turning the can until you’ve ground down the rim.

More science kit stuff today, as usual.

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Monday, 18 July 2016

09:37 – Lots of interesting responses to the preparedness level thought experiment I posed yesterday, both in the comments here and via email. The typical level was about what I expected, somewhere between a couple weeks and a couple months. Some longer. Some much longer. The limiting items crossed all categories, from water to food to shelter to power. Interestingly, very few people answered my question about how comfortable they were with their level of preparedness and what, if anything, they were actually going to do about it. If you haven’t answered or would like to amplify your answer, leave a comment or send me an email.

Two of my shiest readers, Jen and Brittany, were among those who replied via email. As I expected, Jen’s answer was that her family of six is prepared pretty much across the board for one year plus, with backups to their backups. Brittany says her family of four is good at this point for probably two or three months, with food the limiting factor. They haven’t received the foil-laminate gallon bags from the LDS on-line store yet, so they have lots of bulk staples sitting in bags awaiting repackaging, and plan to buy still more of those this week, along with a lot of canned goods. Her guess is that they’ll be up to six months by the end of July and a year by the end of August.

Brittany brought up powdered eggs, which are kind of an odd situation. Back when I bought our initial supply (about 84 dozen worth), I paid about $17 per 33-ounce #10 can for Augason Farms whole egg powder from Walmart. With the chicken plague last year, that price shot up to ridiculous levels, over $50/can for a while. Meanwhile, the chicken population has recovered to the extent that eggs are a drug on the market. From a high of nearly $3/dozen wholesale last year, the price bottomed out at $0.55/dozen wholesale a couple months ago. It’s now recovered to just under $1/dozen, but that should still make powdered eggs pretty cheap. When I looked several days ago, Walmart was still charging over $30/can for Augason Farms eggs, when they should be about half that. (It’s not Walmart; the retail price on the AF site is still very high.) Brittany asked about Walton/Rainy Day powdered eggs. Their #10 cans hold 48 ounces rather than 33, which is pretty odd in itself, and their retail price is about $30/can. Resellers list it at $22/can or so, which is actually cheaper per ounce than I paid at Walmart before the chicken plague. But both the Rainy Day website and reseller websites list it as out of stock. Not sure why that is, unless preppers are stocking up in bulk. And I note that the Rainy Days website lists a 10-pack of #10 cans of powdered eggs at $150, or $15 per three pound can. Also out of stock, of course.

Brittany is also concerned about cooking/baking in a long-term emergency, so she was considering ordering a solar oven. There are several popular models out there, most of which sell in the $250 to $400 range. I told Brittany that in my opinion that’s a lot of money for not much product, and I thought she’d be better off making her own. She can make a functional solar oven from cardboard boxes, shredded newspaper, and a sheet of glass or plastic. If she wants a more durable solar oven and is willing to spend a little money on it, she can get her husband to knock something together with some boards, plywood, black spray paint, and aluminum foil.

In my research on solar ovens, I learned something I’d never considered. I always thought a solar oven used a transparent cover made of glass or Plexiglas, but many solar ovens just use simple plastic sheeting (like a disposable drop cloth). I recently ordered a 10-pack of True Liberty Goose Bags. They’re US-made, 18×24 inches (46×61 cm), food-safe, and rated for use up to 400F. The double layer of plastic with an air gap provides excellent insulation, and should allow a box oven with reflectors to get up over 200F even in cold weather. The Goose Bags are large enough to make a good size solar oven, cost under a buck apiece, and I’d rather use them in an emergency than be pulling windows off the house.

One of our upcoming minor projects will be to knock together a solar oven from boards and Masonite that I can use to test temperatures. I’m told that one can even bake bread in a solar oven, although it may take several hours and may not brown well. A solar oven also gets hot enough to kill microorganisms in water, so it’s a good option for water purification.

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Saturday, 16 July 2016

09:57 – Brittany emailed to thank me for the advice, but as it turned out it wasn’t necessary. When she showed my recommendations to her husband, he said he agreed with them completely. No surprise, considering he told Brittany that he already had a tactical barrel for the 870, a couple hundred rounds of buckshot for it, and spare magazines for their 10/22. I wasn’t particularly surprised. From what Brittany’s said about him, it sounds like her husband is on the ball. He also told her that as far as he was concerned they’d be better off spending $1,000 on more shelf-stable food than an AR-15.

Brittany also said she wasn’t sure exactly what they were preparing for. She’s worried mainly about civil unrest and a breakdown in supply chains, but reads about other potential emergencies like the power grid going down or a deadly pandemic. They already deal with the occasional severe winter storm and infrequent tornadoes in the area, but they don’t live in an area subject to hurricanes or earthquakes.

I suggested that the best strategy was to prepare for any eventuality rather than a specific threat or threats, focusing heavily on water, food, staying warm in winter, basic defense, basic medical, and meeting minimal power needs. All of those are necessary to prepare for any emergency, and sufficient for dealing with most. The Mormons have been doing this for more than a century, and they have it pretty much right.

One area where I do disagree with the LDS Church is their recommendation to accumulate a 3-month supply of ordinary canned foods first and only then focus on a year’s supply of bulk staples. If I wanted to be prepared for a year, I’d focus first on getting a year’s supply of bulk staples. That way, you know that you and your family can eat for a year. After that, you can start filling in gaps with canned/pouched goods, animal protein, and so on. You can live without the canned goods; you can’t live without the bulk carbohydrates, protein, oils/fats, and salt.

More work on science kits today.

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Friday, 15 July 2016

08:54 – Barbara left this morning in time to get to the charity golf tournament by 0630. No idea when she’ll be home, so Colin and I have wild women and parties planned for the day.

We went out for dinner yesterday and then headed over to the range for the monthly meeting of the Alleghany County Rifle Association. The same 8 or 9 guys were there as last month. That’s pretty common with groups like this. ISTR that the club has something like 200 members, but most never show up for meetings. There’s always a match on meeting nights. Last night it was shooting clays. They had a thrower set up, and one of the guys had the back of his SUV full of cases of clays. He said he’d gotten them really cheap at Walmart. We found out why later. Literally half or more of the clays fragmented right out of the thrower. A more usual ratio for good quality clays is something like 1% or less. These clays had obviously either been dropped or gotten wet. Barbara and I didn’t shoot, mainly because the only shotguns we have (or had, before we accidentally dropped them in the lake) are three tactical shotguns with 18.25″ barrels and open chokes. Still, we had a good time just watching. Barbara is embarrassed to shoot with these guys watching, because she’s shot only a few rounds of sporting clays. I told her there’s no need to be embarrassed. Some of the guys were pretty decent. One didn’t miss at all. But some of them aren’t experienced clay shooters, and they missed about as often as they hit. And I told her that I suck at shooting clays, too, so she sure wouldn’t be alone. It’s all in good fun anyway.

Speaking of embarrassed and vis-a-vis a discussion we had in the comments yesterday about younger people being victims of the precipitous decline of US public schools over the last few decades, I got email from Brittany, saying that she doesn’t plan to post any comments here. It’s not an OPSEC issue, as it is with Jen. Brittany has been reading the posts and comments here, and is embarrassed to post because she thinks the literacy level of regular commenters here is so much higher than her own. I told her that she wrote perfectly acceptably. The only things I’d noticed were a couple of spelling errors and a few errors in using apostrophes or switching nominative/accusative case, both of which are pretty common in casual writing, even amongst us hyper-literate old guys. I told Brittany that from her writing, I’d guess she was in her 40’s or 50’s rather than her late 20’s, and that she had nothing at all to be ashamed of. (Or, for you hyper-literate guys, “…nothing at all of which to be ashamed.) So we’ll see if she starts posting comments.

Tonight’s the night for the anonymous-organized protests in 37 large US cities. It may turn out to be nothing, or it may be tragic. Let’s hope for the former.

And of course our sympathies go out to the people of Nice, France, 80-some of whom were killed and many more injured yesterday by a musloid maniac. Fortunately, there don’t appear to be many smart musloids. The recent outrages were simply affairs that could be and probably were planned, organized, and carried out by someone with a room-temperature IQ. What worries me is that a musloid with a bit more on the ball mentally will organize and carry out an attack that causes thousands or tens of thousands of casualties rather than dozens. It wouldn’t be that difficult. Just off the top of my head, I can think of half a dozen ways to do that, none of which require any resources that would be particularly difficult or even expensive to acquire. Fortunately, very bright people are very seldom inclined to apply their abilities with mass murder as the goal. Let’s hope it stays that way.

But just in case it doesn’t, it would be a very good idea to avoid places where large numbers of people gather, and to acquire at least a supply of water and food sufficient to allow you and your family to hunker down and wait out such an event.

10:02 – Another email from Brittany, which she was in the process of writing when I posted earlier this morning. She said it was okay to publish it, but to please “clean it up” first. (I’m posting it without any changes, and I suspect a lot of commenters will tell her to stop worrying.) She seeks advice about prepping on a budget.

I’ve been reading web site articles about defending ourselves if things melt down and they all seem to recommend an assault rifle. My husband shoots a lot but we don’t have an assault rifle. He has pistols that shoot 357 magnum and 45 auto. He reloads both and we always have at least two or three boxes of ammo for each. He has a Ruger 10-22 and we buy boxes of 500 shells for it. He has a 870 shotgun that he uses for hunting and skeet and a 223 bolt action with a scope that he uses for target shooting and varmints. He also has a lever-action cowboy rifle that shoots 357. We could afford to buy an assault rifle but there are so many other things we need to buy that I wonder if we really need one. What do you think?

To which I replied:

First, I posted your email without “fixing” anything. There’s nothing wrong with your writing.

I think you have enough guns to defend yourselves. After all, there are only two of you. An AR-15 rifle with spare magazines and a decent amount of ammunition is going to cost you $1,000 or so, and it sounds like you have plenty of other places to spend that $1,000. If I were you, I’d put an AR-15 on my wish list, but don’t buy one until you’ve covered other areas to your satisfaction.

Some things you might want to do to enhance your existing collection of guns:

o It sounds like your 870 pump shotgun probably has a relatively long barrel with a fairly tight choke. To make that 870 more suitable for self/home defense, buy a spare tactical barrel (18.25″ long with an open choke) and keep it on the shotgun. You might also want to buy 100 rounds or so each of either #4 or #00 buckshot and the same number of rifled slugs.

o A lot of people will scoff at the idea of using a .22 rimfire for defense, but it allows you to put a lot of rounds out and no sane person wants to be shot even with a .22 LR bullet. I’d suggest you buy a spare magazine or two for the Ruger 10/22. Buy only Ruger-branded magazines. The after-market mags sold by third-parties just aren’t very reliable, especially those with very high capacities.

o Some people are contemptuous of lever-action rifles for defense, but the truth is they’re an excellent choice. The .357 is a marginal man-stopper from a short pistol barrel, but the higher velocity from a rifle/carbine barrel helps a lot. It’s also an economical choice, as .357 Mag is relatively inexpensive to buy and even cheaper to reload, and you don’t need to buy a lot of expensive magazines for the lever-action. Just practice the “shoot-one-load-one” method to keep your rifle’s built-in magazine tube topped up. Also, your husband might want to reload some .357 specifically for the rifle. He can load those rounds “hot” and mark them only for use in the rifle. If he loads them with lightish bullets, that rifle will shoot pretty flat out well past 100 yards.

o Finally, you don’t say how much you shoot, if at all, but if you aren’t an experienced shooter, now would be a good time to get some experience. Get your husband to take you out and teach you to shoot. If that’s a bad idea, get someone else to teach you. But get someone to teach you.

My readers/commenters are not a shy bunch, so I expect you’ll see many comments explaining why my advice is completely wrong and telling you what you should do instead.

Read the comments: 131 Comments

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

10:06 – Barbara is tied up this week with the charity golf tournament. That tournament is the major annual fundraiser for the non-profit NGO Wellness Center, which is where Barbara goes to the gym. She mentioned yesterday that a lot of local businesses hadn’t even “bought a hole”, which is an inexpensive way to sponsor the tournament. She said that she’d like to buy a hole next year, which is fine by me. She said a hole sponsorship is $100, but I’d imagine that’s for a cheap hole. Better holes probably cost more, and the best may cost much more. Or at least I hope so. If they’re really charging a flat $100 per hole, they’re leaving money on the table. If I were they, I’d auction the final hole. Whichever it is, we’ll buy the hole in our corporation’s name and write it off as an advertising expense.

After some discussion, we decided not to install propane, at least for now. The electric cooktop works normally, and the oven preheated properly when we tested it with two hanger thermometers yesterday. From my point of view, it’d be nice to have 200 or 300 gallons of propane stored on site, with connections to the cooktop, oven, and generator, but we can live without it for now. As Barbara pointed out, we can run the generator long enough every day to run the well pump on about 5 gallons of gasoline a month, and we have more than half a dozen ways to cook/bake, from a woodstove to the propane grill to the propane and dual-fuel Coleman camping stoves, to a couple of Coghlan’s Folding Stoves (which happily run on twigs), to an ad hoc solar oven to an ad hoc rocket stove that we could build in about two minutes from concrete blocks.

The house in Winston is supposed to close a week from today, so our next trip down to Winston will be the first we’ve made while not owning a house there. I want to make a big Costco run on our next trip down. For months, we’ve been eating a lot of our LTS stuff without replacing much of it. Stuff like canned chicken, soups, spaghetti sauces, applesauce, canned vegetables, and bulk stuff like sugar, flour, oats, pasta, oil, and so on. Some of that I can order from Costco and Walmart on-line, which avoids the need for us hauling it back up here.

We’re still in decent shape on LTS food relative to the general population, but the shelves are starting to look a bit bare for my comfort level. As I keep saying, I don’t really expect a catastrophic event, but food is cheaper now than it’ll be next month, let alone next year, so there’s no downside to buying it now. And I confess that I am a bit concerned about the run-up to the election and its aftermath. In terms of civil unrest, things are nowhere near as bad as they were in the late 60’s, but the potential exists.

Speaking of which, there’s been a call to action for a latter-day Days of Rage in 37 large cities this Friday afternoon and evening. This would be a very good time to avoid large cities and any concentration of large numbers of people. It’s pretty likely that there will be violence at at least one of these protests. Even if the BLM folks avoid violence, large groups of people are magnets for musloid terrorists. If you live outside one of these cities, avoid being in town on Friday afternoon or evening. If you live inside one of these cities, Friday would be a good time to visit family or friends who are well outside these areas.

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Tuesday, 12 July 2016

09:19 – There were 1,468 visits to this blog yesterday, a record. The former all-time record was 1,401 in one day, back in early December of last year. Well, “all-time” since I started keeping a WordPress blog. Back 15 years ago when I had static HTML web pages, my record for a day was over 30,000, and it wasn’t uncommon for me to see 125,000+ per week or half a million a month. Nowadays, 125,000 is about four months’ worth.

USPS showed up yesterday with a heavy box. When we hauled it into the kitchen, I told Barbara it had a gift for her inside. She knows me too well. She asked, “Is it farming gear or kitchen gear?” She said she was turning into a farm wife, cooking and gardening all the time except when she was doing kit stuff.

It was actually a Lodge LCC3 Pre-Seasoned 3.2-quart Cast-Iron Combo Cooker, which is basically a pair of 10.25″ pans, one shallow and one deep, either of which can be used as a lid for the other. Using both together turns it into a small Dutch oven. It gets my vote as the best purchase for anyone interested in getting started with cast-iron cooking.

But Barbara is right: she’s doing nearly all of the cooking, except that I help with the baking. So, I’ve decided to start cooking at least one dinner a week, using recipes from Jan Jackson’s 100-Day Pantry. Whatever I turn out should at least be edible, and probably not bad at all. I do have to be careful, because Barbara doesn’t like food with a lot of seasoning.

Speaking of cooking and baking, we were baking bread yesterday afternoon. The recipe calls for 450F, so that’s what we set the oven pre-heat to. When it dinged to indicate it was ready, Barbara checked the oven thermometer hanging from one of the racks, which said it was only 350F in there. We’d noticed that some of the other things we baked seemed underdone, so we suspect that the oven’s temperature gauge is off significantly. We ended up re-doing the preheat at an indicated 500F, which got us up to 450F according to the oven thermometer.

That got us talking about eventually replacing the oven. Like all the appliances that came with the house, it’s a Frigidaire, which as far as I’m concerned makes junk appliances. I asked Barbara how she’d feel about replacing the oven and eventually the cooktop with propane versions. She said that’d be fine with her. She cooked on a gas range and oven until she left for college, and actually likes gas better than electric. She also commented that having propane appliances would allow us to continue cooking and baking if the power went down for a long time.

So I called G&B Energy in Sparta to ask some preliminary questions. Although their website says they sell propane appliances, the lady I spoke with said we could just buy a gas oven and cooktop at Home Depot or Lowes and get a propane adapter for it. G&B will install a propane tank and has technicians to run the propane line(s) into the house. She said they recommended a 120-gallon tank for cooking, but also carried larger tanks for people who were heating their homes with propane. The 120-gallon tank rents for $48/year, but that charge is waived if you use at least 100 gallons during the year. They can also link two of those tanks for 240 gallons total. Their next size up is 330 gallons, but she said that one is too large to be placed right up against the house. Legally, it has to be set off some distance, presumably to keep the fire marshal happy.

Fortunately, the kitchen is above the unfinished basement area, so running propane lines shouldn’t be difficult. For that matter, the den is over the unfinished area, so if we want to rearrange furniture and install a propane radiant heater in the den it wouldn’t be difficult.

I have a bunch of questions to ask them, many of which I haven’t even thought of yet. How do we determine how much fuel remains in the tank? Do they have a minimum delivery amount, or can we top off any time we want to? Can the tank be located at the side of the house with the propane line feeding into the house down around back? (We don’t want a propane truck trying to get into our back yard.) How many devices can be run from one tank? (I believe a smaller tank may be able generate enough gas pressure to feed only a couple of appliances.) Can they install drops without any devices connected until we get around to replacing, for example, the cooktop? Can they install a drop for our Generac generator (assuming that we can get a propane adapter kit for it)? And so on.

Just for my own reference, a gallon of propane weighs 4.2+ pounds, contains about 91,000 BTUs, and is equivalent to about 27 kilowatt-hours of electricity. G&B Energy currently does a first tank fill for $1.80/gallon and subsequent fills for $2.20/gallon, so the latter translates to just over $0.08 per kW-hr. I think that’s about what we pay for electricity, so it’s not bad at all. With the fracking revolution, I don’t see the price of propane going up much in the foreseeable future. I think we may have a decent size propane tank in our future.

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Let’s try out this guest post thing!

I posted this in Sunday’s comments, but let’s try it as a guest post (with a few edits).

I think I’ve shared before, but if not, here’s how I approached food storage.

Some needed background: I started prepping for a specific event– Y2K causing social disruption or an excuse for terror attacks. Since I lived in CA, those preps morphed into my “earthquake kit”, then after a move to the Gulf Coast, it became my “hurricane kit.” My focus was on a regional disaster of limited duration, and local effect (aid could come from outside the region but would be delayed in arriving.) As such I had NO bulk long term storage of staples. Ebola and RBT’s prompting, as well as the deteriorating world political and economic climate convinced me I needed to up my food storage significantly. This is when I added “significant and prolonged economic downturn” and “global collapse” to my prepping scenarios.

Back to food. In all my preps I strive for ‘defense in depth’ and redundancy. Food is no different. I think of my food storage in tiers.

First is my pantry. This is the food in the kitchen. Stuff we eat every day, and cooking supplies. Fresh vegetables and meat in the fridge, fresh fruit, and some canned sides and seasonings. Before the kids, we ate mostly home cooked meals, made from primary ingredients. We eat more prepared foods, and convenience foods now, and fewer ‘made from scratch’ meals. That’s changed what’s in the cabinets a bit, as there are more quick pastas and other quick side dishes but it’s mostly stuff we eat regularly and often.

Second tier is my “store”. This is the area just inside my garage (steps from my kitchen by going out the back door) where I keep a “store” for items we use up on a regular basis. They are on shelves and can easily be seen and grabbed to take into the kitchen and restock the pantry. My freezer and second fridge are here. The shelves hold 3-6 months usage of stuff like condiments, peanut butter and jelly, snacks for the kids’ lunches, ziplok bags, some cleaning stuff. It’s meant to be the first place to go when something in the kitchen that we use all the time runs out, instead of running to the store. It also has some things we don’t use as often but like to keep close by like rice cups, crock pot sauces, peanut oil, bottled drinks and juice boxes, etc. The fridge holds eggs, milk, cream, beer, wine, soda, cheese in many forms, and fresh meat if it won’t fit in the kitchen or is waiting for me to repack and freeze it. The small freezer in the fridge holds microwaveable meals, bread, pizza, mostly convenience foods. The modestly sized chest freezer holds meat mainly, much of it bought in bulk then repacked and vac sealed. Sometimes there is bread, usually some Costco heat and eat convenience food, and a couple gallons of frozen liquid eggs. The majority is bulk protein.

The third tier, and area, is some relatively recent shelving. It holds my backups for the “store” area, bulk cleaners, my serious canned goods, sauces, seasonings, oils, etc. I consider this my longer term area as it has stuff we don’t normally eat much of (canned veg, meat, and beans) but will be needed if we get to that point. I do pull from this area directly when I make something with pouch meat, canned ham, or I need a quick side dish that’s not on the shelf in the “store” area. Ideally everything in this area has a 2 year or longer shelf life. I have some of it organized on cardboard flats in 30day groupings. One flat has 30 cans of meat. One has 30 cans of veg or starch. The two flats together are minimal meals for our family for 30 days. I can see at a glance how many days I can get with just those 30 day flats. I’ve also got my Mountain House freeze dried meals in this area. I have them in boxes of so many people for so many days. Ie, each box has breakfast, lunch, snack, drink flavors, and dinner for x people for x days. I can grab the boxes if we have to leave in a hurry and know I’ve just got to add water and heat. They are light and compact.

When groceries come home they go into the pantry if fresh, or into the third tier if long term. The third refreshes the second, and the second refreshes the pantry and kitchen. There is some rotation by doing it this way, just less than perfect because some of the items never get used in normal life.

The last tier is bulk staples. These are not something I use or access ever. I just put them in buckets or bins, and hope I never get that hungry. Flour, rice (couple varieties), salt, sugar, oil, powered milk, and some coffee in big tins. If things really go south, I expect this to extend the other tiers of stored food, and/or to provide charity or assistance if prudent. If I buy some long term storage freeze-drieds, this is where they will go.

Finally, the TV coverage of the tornadoes in OK a year or so ago convinced me of the need to have backups OFFSITE. So I have a lot more bulk, cans, water, fuel, stoves, pots and pans, and other supplies stored elsewhere. That was a bit of a ‘panic buy’ and is far less organized. I expect a bunch of spoilage in that offsite storage, although I’m trying to rotate some of it home. Like I said before, I expect spoilage and waste in my long term storage food. We just don’t eat those things in our everyday lives, and my storage conditions are less than ideal. I can live with it. Can’t live without it 🙂


So that’s how I do it. The system has evolved over time, and worked well through several regional disasters. The addition of longer term and bulk was very easy to integrate, as I just tacked it on to the back end. I’ve still got a way to go, but I feel pretty good about where I am at the moment, and can focus on other things. It should be clear, but if it’s not, almost all of it was incremental. With the exception of the couple of months when I added a bunch of cans and bulk to every Costco trip in my ‘panic buy’, I built what I have by simply buying a bit extra with every shopping trip, especially looking for bargains and buying what was on sale at the time.

I’m looking forward to the comments, and seeing how this whole thing looks 🙂

Read the comments: 80 Comments

Sunday, 10 July 2016

09:38 – We have a mixed day scheduled today. We’ll be doing kit stuff as well as making up cookie and bread dough this afternoon.

Email from Brittany. She finished her Walmart ordering, and is now just waiting for the stuff to be delivered. Yesterday afternoon, she and her husband drove his pickup down to the supermarket and picked up a bunch of sugar, flour, egg noodles, salt, vegetable oil, and other bulk staples as well as large jars of spices, several pounds of yeast, and other cooking/baking essentials. Brittany figures that once the stuff from Walmart is delivered, she has at least a 3-month supply of food for her family. She’s pleased that they got this done in one day, although they still have a lot of repackaging to do. They don’t drink much soda, so she ordered a pack of 250 one-gallon foil/Mylar bags and a couple hundred oxygen absorbers from LDS on-line. They’ll use those with an old clothes iron for packing their bulk staples. I told Brittany she doesn’t need to use oxygen absorbers in the sugar bags.

Email from Dave, who posted a comment yesterday that he thought needed to be featured where people can find it:

Prepping doesn’t have to be expensive. For less than $30 at Sam’s Club, I got 75 pounds of rice ready to be transferred to 2 liter bottles. I got some oxygen absorbers from Amazon. Now I just have to wash, sanitize and dry the bottles and then fill them. I picked up a thing of chicken bouillon and beef bouillon. For about $50 we have enough food to eat rice until we’re sick of it. We need other foods, but we’re better off than we were.

I literally started our in car emergency kits with pocket change. I took a big jar half full of change to a Coinstar machine, bought an Amazon gift certificate, and came home and ordered cheap backpacks, flashlights, water purification tablets, multi tools, magnesium fire starters and space blankets.

The current first aid kits that I added to our emergency kits were literally purchased for $20 at the dollar store including the quart zip top bags they are in. I still need to add to them, but we are better off than we were when we had nothing. They’re also much more useful than two $10 first aid kits from Amazon, and possibly better than two $20 first aid kits.

If you’ve only got $5 to prep, pick up a couple of 12 packs of Ramen
noodles at Walmart. That’s a very small start, but it beats sitting at home hungrily staring at a five dollar bill in an emergency.

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Saturday, 9 July 2016

09:07 – Barbara is volunteering for three hours this afternoon at the Alleghany Cares thrift shop. All profits from sales there today go to the local Friends of the Library. Alleghany Cares does this one day a month to benefit a different non-profit each month. The non-profit of the month provides volunteers to staff the sale that day.

The morning news reports more cops shot or shot at, all or nearly all of the shooters blacks out to kill whites, cops in general, and particularly white cops. Those assholes Clinton and Obama, of course, call for stronger gun control laws. I’m all in favor of that, as long as we start by disarming their Secret Service agents, personal bodyguards, police escorts, and so on. The 2nd Amendment guarantees the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms. As far as I’m concerned, government agents have no right to be armed. Only private individuals acting as such are entitled to be armed.

More kit stuff today and tomorrow.

10:20 – I’ve been exchanging email this morning with a young woman whom I’ll call Brittany. I’m not sure how she stumbled across my blog, but I’m glad she did. She and her husband have been getting more and more concerned over the last few years about where things are heading. They’re fortunate enough to live in a small town reasonably far from large population centers. Her husband is an auto mechanic in the family business. She’s a stay-at-home mom who takes care of their two elementary-age kids and homeschools them. She has a nice side business selling stuff on eBay. They’re already better-prepared than most people, simply by virtue of living in mostly rural agricultural area and the fact that her husband is a hunter and shooting hobbyist.

For them, the Dallas shootings were the tipping point, as I suspect they’ll be for a lot of people. She and her husband discussed it yesterday and decided it was time for them to stock way up on food. They’re not Mormons, but there’s a significant Mormon presence in their area, so they’re aware of the LDS policy on food storage for a year. She said their problem was that there was no way they could afford to buy enough emergency food for the four of them for a year. It turns out they can afford it, easily. She’d been looking at prepper websites that push hideously expensive freeze-dried food from Thrive Life, Mountain House, and the like. I figured that out myself because she mentioned that the absolute most they could afford was maybe $5,000 and that would buy only a small fraction of what the four of them would need for a year.

She was shocked when I told her that she could buy enough bulk staples to feed her whole family for a year at a cost of $1,500 or less. Doubling that would allow them to buy a lot of canned meats and other stuff to make the bulk staples a lot more appealing. I sent her links to the locations for their nearest LDS Home Storage Center, Costco, and Sam’s Club, all of which are several hours’ drive from them. I suggested they make a big Costco or Sam’s run as soon as they can, and then just keep doing that until they have their year’s worth of food. I also told her that Augason Farms is a good source of stuff that the LDS HSC doesn’t offer and that the best prices by far on AF stuff are from Walmart online. I also sent her a PDF copy of the LDS prepping book, which is a good way to get started.

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Friday, 8 July 2016

10:50 – Like a lot of people, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the shootings in Dallas last night aren’t just the first of many such incidents to come over the summer. Initial reports said there were as many as four shooters, but recent updates say it may have been just one guy who hates whites and particularly white cops. If true, that’s good news, or at least as good as the news can be with 11 cops shot and 5 dead. The implications would have been much worse if there’d been an organized group of shooters involved.

This comes on the heels of news that almost 50 police officers resigned from the Dallas PD in the month of June, which was a record. They’re seeking jobs with small-town police departments, where they won’t be spending their working lives in a war zone. And who can blame them? One wonders how much longer big-city police departments will be able to protect their decent citizens.

When Barbara was watching Blue Bloods the other night, the subject of “broken windows” enforcement was raised, the idea that enforcing laws against minor crimes such as graffiti, illegal gambling, public drunkenness, and so on reduces the amount of major crime. That argument always sounded reasonable to me, but now I’m beginning to wonder if it’s not a bad idea. Perhaps we should leave the inner cities alone as BLM demands. Stop enforcing laws there. If people want to gamble illegally, sell drugs on streets corners, engage in prostitution, and so on, let them. Just make it clear that such activities are confined to ghetto areas, and that any attempt to expand them beyond those areas will be met with overwhelming force. If ghetto residents don’t want the cops hassling them, fine. Let them go to hell in their own way.

I just asked Lori, our USPS carrier, if she’d heard about the Dallas shootings. She had, and is very concerned about where the country is headed. She volunteered that she had lots of canned goods stocked up, but she needed to lay in a good supply of water and bulk staples. I told her I thought that was an excellent idea. Like many people who live in rural mountain areas, she’s by nature a prepper, and it sounds like events are kicking her preps into higher gear. She said she was prepared to defend herself, her land, and her supplies from all comers, and that if anyone bothered her either they’d end up dead or she would. I just replied, “You go, girl.”

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