Day: December 22, 2024

Sun. Dec. 22, 2024 – Christmas is coming, and SOON!

Cold today, at least to start. 44F when I went to bed. Never got very warm yesterday either. Rain shell jacket and a long sleeve T with a dress shirt over it kept me comfortable. It stayed clear and sunny too. More of that would be nice for today.

Did my driving around an got my pickups done. Picked up another kayak, it was only $40 so I couldn’t really say no. Smaller and lighter than some of my others, it should be easier to manage. It’s a little beat up, but a plastic kayak is pretty sturdy and near indestructible.

Since one pickup was near the store I stopped in at Deseret Industries, the LDS thrift store. Quality stuff. If there is one near you, it’s worth going by regularly. This time I picked up a novel rat trap that should be good for a couple kills before they figure it out. I got a couple of technical books, and one for the kid. Found a netgear firewall/vpn router for the BOL. Found some great T shirts for myself and for the kid. They don’t really have any cr@p, they send any that is donated to the dump or recycle or other thrifts. And prices are very low, even by thrift store standards.

Stopped in at an in person estate sale on my way home, hoping for some vinyl or audiophile gear, but it had all sold. The home was almost empty and it was a one day sale, so the prices were really good. They had a couple of nice watches left, a beautifully sleek Longines dress watch and a Seiko Kinetic diver with a pepsi bezel, but there was no way they’d fit my thick wrists, and there was about zero chance I’d find the extra links for the bracelets…and the Seiko was filthy. At ‘end of day’ 50% off they were a good price, so way overpriced earlier. Still too much for me if I couldn’t wear them. Funny that the watches would be so overpriced while the rest of the house was priced to move. And the family must have kept the turntable and amp, because only the giant speakers were for sale.

I miss going to in person estate sales. Online is easier, but there are usually hidden gems at the in person sales.

D2 had a babysitting job, so we STILL haven’t set up the Christmas tree. That will definitely happen today. AFAIK, we are all home, all day. Time to get caught up on family stuff.

So the only stacking I’ll be doing today is putting away stuff I picked up this week. It’s still progress…

Stack something of your own.


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