Thursday, 25 June 2015

08:01 – With a high of 95F, today is to be the last of our recent stretch of extremely hot weather. Tomorrow and the next several days are to have highs in the 80’s, and lows in the lower 60’s and upper 50’s. I blame it on global cooling.

Many of our kit customers buy a biology kit one year and a chemistry kit the next, or vice versa, so we decided to create a combined biology/chemistry kit that eliminates the duplication in equipment and a few chemicals. By doing that, we can sell the combined kit for about $40 less than the total price of the two kits purchased separately.

I want to have this combined kit available to ship by the first of August, and ideally sooner, so I needed to get started on it now. I spent yesterday finalizing the kit contents and getting the web pages needed to sell it set up. I’ll continue work on that today and, if necessary, tomorrow. Then we’ll get a prototype built and figure out the minor details like what size shipping box is needed, how to pack it, and so on.

This is the kind of thing that Barbara being available full time will greatly aid. Having her available to do a lot of the stuff I do now will free me up to design more kits, write manuals, and so on.

Someone sent me a link to an article that suggests we’re approaching Peak Leftism, and suggested that I might feel foolish if we relocate only to find that progressivism has spluttered to a halt and that we’ve returned to sanity in this country. Well, no. In the first place, I don’t believe that’s going to happen, no matter who’s elected. In the second place, I’d want to relocate to a small town even if things were normal now.

14:38 – I’m just back from the dentist, where I had my fangs cleaned, polished, and sharpened. I asked the dentist about having new fangs installed, like that guy in the old James Bond movies. Apparently, that’s not a standard procedure, at least not yet.

43 Comments and discussion on "Thursday, 25 June 2015"

  1. Al says:

    The author makes the mistaken assumption that the Democrat party is the Left and that if they’re not in power their agenda comes to an end. That doesn’t appear to be the case at all.

    The last few elections were handily won by Republicans, giving a clear message that the people are unhappy with the current trajectory of the country, yet the Republicans have done nothing to reverse it. The logical assumption would be that this is because they also believe in the progressive dream.

    The Left controls the government, the media and the schools. People are being told that government is the answer and the younger ones have little context to believe otherwise. Add to that the flooding of the country with people that have Marxist tendencies and are dependent on the government and it looks to me like the worst is yet to come.

  2. nick says:

    And because the progs and the bureaucrats killed manned space flight, there won’t be any BuReLoc to ship them out on. Without a dangerous frontier, the only remaining traditional methods to deal with your unused and undesirable population are progroms and war. Meat grinder in your face man to man war, and wholesale population decimation thru direct killing or misery and disease.

    It will come, because the numbers can’t be denied. It can be delayed, but not denied.


  3. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    You forget plague.

  4. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    We’re doomed. SCOTUS has once again ruled based on political expediency rather than based upon the law and the Constitution. I hope the majority six justices die horrible deaths, and soon. We apparently have only three SCOTUS justices who are doing their jobs.

  5. Al says:

    SCOTUS ruling once again demonstrates that the USA is nothing more than a banana republic.

    I do question though whether the ruling was based on political expediency or if there is a puppet master pulling the strings. The original SCOTUS decision was suspect in the way it went down and this is even more suspect.

  6. nick says:

    “ignoring language of the law” and so dies the Republic.

    It’s amazing to me that the same “professionals” who can argue over the meaning of where a comma was placed in a phrase in the law on the one hand can simply ignore the plainly written language of the law on the other.

    I know this has been going on for some time and we’re still here. But I contend that when HEADLINES call them out on it, it has reached the point where the final check and balance is justified.

    Everything takes longer than expected, and that includes the fall of empires. That gives me some personal hope that I can get more done in time.


  7. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    This decision is actually bad for the liberals/progs/Democrats. Now the mess is still in their laps. If SCOTUS had ruled the other way, the mess would be in the conservative/Republican laps. Not that it ultimately matters.

  8. DadCooks says:

    Let the Liberturd jubilation begin. Obummer will be on TV soon declaring his great victory.

    I find Scalia’s decent and the fact that he read it from the bench to be telling. IMHO we have only one Supreme Court Justice who is truly worthy.

    Roberts has again shown to be the traitor that he is at heart, along with the other 5 who voted to uphold Obamacare.

    The NYT has an interesting article, only I am not so surprised:

    Keep your powder dry and choose your friends wisely.

    Edit: Yes @RBT, I agree that this decision is bad for the liberals/progs/Democrats, but they don’t know it. However, if the RHINO Republicans (which are the majority) have their way they will stifle the constructive descent of the true Constitutional Conservatives (small minority) and seize defeat from the jaws of victory, once again.

    Edit2: Obummer on TV now, every word out of his mouth is a lie (barf barf barf). Feeding the ignorant masses. Health care may not survive until the next election. Enjoy your rising health care costs and decreasing level of care. Hospitals and doctors are denying care today because people cannot meet their deductibles and co-pays. Obamacare allows this.

  9. OFD says:

    Buncha haters.

    Listen, once the Republicans are truly in command of the government, and we have a warrior-hero-savior like Ted Cruz or Rick Perry or Rand Paul in the White House, the days of libtard hegemony will be over! All we need to do is get out the vote and make sure we’re all on the same page so we can defeat Hillary and get this country back on track again! The Left is toast! We win!

    “Everything takes longer than expected, and that includes the fall of empires. That gives me some personal hope that I can get more done in time.”

    Same here, a bit of hope in that regard. But we’re also on new territory; everything is so connected to, and dependent on the Grid. When big stuff goes badly wrong here in the industrialized north countries, it can go bad really fast now. Overnight we can discover our plastic doesn’t work anymore and the gas pumps aren’t working, either. Three days later, nothing on the shelves at Safeway and Price Chopper and we can’t get water out of our well here.

  10. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Well, I confess that I’d prefer Rand Paul or Ted Cruz to a Democrat, but not by enough to bother going out to vote.

  11. OFD says:

    Two schools of thought: one of the RINO morons might let us kick the can down the road a while longer while we get ready for the shitstorms to follow. On the other hand, let Lady MacBeth of Little Rock get in there and let’s get it on, accelerate everything, and we can fight it out finally here and let the chips fall where they may. Our “side” has the firepower, pretty much. Yes it will suck very badly, but it will suck much, much worse the longer we put it off.

    I keep vacillating back and forth between those two views. I’m not getting any younger meanwhile.

  12. DadCooks says:

    The new Black Market:

    You can’t make this stuff up.

  13. OFD says:

    The kidz should bring in them little bottles of Frank’s Hot Sauce or Tabasco, too. I think half the reaction is due to the backlash, or blowback, from having this stuff shoved down everybody’s throats by the so-called First Lady (not really but perceived that way). Heavy-handed stuff like this from the State pisses people off more than a bunch of other stuff that is more important, of course.

    I recall that my skool lunches back in the day weren’t too bad, plus I brought my own a lot. I also remember that for me it was like a snack in the middle of the day and not nearly enough to fuel my maniacal teenage boy metabolism; I ate breakfast, mid-morning snack, the skool lunch or my own, afternoon snack, supper, sandwiches after supper, and often a later meal at some restaurant or other, like the old Copper Kettle in Framingham, MA on the old Boston-Worcester Turnpike, at midnight. Or Jack-in-the-Box. And still only weighed 165 pounds, thin as a rail.

  14. MrAtoz says:

    I’m eligible for Tricare Retired healthcare until I reach Medicare age. I’m lucky not to have to deal with all the bullshit ObolaCare rules. The family is covered until Medicare age, also. I wonder what Medicare will be like in 5 years. My physical fitness and health prepping is probably more important than ever. Soon, you get sick, you die. Emergency Rooms are already turning into sick call for the poor. Those fast care health places are springing up all over Vegas. Cheaper than ObolaCare insurance if you are relatively healthy. If you don’t have to pay taxes, why have insurance. Save up and pay the penalty for when you get really sick.

  15. Lynn McGuire says:

    “A Dinosaur Name in ‘Jurassic World’ is So ‘Racist’ That the Movie Has Come Under Fire”

    Why not just ban the entire dictionary? Note, I stole that from the first comment.

  16. OFD says:

    These people are now becoming parodies, or cartoons of themselves. The blowback is in-progress and gonna get violent at some point.

  17. MrAtoz says:

    Fartinacan says we should ban the American Flag. Why not? Libturds are erasing history as we speak. Soon it will be like Soylent Green where we will need “books” who are people who memorized books while they existed. Or Fahrenheit 451. Soon saying Confederate will be the new C-Word. I wonder if cunt will make a come back as less disgusting.

  18. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    I confess that I’d just as soon they kick the can down the road a while longer. Just enough to let us get moved and improve our preparedness.

  19. rick says:

    Barring a natural disaster, I think things are going to deteriorate over time rather than all at once. In short to mid term around here a major earthquake is the most likely thing to require being prepared for more than few days. We are working on long term plans. Of course, in the long term, we’ll all be dead.

    Rick in Portland

  20. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    I share the gradual slide into dystopia mindset, although I wouldn’t be all surprised if we had a catastrophic incident.

    I don’t worry much about short-term emergencies. If a tornado strikes, for example, the only really important thing is to make sure you can shelter from it while it’s taking place. The aftermath is no biggie. There’ll be lots of help available, because tornadoes are inherently limited in geographic scope.

    Hurricanes are a much bigger concern around here. (We’re pretty far from the coast, but the eye of a hurricane actually passed our house some time ago, and it was still a hurricane when that happened.) Heavy rain in conjunction with gusty winds is the main problem here. It can take down power for long periods.

    We have frequent earthquakes around here, but 3.5 is a big one, so hardly anyone notices that we’ve had one. They mostly get mistaken for a sonic boom or other loud noise.

    Sure, there’s always a chance of something really serious, like an EMP attack, CME, or pandemic virus, and a much larger chance than most people understand, but those aren’t the problem I expect to happen first. That would be severe social unrest, and if/when that happens I want to be far from underclass population concentrations.

    So I prep, with the initial goal to be able to feed, shelter, and protect family, a longer-term goal to be able to extend that to friends. That latter is pretty inexpensive, with bulk staple foods now selling for < $30 per person-month. That's all on hold at the moment, simply because I don't want more stuff that we'll have to haul to the new place once we relocate. We're good for now to cover us and family, and that'll just have to do until we get settled. Then I'll go into high gear on acquiring bulk staple foods, solar power, etc.

  21. OFD says:

    I guess I’ll stick to hoping that the can keeps getting kicked down the road; we need some time to get ready, but that doesn’t mean by a long shot I’ll be rushing down to vote for the latest RINO douchebag.

    Can you believe it? There are around 20 of them with their hat in the ring now, or soon to be. And that billionaire fool Trump is gaining and racking up the numbers. On the other side, Bernie is doing likewise. This is all a joke, of course; the runners have already been picked.

    Field Marshal Rodham versus the Jebster, a blithering idiot, who will of course lose badly. The media will make damn sure of that.

    Eight years, people. Eight years worse than the last eight years, if you can imagine that.

  22. DadCooks says:

    @OFD, oh yes I can imagine it.

    We are going out with a whimper. I feel sorry for my children as they will see the end times. I am glad though that they have been smart enough to not procreate. There is no probable future scenario that I can see that ends well, and that’s my optimistic analysis.

  23. MrAtoz says:

    lol Dem Hack Julian Castro wants to rename Robert E. Lee High School in San Antonio. I guess anything related to the Confederacy is now racist. Suggest names from Twitter:

    Ulysses S. Grant (lolololo racist)
    Che Guevara (totally acceptable, offends no one, hero)
    Hugo Chavez (soon every street and public venue will be named this in SA, lol)
    Julian Castro High School (lol!)

  24. OFD says:

    @DadCooks; Maybe a whimper, maybe a long howling scream of madness and regret and the realization that we did ourselves. One of our two kids has procreated, and we have three grandchildren; they’re all moving to central Kalifornia on Tuesday. Personally I’d take my chances in Afghanistan or Albania just as easily. I was not happy or on board with this caper, and now wife and grandma are similarly not happy but ‘hope for the best’ and it’s a ‘good opportunity for him.’ Yeah, OK.

    “There is no probable future scenario that I can see that ends well, and that’s my optimistic analysis.”

    Short of a divine miracle at this point, and I’d reckon that He’s not too pleased with us just now, for a host of reasons. I wouldn’t lift a finger if I was Him, but maybe He could watch out for the defenseless and the vulnerable who had nothing to do with what the rest of us have done and let happen.

    “… rename Robert E. Lee High School in San Antonio. I guess anything related to the Confederacy is now racist. Suggest names from Twitter…”

    Robert E. Lee? Who’s that? Pastry sweets? Oh no, that’s Sara Lee.

    More nominations:

    Fidel and Raul Castro Center for Democratic Education
    Martin Luther King
    Ho Chi Minh
    Michael Jackson
    Michael Jordan
    Cesar Chavez
    LBJ (nah, privileged white guy)

    My nominations:

    Sam Houston
    Davy Crockett
    George W. Bush (lol)
    Nathan Bedford Forrest (if they think Lee was bad, lol)

  25. MrAtoz says:

    Perhaps the best name for the HS is:

    Abraham Lincoln HS lol! The savior of all slaves. They probably have one already, so Abe 2.0 HS

  26. Lynn McGuire says:

    Hey, don’t you be saying anything bad about my Uncle Forrest!

  27. OFD says:

    “Hey, don’t you be saying anything bad about my Uncle Forrest!”

    Hey, not me, man! General Nathan Bedford Forrest High School, baby! Rug rats getting uppity and outta line? Bayonet those buggers!

    “Abraham Lincoln HS lol! The savior of all slaves.”

    That’s right. The Lincoln acolytes, as the late Gore Vidal called them, need to explain what it was that a lot of former slaves fought for the Confederacy and lots more ended up WORSE off after the Holy Emancipation.

    When they’re done doing that, perhaps they can explain or account for the trillions spent here to help the descendants of slaves without much to show for it.

    Oh never mind–it’s ’cause of our privilege and being rayciss.

  28. MrAtoz says:

    I’m tired of PC.

    My AVR programming book uses Python for serial interfacing a PC to the chip. I just finish installing Python34 and Py-serial27 on the Mac. There is an org called that maintains a package that can install and manage all that unix goodness. Now I can switch between versions of any Python from the terminal in case some Python code isn’t compatible with Python34. I backed a three level course in Python on Kickstarter, so it’s now time to start learning.

  29. medium wave says:

    These people are now becoming parodies, or cartoons of themselves. The blowback is in-progress and gonna get violent at some point.

    Iconic Dukes of Hazzard Car ‘General Lee’ Stripped Of Confederate Flag: “This Is A New Level Of P.C. Idiocy”

    OTOH, it’s an ill wind …

  30. OFD says:


    This is like them old-timey witch hunts now. They’re gonna hunt down every possible instance of any kind of Confederate imagery?? While Nazi stuff is OK?

    This is some amazing chit right here, amigos.

    Ima gon run out tomorrow and find me a Confederate flag and put it out. Some bumper stickers, too. Let’s see somebody get riled at me up here.

  31. SteveF says:

    How about a Che shirt with the 500 pounds of explosives he’d planned to set off in Macy’s and other NYC shopping centers on Black Friday 1962? Or Uncle Joe’s serene visage over a mass kulak grave and the quote about a million deaths? A nice poster of that stupid piece of shit Rachel Carson and a bar graph of annual deaths from malaria showing the rise since the reduction and then banning of DDT?

    Anyone interested in chipping in if I kick off a Kickstarter campaign to start a company, “The Left’s Heroes Are Assholes”? If whiny little lefties are going to whine like little bitches about being offended, then let’s give them something to be offended about.

  32. nick says:

    I’d put $20 on that if you can use paypal with gofundme.


  33. SteveF says:

    Thanks, but I wasn’t seriously looking to raise funds. It’s not a bad idea for a business, but I’m already grossly overextended. Besides, it’s probably already being done and I just don’t know about it.

  34. nick says:

    And they probably have some bullsh!t about ‘unpleasant’ speech being against their TOS.

    I used to support Life,Liberty,Etc by buying their offensive t shirt. Got one compliment in the time I wore it. They were a small gunnie business that seems to be gone now.


  35. nick says:

    It’s coming folks.

    Comments on articles, even in mainstream sites are becoming uniformly honest.

    Fred has never been shy, but this is an OPEN declaration of war.

    And at the same time, we are entering a full on tyranny where all three branches are working together, and the “fourth” is complicit too.

    Gonna be up to the citizens subjects to remedy the situation.


  36. brad says:

    Comments on articles, even in mainstream sites are becoming uniformly honest.

    I’ve noticed that a lot lately: The comments are often the complete opposite of the articles themselves. You think that will slowly soak in to journalistic heads?

    Fred’s articles are ruthlessly non-PC. He’s right, of course, but you’re not supposed to say that. It would be fun to see the reaction if his articles would somehow get linked to the Internet at large, instead of just to the small clique that really reads them.

  37. Miles_Teg says:

    “…Rachel Carson and a bar graph of annual deaths from malaria showing the rise since the reduction and then banning of DDT?”

    Wasn’t selection rendering DDT ineffective?

  38. brad says:

    @Miles: yes, DDT was beginning to lose its effectiveness. Which isn’t to say that there weren’t still gains to be made – it was still pretty effective at the point where it was banned.

    On the other hand, this means that it would still be effective today. Perhaps one could use it a bit more judiciously, so as to preserve what effectiveness it has left. At the time, it was pretty much “let’s spray the whole world” – it ought to be possible to do better.

    Reminds me of what you read about factory-based agriculture, where all of the animals are given antibiotics, just as a regular part of their diet. What better way to ensure that essentially all bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics? I mean, how stupid can you be?

  39. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Some resistance was developing, but there’s little doubt that Carson was responsible for millions of deaths.

  40. Ray Thompson says:

    Some blacks of today would have better lives if they were still slaves. They would be working for their food, clothing and shelter. They may have a sense of worth. They would no longer be killed for no reason by other blacks. Yeh, they may have worked their butts off, so what. They may have been separated from their parents at birth but that is no different than many young black youth who have no idea who is their pappy who has long disappeared or is in jail.

    Owning another human is wrong, period, and I am not advocating slavery. But I don’t think some of their lives are really any better today than 150 years ago.

    Currently in Karlsruhe Germany on the last leg of a two week trip. Traveling on the ICE 1st class is still nice. People have been great. Attending the wedding of a former exchange student, wow, what an affair. Well worth attending. I will be posting some pictures on a website when I get back.

    Took many pictures at the wedding and processed them on my Surface Pro. Worked like a champ. Was able to create a thumb drive to get pictures printed locally so the spousal unit could make a memory book while in Germany for the bride.

    Trains in 1st class all have power outlets on the seats so keeping the devices charged while traveling is not a problem.

    Teenagers in Germany are as annoying as those in the US. In 2nd class they were playing their music on portable bluetooth speakers. They seem to think that if they like their jungle music everyone else should also enjoy it. They are also glued to their cell phones and losing use of such a device is like loosing a major bodily function.

    Tomorrow night is bratwurst at a 200 year old place that is supposed to be one of the best in the area. Then on to the 300 year celebration of Karlsruhe at the palace. Should be interesting.

  41. DadCooks says:

    @OFD, thanks for the link to Fred. I had an Uncle Fred and this guy could be him reincarnated.

    I grew up with relatives who told it like it was, I miss them, but I look forward to reading RBT’s Journal several times every day because the contributors here make me feel like I am back under the old oak tree listening to my ancestors.

  42. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    We’re not *that* old…

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